2022-05-17 00:08:49 +02:00

125 lines
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// Copyright 2022 Thorsten Brehm
// brehmt (at) gmail dot com
module torus(r1, r2)
rotate_extrude(convexity = 10)
translate([r2 + r1, 0, 0])
module round_cylinder(fillet, r, h)
for(z=[fillet, h-fillet])
torus(r-2*fillet, fillet, center=[0,0,z]);
cylinder(r=r-fillet, h);
translate([0,0,fillet]) cylinder(r=r, h=h-2*fillet);
// Make a rectangle with rounded corners of given radius.
// The maximum outer dimensions exactly match the given width/height.
module roundedCube(Width, Height, Depth, CornerRadius)
for (x=[0,Width-CornerRadius*2])
for (y=[0,Height-CornerRadius*2])
translate([x+CornerRadius, y+CornerRadius, 0]) cylinder(r=CornerRadius, h=Depth);
translate([CornerRadius,0,0]) cube([Width - 2*CornerRadius, Height, Depth]);
translate([0,CornerRadius,0]) cube([Width, Height - 2*CornerRadius, Depth]);
module cylinderLedge(r, length)
translate([0, 0, -length/2])
cylinder(r=r, length);
cube([r, r, length]);
module rcube(size=[30, 20, 10], radius=[3, 2, 1], center=true)
hull() {
translate( center ? [0,0,0] : size/2 ) {
for(x = [-0.5,0.5], y = [-0.5,0.5], z = [-0.5,0.5])
translate([x * ( size[0] - 2*radius[0]),
y * ( size[1] - 2*radius[1]),
z * ( size[2] - 2*radius[2])])
scale([radius[0], radius[1], radius[2]])
if (quality == "high") sphere(1.0,$fn=4*4*2); else sphere(1.0,$fn=4);
module hole(diameter, depth)
$fn = 36;
cylinder(r=diameter/2, h=depth);
module wall(width, height, WallThickness)
translate([-width/2,-WallThickness/2,-height]) cube([width, WallThickness, height]);
module prism(l, w, h)
points=[[0,0,0], [l,0,0], [l,w,0], [0,w,0], [0,w,h], [l,w,h]],
module post(height, diameter, post_fillet_r, screw_hole_diameter, screw_hole_depth)
$fn = 36;
difference() {
union() {
cylinder(r=diameter/2, h=height);
difference() {
cylinder(r=diameter/2 + post_fillet_r, h=post_fillet_r);
translate([0,0,post_fillet_r]) torus(diameter/2, post_fillet_r*1.1);
if (screw_hole_diameter>0)
hole(screw_hole_diameter, screw_hole_depth);
module screwPost(ZDepth, PostDiameter, ScrewDiameter, ScrewHoleDepth, FilletR)
if (PostDiameter>0.0)
post(ZDepth, PostDiameter, FilletR, ScrewDiameter, ScrewHoleDepth);
module outerBox(SkinWidth, XWidth, YHeight, ZDepth, CornerRadius)
translate([-SkinWidth, -SkinWidth, 0]) roundedCube(XWidth+SkinWidth*2, YHeight+SkinWidth*2, ZDepth, CornerRadius);
module box(SkinWidth, XWidth, YHeight, ZDepth, CornerRadius)
// main shell
difference() {
outerBox(SkinWidth, XWidth, YHeight, ZDepth, CornerRadius);
//rcube(size=[XWidth+SkinWidth*2, YHeight+SkinWidth*2, ZDepth+SkinWidth*2], radius=[2, 2, 2], center=false);
if (SkinWidth>0)
roundedCube(XWidth, YHeight, ZDepth, CornerRadius);
//rcube(size=[XWidth, YHeight, ZDepth], radius=[2, 2, 2], center=false);