;ProDOS Zero Page Command = $42 ;ProDOS Command Unit = $43 ;ProDOS unit (SDDD0000) BufferLo = $44 BufferHi = $45 BlockLo = $46 BlockHi = $47 ; ProDOS Error Codes IOError = $27 NoDevice = $28 WriteProtect = $2B InputByte = $c08e+SLOT*$10 OutputByte = $c08d+SLOT*$10 InputFlags = $c08b+SLOT*$10 OutputFlags = $c087+SLOT*$10 ReadBlockCommand = $01 WriteBlockCommand = $02 GetTimeCommand = $03 ChangeDriveCommand = $04 ExecCommand = $05 LoadFileCommand = $06 SaveFileCommand = $07 MenuCommand = $08 Wait = $fca8 PrintChar = $fded Home = $fc58 ReadChar = $fd0c .org SLOT*$100 + $C000 ;ID bytes for booting and drive detection cpx #$20 ;ID bytes for ProDOS and the cpx #$00 ; Apple Autostart ROM cpx #$03 ; ldx #SLOT*$10 stx $2b stx Unit ;force EPROM to second page on boot lda #$3f ;set all flags high and page 1 of EPROMi PageJump: sta OutputFlags jmp Start ;entry points for ProDOS DriverEntry: lda #$0f ;set all flags high and page 0 of EPROM sta OutputFlags ;since the firmware page changes to 0, this falls through to the driver Start: lda #$f0 ;restore COUT after PR# called sta $36 lda #$fd sta $37 jsr Home ;clear screen and show menu options ldy #$00 PrintString: lda Text,y beq WaitForRPi ora #$80 jsr PrintChar iny bne PrintString WaitForRPi: lda InputFlags rol bcs OK lda #$ff jsr Wait lda #'.'+$80 jsr PrintChar jmp WaitForRPi OK: jsr Home ;clear screen lda #MenuCommand ;request menu text from RPi jsr SendByte DumpOutput: jsr GetByte cmp #$00 beq GetChar jsr PrintChar clc bcc DumpOutput GetChar: jsr ReadChar sec ;subtract ascii "1" to get 0 - 3 from "1" to "4" sbc #$b1 asl ;put in top nibble as EPROM page asl asl asl ora #$0f ;set all flags high jmp PageJump SendByte: pha waitWrite: lda InputFlags rol rol bcs waitWrite pla sta OutputByte lda #$3e ; set bit 0 low to indicate write started sta OutputFlags finishWrite: lda InputFlags rol rol bcc finishWrite lda #$3f sta OutputFlags rts GetByte: lda #$3d ;set read flag low sta OutputFlags waitRead: lda InputFlags rol bcs waitRead lda InputByte pha lda #$3f ;set all flags high sta OutputFlags finishRead: lda InputFlags rol bcc finishRead pla end: rts .repeat 183-GetByte .byte SendByte .byte 0,0 ;0000 blocks = check status .byte 7 ;bit set(0=status 1=read 2=write) unset(3=format, 4/5=number of volumes, 6=interruptable, 7=removable) .byte DriverEntry&$00FF ;low byte of entry