forked from Apple-2-HW/Apple2-IO-RPi
Top fix (#47)
* Add workaround for bug in top command * Update README with terminal emulation
This commit is contained in:
@ -110,12 +110,10 @@ setRow:
jsr GetByte
sta $22
jsr InvertChar
jmp DumpOutput
jsr GetByte
sta $23
jsr InvertChar
jmp DumpOutput
dec vtab
Binary file not shown.
@ -58,17 +58,17 @@ Current file: Shell.asm
002000 1 20 00 C3 jsr $c300 ; force 80 columns
002003 1 2C 10 C0 bit ClearKeyboard
002006 1 A9 09 lda #ShellCommand
002008 1 20 9A 20 jsr SendByte
002008 1 20 94 20 jsr SendByte
00200B 1 20 0F 20 jsr DumpOutput
00200E 1 60 rts
00200F 1
00200F 1 DumpOutput:
00200F 1 20 B8 20 jsr GetByte
00200F 1 20 B2 20 jsr GetByte
002012 1 B0 2A bcs checkInput
002014 1 C9 00 cmp #$00
002016 1 F0 39 beq endOutput
002018 1 48 pha
002019 1 20 E1 20 jsr InvertChar
002019 1 20 DB 20 jsr InvertChar
00201C 1 68 pla
00201D 1 C9 48 cmp #'H'
00201F 1 F0 3A beq setColumn
@ -79,126 +79,124 @@ Current file: Shell.asm
002029 1 C9 54 cmp #'T'
00202B 1 F0 4A beq setTop
00202D 1 C9 42 cmp #'B'
00202F 1 F0 51 beq setBottom
00202F 1 F0 4E beq setBottom
002031 1 C9 55 cmp #'U'
002033 1 F0 58 beq moveUp
002033 1 F0 52 beq moveUp
002035 1 20 ED FD jsr PrintChar
002038 1 20 E1 20 jsr InvertChar
002038 1 20 DB 20 jsr InvertChar
00203B 1 4C 0F 20 jmp DumpOutput
00203E 1 checkInput:
00203E 1 2C 00 C0 bit Keyboard ;check for keypress
002041 1 10 CC bpl DumpOutput ;keep dumping output if no keypress
002043 1 AD 00 C0 lda Keyboard ;send keypress to RPi
002046 1 29 7F and #$7f
002048 1 20 9A 20 jsr SendByte
002048 1 20 94 20 jsr SendByte
00204B 1 2C 10 C0 bit ClearKeyboard
00204E 1 4C 0F 20 jmp DumpOutput
002051 1 endOutput:
002051 1 60 rts
002052 1 clearScreen:
002052 1 20 58 FC jsr Home
002055 1 20 E1 20 jsr InvertChar
002055 1 20 DB 20 jsr InvertChar
002058 1 4C 0F 20 jmp DumpOutput
00205B 1 setColumn:
00205B 1 20 B8 20 jsr GetByte
00205B 1 20 B2 20 jsr GetByte
00205E 1 85 24 sta htab
002060 1 8D 7B 05 sta htab80
002063 1 20 E1 20 jsr InvertChar
002063 1 20 DB 20 jsr InvertChar
002066 1 4C 0F 20 jmp DumpOutput
002069 1 setRow:
002069 1 20 B8 20 jsr GetByte
002069 1 20 B2 20 jsr GetByte
00206C 1 85 25 sta vtab
00206E 1 20 C1 FB jsr BasCalc
002071 1 20 E1 20 jsr InvertChar
002071 1 20 DB 20 jsr InvertChar
002074 1 4C 0F 20 jmp DumpOutput
002077 1 setTop:
002077 1 20 B8 20 jsr GetByte
002077 1 20 B2 20 jsr GetByte
00207A 1 85 22 sta $22
00207C 1 20 E1 20 jsr InvertChar
00207F 1 4C 0F 20 jmp DumpOutput
002082 1 setBottom:
002082 1 20 B8 20 jsr GetByte
002085 1 85 23 sta $23
002087 1 20 E1 20 jsr InvertChar
00208A 1 4C 0F 20 jmp DumpOutput
00208D 1 moveUp:
00208D 1 C6 25 dec vtab
00208F 1 A5 25 lda vtab
002091 1 20 C1 FB jsr BasCalc
002094 1 20 E1 20 jsr InvertChar
002097 1 4C 0F 20 jmp DumpOutput
00209A 1
00209A 1 SendByte:
00209A 1 48 pha
00209B 1 waitWrite:
00209B 1 AD FB C0 lda InputFlags
00209E 1 2A rol
00209F 1 2A rol
0020A0 1 B0 F9 bcs waitWrite
0020A2 1 68 pla
0020A3 1 8D FD C0 sta OutputByte
0020A6 1 A9 1E lda #$1e ; set bit 0 low to indicate write started
0020A8 1 8D F7 C0 sta OutputFlags
0020AB 1 finishWrite:
0020AB 1 AD FB C0 lda InputFlags
0020AE 1 2A rol
0020AF 1 2A rol
0020B0 1 90 F9 bcc finishWrite
0020B2 1 A9 1F lda #$1f
00207C 1 4C 0F 20 jmp DumpOutput
00207F 1 setBottom:
00207F 1 20 B2 20 jsr GetByte
002082 1 85 23 sta $23
002084 1 4C 0F 20 jmp DumpOutput
002087 1 moveUp:
002087 1 C6 25 dec vtab
002089 1 A5 25 lda vtab
00208B 1 20 C1 FB jsr BasCalc
00208E 1 20 DB 20 jsr InvertChar
002091 1 4C 0F 20 jmp DumpOutput
002094 1
002094 1 SendByte:
002094 1 48 pha
002095 1 waitWrite:
002095 1 AD FB C0 lda InputFlags
002098 1 2A rol
002099 1 2A rol
00209A 1 B0 F9 bcs waitWrite
00209C 1 68 pla
00209D 1 8D FD C0 sta OutputByte
0020A0 1 A9 1E lda #$1e ; set bit 0 low to indicate write started
0020A2 1 8D F7 C0 sta OutputFlags
0020A5 1 finishWrite:
0020A5 1 AD FB C0 lda InputFlags
0020A8 1 2A rol
0020A9 1 2A rol
0020AA 1 90 F9 bcc finishWrite
0020AC 1 A9 1F lda #$1f
0020AE 1 8D F7 C0 sta OutputFlags
0020B1 1 60 rts
0020B2 1
0020B2 1 GetByte:
0020B2 1 A9 1D lda #$1d ;set read flag low
0020B4 1 8D F7 C0 sta OutputFlags
0020B7 1 60 rts
0020B8 1
0020B8 1 GetByte:
0020B8 1 A9 1D lda #$1d ;set read flag low
0020BA 1 8D F7 C0 sta OutputFlags
0020BD 1 waitRead:
0020BD 1 AD FB C0 lda InputFlags
0020C0 1 2A rol
0020C1 1 90 0C bcc readByte
0020C3 1 2C 00 C0 bit Keyboard ;keypress will abort waiting to read
0020C6 1 10 F5 bpl waitRead
0020C8 1 A9 1F lda #$1f ;set all flags high and exit
0020CA 1 8D F7 C0 sta OutputFlags
0020CD 1 38 sec ;failure
0020CE 1 60 rts
0020CF 1 readByte:
0020CF 1 AD FE C0 lda InputByte
0020D2 1 48 pha
0020D3 1 A9 1F lda #$1f ;set all flags high
0020D5 1 8D F7 C0 sta OutputFlags
0020D8 1 finishRead:
0020D8 1 AD FB C0 lda InputFlags
0020DB 1 2A rol
0020DC 1 90 FA bcc finishRead
0020DE 1 68 pla
0020DF 1 18 clc ;success
0020E0 1 end:
0020E0 1 60 rts
0020E1 1
0020E1 1 InvertChar:
0020E1 1 AD 7B 05 lda htab80 ;get horizontal location / 2
0020E4 1 4A lsr
0020E5 1 A8 tay
0020E6 1 AD 55 C0 lda TextPage2
0020E9 1 90 03 bcc invert
0020EB 1 AD 54 C0 lda TextPage1
0020EE 1 invert:
0020EE 1 B1 28 lda (BasL),y
0020F0 1 49 80 eor #$80
0020F2 1 91 28 sta (BasL),y
0020F4 1 AD 54 C0 lda TextPage1
0020F7 1 screen40:
0020F7 1 60 rts
0020F8 1
0020F8 1 HelpCommand:
0020F8 1 61 32 68 65 .byte "a2help",$00
0020FC 1 6C 70 00
0020FF 1 PromptCommand:
0020FF 1 61 32 70 72 .byte "a2prompt",$00
002103 1 6F 6D 70 74
002107 1 00
002108 1 OldPromptChar:
002108 1 5D .byte "]"
002109 1 DrawCursor:
002109 1 80 .byte $80
002109 1
0020B7 1 waitRead:
0020B7 1 AD FB C0 lda InputFlags
0020BA 1 2A rol
0020BB 1 90 0C bcc readByte
0020BD 1 2C 00 C0 bit Keyboard ;keypress will abort waiting to read
0020C0 1 10 F5 bpl waitRead
0020C2 1 A9 1F lda #$1f ;set all flags high and exit
0020C4 1 8D F7 C0 sta OutputFlags
0020C7 1 38 sec ;failure
0020C8 1 60 rts
0020C9 1 readByte:
0020C9 1 AD FE C0 lda InputByte
0020CC 1 48 pha
0020CD 1 A9 1F lda #$1f ;set all flags high
0020CF 1 8D F7 C0 sta OutputFlags
0020D2 1 finishRead:
0020D2 1 AD FB C0 lda InputFlags
0020D5 1 2A rol
0020D6 1 90 FA bcc finishRead
0020D8 1 68 pla
0020D9 1 18 clc ;success
0020DA 1 end:
0020DA 1 60 rts
0020DB 1
0020DB 1 InvertChar:
0020DB 1 AD 7B 05 lda htab80 ;get horizontal location / 2
0020DE 1 4A lsr
0020DF 1 A8 tay
0020E0 1 AD 55 C0 lda TextPage2
0020E3 1 90 03 bcc invert
0020E5 1 AD 54 C0 lda TextPage1
0020E8 1 invert:
0020E8 1 B1 28 lda (BasL),y
0020EA 1 49 80 eor #$80
0020EC 1 91 28 sta (BasL),y
0020EE 1 AD 54 C0 lda TextPage1
0020F1 1 screen40:
0020F1 1 60 rts
0020F2 1
0020F2 1 HelpCommand:
0020F2 1 61 32 68 65 .byte "a2help",$00
0020F6 1 6C 70 00
0020F9 1 PromptCommand:
0020F9 1 61 32 70 72 .byte "a2prompt",$00
0020FD 1 6F 6D 70 74
002101 1 00
002102 1 OldPromptChar:
002102 1 5D .byte "]"
002103 1 DrawCursor:
002103 1 80 .byte $80
002103 1
@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ The purpose of this project is to provide I/O for an Apple II series 8 bit compu
So far, this is a project and not a finished product. The current prototype is on the fifth revision and a few have been assembled and tested. It is now possible for the Apple II to boot from and write to a virutal hard drive image stored on the RPi in any slot and execute simple commands on the RPi via the Apple II. The code has very few tests and is incomplete. Note that currently the firmware assumes an 80 column card is in slot 3 and than you have lowercase support. If you have a problem or idea for enhancement, log an issue [here]( I recommend starring/watching the project for updates on GitHub. You are welcome to fork the project and submit pull requests which I will review.
## Features
1. Boot menu which waits for RPi to be ready
1. Boot message which waits for RPi to be ready
2. ProDOS bootable drive from image stored on RPi
3. Execute Linux commands on the RPi from the Apple II (has partial VT100 emulation but is buggy and missing the cursor in apps like vim)
3. Execute Linux bash shell on the RPi from the Apple II
4. Load binary files directly from the RPi to the II
5. Update Apple II firmware in place from image on RPi
6. Supports two drive images at the same time (Note: backward compatible with previous firmware but requires firmware update in order to work with two drives)
@ -24,9 +24,8 @@ So far, this is a project and not a finished product. The current prototype is o
3. WGET - Download and save to file
2. Proper ProDOS clock driver (currently just directly sets values on block reads)
3. Bi-directional image conversion between common formats and HIRES
4. Full terminal emulation
5. Remote code execution
6. Proxy VNC connection, rendering as Apple II compatible graphics
4. Remote code execution
5. Proxy VNC connection, rendering as Apple II compatible graphics
## Setup starting from scratch
1. Have PCBs made from the gerber and drill files in the Hardware folder or email me for a blank or fully assembled board
Binary file not shown.
@ -87,6 +87,9 @@ func sendCharacter(comm A2Io, b byte) {
if htab < 0 {
htab = 0
if vtab > 23 {
vtab = 23
@ -171,7 +174,7 @@ func sendCharacter(comm A2Io, b byte) {
// Set/clear application mode for cursor
case "^[[?1h":
applicationMode = true
comm.WriteByte(0x0c) // ^L clears the screen
//comm.WriteByte(0x0c) // ^L clears the screen
fmt.Printf("Start application mode: %s\n", escapeSequence)
escapeSequence = ""
case "^[[?1l":
@ -180,7 +183,7 @@ func sendCharacter(comm A2Io, b byte) {
comm.WriteByte(0x0c) // ^L clears the screen
//comm.WriteByte(0x0c) // ^L clears the screen
fmt.Printf("End application mode: %s\n", escapeSequence)
escapeSequence = ""
// Tab to home position
@ -226,7 +229,7 @@ func sendCharacter(comm A2Io, b byte) {
fmt.Printf("Inverse: %s\n", escapeSequence)
escapeSequence = ""
case "^[[m", "^[[0m":
//comm.WriteByte(0x0e) // ^N normal video
comm.WriteByte(0x0e) // ^N normal video
fmt.Printf("Normal: %s\n", escapeSequence)
escapeSequence = ""
Reference in New Issue
Block a user