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synced 2024-10-03 18:54:44 +00:00
exidy: started platform, c example
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Normal file
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
import { MOS6502 } from "../common/cpu/MOS6502";
import { BasicScanlineMachine, CPU } from "../common/devices";
import { KeyFlags, Keys, makeKeycodeMap, newAddressDecoder, newKeyboardHandler } from "../common/emu";
// https://github.com/mamedev/mame/blob/e9ac85ca86a873c67d6bc8d7cf2e37bc7696b379/src/mame/exidy/exidy.cpp#L327
// http://www.arcaderestoration.com/games/9089/Targ.aspx
// http://www.arcaderestoration.com/memorymap/9089/Targ.aspx
// http://www.arcaderestoration.com/memorymap/3933/Hard+Hat.aspx
// https://github.com/mamedev/mame/blob/74c4a0c3774e3aeb4895eb13f3c47773d34ce270/src/mame/shared/exidysound.cpp#L13
const EXIDY_KEYCODE_MAP = makeKeycodeMap([
[Keys.START, 1, -0x1],
//[Keys.START, 1, -0x2],
[Keys.RIGHT, 1, -0x4],
[Keys.LEFT, 1, -0x8],
[Keys.A, 1, -0x10],
[Keys.UP, 1, -0x20],
[Keys.DOWN, 1, -0x40],
[Keys.SELECT, 1, -0x80],
ROM layout:
0x0000 - 0x5fff: program ROM
0x6000 - 0x67ff: sprite ROM
0x6800 - 0x7fff: audio ROM
export class ExidyUGBv2 extends BasicScanlineMachine {
cpuFrequency = 705562;
sampleRate = 894886;
numVisibleScanlines = 256;
numTotalScanlines = 262;
cpuCyclesPerLine = 0x150 >> 3;
canvasWidth = 256;
defaultROMSize = 0x8000 + 0x800 + 0x2800; // PRG + CHR + SOUND
cpu = new MOS6502();
ram = new Uint8Array(0x7000);
color_latch = [0x54, 0xee, 0x6b]; // RGB
palette = [
0xff000000, 0xff0000ff, 0xffff0000, 0xffff00ff,
0xff00ff00, 0xff00ffff, 0xffffff00, 0xffffffff,
sprite_gfx: Uint8Array;
inputs = new Uint8Array(4);
handler = newKeyboardHandler(this.inputs, this.keyMap); /*, (o,k,c,f) => {
// coin inserted?
if (o.index == 1 && o.mask == 128 && (f & KeyFlags.KeyDown)) {
this.inputs[3] |= 0x40;
//this.ram[0xa2] += 8; // TODO
scrnbase = 0x4000;
charbase = 0x6800;
bus = {
read: newAddressDecoder([
[0x0000, 0x03ff, 0, (a) => { return this.ram[a]; }],
[0x1000, 0x3fff, 0, (a) => { return this.rom[a - 0x1000]; }],
[0x4000, 0x4fff, 0, (a) => { return this.ram[a]; }],
[0x5100, 0x51ff, 0x03, (a) => { return a == 3 ? this.int_latch() : this.inputs[a] }],
[0x6000, 0x6fff, 0, (a) => { return this.ram[a]; }],
[0x8000, 0xffff, 0, (a) => { return this.rom[a - 0x8000]; }],
write: newAddressDecoder([
[0x0000, 0x03ff, 0, (a, v) => { this.ram[a] = v; }],
[0x4000, 0x4fff, 0, (a, v) => { this.ram[a] = v; }],
[0x5000, 0x5101, 0, (a, v) => { this.ram[a] = v; }], // TODO: sprite latch
[0x5210, 0x5212, 3, (a, v) => { this.setColorLatch(a, v); }],
[0x6000, 0x6fff, 0, (a, v) => { this.ram[a] = v; }],
constructor() {
this.inputs[0] = 0b11101010; // dip switch
this.inputs[1] = 0b11111111; // active low
loadROM(rom: Uint8Array) {
if (rom.length < 0x8000) {
if (rom.length == 11616) { // targ
this.rom.set(rom.slice(0x2800, 0x3000), 0x8000); // copy sprites
this.rom.set(rom.slice(0x2700, 0x2800), 0x7f00); // copy ff00-ffff
this.rom.set(rom.slice(0x0000, 0x2800), 0x0800); // ROM starts @ 0x1800
this.scrnbase = 0x4000;
this.charbase = 0x4800;
} else if (rom.length == 14336) { // spectar
this.rom.set(rom.slice(0x3400, 0x3800), 0x8000); // copy sprites
this.rom.set(rom.slice(0x2f00, 0x3000), 0x7f00); // copy ff00-ffff
this.scrnbase = 0x4000;
this.charbase = 0x4800;
} else {
console.log("Warning: ROM is too small", rom.length);
let sprite_ofs = 0x8000;
this.sprite_gfx = this.rom.subarray(sprite_ofs, sprite_ofs + 32 * 32);
read(a: number): number {
return this.bus.read(a);
readConst(a: number): number {
if (a == 0x5103) return this.inputs[3];
return this.bus.read(a);
write(a: number, v: number): void {
this.bus.write(a, v);
int_latch() {
let intsrc = this.inputs[3];
intsrc |= (this.inputs[1] & 0x80) ? 0 : 0x40; // coin 1
this.inputs[3] = 0x80; // clear int latch
return intsrc; // TODO
updatePalette() {
/* motion object 1 */
this.set_1_color(0, 0);
this.set_1_color(1, 7);
/* motion object 2 */
this.set_1_color(2, 0);
this.set_1_color(3, 6);
/* characters */
this.set_1_color(4, 4);
this.set_1_color(5, 3);
this.set_1_color(6, 2);
this.set_1_color(7, 1);
set_1_color(index: number, dipsw: number) {
let r = (this.color_latch[0] & (1 << dipsw)) ? 1 : 0;
let g = (this.color_latch[1] & (1 << dipsw)) ? 2 : 0;
let b = (this.color_latch[2] & (1 << dipsw)) ? 4 : 0;
this.palette[index] = RGB8[r | g | b];
setColorLatch(a: number, v: number): void {
this.color_latch[a & 3] = v;
drawSprite(xpos: number, ypos: number, ofs: number, palind: number) {
var sx = 236 - xpos - 4;
var sy = 244 - ypos - 4;
((*m_spriteno >> 4) & 0x0f) + 32 + 16 * sprite_set_2, 1,
0, 0, sx, sy, 0);*/
sy += 15;
sy -= this.scanline;
if (sy >= 0 && sy < 16) {
sy = 15 - sy;
//console.log("draw sprite", sx, sy, ofs);
let yofs = this.scanline * this.canvasWidth;
let pix = this.sprite_gfx[ofs + sy];
for (let x = 0; x < 8; x++) {
if (pix & (0x80 >> x)) {
this.pixels[yofs + sx + x] = this.palette[palind];
pix = this.sprite_gfx[ofs + sy + 16];
for (let x = 0; x < 8; x++) {
if (pix & (0x80 >> x)) {
this.pixels[yofs + sx + x + 8] = this.palette[palind];
drawSprite1() {
let xpos = this.ram[0x5000];
let ypos = this.ram[0x5040];
let set = (this.ram[0x5101] & 0x20) ? 1 : 0;
let sprite = (this.ram[0x5100] & 0x0f) + 16 * set;
this.drawSprite(xpos, ypos, sprite * 32, 1);
drawSprite2() {
let xpos = this.ram[0x5080];
let ypos = this.ram[0x50c0];
let set = (this.ram[0x5101] & 0x40) ? 1 : 0;
let sprite = (this.ram[0x5100] >> 4) + 16 * set;
this.drawSprite(xpos, ypos, sprite * 32, 3);
startScanline(): void {
drawScanline(): void {
const y = this.scanline;
const row = y >> 3;
const yofs = y * this.canvasWidth;
for (let x = 0; x < 256; x++) {
const col = x >> 3;
let code = this.ram[this.scrnbase + row * 32 + col];
let color1 = 4 + ((code >> 6) & 0x03);
let pix = this.ram[this.charbase + code * 8 + (y & 7)];
let palind = (pix & (0x80 >> (x & 7))) ? color1 : 0;
this.pixels[yofs + x] = this.palette[palind];
postFrame() {
this.inputs[3] &= 0x7f; // TODO?
getVideoParams() {
return { width: 256, height: 256, aspect: 6/5 };
const RGB8 = [
0xff000000, 0xff0000ff, 0xff00ff00, 0xff00ffff,
0xffff0000, 0xffff00ff, 0xffffff00, 0xffffffff,
0000-00FF R/W Zero Page RAM
0100-01FF R/W Stack RAM
0200-03FF R/W Scratchpad RAM
0800-3FFF R Program ROM (Targ, Spectar only)
1A00 R PX3 (Player 2 inputs) (Fax only)
bit 4 D
bit 5 C
bit 6 B
bit 7 A
1C00 R PX2 (Player 1 inputs) (Fax only)
bit 0 2 player start
bit 1 1 player start
bit 4 D
bit 5 C
bit 6 B
bit 7 A
2000-3FFF R Banked question ROM (Fax only)
4000-43FF R/W Screen RAM
4800-4FFF R/W Character Generator RAM (except Pepper II and Fax)
5000 W Motion Object 1 Horizontal Position Latch (sprite 1 X)
5040 W Motion Object 1 Vertical Position Latch (sprite 1 Y)
5080 W Motion Object 2 Horizontal Position Latch (sprite 2 X)
50C0 W Motion Object 2 Vertical Position Latch (sprite 2 Y)
5100 R Option Dipswitch Port
bit 0 coin 2 (NOT inverted) (must activate together with $5103 bit 5)
bit 1-2 bonus
bit 3-4 coins per play
bit 5-6 lives
bit 7 US/UK coins
5100 W Motion Objects Image Latch
Sprite number bits 0-3 Sprite #1 4-7 Sprite #2
5101 R Control Inputs Port
bit 0 start 1
bit 1 start 2
bit 2 right
bit 3 left
bit 5 up
bit 6 down
bit 7 coin 1 (must activate together with $5103 bit 6)
5101 W Output Control Latch (not used in PEPPER II upright)
bit 7 Enable sprite #1
bit 6 Enable sprite #2
5103 R Interrupt Condition Latch
bit 0 LNG0 - supposedly a language DIP switch
bit 1 LNG1 - supposedly a language DIP switch
bit 2 different for each game, but generally a collision bit
bit 3 TABLE - supposedly a cocktail table DIP switch
bit 4 different for each game, but generally a collision bit
bit 5 coin 2 (must activate together with $5100 bit 0)
bit 6 coin 1 (must activate together with $5101 bit 7)
bit 7 L256 - VBlank?
5213 R IN2 (Mouse Trap)
bit 3 blue button
bit 2 free play
bit 1 red button
bit 0 yellow button
52XX R/W Audio/Color Board Communications
6000-6FFF R/W Character Generator RAM (Pepper II, Fax only)
8000-FFF9 R Program memory space
FFFA-FFFF R Interrupt and Reset Vectors
Exidy Sound Board:
0000-07FF R/W RAM (mirrored every 0x7f)
0800-0FFF R/W 6532 Timer
1000-17FF R/W 6520 PIA
1800-1FFF R/W 8253 Timer
2000-27FF bit 0 Channel 1 Filter 1 enable
bit 1 Channel 1 Filter 2 enable
bit 2 Channel 2 Filter 1 enable
bit 3 Channel 2 Filter 2 enable
bit 4 Channel 3 Filter 1 enable
bit 5 Channel 3 Filter 2 enable
2800-2FFF 6840 Timer
3000 Bit 0..1 Noise select
3001 Bit 0..2 Channel 1 Amplitude
3002 Bit 0..2 Channel 2 Amplitude
3003 Bit 0..2 Channel 3 Amplitude
5800-7FFF ROM
5200 Sound board control
bit 0 Music
bit 1 Shoot
bit 2 unused
bit 3 Swarn
bit 4 Sspec
bit 5 crash
bit 6 long
bit 7 game
5201 Sound board control
bit 0 note
bit 1 upper
5101 W MouseTrap P1/P2 LED States
bit 2 Player 1 LED state
bit 4 Player 2 LED state
MouseTrap Digital Sound:
0000-3FFF ROM
A7 = 0: R Communication from sound processor
A6 = 0: R CVSD Clock State
A5 = 0: W Busy to sound processor
A4 = 0: W Data to CVSD
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ export function importPlatform(name: string) : Promise<any> {
case "coleco": return import("../platform/coleco");
case "cpc": return import("../platform/cpc");
case "devel": return import("../platform/devel");
case "exidy": return import("../platform/exidy");
case "galaxian": return import("../platform/galaxian");
case "kim1": return import("../platform/kim1");
case "markdown": return import("../platform/markdown");
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
import { Base6502MachinePlatform, Platform } from "../common/baseplatform";
import { PLATFORMS } from "../common/emu";
import { ExidyUGBv2 } from "../machine/exidy";
{ id: 'minimal.c', name: 'Minimal Example', category: "C" },
class ExidyUGBPlatform extends Base6502MachinePlatform<ExidyUGBv2> implements Platform {
newMachine() { return new ExidyUGBv2(); }
getPresets() { return EXIDY_PRESETS; }
getDefaultExtension() { return ".dasm"; };
readAddress(a) { return this.machine.readConst(a); }
getMemoryMap() {
return { main: [
{ name: 'RAM', start: 0x00, size: 0x400, type: 'ram' },
{ name: 'Sprite I/O', start: 0x5000, size: 0x100, type: 'io' },
{ name: 'I/O', start: 0x5100, size: 0x3, type: 'io' },
{ name: 'PIA 6821', start: 0x5200, size: 0xf, type: 'io' },
{ name: 'Color Latches', start: 0x5210, size: 0x3, type: 'io' },
{ name: 'Screen RAM', start: 0x4000, size: 0x400, type: 'ram' },
{ name: 'Character RAM', start: 0x6800, size: 0x800, type: 'ram' },
{ name: 'Audio ROM', start: 0x5800, size: 0x2800, type: 'rom' },
{ name: 'Program ROM', start: 0x8000, size: 0x8000, type: 'rom' },
} }
PLATFORMS["exidy"] = ExidyUGBPlatform;
Normal file
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Binary file not shown.
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@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
; Startup code for cc65 and Shiru's NES library
; based on code by Groepaz/Hitmen <groepaz@gmx.net>, Ullrich von Bassewitz <uz@cc65.org>
; edited by Steven Hugg for Exidy
.export _exit,__STARTUP__:absolute=1
.export _HandyRTI
.exportzp _INTVEC
.import initlib,push0,popa,popax,_main,zerobss,copydata
.importzp sp
; Linker generated symbols
.import __RAM0_START__ ,__RAM0_SIZE__
.import __ROM_START__ ,__ROM_SIZE__
.import __CODE_LOAD__ ,__CODE_RUN__ ,__CODE_SIZE__
.segment "ZEROPAGE"
_INTVEC: .res 2
.segment "STARTUP"
sei ;Disable interrupts
cld ;Clear decimal mode
ldx #$ff ;Setup stack pointer
lda $5103
bne @irrwait
lda #$00 ;Clear Ram
sta $5100 ;Set sprites to #0
sta $0,x
sta $100,x
sta $200,x
sta $300,x
sta $4000,x
sta $4100,x
sta $4200,x
sta $4300,x
sta $6800,x
sta $6900,x
sta $6a00,x
sta $6b00,x
sta $6c00,x
sta $6d00,x
sta $6e00,x
sta $6f00,x
bne @2
; copy data segment
jsr copydata
; initialize cc65 stack
lda #<(__RAM0_START__+__RAM0_SIZE__)
sta sp
lda #>(__RAM0_START__+__RAM0_SIZE__)
sta sp+1
; init CC65 library
jsr initlib
; set interrupt vector in ZP
lda #<_HandyRTI
lda #>_HandyRTI
sta _INTVEC+1
cli ;Enable interrupts
; start main()
jmp _main ;no parameters
; interrupt handler
jmp (_INTVEC)
; CPU vectors
.segment "VECTORS"
.word NMI ;$fffa vblank nmi
.word START ;$fffc reset
.word IRQ ;$fffe irq / brk
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
__STACKSIZE__: type = weak, value = $0100;
# Zero Page
ZP: file = "", start = $0000, size = $0100, type = rw, define = yes;
RAM0: file = "", start = $200, size = $200, define = yes;
# ROM Bank
PRG: file = %O, start = $8000, size = $8000 - 6, fill = yes, define = yes;
# CPU Vectors
VECTORS: file = %O, start = $FFFA, size = $0006, fill = yes;
# Sprite Bitmaps
SPRITES: file = %O, start = $0, size = $800, fill = yes, define = yes;
# Audio ROM
AUDIO: file = %O, start = $5800, size = $2800, fill = yes, define = yes;
ZEROPAGE: load = ZP, type = zp;
STARTUP: load = PRG, type = ro, define = yes;
RODATA: load = PRG, type = ro, define = yes;
ONCE: load = PRG, type = ro, optional = yes;
CODE: load = PRG, type = ro, define = yes;
DATA: load = PRG, run = RAM0, type = rw, define = yes;
VECTORS: load = VECTORS, type = ro;
SPRITES: load = SPRITES, type = ro, optional = yes;
BSS: load = RAM0, type = bss, define = yes;
RAM: load = RAM0, type = rw, optional = yes;
AUDIO: load = AUDIO, type = ro, optional = yes;
CONDES: type = constructor,
segment = ONCE;
CONDES: type = destructor,
segment = RODATA;
CONDES: type = interruptor,
segment = RODATA,
import = __CALLIRQ__;
@ -327,6 +327,13 @@ export var PLATFORM_PARAMS = {
cfgfile: 'pce.cfg',
libargs: ['pce.lib', '-D', '__CARTSIZE__=0x8000'],
'exidy': {
define: ['__EXIDY__'],
cfgfile: 'exidy.cfg',
libargs: ['crt0.o', 'none.lib'],
extra_link_files: ['crt0.o', 'exidy.cfg'],
//extra_compile_files: ['exidy.h'],
PLATFORM_PARAMS['sms-sms-libcv'] = PLATFORM_PARAMS['sms-sg1000-libcv'];
@ -149,6 +149,7 @@ export function setupFS(FS, name: string) {
if (name === '65-atari7800') name = '65-none'; // TODO
if (name === '65-devel') name = '65-none'; // TODO
if (name === '65-vcs') name = '65-atari2600'; // TODO
if (name === '65-exidy') name = '65-none'; // TODO
if (!fsMeta[name]) throw Error("No filesystem for '" + name + "'");
FS.mount(WORKERFS, {
@ -75,6 +75,8 @@ export const TOOL_PRELOADFS = {
'ca65-vcs': '65-atari2600',
'cc65-pce': '65-pce',
'ca65-pce': '65-pce',
'cc65-exidy': '65-none',
'ca65-exidy': '65-none',
'sdasz80': 'sdcc',
'sdcc': 'sdcc',
'sccz80': 'sccz80',
Reference in New Issue
Block a user