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Getting started with

Mini vMac

First, if you have not already done so, download a standard variation, choosing the appropriate version of Mini vMac for your operating system. If your web browser doesn’t automatically expand it, do so manually.

Next you will need a ROM image file from a Macintosh Plus. This file should be named “vMac.ROM”. A utility such as “CopyRoms” can be used to obtain this file from your Macintosh Plus. (If you don’t have a Macintosh Plus, you could check the “Where to buy an old Macintosh” page.) (And before you ask, the FAQ page has a section about ROM images.)

Next, you will need a bootable disk image for the Macintosh Plus. You can download the two System 6.0.8 install disks from Apple: “SSW_6.0.8-1.4MB_Disk1of2.sea.bin” and “SSW_6.0.8-1.4MB_Disk2of2.sea.bin”.

Use any modern version of the program Stuffit Expander (now from Smith Micro Inc.) to get the disk image “System Startup” from “SSW_6.0.8-1.4MB_Disk1of2.sea.bin”. (If you can't use Stuffit Expander, or don't wish to install it, see the Alternatives page.)

Now launch Mini vMac. For most operating systems, you can double click on the application’s icon.

Unless Mini vMac finds the ROM image file in one of the places it looks, it will display this message in the new window it opens:

waiting for ROM

To get past this, drag the icon of your ROM image file, “vMac.ROM”, onto the Mini vMac window.

The Mini vMac window should fill with a gray pattern, with a picture of a floppy disk in the center, with a blinking question mark on it:

blinking question mark

Drag the icon of your bootable disk image, “System Startup”, onto the Mini vMac window. The emulated computer should boot from this image, starting up the Finder, with a menu bar at the top of the emulated screen:

System 6

When you’re done looking at this, choose the “Shut Down” command from the “Special” menu on the emulated screen:

Shut Down

Then click on the close box of the Mini vMac window to quit the application.


Next - Using Mini vMac

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copyright (c) 2017 Paul C. Pratt - last update 7/19/2017