Dump TheUSBDriverDescription with cfmtool

This commit is contained in:
Elliot Nunn 2019-10-16 11:58:18 +08:00
parent 140a076165
commit e3704d0f41
1 changed files with 60 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -276,9 +276,15 @@ def repr(obj):
accum = []
for k, v in obj:
if k == 'defaultAddress':
v = ('0x%08x' % v)
elif k in '_hackUnexpectedAlign _hackPostAlign' or k.lower().endswith('offset'):
v = hex(v, 8)
elif k.lower().endswith('align'):
v = hex(v)
elif k.lower().endswith('offset'):
v = hex(v, 5)
elif k in ('usbVendorID', 'usbProductID', 'usbDeviceReleaseNumber', 'usbDeviceProtocol'):
v = hex(v, 4)
elif k in ('usbConfigValue', 'usbInterfaceNum', 'usbInterfaceClass', 'usbInterfaceSubClass', 'usbInterfaceProtocol', 'usbDriverClass', 'usbDriverSubClass'):
v = hex(v, 2)
v = repr(v)
accum.append('%r: %s' % (k, v))
@ -296,12 +302,12 @@ def repr(obj):
return builtins.repr(obj)
def hex(obj):
def hex(obj, num_digits=5):
"""Pad to 5 significant digits (up to a megabyte, plenty)
x = builtins.hex(obj)
while len(x.partition('x')[2]) < 5:
while len(x.partition('x')[2]) < num_digits:
x = x.replace('x', 'x0')
return x
@ -784,6 +790,56 @@ def dump_highlevel(basepath):
# USB driver description
for exp in exports:
if exp['kind'] == 'data' and exp['name'] == 'TheUSBDriverDescription':
secdata = read_bin(basepath, exp['section'])
ofs = exp['offset']
desc = list(struct.unpack_from('>4sL HHHH BBBBBx 32sBBL L', secdata, ofs))
known_bits = {
0x1: 'kUSBDoNotMatchGenericDevice',
0x2: 'kUSBDoNotMatchInterface',
0x4: 'kUSBProtocolMustMatch',
0x8: 'kUSBInterfaceMatchOnly',
bits = []
for i in range(32):
if desc[15] & (1 << i):
bits.append(known_bits.get(1 << i, hex(1 << i)))
bits = '|'.join(bits) or '0'
desc = {
'usbDriverDescSignature': desc[0].decode('mac_roman'),
'usbDriverDescVersion': desc[1],
'usbDeviceInfo': {
'usbVendorID': desc[2],
'usbProductID': desc[3],
'usbDeviceReleaseNumber': desc[4],
'usbDeviceProtocol': desc[5],
'usbInterfaceInfo': {
'usbConfigValue': desc[6],
'usbInterfaceNum': desc[7],
'usbInterfaceClass': desc[8],
'usbInterfaceSubClass': desc[9],
'usbInterfaceProtocol': desc[10],
'usbDriverType': {
'nameInfoStr': pstring_or_cstring(desc[11]).decode('mac_roman'),
'usbDriverClass': desc[12],
'usbDriverSubClass': desc[13],
'usbDriverVersion': parse_mac_version(desc[14]),
'usbDriverLoadingOptions': bits,
write_python(desc, basepath, 'dump-highlevel', 'usb-driver-description.txt')
def format_mac_date(srcint):
"""Render a 32-bit MacOS date to ISO 8601 format