Make ConfigInfo format more consistent

This commit is contained in:
Elliot Nunn 2019-06-03 12:06:58 +08:00
parent a1b64ca588
commit 244c93f567
2 changed files with 101 additions and 115 deletions

View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ import shlex
import ast
import re
import struct
import glob
from .lowlevel import ConfigInfo
@ -23,8 +22,6 @@ class CodeLine(dict):
def iter_configinfo_names():
yield 'Configfile'
n = 1
while True:
yield 'Configfile-%d' % n
@ -50,10 +47,12 @@ def sub_constants(expr):
def parse_configinfo(src_path):
filenames = {}
linelist = []
chunks = {'': linelist} # must sort as first
for line in'utf8').split('\n'):
for line in open(src_path):
words = shlex.split(line, comments=True, posix=True)
if len(words) == 0: continue
@ -66,7 +65,13 @@ def parse_configinfo(src_path):
for word in words:
k, sep, v = word.partition('=')
if sep: worddict[k] = v
if sep:
v1, sep, v2 = v.partition('=') # the second = delimits a filename
if sep and k.endswith('Offset'):
worddict[k] = v1
filenames[k] = v2
worddict[k] = v
# do some cleanup: replace all instances of BASE with ROMImageBaseOffset
base = '-0x30C000' # bad fallback, don't skip ROMImageBaseOffset
@ -97,13 +102,18 @@ def parse_configinfo(src_path):
if is_safe(v2):
words[k] = eval(v2)
return chunks
return chunks, filenames
def insert_and_assert(binary, insertee, offset):
new_len = offset + len(insertee)
binary.extend(b'\0' * (new_len - len(binary)))
existing = binary[offset:offset+len(insertee)]
if existing != insertee and any(existing):
raise ValueError('inserting over something else')
open('/tmp/elmo', 'wb').write(existing)
raise ValueError('inserting over something else @%X' % offset)
binary[offset:offset+len(insertee)] = insertee
@ -129,10 +139,6 @@ def checksum_image(binary, ofs):
def build(src):
if not path.exists(path.join(src, 'Configfile')) or path.exists(path.join(src, 'Configfile-1')): raise dispatcher.WrongFormat
print('powerpc', src)
cilist = []
for ciname in iter_configinfo_names():
@ -142,14 +148,11 @@ def build(src):
if len(cilist) == 0: raise dispatcher.WrongFormat
# This will typically contain the emulator, which I can't reliably extract
rom = bytearray(, 'EverythingElse')))
except FileNotFoundError:
rom = bytearray(0x400000)
# Expand this as we go
rom = bytearray()
# Now we go through every configinfo and insert it (oh hell)
for ci in reversed(cilist):
for ci, filenames in reversed(cilist):
fields = {key: 0 for key in ConfigInfo._fields}
lowmem = bytearray()
pagemap = bytearray()
@ -164,6 +167,11 @@ def build(src):
if k in fields:
fields[k] = v
# The parallel filenames dict tells us what data to put at that address
if k in filenames:
blob =, filenames[k]))
insert_and_assert(rom, blob, v - fields['ROMImageBaseOffset'])
elif header == 'LowMemory':
for words in lines:
lowmem.extend(struct.pack('>LL', words.address, words.value))
@ -244,24 +252,7 @@ def build(src):
configinfo_offset = -fields['ROMImageBaseOffset'] # this var used below
insert_and_assert(rom, flat, configinfo_offset)
# Now insert other things as directed by the struct
described = [
('Mac68KROM', 'Mac68KROM'),
('ExceptionTable', 'ExceptionTable'),
('HWInitCode', 'HWInit'),
('KernelCode', 'NanoKernel'),
('OpenFWBundle', 'OpenFW'),
for basename, filename in described:
blob_offset = fields[basename + 'Offset']
if blob_offset == 0: continue
matches = glob.glob(glob.escape(path.join(src, filename)) + '*')
if matches:
match = min(matches) # try for * before *.src
blob =
insert_and_assert(rom, blob, configinfo_offset + blob_offset)
rom.extend(b'\0' * (fields['ROMImageSize'] - len(rom)))
# let's do a cheeky checksum!
cksum = checksum_image(rom, configinfo_offset)

View File

@ -23,27 +23,28 @@ tells the kernel how to lay out the Block Allocation Table registers.
Fields encoding the offset of a ROM component are computed from the base
of ConfigInfo, but for clarity are expressed here relative to the "BASE"
of ROM. ConfigInfo itself will be placed at -ROMImageBaseOffset.
of ROM. If a second '=' is present, it indicates the name of a file to
insert at this location.
HEADER_COMMENT = '\n'.join('# ' + l if l else '' for l in HEADER_COMMENT.strip().split('\n'))
ROMImageBaseOffset= # [28] Offset of Base of total ROM image [./EverythingElse placed here]
ROMImageBaseOffset= # [28] Offset of Base of total ROM image
ROMImageSize= # [2C] Number of bytes in ROM image
ROMImageVersion= # [30] ROM Version number for entire ROM
# ROM component Info (offsets are from base of ConfigInfo page)
Mac68KROMOffset= # [34] Offset of base of Macintosh 68K ROM [./Mac68KROM placed here]
Mac68KROMOffset= # [34] Offset of base of Macintosh 68K ROM
Mac68KROMSize= # [38] Number of bytes in Macintosh 68K ROM
ExceptionTableOffset= # [3C] Offset of base of PowerPC Exception Table Code [./ExceptionTable placed here]
ExceptionTableOffset= # [3C] Offset of base of PowerPC Exception Table Code
ExceptionTableSize= # [40] Number of bytes in PowerPC Exception Table Code
HWInitCodeOffset= # [44] Offset of base of Hardware Init Code [./HWInit placed here]
HWInitCodeOffset= # [44] Offset of base of Hardware Init Code
HWInitCodeSize= # [48] Number of bytes in Hardware Init Code
KernelCodeOffset= # [4C] Offset of base of NanoKernel Code [./NanoKernel placed here]
KernelCodeOffset= # [4C] Offset of base of NanoKernel Code
KernelCodeSize= # [50] Number of bytes in NanoKernel Code
EmulatorCodeOffset= # [54] Offset of base of Emulator Code
@ -85,7 +86,7 @@ SharedMemoryAddr= # [35C] physical address of Mac/Smurf shared
PA_RelocatedLowMemInit= # [360] physical address of RelocatedLowMem
OpenFWBundleOffset= # [364] Offset of base of OpenFirmware PEF Bundle [./OpenFW placed here]
OpenFWBundleOffset= # [364] Offset of base of OpenFirmware PEF Bundle
OpenFWBundleSize= # [368] Number of bytes in OpenFirmware PEF Bundle
LA_OpenFirmware= # [36C] logical address of Open Firmware
@ -139,7 +140,7 @@ def find_configinfo(binary):
yield j
def dump_configinfo(binary, offset, push_line):
def dump_configinfo(binary, offset, filename_dict, push_line):
s = ConfigInfo.unpack_from(binary, offset)
push_line(HEADER_COMMENT + '\n')
@ -164,6 +165,9 @@ def dump_configinfo(binary, offset, push_line):
value = value.replace('0x-', '-0x').replace('0x+', '+0x')
if key in filename_dict:
value += '=' + shlex.quote(filename_dict[key])
nuline = key + '=' + value
while remainder.startswith(' ') and len(nuline) + len(remainder) > len(line):
remainder = remainder[1:]
@ -303,70 +307,61 @@ def get_nk_version(nk):
return 'v%02X.%02X' % (nk[i+2], nk[i+3]) # return the ???
def extract_plausible_thing(binary, start):
stop = binary.find(bytes(1024), start) # check, because kernel is often absent or wrong size
if stop > start:
while stop % 4 != 0: stop += 1
return extract_and_zero(binary, start, stop)
def dump(binary, dest_dir):
if not is_powerpc(binary): raise dispatcher.WrongFormat
def dump(orig_binary, dest_dir):
if not is_powerpc(orig_binary): raise dispatcher.WrongFormat
os.makedirs(dest_dir, exist_ok=True)
cioffsets = list(find_configinfo(binary))
# We will zero out parts as we go along extracting them
binary = bytearray(binary)
binary = bytearray(orig_binary)
for i, cioffset in enumerate(cioffsets, 1):
filename = 'Configfile'
if len(cioffsets) > 1: filename += '-' + str(i)
ci_loc = []; ci_struct = [];
for i in list(find_configinfo(binary)):
ci_struct.append(ConfigInfo.unpack_from(binary, i))
extract_and_zero(binary, i, i + 0x1000) # Keep it out of EverythingElse
fields = []
for field in ['Mac68KROM', 'ExceptionTable', 'HWInitCode', 'KernelCode', 'OpenFWBundle', 'ROMImageBase']:
start = ci_loc[0] + ci_struct[0]._asdict()[field + 'Offset']
if field == 'ROMImageBase': # This will contain everything not encompassed by
stop = len(binary)
stop = start + ci_struct[0]._asdict()[field + 'Size']
fields.append((start, stop, field))
# Special case: the "EverythingElse" gets searched for last (emulator not yet extractable)
fields = sorted(fields[:-1]) + fields[-1:]
filename_dict = {} # Maps 'KernelCode' etc to a filename
for start, stop, field in fields:
# ConfigInfo is known to lie about these fields
if field in 'HWInitCode KernelCode OpenFWBundle':
stop = binary.find(bytes(1024), start)
# Always grab a multiple of 4 bytes
while stop % 4 != 0: stop += 1
# Grab the fragment, and zero where it came from
fragment = extract_and_zero(binary, start, stop)
# Nothing to see here
if len(fragment) == 0 or not any(fragment): continue
filename = field.replace('Code', '').replace('Bundle', '').replace('Kern', 'NanoKern').replace('ROMImageBase', 'EverythingElse')
if field == 'KernelCode':
vers = get_nk_version(fragment)
if vers: filename += '-' + vers
filename_dict[field + 'Offset'] = filename
dispatcher.dump(fragment, path.join(dest_dir, filename))
# Finally, write out ConfigInfo with paths to the files that we create
for i, cioffset in enumerate(ci_loc, 1):
filename = 'Configfile-%d' % i
with open(path.join(dest_dir, filename), 'w') as f:
push_line = lambda x: print(x, file=f)
dump_configinfo(binary, cioffset, push_line)
best_cioffset = cioffsets[0]
best_ci = ConfigInfo.unpack_from(binary, best_cioffset)
for cioffset in cioffsets:
extract_and_zero(binary, cioffset, cioffset + 0x1000)
supermario = extract_and_zero(binary,
best_cioffset + best_ci.Mac68KROMOffset,
best_cioffset + best_ci.Mac68KROMOffset + best_ci.Mac68KROMSize)
dispatcher.dump(supermario, path.join(dest_dir, 'Mac68KROM'))
xtbl = extract_and_zero(binary,
best_cioffset + best_ci.ExceptionTableOffset,
best_cioffset + best_ci.ExceptionTableOffset + best_ci.ExceptionTableSize)
if any(xtbl):
# xtbl_len = len(xtbl)
# while not any(xtbl[xtbl_len-4:xtbl_len]): xtbl_len -= 4
# xtbl = xtbl[xtbl_len:]
with open(path.join(dest_dir, 'ExceptionTable'), 'wb') as f:
nk = extract_plausible_thing(binary, min(0x310000, best_cioffset + best_ci.KernelCodeOffset))
if nk:
name = 'NanoKernel'
vers = get_nk_version(nk)
if vers: name += '-' + vers
with open(path.join(dest_dir, name), 'wb') as f:
hwinit = extract_plausible_thing(binary, best_cioffset + best_ci.HWInitCodeOffset)
if hwinit:
with open(path.join(dest_dir, 'HWInit'), 'wb') as f:
openfw = extract_plausible_thing(binary, best_cioffset + best_ci.OpenFWBundleOffset)
if openfw:
with open(path.join(dest_dir, 'OpenFW'), 'wb') as f:
with open(path.join(dest_dir, 'EverythingElse'), 'wb') as f:
dump_configinfo(orig_binary, cioffset, filename_dict, push_line)