Add RAM based ProDOS driver for testing

This commit is contained in:
Terence Boldt 2020-12-06 20:03:08 -05:00
parent 7acbbc1d26
commit 8dff6e4765
2 changed files with 367 additions and 0 deletions

Firmware/Driver.asm Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
; ProDOS Global Page
DeviceCount = $bf31 ;DEVICE COUNT -1
DeviceList = $bf32 ;DEVICE LIST
; ProDOS Zero Page
Command = $42 ;ProDOS Command
Unit = $43 ;ProDOS unit (SDDD0000)
BufferLo = $44
BufferHi = $45
BlockLo = $46
BlockHi = $47
; ProDOS Error Codes
IOError = $27
NoDevice = $28
WriteProtect = $2B
SlotDrive = $50
InputByte = $c0de
OutputByte = $c0dd
ReadBlockCommand = $01
WriteBlockCommand = $02
NibbleStorage = $1d
.org $1000
; Register the driver with ProDOS
lda #<Driver
sta Device2S1
lda #>Driver
sta Device2S1+1
; Add the drive to the device list
inc DeviceCount
lda DeviceCount
lda #SlotDrive
sta DeviceList,y
; ProDOS Driver code
; First check that this is the right drive
lda Unit
cmp #SlotDrive
beq DoCommand ;correct device, so proceed
sec ;set carry as ProDOS treats this as an error
lda #NoDevice ;put the error code in accumulator for ProDOS
; Check which command is being requested
lda Command
beq GetStatus ;0 = Status command
cmp #ReadBlockCommand
beq ReadBlock
cmp #WriteBlockCommand
beq WriteBlock
sec ;set carry as we don't support any other commands
lda #$53 ;Invalid parameter error
; ProDOS Status Command Handler
lda #$00 ;0 indicates ready to read/write
lda #$ff ;low byte number of blocks
lda #$ff ;high byte number of blocks
lda #$0 ;zero accumulator and clear carry for success
; ProDOS Read Block Command
lda #ReadBlockCommand
jsr SendCommand
lda BlockLo
jsr SendByte
lda BlockHi
jsr SendByte
ldy #$0
jsr read256
inc BufferHi
jsr read256
dec BufferHi
lda #$0 ;zero accumulator and clear carry for success
jsr GetByte
sta (BufferLo),y
bne read256
; ProDOS Write Block Command
lda #WriteBlockCommand
jsr SendCommand
lda BlockLo
jsr SendByte
lda BlockHi
jsr SendByte
ldy #$0
jsr write256
inc BufferHi
jsr write256
dec BufferHi
lda #$0 ;zero accumulator and clear carry for success
lda (BufferLo),y
jsr SendByte
bne write256
ora #$D0 ;Write Hi, Read Hi, Command Write Lo, Command Read Hi
sta OutputByte
lda InputByte
bmi commandWait
lda #$F0 ;set write/read/command flags high
sta OutputByte
jsr SendNibble
jsr SendNibble
and #$0F
ora #$70 ;Write bit low
lda InputByte
asl ;Second highest bit goes low when ready
bmi waitWrite
sta OutputByte
lda InputByte
bpl finishWrite
jsr GetNibble
sta NibbleStorage
jsr GetNibble
and #$0f
ora NibbleStorage
lda NibbleStorage
lda #$b0 ;set read flag low
sta OutputByte
lda InputByte
bmi waitRead
and #$f0 ;set all flags high
sta OutputByte

Firmware/Driver.lst Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
ca65 V2.18 - Ubuntu 2.18-1
Main file : Driver.asm
Current file: Driver.asm
000000r 1 ; ProDOS Global Page
000000r 1 Device2S1 = $bf14 ;POINTER FOR SLOT 2 DRIVE 1 DRIVER
000000r 1 DeviceCount = $bf31 ;DEVICE COUNT -1
000000r 1 DeviceList = $bf32 ;DEVICE LIST
000000r 1
000000r 1 ; ProDOS Zero Page
000000r 1 Command = $42 ;ProDOS Command
000000r 1 Unit = $43 ;ProDOS unit (SDDD0000)
000000r 1 BufferLo = $44
000000r 1 BufferHi = $45
000000r 1 BlockLo = $46
000000r 1 BlockHi = $47
000000r 1
000000r 1 ; ProDOS Error Codes
000000r 1 IOError = $27
000000r 1 NoDevice = $28
000000r 1 WriteProtect = $2B
000000r 1
000000r 1 SlotDrive = $50
000000r 1 InputByte = $c0de
000000r 1 OutputByte = $c0dd
000000r 1 ReadBlockCommand = $01
000000r 1 WriteBlockCommand = $02
000000r 1 NibbleStorage = $1d
000000r 1
000000r 1 .org $1000
001000 1
001000 1 ; Register the driver with ProDOS
001000 1 A9 16 lda #<Driver
001002 1 8D 14 BF sta Device2S1
001005 1 A9 10 lda #>Driver
001007 1 8D 15 BF sta Device2S1+1
00100A 1 ; Add the drive to the device list
00100A 1 EE 31 BF inc DeviceCount
00100D 1 AD 31 BF lda DeviceCount
001010 1 A9 50 lda #SlotDrive
001012 1 99 32 BF sta DeviceList,y
001015 1 60 rts
001016 1
001016 1 ; ProDOS Driver code
001016 1 ; First check that this is the right drive
001016 1 Driver:
001016 1 A5 43 lda Unit
001018 1 C9 50 cmp #SlotDrive
00101A 1 F0 04 beq DoCommand ;correct device, so proceed
00101C 1 38 sec ;set carry as ProDOS treats this as an error
00101D 1 A9 28 lda #NoDevice ;put the error code in accumulator for ProDOS
00101F 1 60 rts
001020 1
001020 1 ; Check which command is being requested
001020 1 DoCommand:
001020 1 A5 42 lda Command
001022 1 F0 0C beq GetStatus ;0 = Status command
001024 1 C9 01 cmp #ReadBlockCommand
001026 1 F0 12 beq ReadBlock
001028 1 C9 02 cmp #WriteBlockCommand
00102A 1 F0 36 beq WriteBlock
00102C 1 38 sec ;set carry as we don't support any other commands
00102D 1 A9 53 lda #$53 ;Invalid parameter error
00102F 1 60 rts
001030 1
001030 1 ; ProDOS Status Command Handler
001030 1 GetStatus:
001030 1 A9 00 lda #$00 ;0 indicates ready to read/write
001032 1 A9 FF lda #$ff ;low byte number of blocks
001034 1 A9 FF lda #$ff ;high byte number of blocks
001036 1 A9 00 lda #$0 ;zero accumulator and clear carry for success
001038 1 18 clc
001039 1 60 rts
00103A 1
00103A 1 ; ProDOS Read Block Command
00103A 1 ReadBlock:
00103A 1 A9 01 lda #ReadBlockCommand
00103C 1 20 8A 10 jsr SendCommand
00103F 1 A5 46 lda BlockLo
001041 1 20 9D 10 jsr SendByte
001044 1 A5 47 lda BlockHi
001046 1 20 9D 10 jsr SendByte
001049 1 A0 00 ldy #$0
00104B 1 20 59 10 jsr read256
00104E 1 E6 45 inc BufferHi
001050 1 20 59 10 jsr read256
001053 1 C6 45 dec BufferHi
001055 1 A9 00 lda #$0 ;zero accumulator and clear carry for success
001057 1 18 clc
001058 1 60 rts
001059 1
001059 1 read256:
001059 1 20 C0 10 jsr GetByte
00105C 1 91 44 sta (BufferLo),y
00105E 1 C8 iny
00105F 1 D0 F8 bne read256
001061 1 60 rts
001062 1
001062 1 ; ProDOS Write Block Command
001062 1 WriteBlock:
001062 1 A9 02 lda #WriteBlockCommand
001064 1 20 8A 10 jsr SendCommand
001067 1 A5 46 lda BlockLo
001069 1 20 9D 10 jsr SendByte
00106C 1 A5 47 lda BlockHi
00106E 1 20 9D 10 jsr SendByte
001071 1 A0 00 ldy #$0
001073 1 20 81 10 jsr write256
001076 1 E6 45 inc BufferHi
001078 1 20 81 10 jsr write256
00107B 1 C6 45 dec BufferHi
00107D 1 A9 00 lda #$0 ;zero accumulator and clear carry for success
00107F 1 18 clc
001080 1 60 rts
001081 1
001081 1 write256:
001081 1 B1 44 lda (BufferLo),y
001083 1 20 9D 10 jsr SendByte
001086 1 C8 iny
001087 1 D0 F8 bne write256
001089 1 60 rts
00108A 1
00108A 1 SendCommand:
00108A 1 09 D0 ora #$D0 ;Write Hi, Read Hi, Command Write Lo, Command Read Hi
00108C 1 8D DD C0 sta OutputByte
00108F 1 commandWait:
00108F 1 AD DE C0 lda InputByte
001092 1 0A asl
001093 1 0A asl
001094 1 0A asl
001095 1 30 F8 bmi commandWait
001097 1 A9 F0 lda #$F0 ;set write/read/command flags high
001099 1 8D DD C0 sta OutputByte
00109C 1 60 rts
00109D 1
00109D 1 SendByte:
00109D 1 48 pha
00109E 1 4A lsr
00109F 1 4A lsr
0010A0 1 4A lsr
0010A1 1 4A lsr
0010A2 1 20 AA 10 jsr SendNibble
0010A5 1 68 pla
0010A6 1 20 AA 10 jsr SendNibble
0010A9 1 60 rts
0010AA 1
0010AA 1 SendNibble:
0010AA 1 29 0F and #$0F
0010AC 1 09 70 ora #$70 ;Write bit low
0010AE 1 48 pha
0010AF 1 waitWrite:
0010AF 1 AD DE C0 lda InputByte
0010B2 1 0A asl ;Second highest bit goes low when ready
0010B3 1 30 FA bmi waitWrite
0010B5 1 68 pla
0010B6 1 8D DD C0 sta OutputByte
0010B9 1 finishWrite:
0010B9 1 AD DE C0 lda InputByte
0010BC 1 0A asl
0010BD 1 10 FA bpl finishWrite
0010BF 1 60 rts
0010C0 1
0010C0 1 GetByte:
0010C0 1 20 D3 10 jsr GetNibble
0010C3 1 0A asl
0010C4 1 0A asl
0010C5 1 0A asl
0010C6 1 0A asl
0010C7 1 85 1D sta NibbleStorage
0010C9 1 20 D3 10 jsr GetNibble
0010CC 1 29 0F and #$0f
0010CE 1 05 1D ora NibbleStorage
0010D0 1 A5 1D lda NibbleStorage
0010D2 1 60 rts
0010D3 1
0010D3 1 GetNibble:
0010D3 1 A9 B0 lda #$b0 ;set read flag low
0010D5 1 8D DD C0 sta OutputByte
0010D8 1 waitRead:
0010D8 1 AD DE C0 lda InputByte
0010DB 1 30 FB bmi waitRead
0010DD 1 29 F0 and #$f0 ;set all flags high
0010DF 1 8D DD C0 sta OutputByte
0010E2 1 60 rts
0010E3 1
0010E3 1