// WRP ISMAP / ChromeDP routines package main import ( "bytes" "context" "fmt" "image" "image/gif" "image/jpeg" "image/png" "io" "log" "math" "math/rand" "net/http" "strconv" "strings" "time" "github.com/chromedp/cdproto/css" "github.com/chromedp/cdproto/emulation" "github.com/chromedp/cdproto/input" "github.com/chromedp/cdproto/page" "github.com/chromedp/chromedp" ) func chromedpStart() (context.CancelFunc, context.CancelFunc) { opts := append(chromedp.DefaultExecAllocatorOptions[:], chromedp.Flag("headless", *headless), chromedp.Flag("hide-scrollbars", false), chromedp.Flag("enable-automation", false), chromedp.Flag("disable-blink-features", "AutomationControlled"), ) if *userAgent != "" { opts = append(opts, chromedp.UserAgent(*userAgent)) } actx, acncl = chromedp.NewExecAllocator(context.Background(), opts...) ctx, cncl = chromedp.NewContext(actx) return cncl, acncl } // Determine what action to take func (rq *wrpReq) action() chromedp.Action { // Mouse Click if rq.mouseX > 0 && rq.mouseY > 0 { log.Printf("%s Mouse Click %d,%d\n", rq.r.RemoteAddr, rq.mouseX, rq.mouseY) return chromedp.MouseClickXY(float64(rq.mouseX)/float64(rq.zoom), float64(rq.mouseY)/float64(rq.zoom)) } // Buttons if len(rq.buttons) > 0 { log.Printf("%s Button %v\n", rq.r.RemoteAddr, rq.buttons) switch rq.buttons { case "Bk": return chromedp.NavigateBack() case "St": return chromedp.Stop() case "Re": return chromedp.Reload() case "Bs": return chromedp.KeyEvent("\b") case "Rt": return chromedp.KeyEvent("\r") case "<": return chromedp.KeyEvent("\u0302") case "^": return chromedp.KeyEvent("\u0304") case "v": return chromedp.KeyEvent("\u0301") case ">": return chromedp.KeyEvent("\u0303") case "Up": return chromedp.KeyEvent("\u0308") case "Dn": return chromedp.KeyEvent("\u0307") case "All": // Select all return chromedp.KeyEvent("a", chromedp.KeyModifiers(input.ModifierCtrl)) } } // Keys if len(rq.keys) > 0 { log.Printf("%s Sending Keys: %#v\n", rq.r.RemoteAddr, rq.keys) return chromedp.KeyEvent(rq.keys) } // Navigate to URL log.Printf("%s Processing Navigate Request for %s\n", rq.r.RemoteAddr, rq.url) return chromedp.Navigate(rq.url) } // Navigate to the desired URL. func (rq *wrpReq) navigate() { ctxErr(chromedp.Run(ctx, rq.action()), rq.w) } // Handle context errors func ctxErr(err error, w io.Writer) { // TODO: callers should have retry logic, perhaps create another function // that takes ...chromedp.Action and retries with give up if err == nil { return } log.Printf("Context error: %s", err) fmt.Fprintf(w, "Context error: %s
\n", err) if err.Error() != "context canceled" { return } ctx, cncl = chromedp.NewContext(actx) log.Printf("Created new context, try again") fmt.Fprintln(w, "Created new context, try again") } // https://github.com/chromedp/chromedp/issues/979 func chromedpCaptureScreenshot(res *[]byte, h int64) chromedp.Action { if res == nil { panic("res cannot be nil") // TODO: do not panic here, return error } if h == 0 { return chromedp.CaptureScreenshot(res) } return chromedp.ActionFunc(func(ctx context.Context) error { var err error *res, err = page.CaptureScreenshot().Do(ctx) return err }) } // Capture Screenshot using CDP func (rq *wrpReq) captureScreenshot() { var styles []*css.ComputedStyleProperty var r, g, b int var bgColorSet bool var h int64 var pngCap []byte chromedp.Run(ctx, emulation.SetDeviceMetricsOverride(int64(float64(rq.width)/rq.zoom), 10, rq.zoom, false), chromedp.Location(&rq.url), chromedp.ComputedStyle("body", &styles, chromedp.ByQuery), chromedp.ActionFunc(func(ctx context.Context) error { _, _, _, _, _, s, err := page.GetLayoutMetrics().Do(ctx) if err == nil { h = int64(math.Ceil(s.Height)) } return nil }), ) log.Printf("%s Landed on: %s, Height: %v\n", rq.r.RemoteAddr, rq.url, h) for _, style := range styles { if style.Name != "background-color" { continue } fmt.Sscanf(style.Value, "rgb(%d,%d,%d)", &r, &g, &b) bgColorSet = true break } if !bgColorSet { r = 255 g = 255 b = 255 } height := int64(float64(rq.height) / rq.zoom) if rq.height == 0 && h > 0 { height = h + 30 } chromedp.Run( ctx, emulation.SetDeviceMetricsOverride(int64(float64(rq.width)/rq.zoom), height, rq.zoom, false), chromedp.Sleep(*delay), // TODO(tenox): find a better way to determine if page is rendered ) // Capture screenshot... ctxErr(chromedp.Run(ctx, chromedpCaptureScreenshot(&pngCap, rq.height)), rq.w) seq := rand.Intn(9999) imgPath := fmt.Sprintf("/img/%04d.%s", seq, rq.imgType) mapPath := fmt.Sprintf("/map/%04d.map", seq) ismap[mapPath] = *rq var sSize string var iW, iH int switch rq.imgType { case "png": pngBuf := bytes.NewBuffer(pngCap) img[imgPath] = *pngBuf cfg, _, _ := image.DecodeConfig(pngBuf) sSize = fmt.Sprintf("%.0f KB", float32(len(pngBuf.Bytes()))/1024.0) iW = cfg.Width iH = cfg.Height log.Printf("%s Got PNG image: %s, Size: %s, Res: %dx%d\n", rq.r.RemoteAddr, imgPath, sSize, iW, iH) case "gif": i, err := png.Decode(bytes.NewReader(pngCap)) if err != nil { log.Printf("%s Failed to decode PNG screenshot: %s\n", rq.r.RemoteAddr, err) fmt.Fprintf(rq.w, "
Unable to decode page PNG screenshot:
\n", err) return } st := time.Now() var gifBuf bytes.Buffer err = gif.Encode(&gifBuf, gifPalette(i, rq.imgOpt), &gif.Options{}) if err != nil { log.Printf("%s Failed to encode GIF: %s\n", rq.r.RemoteAddr, err) fmt.Fprintf(rq.w, "
Unable to encode GIF:
\n", err) return } img[imgPath] = gifBuf sSize = fmt.Sprintf("%.0f KB", float32(len(gifBuf.Bytes()))/1024.0) iW = i.Bounds().Max.X iH = i.Bounds().Max.Y log.Printf("%s Encoded GIF image: %s, Size: %s, Colors: %d, Res: %dx%d, Time: %vms\n", rq.r.RemoteAddr, imgPath, sSize, rq.imgOpt, iW, iH, time.Since(st).Milliseconds()) case "jpg": i, err := png.Decode(bytes.NewReader(pngCap)) if err != nil { log.Printf("%s Failed to decode PNG screenshot: %s\n", rq.r.RemoteAddr, err) fmt.Fprintf(rq.w, "
Unable to decode page PNG screenshot:
\n", err) return } st := time.Now() var jpgBuf bytes.Buffer err = jpeg.Encode(&jpgBuf, i, &jpeg.Options{Quality: *jpgQual}) if err != nil { log.Printf("%s Failed to encode JPG: %s\n", rq.r.RemoteAddr, err) fmt.Fprintf(rq.w, "
Unable to encode JPG:
\n", err) return } img[imgPath] = jpgBuf sSize = fmt.Sprintf("%.0f KB", float32(len(jpgBuf.Bytes()))/1024.0) iW = i.Bounds().Max.X iH = i.Bounds().Max.Y log.Printf("%s Encoded JPG image: %s, Size: %s, Quality: %d, Res: %dx%d, Time: %vms\n", rq.r.RemoteAddr, imgPath, sSize, *jpgQual, iW, iH, time.Since(st).Milliseconds()) } rq.printUI(uiParams{ bgColor: fmt.Sprintf("#%02X%02X%02X", r, g, b), pageHeight: fmt.Sprintf("%d PX", h), imgSize: sSize, imgURL: imgPath, mapURL: mapPath, imgWidth: iW, imgHeight: iH, }) log.Printf("%s Done with capture for %s\n", rq.r.RemoteAddr, rq.url) } func mapServer(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { log.Printf("%s ISMAP Request for %s [%+v]\n", r.RemoteAddr, r.URL.Path, r.URL.RawQuery) rq, ok := ismap[r.URL.Path] rq.r = r rq.w = w if !ok { fmt.Fprintf(w, "Unable to find map %s\n", r.URL.Path) log.Printf("Unable to find map %s\n", r.URL.Path) return } if !*noDel { defer delete(ismap, r.URL.Path) } n, err := fmt.Sscanf(r.URL.RawQuery, "%d,%d", &rq.mouseX, &rq.mouseY) if err != nil || n != 2 { fmt.Fprintf(w, "n=%d, err=%s\n", n, err) log.Printf("%s ISMAP n=%d, err=%s\n", r.RemoteAddr, n, err) return } log.Printf("%s WrpReq from ISMAP: %+v\n", r.RemoteAddr, rq) if len(rq.url) < 4 { rq.printUI(uiParams{bgColor: "#FFFFFF"}) return } rq.navigate() // TODO: if error from navigate do not capture rq.captureScreenshot() } // TODO: merge this with html mode IMGZ func imgServerMap(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { log.Printf("%s IMG Request for %s\n", r.RemoteAddr, r.URL.Path) imgBuf, ok := img[r.URL.Path] if !ok || imgBuf.Bytes() == nil { fmt.Fprintf(w, "Unable to find image %s\n", r.URL.Path) log.Printf("%s Unable to find image %s\n", r.RemoteAddr, r.URL.Path) return } if !*noDel { defer delete(img, r.URL.Path) } switch { case strings.HasSuffix(r.URL.Path, ".gif"): w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "image/gif") case strings.HasSuffix(r.URL.Path, ".png"): w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "image/png") case strings.HasSuffix(r.URL.Path, ".jpg"): w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "image/jpeg") } w.Header().Set("Content-Length", strconv.Itoa(len(imgBuf.Bytes()))) w.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "max-age=0") w.Header().Set("Expires", "-1") w.Header().Set("Pragma", "no-cache") w.Write(imgBuf.Bytes()) w.(http.Flusher).Flush() }