#!/usr/bin/env python # webrender.py - recursively render web pages to a gif+imagemap of clickable links # caveat: this script requires to be run as a regular user and cannot run as a daemon # from apache cgi-bin, you can use python built in http server instead # usage: # create cgi-bin directory, copy webrender.py to cgi-bin and chmod 755 # python -m CGIHTTPServer 8000 # navigate web browser to http://x.x.x.x:8000/cgi-bin/webrender.py # the webrender-xxx.gif images are created in the CWD of the http server __version__ = "1.0" # # This program is based on the software picidae.py 1.0 from http://www.picidae.net # It was modified by Antoni Sawicki # # This program is based on the software webkit2png 0.4 from Paul Hammond. # It was extended by picidae.net # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. try: import sys import os import glob import random import Foundation import WebKit import AppKit import objc import string import urllib import socket import cgi import cgitb; cgitb.enable() # for trubleshooting except ImportError: print "Cannot find pyobjc library files. Are you sure it is installed?" sys.exit() from optparse import OptionParser class AppDelegate (Foundation.NSObject): # what happens when the app starts up def applicationDidFinishLaunching_(self, aNotification): webview = aNotification.object().windows()[0].contentView() webview.frameLoadDelegate().getURL(webview) class WebkitLoad (Foundation.NSObject, WebKit.protocols.WebFrameLoadDelegate): # what happens if something goes wrong while loading def webView_didFailLoadWithError_forFrame_(self,webview,error,frame): print " ... something went wrong 1: " + error.localizedDescription() self.getURL(webview) def webView_didFailProvisionalLoadWithError_forFrame_(self,webview,error,frame): print " ... something went wrong 2: " + error.localizedDescription() self.getURL(webview) def getURL(self,webview): if self.urls: if self.urls[0] == '-': url = sys.stdin.readline().rstrip() if not url: AppKit.NSApplication.sharedApplication().terminate_(None) else: url = self.urls.pop(0) else: AppKit.NSApplication.sharedApplication().terminate_(None) self.resetWebview(webview) webview.mainFrame().loadRequest_(Foundation.NSURLRequest.requestWithURL_(Foundation.NSURL.URLWithString_(url))) if not webview.mainFrame().provisionalDataSource(): print "" self.getURL(webview) def resetWebview(self,webview): rect = Foundation.NSMakeRect(0,0,1024,768) webview.window().setContentSize_((1024,768)) webview.setFrame_(rect) def resizeWebview(self,view): view.window().display() view.window().setContentSize_(view.bounds().size) view.setFrame_(view.bounds()) def captureView(self,view): view.lockFocus() bitmapdata = AppKit.NSBitmapImageRep.alloc() bitmapdata.initWithFocusedViewRect_(view.bounds()) view.unlockFocus() return bitmapdata # what happens when the page has finished loading def webView_didFinishLoadForFrame_(self,webview,frame): # don't care about subframes if (frame == webview.mainFrame()): view = frame.frameView().documentView() self.resizeWebview(view) URL = frame.dataSource().initialRequest().URL().absoluteString() for fl in glob.glob("webrender-*.gif"): os.remove(fl) GIF = "webrender-%s.gif" % (random.randrange(0,1000)) bitmapdata = self.captureView(view) bitmapdata.representationUsingType_properties_(AppKit.NSGIFFileType,None).writeToFile_atomically_(GIF,objc.YES) myurl = "http://%s:%s%s" % (socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()), os.getenv("SERVER_PORT"), os.getenv("SCRIPT_NAME")) print "Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\n" print "" print "Webrender - %s" % (URL) print "
" % (myurl) print "" % (URL) print "" print "
" print "
" % (myurl) print "" print "" print "
" print "\"webrender\"" % (GIF) # Analyse HTML and get links print ""; domdocument = frame.DOMDocument() domnodelist = domdocument.getElementsByTagName_('A') i = 0 while i < domnodelist.length(): # linkvalue value = domnodelist.item_(i).valueForKey_('href') # position-rect myrect = domnodelist.item_(i).boundingBox() xmin = Foundation.NSMinX(myrect) ymin = Foundation.NSMinY(myrect) xmax = Foundation.NSMaxX(myrect) ymax = Foundation.NSMaxY(myrect) # print Link escval = string.replace( string.replace(value, "?", "TNXQUE"), "&", "TNXAMP" ) print "\"\"" % (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, myurl, escval) i += 1 print "" print "" self.getURL(webview) def main(): # obtain url from cgi input form = cgi.FieldStorage() rawurl = form.getfirst("url", "http://www.google.com") rawsearch = form.getfirst("search") if rawsearch: url = "http://www.google.com/search?q=%s" % (rawsearch) else: url = string.replace( string.replace(rawurl, "TNXAMP", "&"), "TNXQUE", "?") AppKit.NSApplicationLoad(); app = AppKit.NSApplication.sharedApplication() # create an app delegate delegate = AppDelegate.alloc().init() AppKit.NSApp().setDelegate_(delegate) # create a window rect = Foundation.NSMakeRect(-16000,-16000,100,100) win = AppKit.NSWindow.alloc() win.initWithContentRect_styleMask_backing_defer_ (rect, AppKit.NSBorderlessWindowMask, 2, 0) # create a webview object webview = WebKit.WebView.alloc() webview.initWithFrame_(rect) # turn off scrolling so the content is actually x wide and not x-15 webview.mainFrame().frameView().setAllowsScrolling_(objc.NO) # add the webview to the window win.setContentView_(webview) # create a LoadDelegate loaddelegate = WebkitLoad.alloc().init() loaddelegate.options = [""] loaddelegate.urls = [url] webview.setFrameLoadDelegate_(loaddelegate) app.run() if __name__ == '__main__' : main()