mirror of https://github.com/sehugg/8bitworkshop.git synced 2024-06-11 12:29:29 +00:00
2021-08-23 09:10:12 -05:00

141 lines
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import * as io from "./io";
// if an event is specified, it goes here
export const EVENT_KEY = "$$event";
// an object that can become interactive, identified by ID
export interface Interactive {
$$interact: InteractionRecord;
export interface InteractEvent {
interactid : number;
type: string;
x?: number;
y?: number;
button?: boolean;
// InteractionRecord maps a target object to an interaction ID
// the $$callback is used once per script eval, then gets nulled
// whether or not it's invoked
// event comes from $$data.$$event
export class InteractionRecord implements io.Loadable {
interactid : number;
lastevent : {} = null;
public readonly interacttarget: Interactive,
private $$callback
) {
$$setstate(newstate: {interactid: number}) {
this.interactid = newstate.interactid;
this.interacttarget.$$interact = this;
let event : InteractEvent = io.data.get(EVENT_KEY);
if (event && event.interactid == this.interactid) {
if (this.$$callback) {
this.lastevent = event;
io.data.set(EVENT_KEY, null);
this.$$callback = null;
$$getstate() {
//TODO: this isn't always cleared before we serialize (e.g. if exception or move element)
this.$$callback = null;
return this;
export function isInteractive(obj: object): obj is Interactive {
return !!((obj as Interactive).$$interact);
export function interact(object: any, callback) : InteractionRecord {
// TODO: limit to Bitmap, etc
if (typeof object === 'object') {
return new InteractionRecord(object, callback);
throw new Error(`This object is not capable of interaction.`);
export interface ScriptUIType {
uitype : string;
export class ScriptUISliderType implements ScriptUIType {
readonly uitype = 'slider';
value: number;
readonly min: number,
readonly max: number,
readonly step: number
) {
this.value = min;
export class ScriptUISlider extends ScriptUISliderType implements io.Loadable {
initial(value: number) {
this.value = value;
return this;
$$getstate() {
return { value: this.value };
export function slider(min: number, max: number, step?: number) {
return new ScriptUISlider(min, max, step || 1);
export class ScriptUISelectType<T> implements ScriptUIType {
readonly uitype = 'select';
value: T;
index: number;
readonly options: T[]
) {
this.index = 0;
this.value = this.options[this.index];
export class ScriptUISelect<T> extends ScriptUISelectType<T> implements io.Loadable {
initial(index: number) {
this.index = index;
this.value = this.options[index];
return this;
$$getstate() {
return { value: this.value, index: this.index };
export function select(options: any[]) {
return new ScriptUISelect(options);
export class ScriptUIButtonType implements ScriptUIType {
readonly uitype = 'button';
readonly name: string
) {
export class ScriptUIButton extends ScriptUIButtonType {
export function button(name: string) {
return new ScriptUIButton(name);