
191 lines
6.3 KiB

from collections import defaultdict, Counter
import os
from os import path
from shlex import quote
import struct
from .lzss import decompress
from .lowlevel import PrclNodeStruct, PrclChildStruct
def walk_tree(binary):
"""Get low level representation of tree
e.g. [(prclnodetuple, [prclchildtuple, ...]), ...]
if not binary.startswith(b'prcl'):
raise ValueError('binary does not start with magic number')
prclnode = None
parents = []
for i in iter(lambda: prclnode.link if prclnode else struct.unpack_from('>12xI', binary)[0], 0):
prclnode = PrclNodeStruct.unpack_from(binary, offset=i)
children = []
for j in range(i + PrclNodeStruct.size, i + prclnode.hdr_size, prclnode.child_size):
prclchild = PrclChildStruct.unpack_from(binary, offset=j)
parents.append((prclnode, children))
return parents
def unique_binary_tpl(prclchild):
return (prclchild.ptr, prclchild.packedlen, prclchild.compress)
def suggest_names_to_dump(parent, child, code_name):
# We yield heaps of suggested filenames, and the shortest non-empty unique one gets chosen
if parent.ostype == child.ostype == 'rom ':
yield 'ROM'
if 'AAPL,MacOS,PowerPC' in child.name and code_name == 'PowerMgrPlugin':
if parent.a == 'cuda' and parent.b == 'via-cuda':
yield 'PowerMgrPlugin.CUDA'
elif parent.a == 'pmu' and parent.b == 'power-mgt':
yield 'PowerMgrPlugin.PMU'
elif parent.a == 'via-pmu-99' and parent.b == 'power-mgt':
yield 'PowerMgrPlugin.PMU99'
elif parent.a == 'via-pmu-2000' and parent.b == 'power-mgt':
yield 'PowerMgrPlugin.PMU2000'
elif parent.a == 'bal' and parent.b == 'power-mgt':
yield 'PowerMgrPlugin.BlueBox'
if ',' not in child.name: # All property names except driver,AAPL,MacOS,pef et al
yield child.name
if child.flags & 0x80: # special-node stuff
yield child.name
yield squish_name(child.name, parent.a, parent.b)
if 'AAPL,MacOS,PowerPC' in child.name:
if code_name:
yield squish_name(code_name, parent.a, parent.b)
yield squish_name(parent.a, parent.b)
def squish_name(*parts):
squeeze = lambda x: x.lower().replace('-', '').replace('_', '')
parts = list(parts)
keepmask = [True] * len(parts)
for i in range(len(parts)):
for j in range(len(parts)):
if i == j: continue
if squeeze(parts[j]) == squeeze(parts[i]):
if j > i: keepmask[j] = False
elif squeeze(parts[j]) in squeeze(parts[i]):
keepmask[j] = False
truelist = []
for i in range(len(parts)):
if keepmask[i]: truelist.append(parts[i])
return '.'.join(truelist)
def settle_name_votes(vote_dict):
# Forbid duplicate names
duplicate_names = set([''])
for ka, va in vote_dict.items():
for kb, vb in vote_dict.items():
if ka is kb: continue
for x in va:
if x in vb:
# Pick the shortest non-duplicate name
decision = {}
for k, v in vote_dict.items():
allowed_names = [x for x in v if x not in duplicate_names]
if allowed_names:
decision[k] = min(allowed_names, key=len)
return decision
def dump(binary, dest, dest_dir):
if path.isdir(dest) or dest.endswith(os.sep):
dest = path.join(dest, 'Parcelfile')
basic_structure = walk_tree(binary)
# Decompress everything
unpacked_dict = {}
binary_counts = Counter()
for prclnode, children in basic_structure:
for prclchild in children:
binary_counts[unique_binary_tpl(prclchild)] += 1
data = binary[prclchild.ptr:prclchild.ptr+prclchild.packedlen]
if prclchild.compress == 'lzss': data = decompress(data)
unpacked_dict[unique_binary_tpl(prclchild)] = data
# Suggest possible filenames for each blob
name_vote_dict = defaultdict(list)
for prclnode, children in basic_structure:
# is there a prop that gives contextual name information?
for check_child in children:
if check_child.name == 'code,AAPL,MacOS,name':
code_name = unpacked_dict[unique_binary_tpl(check_child)].rstrip(b'\0').decode('ascii')
code_name = None
# now use that name to suggest names for all the children
for prclchild in children:
if prclchild.ostype in ('cstr', 'csta'): continue
votes = suggest_names_to_dump(prclnode, prclchild, code_name)
# Decide on filenames
decision = settle_name_votes(name_vote_dict)
# Dump blobs to disk
for tpl, filename in decision.items():
with open(path.join(dest_dir, filename), 'wb') as f:
# Get printing!!!
with open(dest, 'w') as f:
for prclnode, children in basic_structure:
line = quote(prclnode.ostype)
line += ' flags=0x%05x' % prclnode.flags
if prclnode.a: line += ' a=%s' % quote(prclnode.a)
if prclnode.b: line += ' b=%s' % quote(prclnode.b)
print(line, file=f)
for prclchild in children:
line = '\t%s' % quote(prclchild.ostype)
line += ' flags=0x%05x' % prclchild.flags
if prclchild.name: line += ' name=%s' % quote(prclchild.name)
if prclchild.ostype not in ('cstr', 'csta'):
filename = decision[unique_binary_tpl(prclchild)]
if prclchild.compress == 'lzss': filename += '.lzss'
line += ' src=%s' % quote(path.relpath(path.join(dest_dir, filename), path.dirname(dest)))
if binary_counts[unique_binary_tpl(prclchild)] > 1:
line += ' deduplicate=1'
print(line, file=f)
if prclchild.ostype in ('cstr', 'csta'):
strangs = unpacked_dict[unique_binary_tpl(prclchild)].split(b'\0')[:-1]
for s in strangs:
line = '\t\t%s' % quote(s.decode('ascii'))
print(line, file=f)