mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 15:29:10 +00:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
## [2.0] - 2017-05-10
### Added
- Support PyQt5 if available.
- Sets title from original one.
- Returns server errors as is.
- Download non-HTML files as is.
- For JavaScript capable browsers detect and automatically set view width.
- Add support for configuring which image format to use.
- Added support for PythonMagick. If found, allows to dither, color-reduce, or convert to grayscale or monochrome.
- If PythonMagick is found, render as PNG and convert to user-requested format using it, for better quality.
### Changed
- Support www prepented to http://wrp.stop command.
### Fixed
- Prevent python crashes with non-ASCII character in URLs.
## [1.4] - 2017-01-22
### Added
- Suport for ISMAP on Linux.
- Use queues instead of globals in Linux.
## [1.3] - 2017-01-21
### Changed
- Merged mac OS and Linux in a single executable.
- Use queues instead of globals in Linux.
### Fixed
- Call PyQt to close application on http://wrp.stop
## [1.2] - 2016-12-27
### Added
- Support for IMAP on mac OS.
### Changed
- Use queues instead of globals in mac OS.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
all: linux freebsd openbsd macos windows rpi
GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -a -o wrp-linux wrp.go
GOOS=freebsd GOARCH=amd64 go build -a -o wrp-freebsd wrp.go
GOOS=openbsd GOARCH=amd64 go build -a -o wrp-openbsd wrp.go
GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 go build -a -o wrp-macos wrp.go
GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -a -o wrp-windows.exe wrp.go
GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm go build -a -o wrp-linux-rpi wrp.go
rm -rf wrp-linux wrp-freebsd wrp-openbsd wrp-macos wrp-windows.exe wrp-linux-rpi
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
# WRP - Web Rendering Proxy
A HTTP proxy server that allows to use historical and obsolete web browsers on the modern web. It works by rendering the web page in to a GIF image associated with clickable imagemap of original web links.
## Current Status
* This is the new GoLang/ChdomeDP version.
* It's still lacking some features of the [older version](/old) (eg real http proxy mode and image manipulation) but it surpases it in terms of stability and usability.
* It's beta quality but I can fix/maintain the code unlike the older version.
## Todo
* Configurable color palete and quantization.
* Real http proxy support via [goproxy](https://github.com/elazarl/goproxy) - if you really need a real proxy for now try [old/](/old) version.
* Padded box model coordinates.
* Input boxes support. However today you can cheat by using headed mode and input your data on the WRP server.
## Usage
1. [Download a WRP binary](https://github.com/tenox7/wrp/releases) and run on a server/gateway.
2. Point your legacy browser to the IP address:port of WRP server.
3. Type a search string or a http/https URL and click Go.
4. Adjust your screen width/heigh/scale to fit in your old browser.
5. For very very very old browsers such as Mosaic 2.x and IBM WebExplorer 1.x check the I checkbox to enable ISMAP mode. However this normally should not be needed.
6. Scroll web page by clicking Up/Down. To go to top enter 0 and click Go.
## Flags
-l listen address:port, default :8080
-h headed mode, display browser window
-d chromedp debug logging
## More info and screenshots
* http://virtuallyfun.superglobalmegacorp.com/2014/03/11/web-rendering-proxy-update/
* http://virtuallyfun.superglobalmegacorp.com/2014/03/03/surfing-modern-web-with-ancient-browsers/
wrp.py → old/wrp.py
Executable file → Normal file
wrp.py → old/wrp.py
Executable file → Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
// WRP - Web Rendering Proxy
// Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Antoni Sawicki
// Copyright (c) 2019 Google LLC
package main
import (
_ "image"
// Ismap for server side processing
type Ismap struct {
xmin int64
ymin int64
xmax int64
ymax int64
url string
var (
version = "3.0"
ctx context.Context
cancel context.CancelFunc
gifmap = make(map[string]bytes.Buffer)
ismap = make(map[string][]Ismap)
func pageServer(out http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
u := req.FormValue("url")
var istr string
var ion string
var i bool
if req.FormValue("i") == "on" {
istr = "CHECKED"
i = true
ion = "&i=on"
} else {
istr = ""
i = false
p, _ := strconv.ParseInt(req.FormValue("p"), 10, 64)
if req.FormValue("pg") == "Dn" {
} else if req.FormValue("pg") == "Up" {
} else {
p = 0
w, _ := strconv.ParseInt(req.FormValue("w"), 10, 64)
if w < 10 {
w = 1024
h, _ := strconv.ParseInt(req.FormValue("h"), 10, 64)
if h < 10 {
h = 768
s, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(req.FormValue("s"), 64)
if s < 0.1 {
s = 1.0
c, _ := strconv.ParseInt(req.FormValue("c"), 10, 64)
if c < 2 || c > 256 {
c = 256
log.Printf("%s Page Reqest for url=\"%s\" [%s]\n", req.RemoteAddr, u, req.URL.Path)
out.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html")
fmt.Fprintf(out, "<!-- Web Rendering Proxy Version %s -->\n", version)
fmt.Fprintf(out, "<HTML>\n<HEAD><TITLE>WRP %s</TITLE></HEAD>\n<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#F0F0F0\">\n", u)
fmt.Fprintf(out, "<FORM ACTION=\"/\"><INPUT TYPE=\"TEXT\" NAME=\"url\" VALUE=\"%s\" SIZE=\"20\">", u)
fmt.Fprintf(out, "<INPUT TYPE=\"SUBMIT\" VALUE=\"Go\"> \n")
fmt.Fprintf(out, "<INPUT TYPE=\"SUBMIT\" NAME=\"pg\" VALUE=\"Up\"> \n")
fmt.Fprintf(out, "<INPUT TYPE=\"TEXT\" NAME=\"p\" VALUE=\"%d\" SIZE=\"2\"> \n", p)
fmt.Fprintf(out, "<INPUT TYPE=\"SUBMIT\" NAME=\"pg\" VALUE=\"Dn\"> \n")
fmt.Fprintf(out, "I <INPUT TYPE=\"CHECKBOX\" NAME=\"i\" %s> \n", istr)
fmt.Fprintf(out, "W <INPUT TYPE=\"TEXT\" NAME=\"w\" VALUE=\"%d\" SIZE=\"4\"> \n", w)
fmt.Fprintf(out, "H <INPUT TYPE=\"TEXT\" NAME=\"h\" VALUE=\"%d\" SIZE=\"4\"> \n", h)
fmt.Fprintf(out, "S <INPUT TYPE=\"TEXT\" NAME=\"s\" VALUE=\"%1.2f\" SIZE=\"3\"> \n", s)
fmt.Fprintf(out, "C <INPUT TYPE=\"TEXT\" NAME=\"c\" VALUE=\"%d\" SIZE=\"3\"> \n", c)
fmt.Fprintf(out, "</FORM><BR>\n")
if len(u) > 1 {
if strings.HasPrefix(u, "http") {
capture(u, w, h, s, int(c), p, i, req.RemoteAddr, out)
} else {
capture(fmt.Sprintf("http://www.google.com/search?q=%s", url.QueryEscape(u)), w, h, s, int(c), p, i, req.RemoteAddr, out)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "No URL or search query specified")
fmt.Fprintf(out, "\n<P><A HREF=\"/?url=https://github.com/tenox7/wrp/&w=%d&h=%d&s=%1.2f&c=%d%s\">Web Rendering Proxy Version %s</A></BODY>\n</HTML>\n", w, h, s, c, ion, version)
func imgServer(out http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
log.Printf("%s IMG Request for %s\n", req.RemoteAddr, req.URL.Path)
gifbuf, ok := gifmap[req.URL.Path]
if !ok || gifbuf.Bytes() == nil {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "Unable to find image %s\n", req.URL.Path)
log.Printf("Unable to find image %s\n", req.URL.Path)
defer delete(gifmap, req.URL.Path)
out.Header().Set("Content-Type", "image/gif")
out.Header().Set("Content-Length", strconv.Itoa(len(gifbuf.Bytes())))
func mapServer(out http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
log.Printf("%s ISMAP Request for %s [%+v]\n", req.RemoteAddr, req.URL.Path, req.URL.RawQuery)
var loc string
var x, y int64
n, err := fmt.Sscanf(req.URL.RawQuery, "%d,%d", &x, &y)
if err != nil || n != 2 {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "n=%d, err=%s\n", n, err)
log.Printf("%s ISMAP n=%d, err=%s\n", req.RemoteAddr, n, err)
is, ok := ismap[req.URL.Path]
if !ok || is == nil {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "Unable to find map %s\n", req.URL.Path)
log.Printf("Unable to find map %s\n", req.URL.Path)
defer delete(ismap, req.URL.Path)
for _, i := range is {
if x >= i.xmin && x <= i.xmax && y >= i.ymin && y <= i.ymax {
loc = i.url
if len(loc) < 1 {
loc = is[0].url
log.Printf("%s ISMAP Redirect to: http://%s%s\n", req.RemoteAddr, req.Context().Value(http.LocalAddrContextKey), loc)
http.Redirect(out, req, fmt.Sprintf("http://%s%s", req.Context().Value(http.LocalAddrContextKey), loc), 301)
func capture(gourl string, w int64, h int64, s float64, co int, p int64, i bool, c string, out http.ResponseWriter) {
var nodes []*cdp.Node
ctxx := chromedp.FromContext(ctx)
var pngbuf []byte
var gifbuf bytes.Buffer
var loc string
var res *runtime.RemoteObject
is := make([]Ismap, 0)
var ion string
log.Printf("%s Processing Caputure Request for %s\n", c, gourl)
// Run ChromeDP Magic
err := chromedp.Run(ctx,
emulation.SetDeviceMetricsOverride(int64(float64(w)/s), int64(float64(h)/s), s, false),
chromedp.Evaluate(fmt.Sprintf("window.scrollTo(0, %d);", p*int64(float64(h)*float64(0.9))), &res),
chromedp.Nodes("a", &nodes, chromedp.ByQueryAll))
if err != nil {
log.Printf("%s %s", c, err)
fmt.Fprintf(out, "<BR>%s<BR>", err)
log.Printf("%s Landed on: %s, Nodes: %d\n", c, loc, len(nodes))
// Process Screenshot Image
bytes.NewReader(pngbuf).Seek(0, 0)
img, err := png.Decode(bytes.NewReader(pngbuf))
if err != nil {
log.Printf("%s Failed to decode screenshot: %s\n", c, err)
fmt.Fprintf(out, "<BR>Unable to decode page screenshot:<BR>%s<BR>\n", err)
err = gif.Encode(&gifbuf, img, &gif.Options{NumColors: co})
if err != nil {
log.Printf("%s Failed to encode GIF: %s\n", c, err)
fmt.Fprintf(out, "<BR>Unable to encode GIF:<BR>%s<BR>\n", err)
seq := rand.Intn(9999)
imgpath := fmt.Sprintf("/img/%04d.gif", seq)
mappath := fmt.Sprintf("/map/%04d.map", seq)
log.Printf("%s Encoded GIF image: %s, Size: %dKB\n", c, imgpath, len(gifbuf.Bytes())/1024)
gifmap[imgpath] = gifbuf
// Process Nodes
base, _ := url.Parse(loc)
if i {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "<A HREF=\"%s\"><IMG SRC=\"%s\" ALT=\"wrp\" BORDER=\"0\" ISMAP></A>", mappath, imgpath)
is = append(is, Ismap{xmin: -1, xmax: -1, ymin: -1, ymax: -1, url: fmt.Sprintf("/?url=%s&w=%d&h=%d&s=%1.2f&c=%d&i=on", loc, w, h, s, co)})
ion = "&i=on"
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "<IMG SRC=\"%s\" ALT=\"wrp\" BORDER=\"0\" USEMAP=\"#map\">\n<MAP NAME=\"map\">\n", imgpath)
for _, n := range nodes {
b, err := dom.GetBoxModel().WithNodeID(n.NodeID).Do(cdp.WithExecutor(ctx, ctxx.Target))
if err != nil {
tgt, err := base.Parse(n.AttributeValue("href"))
if err != nil {
target := fmt.Sprintf("/?url=%s&w=%d&h=%d&s=%1.2f&c=%d%s", tgt, w, h, s, co, ion) // no page# here
if len(b.Content) > 6 && len(target) > 7 {
if i {
is = append(is, Ismap{
xmin: int64(b.Content[0] * s), ymin: int64(b.Content[1] * s),
xmax: int64(b.Content[4] * s), ymax: int64(b.Content[5] * s),
url: target})
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "<AREA SHAPE=\"RECT\" COORDS=\"%.f,%.f,%.f,%.f\" ALT=\"%s\" TITLE=\"%s\" HREF=\"%s\">\n",
b.Content[0]*s, b.Content[1]*s, b.Content[4]*s, b.Content[5]*s, n.AttributeValue("href"), n.AttributeValue("href"), target)
if i {
log.Printf("%s Encoded ISMAP %s\n", c, mappath)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "</MAP>\n")
log.Printf("%s Done with caputure for %s\n", c, gourl)
ismap[mappath] = is
func main() {
var addr string
var head, headless bool
var debug bool
flag.StringVar(&addr, "l", ":8080", "Listen address:port, default :8080")
flag.BoolVar(&head, "h", false, "Headed mode - display browser window")
flag.BoolVar(&debug, "d", false, "Debug ChromeDP")
if head {
headless = false
} else {
headless = true
opts := append(chromedp.DefaultExecAllocatorOptions[:],
chromedp.Flag("headless", headless),
actx, cancel := chromedp.NewExecAllocator(context.Background(), opts...)
defer cancel()
if debug {
ctx, cancel = chromedp.NewContext(actx, chromedp.WithDebugf(log.Printf))
} else {
ctx, cancel = chromedp.NewContext(actx)
defer cancel()
http.HandleFunc("/", pageServer)
http.HandleFunc("/img/", imgServer)
http.HandleFunc("/map/", mapServer)
http.HandleFunc("/favicon.ico", http.NotFound)
log.Printf("Web Rendering Proxy Version %s\n", version)
log.Printf("Starting WRP http server on %s\n", addr)
http.ListenAndServe(addr, nil)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user