Elliot Nunn 93c5d270cd Support fixed-offset resources
Most TNT-era ROMs use this feature of RomLayout. Heuristically detect,
report and rebuild these ROMs.
2019-06-11 12:29:47 +08:00

184 lines
6.4 KiB

from os import path
import os
import shlex
from .lowlevel import SuperMarioHeader, ResHeader, ResEntry, FakeMMHeader, COMBO_FIELDS
from . import dispatcher
PAD = b'kc' * 100
# Automated dump of Macintosh ROM resources
# The (optional) combo mask switches a resource based on the DefaultRSRCs
# field of the box's ProductInfo structure. (The low-memory variable at
# 0xDD8 points to ProductInfo, and the DefaultRSRCs byte is at offset
# 0x16.) The combo field is usually used for the Standard Apple Numeric
# Environment (SANE) PACKs 4 and 5.
# Summary of known combos:
# 0b01111000 AllCombos (DEFAULT) Universal resource
# 0b01000000 AppleTalk1 Appletalk 1.0
# 0b00100000 AppleTalk2 Appletalk 2.0
# 0b00110000 AppleTalk2_NetBoot_FPU Has FPU and remote booting
# 0b00001000 AppleTalk2_NetBoot_NoFPU Has remote booting, no FPU
# 0b00010000 NetBoot Has remote booting
def clean_maincode(binary):
binary = bytearray(binary)
header = SuperMarioHeader.unpack_from(binary)
modified_header = header._asdict()
for k in list(modified_header):
if k.startswith('CheckSum'):
modified_header[k] = 0
modified_header['RomRsrc'] = 0
modified_header['RomSize'] = 1
SuperMarioHeader.pack_into(binary, 0, **modified_header)
return bytes(binary)
def is_supermario(binary):
return (len(binary) in (0x200000, 0x300000)) and (PAD in binary)
def extract_decldata(binary):
return binary[binary.rfind(PAD) + len(PAD):]
# Get a list of (entry_offset, data_offset, data_len)
def extract_resource_offsets(binary):
# chase the linked list around
offsets = []
reshead = SuperMarioHeader.unpack_from(binary).RomRsrc
link = ResHeader.unpack_from(binary, reshead).offsetToFirst
while link:
data = ResEntry.unpack_from(binary, link).offsetToData
datasize = FakeMMHeader.unpack_from(binary, data - 16).dataSizePlus12 - 12
offsets.append((link, data, datasize))
link = ResEntry.unpack_from(binary, link).offsetToNext
return offsets
def sanitize_macroman(binary):
string = binary.decode('mac_roman')
string = ''.join(c if c.isalpha() or c.isdigit() else '_' for c in string)
return string
def express_macroman(binary):
return repr(binary)[1:]
accum = ''
for b in binary:
if b == ord(' '):
accum += '\\ '
elif b < 128 and chr(b).isprintable() and not chr(b).isspace():
accum += chr(b)
accum += '\\x%02X' % b
return accum
def quodec(binary):
return shlex.quote(binary.decode('mac_roman'))
def ljustspc(s, n):
return (s + ' ').ljust(n)
def dump(binary, dest_dir):
if not is_supermario(binary): raise dispatcher.WrongFormat
os.makedirs(dest_dir, exist_ok=True)
with open(path.join(dest_dir, 'Romfile'), 'w') as f:
print(HEADER_COMMENT + '\n', file=f)
print('rom_size=%s\n' % hex(len(binary)), file=f)
header = SuperMarioHeader.unpack_from(binary)
main_code = clean_maincode(binary[:header.RomRsrc])
dispatcher.dump(main_code, path.join(dest_dir, 'MainCode'))
decldata = extract_decldata(binary)
if decldata:
dispatcher.dump(decldata, path.join(dest_dir, 'DeclData'))
# now for the tricky bit: resources :(
unavail_filenames = set(['', '.pef', '.pict'])
types_where_Main_should_be_in_filename = set()
known_forced_offsets = []
for i, (hoffset, doffset, dlen) in enumerate(extract_resource_offsets(binary)):
rsrc_dir = path.join(dest_dir, 'Rsrc')
os.makedirs(rsrc_dir, exist_ok=True)
data = binary[doffset:doffset+dlen]
entry = ResEntry.unpack_from(binary, hoffset)
offset_forced = False
if hoffset < doffset: # Either offset was forced, or previous forced offset caused fit problems
# Tricky guessing: check whether the data would have fit where the entry struct went
for known in known_forced_offsets:
if hoffset <= known < hoffset + 16 + dlen:
offset_forced = True
if offset_forced:
known_forced_offsets.append(doffset - 16)
# mmhead = FakeMMHeader.unpack_from(binary, doffset - 16)
# assert mmhead.MagicKurt == b'Kurt'
# assert mmhead.MagicC0A00000 == 0xC0A00000
report_combo_field = COMBO_FIELDS.get(entry.combo, '0b' + bin(entry.combo >> 56)[2:].zfill(8))
if entry.rsrcName == b'%A5Init':
# create a friendly ascii filename for the resource
filename = '%s_%d' % (sanitize_macroman(entry.rsrcType), entry.rsrcID)
if entry.rsrcName != b'Main' or entry.rsrcType in types_where_Main_should_be_in_filename:
filename += '_' + sanitize_macroman(entry.rsrcName)
if report_combo_field != 'AllCombos':
filename += '_' + report_combo_field.replace('AppleTalk', 'AT')
filename = filename.strip('_')
while '__' in filename: filename = filename.replace('__', '_')
if data.startswith(b'Joy!peff'): filename += '.pef'
if entry.rsrcType == b'PICT': filename += '.pict'
while filename in unavail_filenames: filename = '_' + filename
with open(path.join(rsrc_dir, filename), 'wb') as f2:
filename = path.join('Rsrc', filename)
# Now, just need to dream up a data format
report = ''
report = ljustspc(report + 'type=' + quodec(entry.rsrcType), 12)
report = ljustspc(report + 'id=' + str(entry.rsrcID), 24)
report = ljustspc(report + 'name=' + quodec(entry.rsrcName), 48)
report = ljustspc(report + 'src=' + shlex.quote(filename), 84)
if report_combo_field != 'AllCombos':
report = ljustspc(report + 'combo=' + report_combo_field, 0)
if offset_forced:
report = ljustspc(report + 'offset=0x%X' % (doffset - 16), 0)
report = report.rstrip()
print(report, file=f)