#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2019 Elliot Nunn # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # This is a single-file library for manipulating Preferred Executable Format files # A command line-interface is available (just call cfmtool.py --help) import builtins import argparse import datetime import struct import os import re import textwrap import functools from os import path from ast import literal_eval as eval def dump(from_binary_or_path, to_path): """Dump a CFM/PEF binary to a directory Command line usage: cfmtool.py BINARY DIRECTORY The first argument can be a bytes-like object, or a path to read from. """ try: bytes(from_binary_or_path) from_binary = from_binary_or_path except TypeError: with open(from_binary_or_path, 'rb') as f: from_binary = f.read() if not from_binary.startswith(b'J o y ! peffpwpc\x00\x00\x00\x01'.replace(b' ', b'')): raise ValueError('not a pef (PowerPC, v1)') os.makedirs(to_path, exist_ok=True) dateTimeStamp, *versions = struct.unpack_from('>4L', from_binary, 16) write_txt(format_mac_date(dateTimeStamp), to_path, 'date.txt') write_txt(repr(dict(zip(('oldDefVersion', 'oldImpVersion', 'currentVersion'), versions))), to_path, 'version.txt') section_list = [] section_count, = struct.unpack_from('>H', from_binary, 32) offset = 40 for i in range(section_count): sec = dict(zip( ('name', 'defaultAddress', 'totalLength', 'unpackedLength', 'containerLength', 'containerOffset', 'sectionKind', 'shareKind', 'alignment'), struct.unpack_from('>lLLLLLbbb', from_binary, offset))) section_list.append(sec) offset += 28 # Now offset points to the nasty table of section names for i, sec in enumerate(section_list): if sec['name'] > 0: name_offset = offset for j in range(sec['name']): name_offset = from_binary.index(b'\0', name_offset) + 1 sec['name'] = from_binary[name_offset:from_binary.index(b'\0', name_offset)].decode('mac_roman') else: sec['name'] = '' for i, sec in enumerate(section_list): sec['sectionKind'] = ('code', 'data', 'pidata', 'rodata', 'loader', 'debug', 'codedata', 'exception', 'traceback')[sec['sectionKind']] sec['shareKind'] = ('', 'process', '', '', 'global', 'protected')[sec['shareKind']] # What to call the final file... used_basenames = [] for i, sec in enumerate(section_list): basename = sec['sectionKind'] used_basenames.append(basename) if used_basenames.count(basename) > 1: basename += '-%d' % used_basenames.count(basename) sec['filename'] = basename # Now the conversion of sec keys to their readable form is complete # Are the damn sections ordered the wrong way? sorted_section_list = sorted(section_list, key=lambda sec: sec['containerOffset']) if sorted_section_list != section_list: for i, sec in enumerate(sorted_section_list): sec['_hackPackOrder'] = i should_end = sorted_section_list[-1]['containerOffset'] + sorted_section_list[-1]['containerLength'] if should_end < len(from_binary): sorted_section_list[-1]['_hackPostAlign'] = _possible_intended_alignments(len(from_binary))[-1] for i, sec in enumerate(section_list): raw = from_binary[sec['containerOffset']:sec['containerOffset']+sec['containerLength']] possible_aligns = _possible_intended_alignments(sec['containerOffset']) if possible_aligns[-1] > _sec_kind_min_align(sec['sectionKind']): sec['_hackUnexpectedAlign'] = possible_aligns[-1] # Do we need to keep the packed data around? unpacked = packed = raw if sec['sectionKind'] == 'pidata': packed = raw unpacked = unpack_pidata(raw) else: packed = None unpacked = raw if unpacked.endswith(b'\0'): sec['_hackExplicitTrailingZeros'] = len(unpacked) - len(unpacked.rstrip(b'\0')) if sec['unpackedLength']: zeropad = sec['totalLength'] - len(unpacked); unpacked += bytes(zeropad) write_bin(unpacked, to_path, sec['filename']) if packed is not None: write_bin(packed, to_path, 'packed-' + sec['filename']) del sec['totalLength'] del sec['unpackedLength'] del sec['containerLength'] del sec['containerOffset'] write_python(section_list, to_path, 'sections.txt') dump_lowlevel(to_path) dump_highlevel(to_path) def build(from_path, to_path=None): """Rebuild a directory into a CFM/PEF binary Command line usage: cfmtool.py DIRECTORY BINARY If a second argument is supplied, the result will be written to that path instead of being returned as a bytes object. """ try: dateTimeStamp = parse_mac_date(read_txt(from_path, 'date.txt')) except: raise dateTimeStamp = 0 try: versions = read_python(from_path, 'version.txt') versions = (versions['oldDefVersion'], versions['oldImpVersion'], versions['currentVersion']) except: raise versions = (0, 0, 0) section_list = read_python(from_path, 'sections.txt') # Hit the ground running pef = bytearray(b'J o y ! peffpwpc\x00\x00\x00\x01'.replace(b' ', b'')) pef.extend(struct.pack('>4L', dateTimeStamp, *versions)) # leaves us at offset 0x20 instSectionCount = len([sec for sec in section_list if _sec_kind_is_instantiated(sec['sectionKind'])]) pef.extend(struct.pack('>HHL', len(section_list), instSectionCount, 0)) # leaves us at offset 0x28, ready for the sections # Pad the section headers out with zeroes, and fill in a bit later offset = 40 for sec in section_list: sec['_hack_header_offset'] = offset offset += 28 pef.extend(bytes(offset - len(pef))) # Now do the stupid section name table (yuck) namecnt = 0 for sec in section_list: if sec['name']: pef.extend(sec['name'].encode('mac_roman') + b'\0') sec['name'] = namecnt namecnt += 1 else: sec['name'] = -1 # Stable sort, so won't do anything if unnecessary section_list.sort(key=lambda sec: sec.get('_hackPackOrder', 0)) # Now put in the section data (easier said than done!) for sec in section_list: with open(path.join(from_path, sec['filename']), 'rb') as f: data_total = f.read() data_packed = data_inited = _strip_zeroes_leaving_some(data_total, sec.get('_hackExplicitTrailingZeros', 0)) # Special case the damned pidata if sec['sectionKind'] == 'pidata': with open(path.join(from_path, 'packed-' + sec['filename']), 'rb') as f: data_packed = f.read() data_inited = unpack_pidata(data_packed) # Check that we got that right (we cannot pack the data ourselves) if not data_total.startswith(data_inited) or any(data_total[len(data_inited):]): data_packed = data_inited = _strip_zeroes_leaving_some(data_total, 0) sec['sectionKind'] = 'data' align_now = max(_sec_kind_min_align(sec['sectionKind']), sec.get('_hackUnexpectedAlign', 1)) while len(pef) % align_now != 0: pef.append(0) struct.pack_into('>l5L3B', pef, sec['_hack_header_offset'], sec['name'], sec['defaultAddress'], len(data_total) if _sec_kind_is_instantiated(sec['sectionKind']) else 0, len(data_inited) if _sec_kind_is_instantiated(sec['sectionKind']) else 0, len(data_packed), len(pef), ('code', 'data', 'pidata', 'rodata', 'loader', 'debug', 'codedata', 'exception', 'traceback').index(sec['sectionKind']), ('', 'process', '', '', 'global', 'protected').index(sec['shareKind']), sec['alignment'], ) pef.extend(data_packed) post_align = max(sec.get('_hackPostAlign', 1) for sec in section_list) while len(pef) % post_align != 0: pef.append(0) if to_path is None: return bytes(pef) else: with open(to_path, 'wb') as f: f.write(pef) def repr(obj): """Custom repr to prettyprint the dicts that we use Useful if you want to write out your own edited dumps (but not essential) """ if isinstance(obj, list): accum = '[\n' for el in obj: accum += textwrap.indent(repr(el) + ',', ' ') + '\n' accum += ']' return accum elif isinstance(obj, dict): if set(obj) == set(('kind', 'weakFlag', 'name')) or 'offset' in obj: oneline = True else: oneline = False try: obj = obj.items() except AttributeError: pass accum = [] for k, v in obj: if k == 'defaultAddress': v = hex(v, 8) elif k.lower().endswith('align'): v = hex(v) elif k.lower().endswith('offset'): v = hex(v, 5) elif k in ('usbVendorID', 'usbProductID', 'usbDeviceReleaseNumber', 'usbDeviceProtocol'): v = hex(v, 4) elif k in ('usbConfigValue', 'usbInterfaceNum', 'usbInterfaceClass', 'usbInterfaceSubClass', 'usbInterfaceProtocol', 'usbDriverClass', 'usbDriverSubClass'): v = hex(v, 2) else: v = repr(v) accum.append('%r: %s' % (k, v)) if oneline: return '{' + ', '.join(accum) + '}' else: return '{\n' + textwrap.indent(''.join(x + ',\n' for x in accum), ' ') + '}' elif isinstance(obj, tuple): obj = [hex(el) if (i == 0 and isinstance(el, int)) else repr(el) for (i, el) in enumerate(obj)] return '(' + ', '.join(obj) + ')' else: return builtins.repr(obj) def hex(obj, num_digits=5): """Pad to 5 significant digits (up to a megabyte, plenty) """ x = builtins.hex(obj) while len(x.partition('x')[2]) < num_digits: x = x.replace('x', 'x0') return x def unpack_pidata(packed): """Unpack pattern-initialized (compressed) data """ def pullarg(from_iter): arg = 0 for i in range(4): cont = next(from_iter) arg <<= 7 arg |= cont & 0x7f if not (cont & 0x80): break else: raise ValueError('arg spread over too many bytes') return arg packed = iter(packed) unpacked = bytearray() for b in packed: opcode = b >> 5 arg = b & 0b11111 or pullarg(packed) if opcode == 0b000: # zero count = arg unpacked.extend(b'\0' * count) elif opcode == 0b001: # blockCopy blockSize = arg for i in range(blockSize): unpacked.append(next(packed)) elif opcode == 0b010: # repeatedBlock blockSize = arg repeatCount = pullarg(packed) + 1 rawData = bytes(next(packed) for n in range(blockSize)) for n in range(repeatCount): unpacked.extend(rawData) elif opcode == 0b011 or opcode == 0b100: # interleaveRepeatBlockWithBlockCopy commonSize = arg # or interleaveRepeatBlockWithZero customSize = pullarg(packed) repeatCount = pullarg(packed) if opcode == 0b011: commonData = bytes(next(packed) for n in range(commonSize)) else: commonData = b'\0' * commonSize for i in range(repeatCount): unpacked.extend(commonData) for j in range(customSize): unpacked.append(next(packed)) unpacked.extend(commonData) else: raise ValueError('unknown pidata opcode/arg %s/%d' % (bin(opcode), arg)) return return bytes(unpacked) def dump_lowlevel(basepath): """Dump from the loader section: exports.txt, imports.txt, mainvectors.txt, relocations.txt """ section_list = read_python(basepath, 'sections.txt') for sec in section_list: if sec['sectionKind'] == 'loader': loader = read_bin(basepath, sec['filename']) break else: return # no loader section importedLibraryCount, totalImportedSymbolCount, relocSectionCount, relocInstrOffset, loaderStringsOffset, \ exportHashOffset, exportHashTablePower, exportedSymbolCount = struct.unpack_from('>8L', loader, 24) def get_mainvectors(): cardinals = {} for ofs, knd in [(0, 'main'), (8, 'init'), (16, 'term')]: vec_sec_idx, vec_offset = struct.unpack_from('>lL', loader, ofs) if vec_sec_idx != -1: cardinals[knd] = dict(section=section_list[vec_sec_idx]['filename'], offset=vec_offset) return cardinals def get_name(offset): return loader[loaderStringsOffset+offset:].partition(b'\0')[0].decode('mac_roman') def get_imported_symbol(idx): ofs = 56 + 24 * importedLibraryCount + 4 * idx wideval, = struct.unpack_from('>L', loader, ofs) return dict( kind = ('code', 'data', 'tvector', 'toc', 'glue')[(wideval >> 24) & 0xF], weakFlag = int(bool(wideval & 0x80000000)), name = get_name(wideval & 0xFFFFFF), ) def get_imported_library(idx): ofs = 56 + 24 * idx nameOffset, oldImpVersion, currentVersion, importedSymbolCount, \ firstImportedSymbol, options = struct.unpack_from('>5LB', loader, ofs) return dict( name = get_name(nameOffset), oldImpVersion = oldImpVersion, currentVersion = currentVersion, specialOrderFlag = int(bool(options & 0x80)), weakFlag = int(bool(options & 0x40)), symbols = [get_imported_symbol(n) for n in range(firstImportedSymbol, firstImportedSymbol + importedSymbolCount)], ) def get_relocations(): for idx in range(relocSectionCount): ofs = 56 + 24 * importedLibraryCount + 4 * totalImportedSymbolCount + 12 * idx sectionIndex, _, relocCount, firstRelocOffset, = struct.unpack_from('>HHLL', loader, ofs) sectionIndex = section_list[sectionIndex]['filename'] data = loader[relocInstrOffset+firstRelocOffset:][:2*relocCount] data = [struct.unpack_from('>H', data, i)[0] for i in range(0, len(data), 2)] done = [] relocAddress = 0 importIndex = 0 if len(section_list) >= 1 and _sec_kind_is_instantiated(section_list[0]['sectionKind']): sectionC = section_list[0]['filename'] if len(section_list) >= 2 and _sec_kind_is_instantiated(section_list[1]['sectionKind']): sectionD = section_list[1]['filename'] relocations = [] def nextblock(): if not data: return None x = data.pop(0) done.append(x) return x for short in iter(nextblock, None): #print('%04X codeA=%d dataA=%d rSymI=%d rAddr=%08X' % (short, sectionC, sectionD, importIndex, relocAddress), end=' ') if short >> 14 == 0b00: # RelocBySectDWithSkip skipCount = (short >> 6) & 0xFF relocCount = short & 0x3F #print('RelocBySectDWithSkip skipCount=%d relocCount=%d' % (skipCount, relocCount)) relocAddress += skipCount * 4 for i in range(relocCount): relocations.append(dict(section=sectionIndex, offset=relocAddress, to=('section', sectionD))); relocAddress += 4 elif short >> 13 == 0b010: # The Relocate Value Group subopcode = (short >> 9) & 0xF runLength = (short & 0x1FF) + 1 if subopcode == 0b0000: # RelocBySectC #print('RelocBySectC runLength=%d' % (runLength)) for i in range(runLength): relocations.append(dict(section=sectionIndex, offset=relocAddress, to=('section', sectionD))); relocAddress += 4 elif subopcode == 0b0001: # RelocBySectD #print('RelocBySectD runLength=%d' % (runLength)) for i in range(runLength): relocations.append(dict(section=sectionIndex, offset=relocAddress, to=('section', sectionC))); relocAddress += 4 elif subopcode == 0b0010: # RelocTVector12 #print('RelocTVector12 runLength=%d' % (runLength)) for i in range(runLength): relocations.append(dict(section=sectionIndex, offset=relocAddress, to=('section', sectionC))); relocAddress += 4 relocations.append(dict(section=sectionIndex, offset=relocAddress, to=('section', sectionD))); relocAddress += 4 relocAddress += 4 elif subopcode == 0b0011: # RelocTVector8 #print('RelocTVector8 runLength=%d' % (runLength)) for i in range(runLength): relocations.append(dict(section=sectionIndex, offset=relocAddress, to=('section', sectionC))); relocAddress += 4 relocations.append(dict(section=sectionIndex, offset=relocAddress, to=('section', sectionD))); relocAddress += 4 elif subopcode == 0b0100: # RelocVTable8 #print('RelocVTable8 runLength=%d' % (runLength)) for i in range(runLength): relocations.append(dict(section=sectionIndex, offset=relocAddress, to=('section', sectionD))); relocAddress += 4 relocAddress += 4 elif subopcode == 0b0101: # RelocImportRun #print('RelocImportRun runLength=%d' % (runLength)) for i in range(runLength): relocations.append(dict(section=sectionIndex, offset=relocAddress, to=('import', importIndex))); relocAddress += 4; importIndex += 1 elif short >> 13 == 0b011: # The Relocate By Index Group subopcode = (short >> 9) & 0xF index = short & 0x1FF if subopcode == 0b0000: # RelocSmByImport #print('RelocSmByImport index=%d' % (index)) relocations.append(dict(section=sectionIndex, offset=relocAddress, to=('import', index))); relocAddress += 4; importIndex = index + 1 elif subopcode == 0b0001: # RelocSmSetSectC #print('RelocSmSetSectC index=%d' % (index)) sectionC = section_list[index]['filename'] elif subopcode == 0b0010: # RelocSmSetSectD #print('RelocSmSetSectD index=%d' % (index)) sectionD = section_list[index]['filename'] elif subopcode == 0b0011: # RelocSmBySection #print('RelocSmBySection index=%d' % (index)) relocations.append(dict(section=sectionIndex, offset=relocAddress, to=('section', index))); relocAddress += 4 elif short >> 12 == 0b1000: # RelocIncrPosition offset = (short & 0x0FFF) + 1 #print('RelocIncrPosition offset=%d' % (offset)) relocAddress += offset elif short >> 12 == 0b1001: # RelocSmRepeat blockCount = ((short >> 8) & 0xF) + 1 repeatCount = (short & 0xFF) + 1 #print('RelocSmRepeat blockCount=%d repeatCount=%d' % (blockCount, repeatCount)) data[0:0] = done[:blockCount] * repeatCount elif short >> 10 == 0b101000: # RelocSetPosition offset = ((short & 0x3FF) << 16) + nextblock() #print('RelocSetPosition offset=%d' % (offset)) relocAddress = offset elif short >> 10 == 0b101001: # RelocLgByImport index = ((short & 0x3FF) << 16) + nextblock() #print('RelocLgByImport index=%d' % (index)) relocations.append(dict(section=sectionIndex, offset=relocAddress, to=('import', index))); relocAddress += 4; importIndex = index + 1 elif short >> 10 == 0b101100: # RelocLgRepeat blockCount = ((short >> 6) & 0xF) + 1 repeatCount = ((short & 0x3F) << 16) + nextblock() #print('RelocLgRepeat blockCount=%d repeatCount=%d' % (blockCount, repeatCount)) data[0:0] = done[:blockCount] * repeatCount elif short >> 10 == 0b101101: # RelocLgSetOrBySection subopcode = (short >> 6) & 0xF index = ((short & 0x3F) << 16) + nextblock() if subopcode == 0b0000: # Same as RelocSmBySection #print('~RelocSmBySection index=%d' % (index)) relocations.append(dict(section=sectionIndex, offset=relocAddress, to=('section', index))); relocAddress += 4 elif subopcode == 0b0001: # Same as RelocSmSetSectC #print('~RelocSmSetSectC index=%d' % (index)) sectionC = section_list[index]['filename'] elif subopcode == 0b0010: # Same as RelocSmSetSectD #print('~RelocSmSetSectD index=%d' % (index)) sectionD = section_list[index]['filename'] else: raise ValueError('bad relocation opcode: 0x%04x' % short) return relocations def get_exports(): ofs = exportHashOffset num_keys = 0 for i in range(2 ** exportHashTablePower): htab_entry, = struct.unpack_from('>L', loader, ofs) num_keys += htab_entry >> 18 ofs += 4 lengths = [] for i in range(num_keys): sym_len, sym_hash = struct.unpack_from('>HH', loader, ofs) lengths.append(sym_len) ofs += 4 exports = [] for sym_len in lengths: kind_and_name, sym_offset, sec_idx = struct.unpack_from('>LLh', loader, ofs) kind = ('code', 'data', 'tvector', 'toc', 'glue')[kind_and_name >> 24] name = loader[loaderStringsOffset+(kind_and_name&0xFFFFFF):][:sym_len].decode('mac_roman') sec_name = section_list[sec_idx]['filename'] if sec_idx == -2: # absolute address pass elif sec_idx == -3: # re-export pass else: exports.append(dict(section=sec_name, offset=sym_offset, kind=kind, name=name)) ofs += 10 exports.sort(key=lambda dct: tuple(dct.values())) return exports write_python(get_mainvectors(), basepath, 'ldump', 'mainvectors.txt') write_python(get_exports(), basepath, 'ldump', 'exports.txt') write_python(get_relocations(), basepath, 'ldump', 'relocations.txt') write_python([get_imported_library(n) for n in range(importedLibraryCount)], basepath, 'ldump', 'imports.txt') def dump_highlevel(basepath): """Create some useful files: glue.txt """ section_list = read_python(basepath, 'sections.txt') # Relocations in lookup-able form relocs = read_python(basepath, 'ldump', 'relocations.txt') relocs = {(rl['section'], rl['offset']): rl['to'] for rl in relocs} # The base of the TOC is not guaranteed to be the base of the data section... what is the TOC of our exported funcs? tvectors = [dct for dct in read_python(basepath, 'ldump', 'exports.txt') if dct['kind'] == 'tvector'] # Failing that, the TOC of our init/main/term funcs tvectors.extend(read_python(basepath, 'ldump', 'mainvectors.txt').values()) tvectors = [(tv['section'], tv['offset']) for tv in tvectors] table_of_contents = {} for section, offset in tvectors: # (section, offset) tuple reloc_kind, toc_section = relocs.get((section, offset + 4), (None, None)) if reloc_kind == 'section': secdata = read_bin(basepath, section) toc_offset, = struct.unpack_from('>L', secdata, offset + 4) table_of_contents = dict(section=toc_section, offset=toc_offset) break # Sometimes we need to fall back on an educated guess based on our apparent tvectors if not table_of_contents: guesses = [] for (reloc_sec, reloc_offset), (reloc_kind, reloc_targ_section) in relocs.items(): if 'data' in reloc_sec and reloc_kind == 'section' and 'code' in reloc_targ_section: toc_reloc_kind, toc_reloc_targ_section = relocs.get((reloc_sec, reloc_offset+4), (None, None)) if toc_reloc_kind == 'section' and 'data' in toc_reloc_targ_section: secdata = read_bin(basepath, reloc_sec) toc_offset, = struct.unpack_from('>L', secdata, reloc_offset + 4) guesses.append(dict(section=toc_reloc_targ_section, offset=toc_offset)) for x in guesses: if guesses.count(x) >= len(guesses)//2: table_of_contents = dict(x) break # Somehow we got the table of contents if table_of_contents: write_python(table_of_contents, basepath, 'hdump', 'table-of-contents.txt') # Exports! exports = read_python(basepath, 'ldump', 'exports.txt') codelocs_exported = [] # read_bin = functools.lru_cache(read_bin) for exp in exports: if exp['kind'] == 'tvector': reloc_kind, reloc_targ_section = relocs.get((exp['section'], exp['offset']), (None, None)) if reloc_kind == 'section' and 'code' in reloc_targ_section: secdata = read_bin(basepath, exp['section']) code_offset, = struct.unpack_from('>L', secdata, exp['offset']) codelocs_exported.append(dict(section=reloc_targ_section, offset=code_offset, function=exp['name'])) codelocs_exported.sort(key=lambda dct: tuple(dct.values())) write_python(codelocs_exported, basepath, 'hdump', 'codelocs-exported.txt') # Init, term and main functions codelocs_main = [] for kind, dct in read_python(basepath, 'ldump', 'mainvectors.txt').items(): reloc_kind, reloc_targ_section = relocs.get((dct['section'], dct['offset']), (None, None)) if reloc_kind == 'section' and 'code' in reloc_targ_section: secdata = read_bin(basepath, dct['section']) code_offset, = struct.unpack_from('>L', secdata, dct['offset']) codelocs_main.append(dict(section=reloc_targ_section, offset=code_offset, function=kind)) codelocs_main.sort(key=lambda dct: tuple(dct.values())) write_python(codelocs_main, basepath, 'hdump', 'codelocs-main.txt') # Cross-toc glue codelocs_xtocglue = [] if table_of_contents: # we might not have one if we export no functions! imports = read_python(basepath, 'ldump', 'imports.txt') imports = [sym['name'] for lib in imports for sym in lib['symbols']] toc_imports = {} for (reloc_sec, reloc_offset), (reloc_kind, reloc_import_num) in relocs.items(): if reloc_sec == table_of_contents['section'] and reloc_kind == 'import': toc_imports[reloc_offset - table_of_contents['offset']] = imports[reloc_import_num] for sec in section_list: if 'code' not in sec['filename']: continue code = read_bin(basepath, sec['filename']) gluescan = [] for ofs in range(0, len(code) - 23, 4): for a, b in zip(code[ofs:ofs+24], b'\x81\x82\xff\xff\x90\x41\x00\x14\x80\x0c\x00\x00\x80\x4c\x00\x04\x7c\x09\x03\xa6\x4e\x80\x04\x20'): if a != b and b != 0xFF: break else: toc_ofs, = struct.unpack_from('>h', code, ofs+2) codelocs_xtocglue.append(dict(section=sec['filename'], offset=ofs, function=toc_imports[toc_ofs])) codelocs_xtocglue.sort(key=lambda dct: tuple(dct.values())) write_python(codelocs_xtocglue, basepath, 'hdump', 'codelocs-xtocglue.txt') # MacsBug symbol locations codelocs_macsbug = [] for idx, sec in enumerate(section_list): if sec['sectionKind'] != 'code': continue code = read_bin(basepath, sec['filename']) end_offset = 0 for i in range(0, len(code) - 17, 4): guts = struct.unpack_from('>IIIIxB', code, i) if guts[0] != 0: continue if len(code) < i + 18 + guts[-1]: continue name = code[i + 18:][:guts[-1]] if i - guts[3] < end_offset: continue if guts[3] % 4 != 0: continue if not re.match(rb'^\w+$', name): continue end_offset = i + 18 # whatever # now interpret properly code_ofs = i - guts[3] code_len = guts[3] codelocs_macsbug.append(dict(section=sec['filename'], offset=code_ofs, function=name.decode('ascii'))) codelocs_macsbug.sort(key=lambda dct: tuple(dct.values())) write_python(codelocs_macsbug, basepath, 'hdump', 'codelocs-macsbug.txt') # Driver description for exp in exports: if exp['kind'] == 'data' and exp['name'] == 'TheDriverDescription': secdata = read_bin(basepath, exp['section']) ofs = exp['offset'] desc = list(struct.unpack_from('>4s L 32s L L 32s 32x L', secdata, ofs)) known_bits = { 0x1: 'kDriverIsLoadedUponDiscovery', 0x2: 'kDriverIsOpenedUponLoad', 0x4: 'kDriverIsUnderExpertControl', 0x8: 'kDriverIsConcurrent', 0x10: 'kDriverQueuesIOPB', 0x20: 'kDriverIsLoadedAtBoot', 0x40: 'kDriverIsForVirtualDevice', } bits = [] for i in range(32): if desc[4] & (1 << i): bits.append(known_bits.get(1 << i, hex(1 << i))) bits = '|'.join(bits) or '0' ofs += 0x74 services = [] for i in range(desc[6]): # nServices svc = struct.unpack_from('>4s 4s L', secdata, ofs) services.append({ 'serviceCategory': svc[0].decode('mac_roman'), 'serviceType': svc[1].decode('mac_roman'), 'serviceVersion': parse_mac_version(svc[2]), }) ofs += 12 desc = { 'driverDescSignature': desc[0].decode('mac_roman'), 'driverDescVersion': desc[1], 'driverType': { 'nameInfoStr': pstring_or_cstring(desc[2]).decode('mac_roman'), 'version': parse_mac_version(desc[3]), }, 'driverOSRuntimeInfo': { 'driverRuntime': bits, 'driverName': pstring_or_cstring(desc[5]).decode('mac_roman'), }, 'driverServices': services, } write_python(desc, basepath, 'hdump', 'driver-description.txt') break # USB driver description for exp in exports: if exp['kind'] == 'data' and exp['name'] == 'TheUSBDriverDescription': secdata = read_bin(basepath, exp['section']) ofs = exp['offset'] desc = list(struct.unpack_from('>4sL HHHH BBBBBx 32sBBL L', secdata, ofs)) known_bits = { 0x1: 'kUSBDoNotMatchGenericDevice', 0x2: 'kUSBDoNotMatchInterface', 0x4: 'kUSBProtocolMustMatch', 0x8: 'kUSBInterfaceMatchOnly', } bits = [] for i in range(32): if desc[15] & (1 << i): bits.append(known_bits.get(1 << i, hex(1 << i))) bits = '|'.join(bits) or '0' desc = { 'usbDriverDescSignature': desc[0].decode('mac_roman'), 'usbDriverDescVersion': desc[1], 'usbDeviceInfo': { 'usbVendorID': desc[2], 'usbProductID': desc[3], 'usbDeviceReleaseNumber': desc[4], 'usbDeviceProtocol': desc[5], }, 'usbInterfaceInfo': { 'usbConfigValue': desc[6], 'usbInterfaceNum': desc[7], 'usbInterfaceClass': desc[8], 'usbInterfaceSubClass': desc[9], 'usbInterfaceProtocol': desc[10], }, 'usbDriverType': { 'nameInfoStr': pstring_or_cstring(desc[11]).decode('mac_roman'), 'usbDriverClass': desc[12], 'usbDriverSubClass': desc[13], 'usbDriverVersion': parse_mac_version(desc[14]), }, 'usbDriverLoadingOptions': bits, } write_python(desc, basepath, 'hdump', 'usb-driver-description.txt') break def format_mac_date(srcint): """Render a 32-bit MacOS date to ISO 8601 format """ dt = datetime.datetime(1904, 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta(seconds=srcint) return dt.isoformat().replace('T', ' ') def parse_mac_date(x): """Pack an ISO 8601 date into a 32-bit MacOS date """ epoch = '19040101000000' # ISO8601 with the non-numerics stripped # strip non-numerics and pad out using the epoch (cheeky) stripped = ''.join(c for c in x if c in '0123456789') stripped = stripped[:len(epoch)] + epoch[len(stripped):] tformat = '%Y%m%d%H%M%S' delta = datetime.datetime.strptime(stripped, tformat) - datetime.datetime.strptime(epoch, tformat) delta = int(delta.total_seconds()) delta = min(delta, 0xFFFFFFFF) delta = max(delta, 0) return delta def parse_mac_version(num): maj, minbug, stage, unreleased = num.to_bytes(4, byteorder='big') maj = '%x' % maj minor, bugfix = '%02x' % minbug if stage == 0x80: stage = 'f' elif stage == 0x60: stage = 'b' elif stage == 0x40: stage = 'a' elif stage == 0x20: stage = 'd' else: stage = '?' unreleased = '%d' % unreleased vers = maj + '.' + minor if bugfix != '0': vers += '.' + bugfix if (stage, unreleased) != ('f', '0'): vers += stage + unreleased return vers def pstring_or_cstring(s): plen = s[0] pstr = s[1:][:plen] cstr = s.rstrip(b'\0') if b'\0' in pstr or plen + 1 > len(s): return cstr else: return pstr def _sec_kind_is_instantiated(sec_kind): return sec_kind not in ('loader', 'debug', 'exception', 'traceback') def _strip_zeroes_leaving_some(data, leaving): stripped = data.rstrip(b'\0') while len(stripped) < len(data) and data[len(stripped)] == 0: stripped += b'\0' return stripped def _possible_intended_alignments(offset): possible = list(1 << n for n in range(32)) possible = [p for p in possible if offset % p == 0] return possible def _sec_kind_min_align(sec_kind): if sec_kind in ('code', 'data', 'rodata', 'codedata'): return 16 else: return 4 def read_python(*path_parts): return eval(read_txt(*path_parts)) def read_txt(*path_parts): with open(path.join(*path_parts), 'r') as f: return f.read().rstrip('\n') def read_bin(*path_parts): with open(path.join(*path_parts), 'rb') as f: return f.read() def write_python(python, *path_parts): write_txt(repr(python), *path_parts) def write_txt(txt, *path_parts): write_bin((txt + '\n').encode('utf-8'), *path_parts) def write_bin(bin, *path_parts): path_parts = path.join(*path_parts) os.makedirs(path.dirname(path_parts), exist_ok=True) with open(path_parts, 'wb') as f: f.write(bin) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=''' Convert between a Code Fragment Manager binary and an easily-edited dump directory. The extra info (low/high-level) in ldump/ and hdump/ is ignored when rebuilding. ''') # parser.add_argument('--gather', action='store_true', help='Binary or directory') parser.add_argument('src', metavar='SOURCE', action='store', help='Binary or directory') parser.add_argument('dest', metavar='DEST', action='store', help='Directory or binary') args = parser.parse_args() if path.isdir(args.src): build(args.src, args.dest) else: dump(args.src, args.dest)