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synced 2025-01-17 11:30:02 +00:00
Most TNT-era ROMs use this feature of RomLayout. Heuristically detect, report and rebuild these ROMs.
184 lines
6.4 KiB
184 lines
6.4 KiB
from os import path
import os
import shlex
from .lowlevel import SuperMarioHeader, ResHeader, ResEntry, FakeMMHeader, COMBO_FIELDS
from . import dispatcher
PAD = b'kc' * 100
# Automated dump of Macintosh ROM resources
# The (optional) combo mask switches a resource based on the DefaultRSRCs
# field of the box's ProductInfo structure. (The low-memory variable at
# 0xDD8 points to ProductInfo, and the DefaultRSRCs byte is at offset
# 0x16.) The combo field is usually used for the Standard Apple Numeric
# Environment (SANE) PACKs 4 and 5.
# Summary of known combos:
# 0b01111000 AllCombos (DEFAULT) Universal resource
# 0b01000000 AppleTalk1 Appletalk 1.0
# 0b00100000 AppleTalk2 Appletalk 2.0
# 0b00110000 AppleTalk2_NetBoot_FPU Has FPU and remote booting
# 0b00001000 AppleTalk2_NetBoot_NoFPU Has remote booting, no FPU
# 0b00010000 NetBoot Has remote booting
def clean_maincode(binary):
binary = bytearray(binary)
header = SuperMarioHeader.unpack_from(binary)
modified_header = header._asdict()
for k in list(modified_header):
if k.startswith('CheckSum'):
modified_header[k] = 0
modified_header['RomRsrc'] = 0
modified_header['RomSize'] = 1
SuperMarioHeader.pack_into(binary, 0, **modified_header)
return bytes(binary)
def is_supermario(binary):
return (len(binary) in (0x200000, 0x300000)) and (PAD in binary)
def extract_decldata(binary):
return binary[binary.rfind(PAD) + len(PAD):]
# Get a list of (entry_offset, data_offset, data_len)
def extract_resource_offsets(binary):
# chase the linked list around
offsets = []
reshead = SuperMarioHeader.unpack_from(binary).RomRsrc
link = ResHeader.unpack_from(binary, reshead).offsetToFirst
while link:
data = ResEntry.unpack_from(binary, link).offsetToData
datasize = FakeMMHeader.unpack_from(binary, data - 16).dataSizePlus12 - 12
offsets.append((link, data, datasize))
link = ResEntry.unpack_from(binary, link).offsetToNext
return offsets
def sanitize_macroman(binary):
string = binary.decode('mac_roman')
string = ''.join(c if c.isalpha() or c.isdigit() else '_' for c in string)
return string
def express_macroman(binary):
return repr(binary)[1:]
accum = ''
for b in binary:
if b == ord(' '):
accum += '\\ '
elif b < 128 and chr(b).isprintable() and not chr(b).isspace():
accum += chr(b)
accum += '\\x%02X' % b
return accum
def quodec(binary):
return shlex.quote(binary.decode('mac_roman'))
def ljustspc(s, n):
return (s + ' ').ljust(n)
def dump(binary, dest_dir):
if not is_supermario(binary): raise dispatcher.WrongFormat
os.makedirs(dest_dir, exist_ok=True)
with open(path.join(dest_dir, 'Romfile'), 'w') as f:
print(HEADER_COMMENT + '\n', file=f)
print('rom_size=%s\n' % hex(len(binary)), file=f)
header = SuperMarioHeader.unpack_from(binary)
main_code = clean_maincode(binary[:header.RomRsrc])
dispatcher.dump(main_code, path.join(dest_dir, 'MainCode'))
decldata = extract_decldata(binary)
if decldata:
dispatcher.dump(decldata, path.join(dest_dir, 'DeclData'))
# now for the tricky bit: resources :(
unavail_filenames = set(['', '.pef', '.pict'])
types_where_Main_should_be_in_filename = set()
known_forced_offsets = []
for i, (hoffset, doffset, dlen) in enumerate(extract_resource_offsets(binary)):
rsrc_dir = path.join(dest_dir, 'Rsrc')
os.makedirs(rsrc_dir, exist_ok=True)
data = binary[doffset:doffset+dlen]
entry = ResEntry.unpack_from(binary, hoffset)
offset_forced = False
if hoffset < doffset: # Either offset was forced, or previous forced offset caused fit problems
# Tricky guessing: check whether the data would have fit where the entry struct went
for known in known_forced_offsets:
if hoffset <= known < hoffset + 16 + dlen:
offset_forced = True
if offset_forced:
known_forced_offsets.append(doffset - 16)
# mmhead = FakeMMHeader.unpack_from(binary, doffset - 16)
# assert mmhead.MagicKurt == b'Kurt'
# assert mmhead.MagicC0A00000 == 0xC0A00000
report_combo_field = COMBO_FIELDS.get(entry.combo, '0b' + bin(entry.combo >> 56)[2:].zfill(8))
if entry.rsrcName == b'%A5Init':
# create a friendly ascii filename for the resource
filename = '%s_%d' % (sanitize_macroman(entry.rsrcType), entry.rsrcID)
if entry.rsrcName != b'Main' or entry.rsrcType in types_where_Main_should_be_in_filename:
filename += '_' + sanitize_macroman(entry.rsrcName)
if report_combo_field != 'AllCombos':
filename += '_' + report_combo_field.replace('AppleTalk', 'AT')
filename = filename.strip('_')
while '__' in filename: filename = filename.replace('__', '_')
if data.startswith(b'Joy!peff'): filename += '.pef'
if entry.rsrcType == b'PICT': filename += '.pict'
while filename in unavail_filenames: filename = '_' + filename
with open(path.join(rsrc_dir, filename), 'wb') as f2:
filename = path.join('Rsrc', filename)
# Now, just need to dream up a data format
report = ''
report = ljustspc(report + 'type=' + quodec(entry.rsrcType), 12)
report = ljustspc(report + 'id=' + str(entry.rsrcID), 24)
report = ljustspc(report + 'name=' + quodec(entry.rsrcName), 48)
report = ljustspc(report + 'src=' + shlex.quote(filename), 84)
if report_combo_field != 'AllCombos':
report = ljustspc(report + 'combo=' + report_combo_field, 0)
if offset_forced:
report = ljustspc(report + 'offset=0x%X' % (doffset - 16), 0)
report = report.rstrip()
print(report, file=f)