Simple Arduino-based EEPROM programmer
Updated 2024-05-17 16:46:51 +00:00
Web Rendering Proxy: Use vintage, historical, legacy browsers on modern web
Updated 2024-07-14 21:54:31 +00:00
Jeroen/Spritesmods "macusbfb" LPC1343 firmware for Macintosh 9" CRT driver board
Updated 2017-04-17 18:43:10 +00:00
ATX mod for the Macintosh Quadra 900/950
Updated 2023-03-12 14:52:20 +00:00
Serial breakout for several Power Macintosh models
Updated 2021-09-14 01:27:31 +00:00
HFS is the “Hierarchical File System,” the native volume format used on modern Macintosh computers. hfsutils is the name of a comprehensive software package being developed to permit manipulation of HFS volumes from UNIX and other systems.
Updated 2018-01-18 04:36:18 +00:00
Contains reference design PCBs and 3D models to be used for other projects.
Updated 2022-02-07 01:59:19 +00:00
Microsoft BASIC for 6502 (Commodore, Apple, KIM-1, AIM-65, OSI, ...)
Updated 2024-02-17 08:13:20 +00:00
6502 enhanced BASIC unmodified source
Updated 2020-01-13 15:33:17 +00:00
high level programming language and compiler targeting 6502 machines such as the C-64 and CommanderX16
Updated 2024-07-24 20:51:49 +00:00
Millfork: a middle-level programming language targeting 6502- and Z80-based microcomputers and home consoles
Updated 2023-02-03 13:46:01 +00:00
Catakig is an emulator for the Apple II series of personal computers, supporting the Apple ][, ][+, //e, and //c models
Updated 2011-10-18 10:12:30 +00:00
Updated 2021-01-18 15:50:22 +00:00
Use a modern Apple IIe RAM card with a RamWorks-style RGB piggyback
Updated 2021-05-17 00:46:40 +00:00
Portable chess game in C. Commodore 64, Apple 2, Atari, Oric, Commander X16, curses terminal, etc.
Updated 2024-01-12 16:43:13 +00:00
Perl Modules and utilities for working with Apple II DOS 3.3 disk images.
Updated 2019-03-10 19:51:12 +00:00
Perl modules and utilities to access ProDOS volume disk images.
Updated 2019-03-12 20:00:17 +00:00
Creating a functional gate level Apple II from Apple II schematic. Using Xilinx 14.7 Schematic Entry. Making small test benches of module. Also manually entering 74series chips(gate level schemtic).
Updated 2019-04-28 06:53:31 +00:00
FIG Forth model for Apple II 6502
Updated 2018-05-08 06:47:49 +00:00
Collection of code for using an Apple ImageWriter II with a modern computer
Updated 2017-07-08 03:19:17 +00:00