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synced 2025-02-09 17:31:25 +00:00
The non-stream-based APIs still exist as before and are not deprecated, they just act as thin wrappers around the stream-based API. The main rsrcfork module doesn't use the stream-based APIs yet, because it reads each resource's data all at once and not incrementally.
178 lines
7.1 KiB
178 lines
7.1 KiB
import enum
import io
import struct
import typing
from . import common
# Parameters for a 'dcmp' (2)-compressed resource.
# 2 bytes: Unknown meaning, doesn't appear to have any effect on the decompression algorithm. Usually zero, sometimes set to a small integer (< 10). On 'lpch' resources, the value is always nonzero, and sometimes larger than usual.
# 1 byte: Number of entries in the custom lookup table minus one. Set to zero if the default lookup table is used.
# 1 byte: Flags. See the ParameterFlags enum below for details.
STRUCT_PARAMETERS = struct.Struct(">HBB")
# Default lookup table.
# If the custom table flag is set, a custom table (usually with fewer than 256 entries) is used instead of this one.
# This table was obtained by decompressing a manually created compressed resource with the following contents:
# b'\xa8\x9fer\x00\x12\t\x01\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00' + bytes(range(256))
b"\x00\x00\x00\x08N\xba nNu\x00\x0c\x00\x04p\x00"
b"\x00\x14\x00\n\x00\x18 _\x00\x0e P?<\xff\xf4"
b"\xff\xf00</\x0c\x00\x03N\xd0\x00 p\x01\x00\x16"
b"-@H\xc0 xr\x00X\x8ff\x00O\xefB\xa7"
b"Y\x8f k\x00$ \x1fA\xfa\x81\xe1f\x04g\x08"
b"\x00\x1aN\xb9P\x8f .\x00\x07N\xb0\xff\xf2=@"
b"\x00\x1e hf\x06\xff\xf6N\xf9\x08\x00\x0c@=|"
b"\xff\xec\x00\x05 <\xff\xe8\xde\xfcJ.\x000\x00("
b"/\x08 \x0b`\x02Bn-H S @\x18\x00"
b"`\x04A\xee/(/\x01g\nH@ \x07f\x08"
b"\x00\" Kg\x0eJ\xaeN\x90\xff\xe0\xff\xc0\x00*"
b"/, l\x00<\x00&\x00P\x18\x800\x1f\"\x00"
b"f\x0c\xff\xda\x008f\x020, \x0c-nB@"
b"\x01\x00g\x10\xa0#\xff\xce\xff\xd4 \x06Hx\x00."
b"POC\xfag\x12v\x00A\xe8Jn \xd9\x00Z"
b"JGN\xd1 o\x00A`\x0c*xB.2\x00"
b"etg\x16\x00DHm \x08Hl\x0b|&@"
b"\x04\x00\x00h m\x00\r*@\x00\x0b\x00>\x02 "
DEFAULT_TABLE = [DEFAULT_TABLE_DATA[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(DEFAULT_TABLE_DATA), 2)]
class ParameterFlags(enum.Flag):
TAGGED = 1 << 1 # The compressed data is tagged, meaning that it consists of "blocks" of a tag byte followed by 8 table references and/or literals. See comments in the decompress function for details.
CUSTOM_TABLE = 1 << 0 # A custom lookup table is included before the compressed data, which is used instead of the default table.
def _split_bits(i: int) -> typing.Tuple[bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool]:
"""Split a byte (an int) into its 8 bits (a tuple of 8 bools)."""
assert i in range(256)
return (
bool(i & (1 << 7)),
bool(i & (1 << 6)),
bool(i & (1 << 5)),
bool(i & (1 << 4)),
bool(i & (1 << 3)),
bool(i & (1 << 2)),
bool(i & (1 << 1)),
bool(i & (1 << 0)),
def _decompress_system_untagged(stream: "common.PeekableIO", decompressed_length: int, table: typing.Sequence[bytes], *, debug: bool=False) -> typing.Iterator[bytes]:
while True: # Loop is terminated when EOF is reached.
table_index_data = stream.read(1)
if not table_index_data:
# End of compressed data.
elif not stream.peek(1) and decompressed_length % 2 != 0:
# Special case: if we are at the last byte of the compressed data, and the decompressed data has an odd length, the last byte is a single literal byte, and not a table reference.
if debug:
print(f"Last byte: {table_index_data}")
yield table_index_data
# Compressed data is untagged, every byte is a table reference.
(table_index,) = table_index_data
if debug:
print(f"Reference: {table_index} -> {table[table_index]}")
yield table[table_index]
def _decompress_system_tagged(stream: "common.PeekableIO", decompressed_length: int, table: typing.Sequence[bytes], *, debug: bool=False) -> typing.Iterator[bytes]:
while True: # Loop is terminated when EOF is reached.
tag_data = stream.read(1)
if not tag_data:
# End of compressed data.
elif not stream.peek(1) and decompressed_length % 2 != 0:
# Special case: if we are at the last byte of the compressed data, and the decompressed data has an odd length, the last byte is a single literal byte, and not a tag or a table reference.
if debug:
print(f"Last byte: {tag_data}")
yield tag_data
# Compressed data is tagged, each tag byte is followed by 8 table references and/or literals.
(tag,) = tag_data
if debug:
print(f"Tag: 0b{tag:>08b}")
for is_ref in _split_bits(tag):
if is_ref:
# This is a table reference (a single byte that is an index into the table).
table_index_data = stream.read(1)
if not table_index_data:
# End of compressed data.
(table_index,) = table_index_data
if debug:
print(f"Reference: {table_index} -> {table[table_index]}")
yield table[table_index]
# This is a literal (two uncompressed bytes that are literally copied into the output).
literal = stream.read(2)
if not literal:
# End of compressed data.
# Note: the literal may be only a single byte long if it is located exactly at EOF. This is intended and expected - the 1-byte literal is yielded normally, and on the next iteration, decompression is terminated as EOF is detected.
if debug:
print(f"Literal: {literal}")
yield literal
def decompress_stream(header_info: common.CompressedHeaderInfo, stream: typing.BinaryIO, *, debug: bool=False) -> typing.Iterator[bytes]:
"""Decompress compressed data in the format used by 'dcmp' (2)."""
if not isinstance(header_info, common.CompressedSystemHeaderInfo):
raise common.DecompressError(f"Incorrect header type: {type(header_info).__qualname__}")
unknown, table_count_m1, flags_raw = STRUCT_PARAMETERS.unpack(header_info.parameters)
if debug:
print(f"Value of unknown parameter field: 0x{unknown:>04x}")
table_count = table_count_m1 + 1
if debug:
print(f"Table has {table_count} entries")
flags = ParameterFlags(flags_raw)
except ValueError:
raise common.DecompressError(f"Unsupported flags set: 0b{flags_raw:>08b}, currently only bits 0 and 1 are supported")
if debug:
print(f"Flags: {flags}")
if ParameterFlags.CUSTOM_TABLE in flags:
table = []
for _ in range(table_count):
table.append(common.read_exact(stream, 2))
if debug:
print(f"Using custom table: {table}")
if table_count_m1 != 0:
raise common.DecompressError(f"table_count_m1 field is {table_count_m1}, but must be zero when the default table is used")
if debug:
print("Using default table")
if ParameterFlags.TAGGED in flags:
decompress_func = _decompress_system_tagged
decompress_func = _decompress_system_untagged
yield from decompress_func(common.make_peekable(stream), header_info.decompressed_length, table, debug=debug)