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<title> Download Mini vMac 36.04 </title>
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<h2 align=center>
<h3 align=center>
Mini vMac 36.04 (Stable)
This is the stable branch. Downloads are also available for other
<a href="branch.html">branches of Mini vMac</a>.
<p> <b> Recent update! </b> The
<a href="../../c/minivmac/change/v36.html">Mini vMac 36 changes</a>
page lists what is new. In case of serious problems
<a href="../../c/minivmac/old.html">Mini vMac 3.5.8</a> is
still available. Please
<a href="../../c/feedback.html">report to me</a>
any problems.
<a href="dnld_std.html">Download Standard Variations</a>
For emulating a Macintosh Plus, with an English user interface,
for various platforms.
<a href="var/mnvm0159.html">Mini vMac Variations Service</a>
. . . try it out!
There are many other possible variations, emulating other Macintosh
models, other screen sizes, using other languages for the user
interface, and much more. The Variations Service can compile
the variations you desire.
<a href="https://www.gryphel.com/d/minivmac/minivmac-36.04/minivmac-36.04.src.tgz">Download Source Code</a>
Or, you can compile variations yourself from the source, following
instructions in the
<a href="build.html">Building Mini vMac</a>
<a href="dnld_mii.html">Download Macintosh II Variations</a>
The most popular nonstandard variation, using the
“-m II” build option.
<a href="dnld_128.html">Download Macintosh 128K Variations</a>
Emulate the original Macintosh, using the
“-m 128K” build option.
<a href="https://www.gryphel.com/d/minivmac/md5.txt">MD5 Checksums</a>
You can use these checksums to verify that files downloaded
correctly. They are signed with
<a href="https://www.gryphel.com/c/keys/k5.html">Gryphel Key 5</a>.
I provide versions of Mini vMac compiled for various platforms.
There are also
<a href="ports.html">ports by other people</a>
to additional platforms.
<p> : </p>
<p> If you find Mini vMac useful, please consider
<a href="https://www.gryphel.com/c/help/index.html">helping the Gryphel Project</A>,
of which it is a part. </p>
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<p> Next - <b><a href="start.html">Getting Started</a></b> </p>
<i> <a href="https://www.gryphel.com/index.html">www.gryphel.com</a>/c/<a href="index.html">minivmac</a>/download
- <a href="https://www.gryphel.com/c/feedback.html">feedback</a> </i>
copyright (c) 2018 Paul C. Pratt - last update 10/29/2018