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from collections import defaultdict, Counter
import os
from os import path
from shlex import quote
import struct
from . import dispatcher
from .slow_lzss import decompress
from .lowlevel import PrclNodeStruct, PrclChildStruct
def walk_tree(binary):
"""Get low level representation of tree
e.g. [(prclnodetuple, [prclchildtuple, ...]), ...]
prclnode = None
parents = []
for i in iter(lambda: prclnode.link if prclnode else struct.unpack_from('>12xI', binary)[0], 0):
prclnode = PrclNodeStruct.unpack_from(binary, offset=i)
children = []
for j in range(i + PrclNodeStruct.size, i + prclnode.hdr_size, prclnode.child_size):
prclchild = PrclChildStruct.unpack_from(binary, offset=j)
parents.append((prclnode, children))
return parents
def unique_binary_tpl(prclchild):
return (prclchild.ptr, prclchild.packedlen, prclchild.compress)
def suggest_names_to_dump(parent, child, code_name):
# We yield heaps of suggested filenames, and the shortest non-empty unique one gets chosen
if parent.ostype == child.ostype == 'rom ':
yield 'MacROM'
if 'AAPL,MacOS,PowerPC' in child.name and code_name == 'PowerMgrPlugin':
if parent.a == 'cuda' and parent.b == 'via-cuda':
yield 'PowerMgrPlugin.CUDA'
elif parent.a == 'pmu' and parent.b == 'power-mgt':
yield 'PowerMgrPlugin.PMU'
elif parent.a == 'via-pmu-99' and parent.b == 'power-mgt':
yield 'PowerMgrPlugin.PMU99'
elif parent.a == 'via-pmu-2000' and parent.b == 'power-mgt':
yield 'PowerMgrPlugin.PMU2000'
elif parent.a == 'bal' and parent.b == 'power-mgt':
yield 'PowerMgrPlugin.BlueBox'
if ',' not in child.name: # All property names except driver,AAPL,MacOS,pef et al
yield child.name
if child.flags & 0x80: # special-node stuff
yield child.name
yield squish_name(child.name, parent.a, parent.b)
if 'AAPL,MacOS,PowerPC' in child.name:
if code_name:
yield squish_name(code_name, parent.a, parent.b)
yield squish_name(parent.a, parent.b)
def squish_name(*parts):
squeeze = lambda x: x.lower().replace('-', '').replace('_', '')
parts = list(parts)
keepmask = [True] * len(parts)
for i in range(len(parts)):
for j in range(len(parts)):
if i == j: continue
if squeeze(parts[j]) == squeeze(parts[i]):
if j > i: keepmask[j] = False
elif squeeze(parts[j]) in squeeze(parts[i]):
keepmask[j] = False
truelist = []
for i in range(len(parts)):
if keepmask[i]: truelist.append(parts[i])
return '.'.join(truelist)
def settle_name_votes(vote_dict):
# Forbid duplicate names
duplicate_names = set([''])
for ka, va in vote_dict.items():
for kb, vb in vote_dict.items():
if ka is kb: continue
for x in va:
if x in vb:
# Pick the shortest non-duplicate name
decision = {}
for k, v in vote_dict.items():
allowed_names = [x for x in v if x not in duplicate_names]
if allowed_names:
decision[k] = min(allowed_names, key=len)
return decision
def is_parcels(binary):
return binary.startswith(b'prcl')
def dump(binary, dest_dir):
if not binary.startswith(b'prcl'): raise dispatcher.WrongFormat
os.makedirs(dest_dir, exist_ok=True)
basic_structure = walk_tree(binary)
# Decompress everything
unpacked_dict = {}
binary_counts = Counter()
for prclnode, children in basic_structure:
for prclchild in children:
binary_counts[unique_binary_tpl(prclchild)] += 1
data = binary[prclchild.ptr:prclchild.ptr+prclchild.packedlen]
if prclchild.compress == 'lzss': data = decompress(data)
unpacked_dict[unique_binary_tpl(prclchild)] = data
# Suggest possible filenames for each blob
name_vote_dict = defaultdict(list)
for prclnode, children in basic_structure:
# is there a prop that gives contextual name information?
for check_child in children:
if check_child.name == 'code,AAPL,MacOS,name':
code_name = unpacked_dict[unique_binary_tpl(check_child)].rstrip(b'\0').decode('ascii')
code_name = None
# now use that name to suggest names for all the children
for prclchild in children:
if prclchild.ostype in ('cstr', 'csta'): continue
votes = suggest_names_to_dump(prclnode, prclchild, code_name)
if unpacked_dict[unique_binary_tpl(prclchild)].startswith(b'Joy!'):
votes = [v + '.pef' for v in votes]
# Decide on filenames
decision = settle_name_votes(name_vote_dict)
# Dump blobs to disk
for tpl, filename in decision.items():
keep_this = True
data = unpacked_dict[tpl]
dispatcher.dump(data, path.join(dest_dir, filename))
# Get printing!!!
with open(path.join(dest_dir, 'Parcelfile'), 'w') as f:
for prclnode, children in basic_structure:
line = quote(prclnode.ostype)
line += ' flags=0x%05x' % prclnode.flags
if prclnode.a: line += ' a=%s' % quote(prclnode.a)
if prclnode.b: line += ' b=%s' % quote(prclnode.b)
print(line, file=f)
for prclchild in children:
line = '\t%s' % quote(prclchild.ostype)
line += ' flags=0x%05x' % prclchild.flags
if prclchild.name: line += ' name=%s' % quote(prclchild.name)
if prclchild.ostype not in ('cstr', 'csta'):
filename = decision[unique_binary_tpl(prclchild)]
if prclchild.compress == 'lzss': filename += '.lzss'
line += ' src=%s' % filename
if binary_counts[unique_binary_tpl(prclchild)] > 1:
line += ' deduplicate=1'
print(line, file=f)
if prclchild.ostype in ('cstr', 'csta'):
strangs = unpacked_dict[unique_binary_tpl(prclchild)].split(b'\0')[:-1]
for s in strangs:
line = '\t\t%s' % quote(s.decode('ascii'))
print(line, file=f)