import argparse import os from os import path from sys import stderr from tbxi.lowlevel import MAGIC from tbxi.prcldump import dump parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=''' Dump a MacOS parcel blob (magic number 0x7072636C 'prcl') to a plain-text Parcelfile and several decompressed binaries. This output can be rebuilt using the Parcel Compiler (prclc). Usually parcel blobs are found embedded inside a file called "Mac OS ROM", although the Blue Box uses them in isolation. As a convenience this utility will search for the magic number inside any input file (with a warning). ''') parser.add_argument('source', nargs=1, help='file to be decompiled') meg = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() meg.add_argument('-d', metavar='dest-dir', help='output directory (Parcelfile will be created within)') meg.add_argument('-f', metavar='dest-file', help='output file (binaries will go in parent directory)') args = parser.parse_args() with open(args.source[0], 'rb') as f: binary = if not binary.startswith(MAGIC): try: offset = binary.index(MAGIC) except ValueError: print('Not a parcels file', file=stderr) exit(1) else: print('Warning: parcel blob wrapped at offset 0x%x' % offset) binary = binary[offset:] if args.f: dest_file = path.abspath(args.f) dest_dir = path.dirname(dest_file) elif args.d: dest_dir = path.abspath(args.d) dest_file = path.join(dest_dir, 'Parcelfile') else: dest_dir = path.abspath(args.source[0].rstrip(path.sep) + '-dump') dest_file = path.join(dest_dir, 'Parcelfile') os.makedirs(dest_dir, exist_ok=True) dump(binary, dest_file, dest_dir)