forked from Apple-2-HW/GR8RAM
Also rearranged GR8RAM.v
559 lines
15 KiB
559 lines
15 KiB
module GR8RAM(C25M, PHI0, nRES, nRESout, SetFW,
INTin, INTout, DMAin, DMAout,
nNMIout, nIRQout, nRDYout, nINHout, RWout, nDMAout,
/* Clock signals */
input C25M, PHI0;
reg PHI0r1, PHI0r2;
always @(posedge C25M) begin PHI0r1 <= PHI0; PHI0r2 <= PHI0r1; end
/* Reset/brown-out detect synchronized inputs */
input nRES;
reg [3:0] nRESf = 0;
reg nRESr = 0;
always @(posedge C25M) begin
nRESf[3:0] <= { nRESf[2:0], nRES };
nRESr <= nRESf[3] || nRESf[2] || nRESf[1] || nRESf[0];
/* Firmware select */
input [1:0] SetFW;
reg [1:0] SetFWr;
reg SetFWLoaded = 0;
always @(posedge C25M) begin
if (~SetFWLoaded) begin
SetFWLoaded <= 1;
SetFWr[1:0] <= SetFW[1:0];
wire [1:0] SetROM = ~SetFWr[1:0];
wire SetEN16MB = SetROM[1:0]==2'b11;
wire SetEN24bit = SetROM[1];
/* State counter from PHI0 rising edge */
reg [3:0] PS = 0;
wire PSStart = PS==0 && PHI0r1 && ~PHI0r2;
always @(posedge C25M) begin
if (PSStart) PS <= 1;
else if (PS==0) PS <= 0;
else PS <= PS+1;
/* Long state counter: counts from 0 to $3FFF */
reg [13:0] LS = 0;
always @(posedge C25M) begin if (PS==15) LS <= LS+1; end
/* Init state */
output reg nRESout = 0;
reg [2:0] IS = 0;
always @(posedge C25M) begin
if (IS==7) nRESout <= 1;
else if (PS==15) begin
if (LS==14'h1FCE) IS <= 1; // PC all + load mode
else if (LS==14'h1FCF) IS <= 4; // AREF pause, SPI select
else if (LS==14'h1FFA) IS <= 5; // SPI flash command
else if (LS==14'h1FFF) IS <= 6; // Flash load driver
else if (LS==14'h3FFF) IS <= 7; // Operating mode
/* Apple IO area select signals */
/* Apple address bus */
input [15:0] RA; input nWE;
/* Apple select signals */
wire ROMSpecRD = RA[15:12]==4'hC && RA[11:8]!=4'h0 && nWE && ((RA[11] && IOROMEN) || (~RA[11]));
wire REGSpecSEL = RA[15:12]==4'hC && RA[11:8]==4'h0 && RA[7] && REGEN;
wire BankSpecSEL = REGSpecSEL && RA[3:0]==4'hF;
wire RAMRegSpecSEL = REGSpecSEL && RA[3:0]==4'h3;
wire RAMSpecSEL = RAMRegSpecSEL && (~SetEN24bit || SetEN16MB || ~Addr[23]);
wire AddrHSpecSEL = REGSpecSEL && RA[3:0]==4'h2;
wire AddrMSpecSEL = REGSpecSEL && RA[3:0]==4'h1;
wire AddrLSpecSEL = REGSpecSEL && RA[3:0]==4'h0;
reg ROMSpecRDr, RAMSpecSELr, nWEr;
wire BankSEL = REGEN && ~nDEVSEL && BankSpecSEL;
wire RAMSEL = ~nDEVSEL && RAMSpecSELr;
wire RAMRegSEL = ~nDEVSEL && RAMRegSpecSEL;
wire RAMWR = RAMSEL && ~nWEr;
wire AddrHSEL = REGEN && ~nDEVSEL && AddrHSpecSEL;
wire AddrMSEL = REGEN && ~nDEVSEL && AddrMSpecSEL;
wire AddrLSEL = REGEN && ~nDEVSEL && AddrLSpecSEL;
always @(posedge PHI0) begin
ROMSpecRDr <= ROMSpecRD;
nWEr <= nWE;
/* IOROMEN and REGEN control */
reg IOROMEN = 0;
reg REGEN = 0;
wire IOROMRES = ~nRES || (RA[10:0]==11'h7FF && ~nIOSTRB);
always @(posedge C25M, posedge IOROMRES) begin
else if (PS==8 && ~nIOSEL) IOROMEN <= 1;
always @(posedge C25M, negedge nRESr) begin
if (~nRESr) REGEN <= 0;
else if (PS==8 && ~nIOSEL) REGEN <= 1;
/* Apple data bus */
inout [7:0] RD = RDdir ? 8'bZ : RDD[7:0];
reg [7:0] RDD;
output RDdir = ~(PHI0r2 && nWE && PHI0 &&
(~nDEVSEL || ~nIOSEL || (~nIOSTRB && IOROMEN)));
/* Slinky address registers */
reg [23:0] Addr = 0;
reg AddrIncL = 0;
reg AddrIncM = 0;
reg AddrIncH = 0;
always @(posedge C25M, negedge nRESr) begin
if (~nRESr) begin
Addr[23:0] <= 24'h000000;
AddrIncL <= 0;
AddrIncM <= 0;
AddrIncH <= 0;
end else begin
if (PS==8 && RAMRegSEL) AddrIncL <= 1;
else AddrIncL <= 0;
if (PS==8 && AddrLSEL && ~nWEr) begin
Addr[7:0] <= RD[7:0];
AddrIncM <= Addr[7] && ~RD[7];
end else if (AddrIncL) begin
Addr[7:0] <= Addr[7:0]+1;
AddrIncM <= Addr[7:0]==8'hFF;
end else AddrIncM <= 0;
if (PS==8 && AddrMSEL && ~nWEr) begin
Addr[15:8] <= RD[7:0];
AddrIncH <= Addr[15] && ~RD[7];
end else if (AddrIncM) begin
Addr[15:8] <= Addr[15:8]+1;
AddrIncH <= Addr[15:8]==8'hFF;
end else AddrIncH <= 0;
if (PS==8 && AddrHSEL && ~nWEr) begin
Addr[23:16] <= RD[7:0];
end else if (AddrIncH) begin
Addr[23:16] <= Addr[23:16]+1;
/* ROM bank register */
reg Bank = 0;
always @(posedge C25M, negedge nRESr) begin
if (~nRESr) Bank <= 0;
else if (PS==8 && BankSEL && ~nWEr) begin
Bank <= RD[0];
/* SPI flash control signals */
output nFCS = FCKOE ? ~FCS : 1'bZ;
reg FCS = 0;
output FCK = FCKOE ? FCKout : 1'bZ;
reg FCKOE = 0;
reg FCKout = 0;
inout MOSI = MOSIOE ? MOSIout : 1'bZ;
reg MOSIOE = 0;
input MISO;
always @(posedge C25M) begin
case (PS[3:0])
0: begin // NOP CKE
FCKout <= 1'b1;
end 1: begin // ACT
FCKout <= ~(IS==5 || IS==6);
end 2: begin // RD
FCKout <= 1'b1;
end 3: begin // NOP CKE
FCKout <= ~(IS==5 || IS==6);
end 4: begin // NOP CKE
FCKout <= 1'b1;
end 5: begin // NOP CKE
FCKout <= ~(IS==5 || IS==6);
end 6: begin // NOP CKE
FCKout <= 1'b1;
end 7: begin // NOP CKE
FCKout <= ~(IS==5 || IS==6);
end 8: begin // WR AP
FCKout <= 1'b1;
end 9: begin // NOP CKE
FCKout <= ~(IS==5);
end 10: begin // PC all
FCKout <= 1'b1;
end 11: begin // AREF
FCKout <= ~(IS==5);
end 12: begin // NOP CKE
FCKout <= 1'b1;
end 13: begin // NOP CKE
FCKout <= ~(IS==5);
end 14: begin // NOP CKE
FCKout <= 1'b1;
end 15: begin // NOP CKE
FCKout <= ~(IS==5);
FCS <= IS==4 || IS==5 || IS==6;
MOSIOE <= IS==5;
FCKOE <= IS==1 || IS==4 || IS==5 || IS==6 || IS==7;
/* SPI flash MOSI control */
reg MOSIout = 0;
always @(posedge C25M) begin
case (PS[3:0])
1: begin
case (LS[2:0])
3'h3: MOSIout <= 1'b0; // Command bit 7
3'h4: MOSIout <= 1'b0; // Address bit 23
3'h5: MOSIout <= 1'b0; // Address bit 15
3'h6: MOSIout <= 1'b0; // Address bit 7
default MOSIout <= 1'b0;
end 3: begin
case (LS[2:0])
3'h3: MOSIout <= 1'b0; // Command bit 6
3'h4: MOSIout <= 1'b0; // Address bit 22
3'h5: MOSIout <= SetROM[1]; // Address bit 14
3'h6: MOSIout <= 1'b0; // Address bit 6
default MOSIout <= 1'b0;
end 5: begin
case (LS[2:0])
3'h3: MOSIout <= 1'b1; // Command bit 5
3'h4: MOSIout <= 1'b0; // Address bit 21
3'h5: MOSIout <= SetROM[0]; // Address bit 13
3'h6: MOSIout <= 1'b0; // Address bit 5
default MOSIout <= 1'b0;
end 7: begin
case (LS[2:0])
3'h3: MOSIout <= 1'b1; // Command bit 4
3'h4: MOSIout <= 1'b0; // Address bit 20
3'h5: MOSIout <= 1'b0; // Address bit 12
3'h6: MOSIout <= 1'b0; // Address bit 4
default MOSIout <= 1'b0;
end 9: begin
case (LS[2:0])
3'h3: MOSIout <= 1'b1; // Command bit 3
3'h4: MOSIout <= 1'b0; // Address bit 19
3'h5: MOSIout <= 1'b0; // Address bit 11
3'h6: MOSIout <= 1'b0; // Address bit 3
default MOSIout <= 1'b0;
end 11: begin
case (LS[2:0])
3'h3: MOSIout <= 1'b0; // Command bit 2
3'h4: MOSIout <= 1'b0; // Address bit 18
3'h5: MOSIout <= 1'b0; // Address bit 10
3'h6: MOSIout <= 1'b0; // Address bit 2
default MOSIout <= 1'b0;
end 13: begin
case (LS[2:0])
3'h3: MOSIout <= 1'b1; // Command bit 1
3'h4: MOSIout <= 1'b0; // Address bit 16
3'h5: MOSIout <= 1'b0; // Address bit 9
3'h6: MOSIout <= 1'b0; // Address bit 1
default MOSIout <= 1'b0;
end 15: begin
case (LS[2:0])
3'h3: MOSIout <= 1'b1; // Command bit 0
3'h4: MOSIout <= 1'b0; // Address bit 15
3'h5: MOSIout <= 1'b0; // Address bit 7
3'h6: MOSIout <= 1'b0; // Address bit 0
default MOSIout <= 1'b0;
/* SDRAM data bus */
inout [7:0] SD = SDOE ? WRD[7:0] : 8'bZ;
reg [7:0] WRD;
reg SDOE = 0;
always @(posedge C25M) begin
case (PS[3:0])
0: begin // NOP CKE
if (IS==6) WRD[7:0] <= { WRD[5:0], MISO, MOSI };
else WRD[7:0] <= RD[7:0];
end 1: begin // ACT
end 2: begin // RD
if (IS==6) WRD[7:0] <= { WRD[5:0], MISO, MOSI };
else WRD[7:0] <= RD[7:0];
end 3: begin // NOP CKE
end 4: begin // NOP CKE
if (IS==6) WRD[7:0] <= { WRD[5:0], MISO, MOSI };
else WRD[7:0] <= RD[7:0];
end 5: begin // NOP CKE
if (AddrLSpecSEL) RDD[7:0] <= Addr[7:0];
else if (AddrMSpecSEL) RDD[7:0] <= Addr[15:8];
else if (AddrHSpecSEL) RDD[7:0] <= { SetEN24bit ? Addr[23:20] : 4'hF, Addr[19:16] };
else RDD[7:0] <= SD[7:0];
end 6: begin // NOP CKE
if (IS==6) WRD[7:0] <= { WRD[5:0], MISO, MOSI };
else WRD[7:0] <= RD[7:0];
end 7: begin // NOP CKE
end 8: begin // WR AP
if (IS==6) WRD[7:0] <= { WRD[5:0], MISO, MOSI };
else WRD[7:0] <= RD[7:0];
end 9: begin // NOP CKE
end 10: begin // PC all
if (IS==6) WRD[7:0] <= { WRD[5:0], MISO, MOSI };
else WRD[7:0] <= RD[7:0];
end 11: begin // AREF
end 12: begin // NOP CKE
if (IS==6) WRD[7:0] <= { WRD[5:0], MISO, MOSI };
else WRD[7:0] <= RD[7:0];
end 13: begin // NOP CKE
end 14: begin // NOP CKE
if (IS==6) WRD[7:0] <= { WRD[5:0], MISO, MOSI };
else WRD[7:0] <= RD[7:0];
end 15: begin // NOP CKE
/* SDRAM command */
output reg RCKE = 1;
output reg nRCS = 1;
output reg nRAS = 1;
output reg nCAS = 1;
output reg nSWE = 1;
wire RefReqd = LS[1:0] == 2'b11;
always @(posedge C25M) begin
case (PS[3:0])
0: begin // NOP CKE / NOP CKD
RCKE <= PSStart;
nRCS <= 1'b1;
nRAS <= 1'b1;
nCAS <= 1'b1;
nSWE <= 1'b1;
SDOE <= 0;
end 1: begin // ACT CKE / NOP CKD (ACT)
RCKE <= IS==6 || (IS==7 && (ROMSpecRDr || RAMSpecSELr));
nRCS <= ~(IS==6 || (IS==7 && (ROMSpecRDr || RAMSpecSELr)));
nRAS <= 1'b0;
nCAS <= 1'b1;
nSWE <= 1'b1;
SDOE <= 0;
end 2: begin // RD CKE / NOP CKD (RD)
RCKE <= IS==7 && nWEr && (ROMSpecRDr || RAMSpecSELr);
nRCS <= ~(IS==7 && nWEr && (ROMSpecRDr || RAMSpecSELr));
nRAS <= 1'b1;
nCAS <= 1'b0;
nSWE <= 1'b1;
SDOE <= 0;
end 3: begin // NOP CKE / CKD
RCKE <= IS==7 && nWEr && (ROMSpecRDr || RAMSpecSELr);
nRCS <= 1'b1;
nRAS <= 1'b1;
nCAS <= 1'b1;
nSWE <= 1'b1;
SDOE <= 0;
end 4: begin // NOP CKD
RCKE <= 1'b0;
nRCS <= 1'b1;
nRAS <= 1'b1;
nCAS <= 1'b1;
nSWE <= 1'b1;
SDOE <= 0;
end 5: begin // NOP CKD
RCKE <= 1'b0;
nRCS <= 1'b1;
nRAS <= 1'b1;
nCAS <= 1'b1;
nSWE <= 1'b1;
SDOE <= 0;
end 6: begin // NOP CKD
RCKE <= 1'b0;
nRCS <= 1'b1;
nRAS <= 1'b1;
nCAS <= 1'b1;
nSWE <= 1'b1;
SDOE <= 0;
end 7: begin // NOP CKE / CKD
RCKE <= IS==6 || (RAMWR && IS==7);
nRCS <= 1'b1;
nRAS <= 1'b1;
nCAS <= 1'b1;
nSWE <= 1'b1;
SDOE <= 0;
end 8: begin // WR AP CKE / NOP CKD (WR AP)
RCKE <= IS==6 || (RAMWR && IS==7);
nRCS <= ~(IS==6 || (RAMWR && IS==7));
nRAS <= 1'b1;
nCAS <= 1'b0;
nSWE <= 1'b0;
SDOE <= IS==6 || (RAMWR && IS==7);
end 9: begin // NOP CKE / NOP CKD
RCKE <= 1'b1;
nRCS <= 1'b1;
nRAS <= 1'b1;
nCAS <= 1'b1;
nSWE <= 1'b1;
SDOE <= 0;
end 10: begin // PC all CKE / PC all CKD
RCKE <= IS==1 || IS==4 || IS==5 || IS==6 || (IS==7 && RefReqd);
nRCS <= 1'b0;
nRAS <= 1'b0;
nCAS <= 1'b1;
nSWE <= 1'b0;
SDOE <= 0;
end 11: begin // LDM CKE / AREF CKE / NOP CKD
RCKE <= IS==1 || IS==4 || IS==5 || IS==6 || (IS==7 && RefReqd);
nRCS <= ~(IS==1 || IS==4 || IS==5 || IS==6 || (IS==7 && RefReqd));
nRAS <= 1'b0;
nCAS <= 1'b0;
nSWE <= ~(IS==1);
SDOE <= 0;
end default: begin // NOP CKD
RCKE <= 1'b0;
nRCS <= 1'b1;
nRAS <= 1'b1;
nCAS <= 1'b1;
nSWE <= 1'b1;
SDOE <= 0;
/* SDRAM address */
output reg DQML = 1;
output reg DQMH = 1;
output reg [1:0] SBA;
output reg [12:0] SA;
always @(posedge C25M) begin
case (PS[3:0])
0: begin // NOP CKE
DQML <= 1'b1;
DQMH <= 1'b1;
SBA[1:0] <= 2'b00;
SA[12:0] <= 13'b0011000100000;
end 1: begin // ACT
DQML <= 1'b1;
DQMH <= 1'b1;
if (IS==6) begin
SBA[1:0] <= { 2'b10 };
SA[12:0] <= { 10'b0011000100, LS[12:10] };
end else if (RAMSpecSELr) begin
SBA[1:0] <= { 1'b0, SetEN24bit ? Addr[23] : 1'b0 };
SA[12:10] <= SetEN24bit ? Addr[22:20] : 3'b000;
SA[9:0] <= Addr[19:10];
end else begin
SBA[1:0] <= 2'b10;
SA[12:0] <= { 10'b0011000100, Bank, RA[11:10] };
end 2: begin // RD
if (RAMSpecSELr) begin
SBA[1:0] <= { 1'b0, SetEN24bit ? Addr[23] : 1'b0 };
SA[12:0] <= { 4'b0011, Addr[9:1] };
DQML <= Addr[0];
DQMH <= ~Addr[0];
end else begin
SBA[1:0] <= 2'b10;
SA[12:0] <= { 4'b0011, RA[9:1]};
DQML <= RA[0];
DQMH <= ~RA[0];
end 3: begin // NOP CKE
DQML <= 1'b1;
DQMH <= 1'b1;
SBA[1:0] <= 2'b00;
SA[12:0] <= 13'b0011000100000;
end 4: begin // NOP CKE
DQML <= 1'b1;
DQMH <= 1'b1;
SBA[1:0] <= 2'b00;
SA[12:0] <= 13'b0011000100000;
end 5: begin // NOP CKE
DQML <= 1'b1;
DQMH <= 1'b1;
SBA[1:0] <= 2'b00;
SA[12:0] <= 13'b0011000100000;
end 6: begin // NOP CKE
DQML <= 1'b1;
DQMH <= 1'b1;
SBA[1:0] <= 2'b00;
SA[12:0] <= 13'b0011000100000;
end 7: begin // NOP CKE
DQML <= 1'b1;
DQMH <= 1'b1;
SBA[1:0] <= 2'b00;
SA[12:0] <= 13'b0011000100000;
end 8: begin // WR AP
if (IS==6) begin
SBA[1:0] <= 2'b10;
SA[12:0] <= { 4'b0011, LS[9:1] };
DQML <= LS[0];
DQMH <= ~LS[0];
end else begin
SBA[1:0] <= { 1'b0, SetEN24bit ? Addr[23] : 1'b0 };
SA[12:0] <= { 4'b0011, Addr[9:1] };
DQML <= Addr[0];
DQMH <= ~Addr[0];
end 9: begin // NOP CKE
DQML <= 1'b1;
DQMH <= 1'b1;
SBA[1:0] <= 2'b00;
SA[12:0] <= 13'b0011000100000;
end 10: begin // PC all
DQML <= 1'b1;
DQMH <= 1'b1;
SBA[1:0] <= 2'b00;
SA[12:0] <= 13'b0011000100000;
end 11: begin // AREF / load mode
DQML <= 1'b1;
DQMH <= 1'b1;
SBA[1:0] <= 2'b00;
SA[12:0] <= 13'b0001000100000;
end 12: begin // NOP CKE
DQML <= 1'b1;
DQMH <= 1'b1;
SBA[1:0] <= 2'b00;
SA[12:0] <= 13'b0011000100000;
end 13: begin // NOP CKE
DQML <= 1'b1;
DQMH <= 1'b1;
SBA[1:0] <= 2'b00;
SA[12:0] <= 13'b0011000100000;
end 14: begin // NOP CKE
DQML <= 1'b1;
DQMH <= 1'b1;
SBA[1:0] <= 2'b00;
SA[12:0] <= 13'b0011000100000;
end 15: begin // NOP CKE
DQML <= 1'b1;
DQMH <= 1'b1;
SBA[1:0] <= 2'b00;
SA[12:0] <= 13'b0011000100000;
/* DMA/INT in/out */
input INTin, DMAin;
output INTout = INTin;
output DMAout = DMAin;
/* Unused Pins */
output RAdir = 1;
output nDMAout = 1;
output nNMIout = 1;
output nINHout = 1;
output nRDYout = 1;
output nIRQout = 1;
output RWout = 1;