import argparse import collections import enum import itertools import sys import textwrap import typing from . import __version__, api, compress # The encoding to use when rendering bytes as text (in four-char codes, strings, hex dumps, etc.) or reading a quoted byte string (from the command line). _TEXT_ENCODING = "MacRoman" # Translation table to replace ASCII non-printable characters with periods. _TRANSLATE_NONPRINTABLES = {k: "." for k in [*range(0x20), 0x7f]} _REZ_ATTR_NAMES = { api.ResourceAttrs.resSysRef: None, # "Illegal or reserved attribute" api.ResourceAttrs.resSysHeap: "sysheap", api.ResourceAttrs.resPurgeable: "purgeable", api.ResourceAttrs.resLocked: "locked", api.ResourceAttrs.resProtected: "protected", api.ResourceAttrs.resPreload: "preload", api.ResourceAttrs.resChanged: None, # "Illegal or reserved attribute" api.ResourceAttrs.resCompressed: None, # "Extended Header resource attribute" } F = typing.TypeVar("F", bound=enum.Flag) def decompose_flags(value: F) -> typing.Sequence[F]: """Decompose an enum.Flags instance into separate enum constants.""" return [bit for bit in type(value) if bit in value] def is_printable(char: str) -> bool: """Determine whether a character is printable for our purposes. We mainly use Python's definition of printable (i. e. everything that Unicode does not consider a separator or "other" character). However, we also treat U+F8FF as printable, which is the private use codepoint used for the Apple logo character. """ return char.isprintable() or char == "\uf8ff" def bytes_unescape(string: str) -> bytes: """Convert a string containing text (in _TEXT_ENCODING) and hex escapes to a bytestring. (We implement our own unescaping mechanism here to not depend on any of Python's string/bytes escape syntax.) """ out: typing.List[int] = [] it = iter(string) for char in it: if char == "\\": try: esc = next(it) if esc in "\\\'\"": out.extend(esc.encode(_TEXT_ENCODING)) elif esc == "x": x1, x2 = next(it), next(it) out.append(int(x1+x2, 16)) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown escape character: {esc}") except StopIteration: raise ValueError("End of string in escape sequence") else: out.extend(char.encode(_TEXT_ENCODING)) return bytes(out) def bytes_escape(bs: bytes, *, quote: typing.Optional[str]=None) -> str: """Convert a bytestring to a string (using _TEXT_ENCODING), with non-printable characters hex-escaped. (We implement our own escaping mechanism here to not depend on Python's str or bytes repr.) """ out = [] for byte, char in zip(bs, bs.decode(_TEXT_ENCODING)): if char in {quote, "\\"}: out.append(f"\\{char}") elif is_printable(char): out.append(char) else: out.append(f"\\x{byte:02x}") return "".join(out) def filter_resources(rf: api.ResourceFile, filters: typing.Sequence[str]) -> typing.List[api.Resource]: matching: typing.MutableMapping[typing.Tuple[bytes, int], api.Resource] = collections.OrderedDict() for filter in filters: if len(filter) == 4: try: resources = rf[filter.encode("ascii")] except KeyError: continue for res in resources.values(): matching[res.type,] = res elif filter[0] == filter[-1] == "'": try: resources = rf[bytes_unescape(filter[1:-1])] except KeyError: continue for res in resources.values(): matching[res.type,] = res else: pos = filter.find("'", 1) if pos == -1: raise ValueError(f"Invalid filter {filter!r}: Resource type must be single-quoted") elif filter[pos + 1] != " ": raise ValueError(f"Invalid filter {filter!r}: Resource type and ID must be separated by a space") restype_str, resid_str = filter[:pos + 1], filter[pos + 2:] if not restype_str[0] == restype_str[-1] == "'": raise ValueError( f"Invalid filter {filter!r}: Resource type is not a single-quoted type identifier: {restype_str!r}") restype = bytes_unescape(restype_str[1:-1]) if len(restype) != 4: raise ValueError( f"Invalid filter {filter!r}: Type identifier must be 4 bytes after replacing escapes, got {len(restype)} bytes: {restype!r}") if resid_str[0] != "(" or resid_str[-1] != ")": raise ValueError(f"Invalid filter {filter!r}: Resource ID must be parenthesized") resid_str = resid_str[1:-1] try: resources = rf[restype] except KeyError: continue if resid_str[0] == resid_str[-1] == '"': name = bytes_unescape(resid_str[1:-1]) for res in resources.values(): if == name: matching[res.type,] = res break elif ":" in resid_str: if resid_str.count(":") > 1: raise ValueError(f"Invalid filter {filter!r}: Too many colons in ID range expression: {resid_str!r}") start_str, end_str = resid_str.split(":") start, end = int(start_str), int(end_str) for res in resources.values(): if start <= <= end: matching[res.type,] = res else: resid = int(resid_str) try: res = resources[resid] except KeyError: continue matching[res.type,] = res return list(matching.values()) def hexdump(data: bytes) -> None: last_line = None asterisk_shown = False for i in range(0, len(data), 16): line = data[i:i + 16] # If the same 16-byte lines appear multiple times, print only the first one, and replace all further lines with a single line with an asterisk. # This is unambiguous - to find out how many lines were collapsed this way, the user can compare the addresses of the lines before and after the asterisk. if line == last_line: if not asterisk_shown: print("*") asterisk_shown = True else: line_hex_left = " ".join(f"{byte:02x}" for byte in line[:8]) line_hex_right = " ".join(f"{byte:02x}" for byte in line[8:]) line_char = line.decode(_TEXT_ENCODING).translate(_TRANSLATE_NONPRINTABLES) print(f"{i:08x} {line_hex_left:<{8*2+7}} {line_hex_right:<{8*2+7}} |{line_char}|") asterisk_shown = False last_line = line if data: print(f"{len(data):08x}") def raw_hexdump(data: bytes) -> None: for i in range(0, len(data), 16): print(" ".join(f"{byte:02x}" for byte in data[i:i + 16])) def translate_text(data: bytes) -> str: return data.decode(_TEXT_ENCODING).replace("\r", "\n") def describe_resource(res: api.Resource, *, include_type: bool, decompress: bool) -> str: id_desc_parts = [f"{}"] if is not None: name = bytes_escape(, quote='"') id_desc_parts.append(f'"{name}"') id_desc = ", ".join(id_desc_parts) content_desc_parts = [] if decompress and api.ResourceAttrs.resCompressed in res.attributes: try: res.compressed_info except compress.DecompressError: length_desc = f"unparseable compressed data header ({res.length_raw} bytes compressed)" else: assert res.compressed_info is not None length_desc = f"{res.length} bytes ({res.length_raw} bytes compressed, 'dcmp' ({res.compressed_info.dcmp_id}) format)" else: assert res.compressed_info is None length_desc = f"{res.length_raw} bytes" content_desc_parts.append(length_desc) attrs = decompose_flags(res.attributes) if attrs: content_desc_parts.append(" | ".join( for attr in attrs)) content_desc = ", ".join(content_desc_parts) desc = f"({id_desc}): {content_desc}" if include_type: restype = bytes_escape(res.type, quote="'") desc = f"'{restype}' {desc}" return desc def parse_args() -> argparse.Namespace: ap = argparse.ArgumentParser( add_help=False, fromfile_prefix_chars="@", formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, description=textwrap.dedent(""" Read and display resources from a file's resource or data fork. When specifying resource filters, each one may be of one of the following forms: An unquoted type name (without escapes): TYPE A quoted type name: 'TYPE' A quoted type name and an ID: 'TYPE' (42) A quoted type name and an ID range: 'TYPE' (24:42) A quoted type name and a resource name: 'TYPE' ("foobar") When multiple filters are specified, all resources matching any of them are displayed. """), ) ap.add_argument("--help", action="help", help="Display this help message and exit") ap.add_argument("--version", action="version", version=__version__, help="Display version information and exit") ap.add_argument("-a", "--all", action="store_true", help="When no filters are given, show all resources in full, instead of an overview") ap.add_argument("-f", "--fork", choices=["auto", "data", "rsrc"], default="auto", help="The fork from which to read the resource data, or auto to guess (default: %(default)s)") ap.add_argument("--no-decompress", action="store_false", dest="decompress", help="Do not decompress compressed resources, output compressed resource data as-is") ap.add_argument("--format", choices=["dump", "dump-text", "hex", "raw", "derez"], default="dump", help="How to output the resources - human-readable info with hex dump (dump) (default), human-readable info with newline-translated data (dump-text), data only as hex (hex), data only as raw bytes (raw), or like DeRez with no resource definitions (derez)") ap.add_argument("--group", action="store", choices=["none", "type", "id"], default="type", help="Group resources in list view by type or ID, or disable grouping (default: type)") ap.add_argument("--no-sort", action="store_false", dest="sort", help="Output resources in the order in which they are stored in the file, instead of sorting them by type and ID") ap.add_argument("--header-system", action="store_true", help="Output system-reserved header data and nothing else") ap.add_argument("--header-application", action="store_true", help="Output application-specific header data and nothing else") ap.add_argument("file", help="The file to read, or - for stdin") ap.add_argument("filter", nargs="*", help="One or more filters to select which resources to display, or omit to show an overview of all resources") ns = ap.parse_args() return ns def show_header_data(data: bytes, *, format: str) -> None: if format == "dump": hexdump(data) elif format == "dump-text": print(translate_text(data)) elif format == "hex": raw_hexdump(data) elif format == "raw": sys.stdout.buffer.write(data) elif format == "derez": print("Cannot output file header data in derez format", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) else: raise ValueError(f"Unhandled output format: {format}") def show_filtered_resources(resources: typing.Sequence[api.Resource], format: str, decompress: bool) -> None: if not resources: if format in ("dump", "dump-text"): print("No resources matched the filter") elif format in ("hex", "raw"): print("No resources matched the filter", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) elif format == "derez": print("/* No resources matched the filter */") else: raise AssertionError(f"Unhandled output format: {format}") elif format in ("hex", "raw") and len(resources) != 1: print(f"Format {format} can only output a single resource, but the filter matched {len(resources)} resources", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) for res in resources: if decompress: data = else: data = res.data_raw if format in ("dump", "dump-text"): # Human-readable info and hex or text dump desc = describe_resource(res, include_type=True, decompress=decompress) print(f"Resource {desc}:") if format == "dump": hexdump(data) elif format == "dump-text": print(translate_text(data)) else: raise AssertionError(f"Unhandled format: {format!r}") print() elif format == "hex": # Data only as hex raw_hexdump(data) elif format == "raw": # Data only as raw bytes sys.stdout.buffer.write(data) elif format == "derez": # Like DeRez with no resource definitions attrs = list(decompose_flags(res.attributes)) if decompress and api.ResourceAttrs.resCompressed in attrs: attrs.remove(api.ResourceAttrs.resCompressed) attrs_comment = " /* was compressed */" else: attrs_comment = "" attr_descs_with_none = [_REZ_ATTR_NAMES[attr] for attr in attrs] if None in attr_descs_with_none: attr_descs = [f"${res.attributes.value:02X}"] else: attr_descs = typing.cast(typing.List[str], attr_descs_with_none) parts = [str(] if is not None: name = bytes_escape(, quote='"') parts.append(f'"{name}"') parts += attr_descs restype = bytes_escape(res.type, quote="'") print(f"data '{restype}' ({', '.join(parts)}{attrs_comment}) {{") for i in range(0, len(data), 16): # Two-byte grouping is really annoying to implement. groups = [] for j in range(0, 16, 2): if i+j >= len(data): break elif i+j+1 >= len(data): groups.append(f"{data[i+j]:02X}") else: groups.append(f"{data[i+j]:02X}{data[i+j+1]:02X}") s = f'$"{" ".join(groups)}"' comment = "/* " + data[i:i + 16].decode(_TEXT_ENCODING).translate(_TRANSLATE_NONPRINTABLES) + " */" print(f"\t{s:<54s}{comment}") print("};") print() else: raise ValueError(f"Unhandled output format: {format}") def list_resource_file(rf: api.ResourceFile, *, sort: bool, group: str, decompress: bool) -> None: if rf.header_system_data != bytes(len(rf.header_system_data)): print("Header system data:") hexdump(rf.header_system_data) if rf.header_application_data != bytes(len(rf.header_application_data)): print("Header application data:") hexdump(rf.header_application_data) attrs = decompose_flags(rf.file_attributes) if attrs: print("File attributes: " + " | ".join( for attr in attrs)) if len(rf) == 0: print("No resources (empty resource file)") return if group == "none": all_resources: typing.List[api.Resource] = [] for reses in rf.values(): all_resources.extend(reses.values()) if sort: all_resources.sort(key=lambda res: (res.type, print(f"{len(all_resources)} resources:") for res in all_resources: print(describe_resource(res, include_type=True, decompress=decompress)) elif group == "type": print(f"{len(rf)} resource types:") restype_items: typing.Collection[typing.Tuple[bytes, typing.Mapping[int, api.Resource]]] = rf.items() if sort: restype_items = sorted(restype_items, key=lambda item: item[0]) for typecode, resources_map in restype_items: restype = bytes_escape(typecode, quote="'") print(f"'{restype}': {len(resources_map)} resources:") resources_items: typing.Collection[typing.Tuple[int, api.Resource]] = resources_map.items() if sort: resources_items = sorted(resources_items, key=lambda item: item[0]) for resid, res in resources_items: print(describe_resource(res, include_type=False, decompress=decompress)) print() elif group == "id": all_resources = [] for reses in rf.values(): all_resources.extend(reses.values()) all_resources.sort(key=lambda res: resources_by_id = {resid: list(reses) for resid, reses in itertools.groupby(all_resources, key=lambda res:} print(f"{len(resources_by_id)} resource IDs:") for resid, resources in resources_by_id.items(): print(f"({resid}): {len(resources)} resources:") if sort: resources.sort(key=lambda res: res.type) for res in resources: print(describe_resource(res, include_type=True, decompress=decompress)) print() else: raise AssertionError(f"Unhandled group mode: {group!r}") def main() -> typing.NoReturn: ns = parse_args() if ns.file == "-": if ns.fork != "auto": print("Cannot specify an explicit fork when reading from stdin", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) rf = api.ResourceFile(sys.stdin.buffer) else: rf =, fork=ns.fork) with rf: if ns.header_system or ns.header_application: if ns.header_system: data = rf.header_system_data else: data = rf.header_application_data show_header_data(data, format=ns.format) elif ns.filter or ns.all: if ns.filter: resources = filter_resources(rf, ns.filter) else: resources = [] for reses in rf.values(): resources.extend(reses.values()) if ns.sort: resources.sort(key=lambda res: (res.type, show_filtered_resources(resources, format=ns.format, decompress=ns.decompress) else: list_resource_file(rf, sort=ns.sort,, decompress=ns.decompress) sys.exit(0) if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())