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synced 2025-03-03 19:29:20 +00:00
New Python library/tool for manipulating PEFs
This commit is contained in:
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# This is a single-file library for manipulating Preferred Executable Format files
# A command line-interface is available (just call cfmtool.py --help)
import argparse
import datetime
import struct
import os
import textwrap
from os import path
from ast import literal_eval as eval
def dump(from_binary_or_path, to_path):
"""Dump a CFM/PEF binary to a directory
Command line usage: cfmtool.py BINARY DIRECTORY
The first argument can be a bytes-like object, or a path to read from.
def write_txt(name, text):
with open(path.join(to_path, name + '.txt'), 'w') as f:
f.write(text + '\n')
from_binary = from_binary_or_path
except TypeError:
with open(from_binary_or_path, 'rb') as f:
from_binary = f.read()
if not from_binary.startswith(b'J o y ! peffpwpc\x00\x00\x00\x01'.replace(b' ', b'')):
raise ValueError('not a pef (PowerPC, v1)')
os.makedirs(to_path, exist_ok=True)
dateTimeStamp, *versions = struct.unpack_from('>4L', from_binary, 16)
write_txt('date', format_mac_date(dateTimeStamp))
write_txt('version', _fmt_dict(zip(('oldDefVersion', 'oldImpVersion', 'currentVersion'), versions)))
section_list = []
section_count, = struct.unpack_from('>H', from_binary, 32)
offset = 40
for i in range(section_count):
sec = dict(zip(
('name', 'defaultAddress', 'totalLength', 'unpackedLength', 'containerLength',
'containerOffset', 'sectionKind', 'shareKind', 'alignment'),
struct.unpack_from('>lLLLLLbbb', from_binary, offset)))
offset += 28
# Now offset points to the nasty table of section names
for i, sec in enumerate(section_list):
if sec['name'] > 0:
name_offset = offset
for j in range(sec['name']): name_offset = from_binary.index(b'\0', name_offset) + 1
sec['name'] = from_binary[name_offset:from_binary.index(b'\0', name_offset)].decode('mac_roman')
sec['name'] = ''
for i, sec in enumerate(section_list):
sec['sectionKind'] = ('code', 'data', 'pidata', 'rodata', 'loader',
'debug', 'codedata', 'exception', 'traceback')[sec['sectionKind']]
sec['shareKind'] = ('', 'process', '', '', 'global', 'protected')[sec['shareKind']]
# What to call the final file...
used_basenames = []
for i, sec in enumerate(section_list):
basename = sec['sectionKind']
if used_basenames.count(basename) > 1:
basename += '-%d' % used_basenames.count(basename)
sec['filename'] = basename
# Now the conversion of sec keys to their readable form is complete
# Are the damn sections ordered the wrong way?
sorted_section_list = sorted(section_list, key=lambda sec: sec['containerOffset'])
if sorted_section_list != section_list:
for i, sec in enumerate(sorted_section_list):
sec['_hackPackOrder'] = i
should_end = sorted_section_list[-1]['containerOffset'] + sorted_section_list[-1]['containerLength']
if should_end < len(from_binary):
sorted_section_list[-1]['_hackPostAlign'] = _possible_intended_alignments(len(from_binary))[-1]
for i, sec in enumerate(section_list):
raw = from_binary[sec['containerOffset']:sec['containerOffset']+sec['containerLength']]
possible_aligns = _possible_intended_alignments(sec['containerOffset'])
if possible_aligns[-1] > _sec_kind_min_align(sec['sectionKind']):
sec['_hackUnexpectedAlign'] = possible_aligns[-1]
# Do we need to keep the packed data around?
unpacked = packed = raw
if sec['sectionKind'] == 'pidata':
packed = raw
unpacked = unpack_pidata(raw)
packed = None
unpacked = raw
if unpacked.endswith(b'\0'):
sec['_hackExplicitTrailingZeros'] = len(unpacked) - len(unpacked.rstrip(b'\0'))
if sec['unpackedLength']:
zeropad = sec['totalLength'] - len(unpacked); unpacked += bytes(zeropad)
with open(path.join(to_path, sec['filename']), 'wb') as f: f.write(unpacked)
if packed is not None:
with open(path.join(to_path, 'packed-' + sec['filename']), 'wb') as f: f.write(packed)
del sec['totalLength']
del sec['unpackedLength']
del sec['containerLength']
del sec['containerOffset']
write_txt('sections', _fmt_list(_fmt_dict(d) for d in section_list))
def build(from_path, to_path=None):
"""Rebuild a directory into a CFM/PEF binary
Command line usage: cfmtool.py DIRECTORY BINARY
If a second argument is supplied, the result will be written to that path
instead of being returned as a bytes object.
def read_txt(name):
with open(path.join(from_path, name + '.txt')) as f:
return f.read()
dateTimeStamp = parse_mac_date(read_txt('date'))
dateTimeStamp = 0
versions = eval(read_txt('version'))
versions = (versions['oldDefVersion'], versions['oldImpVersion'], versions['currentVersion'])
versions = (0, 0, 0)
section_list = eval(read_txt('sections'))
# Hit the ground running
pef = bytearray(b'J o y ! peffpwpc\x00\x00\x00\x01'.replace(b' ', b''))
pef.extend(struct.pack('>4L', dateTimeStamp, *versions)) # leaves us at offset 0x20
instSectionCount = len([sec for sec in section_list if _sec_kind_is_instantiated(sec['sectionKind'])])
pef.extend(struct.pack('>HHL', len(section_list), instSectionCount, 0)) # leaves us at offset 0x28, ready for the sections
# Pad the section headers out with zeroes, and fill in a bit later
offset = 40
for sec in section_list:
sec['_hack_header_offset'] = offset
offset += 28
pef.extend(bytes(offset - len(pef)))
# Now do the stupid section name table (yuck)
namecnt = 0
for sec in section_list:
if sec['name']:
pef.extend(sec['name'].encode('mac_roman') + b'\0')
sec['name'] = namecnt
namecnt += 1
sec['name'] = -1
# Stable sort, so won't do anything if unnecessary
section_list.sort(key=lambda sec: sec.get('_hackPackOrder', 0))
# Now put in the section data (easier said than done!)
for sec in section_list:
with open(path.join(from_path, sec['filename']), 'rb') as f:
data_total = f.read()
data_packed = data_inited = _strip_zeroes_leaving_some(data_total, sec.get('_hackExplicitTrailingZeros', 0))
# Special case the damned pidata
if sec['sectionKind'] == 'pidata':
with open(path.join(from_path, 'packed-' + sec['filename']), 'rb') as f:
data_packed = f.read()
data_inited = unpack_pidata(data_packed)
# Check that we got that right (we cannot pack the data ourselves)
if not data_total.startswith(data_inited) or any(data_total[len(data_inited):]):
data_packed = data_inited = _strip_zeroes_leaving_some(data_total, 0)
sec['sectionKind'] = 'data'
align_now = max(_sec_kind_min_align(sec['sectionKind']), sec.get('_hackUnexpectedAlign', 1))
while len(pef) % align_now != 0: pef.append(0)
struct.pack_into('>l5L3B', pef, sec['_hack_header_offset'],
len(data_total) if _sec_kind_is_instantiated(sec['sectionKind']) else 0,
len(data_inited) if _sec_kind_is_instantiated(sec['sectionKind']) else 0,
('code', 'data', 'pidata', 'rodata', 'loader',
'debug', 'codedata', 'exception', 'traceback').index(sec['sectionKind']),
('', 'process', '', '', 'global', 'protected').index(sec['shareKind']),
post_align = max(sec.get('_hackPostAlign', 1) for sec in section_list)
while len(pef) % post_align != 0: pef.append(0)
if to_path is None:
return bytes(pef)
with open(to_path, 'wb') as f:
def unpack_pidata(packed):
"""Unpack pattern-initialized (compressed) data
def pullarg(from_iter):
arg = 0
for i in range(4):
cont = next(from_iter)
arg <<= 7
arg |= cont & 0x7f
if not (cont & 0x80): break
raise ValueError('arg spread over too many bytes')
return arg
packed = iter(packed)
unpacked = bytearray()
for b in packed:
opcode = b >> 5
arg = b & 0b11111 or pullarg(packed)
if opcode == 0b000: # zero
count = arg
unpacked.extend(b'\0' * count)
elif opcode == 0b001: # blockCopy
blockSize = arg
for i in range(blockSize):
elif opcode == 0b010: # repeatedBlock
blockSize = arg
repeatCount = pullarg(packed) + 1
rawData = bytes(next(packed) for n in range(blockSize))
for n in range(repeatCount):
elif opcode == 0b011 or opcode == 0b100: # interleaveRepeatBlockWithBlockCopy
commonSize = arg # or interleaveRepeatBlockWithZero
customSize = pullarg(packed)
repeatCount = pullarg(packed)
if opcode == 0b011:
commonData = bytes(next(packed) for n in range(commonSize))
commonData = b'\0' * commonSize
for i in range(repeatCount):
for j in range(customSize):
raise ValueError('unknown pidata opcode/arg %s/%d' % (bin(opcode), arg))
return bytes(unpacked)
def format_mac_date(srcint):
"""Render a 32-bit MacOS date to ISO 8601 format
dt = datetime.datetime(1904, 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta(seconds=srcint)
return dt.isoformat().replace('T', ' ')
def parse_mac_date(x):
"""Pack an ISO 8601 date into a 32-bit MacOS date
epoch = '19040101000000' # ISO8601 with the non-numerics stripped
# strip non-numerics and pad out using the epoch (cheeky)
stripped = ''.join(c for c in x if c in '0123456789')
stripped = stripped[:len(epoch)] + epoch[len(stripped):]
tformat = '%Y%m%d%H%M%S'
delta = datetime.datetime.strptime(stripped, tformat) - datetime.datetime.strptime(epoch, tformat)
delta = int(delta.total_seconds())
delta = min(delta, 0xFFFFFFFF)
delta = max(delta, 0)
return delta
def _fmt_dict(tuple_iterator):
tuple_iterator = tuple_iterator.items()
except AttributeError:
accum = '{\n'
for k, v in tuple_iterator:
if k == 'defaultAddress':
v = ('0x%08x' % v)
elif k in '_hackUnexpectedAlign _hackPostAlign':
v = hex(v)
v = repr(v)
accum += textwrap.indent('%r: %s,' % (k, v), ' ') + '\n'
accum += '}'
return accum
def _fmt_list(iterator):
accum = '[\n'
for el in iterator:
accum += textwrap.indent(el + ',', ' ') + '\n'
accum += ']'
return accum
def _sec_kind_is_instantiated(sec_kind):
return sec_kind not in ('loader', 'debug', 'exception', 'traceback')
def _strip_zeroes_leaving_some(data, leaving):
stripped = data.rstrip(b'\0')
while len(stripped) < len(data) and data[len(stripped)] == 0:
stripped += b'\0'
return stripped
def _possible_intended_alignments(offset):
possible = list(1 << n for n in range(32))
possible = [p for p in possible if offset % p == 0]
return possible
def _sec_kind_min_align(sec_kind):
if sec_kind in ('code', 'data', 'rodata', 'codedata'):
return 16
return 4
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='''
Convert between a Code Fragment Manager binary and an easily-edited dump directory.
parser.add_argument('src', metavar='SOURCE', action='store', help='Binary or directory')
parser.add_argument('dest', metavar='DEST', action='store', help='Directory or binary')
args = parser.parse_args()
if path.isdir(args.src):
build(args.src, args.dest)
dump(args.src, args.dest)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user