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// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module
// This file ONLY is placed into the Public Domain, for any use,
// without warranty, 2003 by Wilson Snyder.
module t (/*AUTOARG*/
// Inputs
input clk;
reg [39:0] con1,con2, con3;
reg [31:0] w32;
reg [31:0] v32 [2];
// surefire lint_off UDDSCN
reg [200:0] conw3, conw4;
// surefire lint_on UDDSCN
reg [16*8-1:0] con__ascii;
reg [31:0] win;
// Test casting is proper on narrow->wide->narrow conversions
// verilator lint_off WIDTH
wire [49:0] wider = ({18'h0, win} | (1'b1<<32)) - 50'h111;
wire [31:0] wider2 = ({win} | (1'b1<<32)) - 50'd111;
// verilator lint_on WIDTH
wire [31:0] narrow = wider[31:0];
wire [31:0] narrow2 = wider2[31:0];
// surefire lint_off ASWEMB
// surefire lint_off ASWCMB
// surefire lint_off CWECBB
// surefire lint_off CWECSB
// surefire lint_off STMINI
integer cyc; initial cyc=1;
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (cyc!=0) begin
cyc <= cyc + 1;
if (cyc==1) begin
$write("[%0t] t_const: Running\n",$time);
con1 = 4_0'h1000_0010; // Odd but legal _ in width
con2 = 40'h10_0000_0010;
con3 = con1 + 40'h10_1100_0101;
if (con1[31:0]!== 32'h1000_0010 || con1[39:32]!==0) $stop;
$display("%x %x %x\n", con2, con2[31:0], con2[39:32]);
if (con2[31:0]!== 32'h10 || con2[39:32]!==8'h10) $stop;
if (con3[31:0]!==32'h2100_0111 || con3[39:32]!==8'h10) $stop;
// verilator lint_off WIDTH
con1 = 10'h10 + 40'h80_1100_0131;
// verilator lint_on WIDTH
con2 = 40'h80_0000_0000 + 40'h13_7543_0107;
if (con1[31:0]!== 32'h1100_0141 || con1[39:32]!==8'h80) $stop;
if (con2[31:0]!== 32'h7543_0107 || con2[39:32]!==8'h93) $stop;
// verilator lint_off WIDTH
conw3 = 94'h000a_5010_4020_3030_2040_1050;
// verilator lint_on WIDTH
if (conw3[31:00]!== 32'h2040_1050 ||
conw3[63:32]!== 32'h4020_3030 ||
conw3[95:64]!== 32'h000a_5010 ||
conw3[128:96]!==33'h0) $stop;
$display("%x... %x\n", conw3[15:0], ~| conw3[15:0]);
if ((~| conw3[15:0]) !== 1'h0) $stop;
if ((~& conw3[15:0]) !== 1'h1) $stop;
// verilator lint_off WIDTH
conw4 = 112'h7010_602a_5030_4040_3050_2060_1070;
// verilator lint_on WIDTH
if (conw4[31:00]!== 32'h2060_1070 ||
conw4[63:32]!== 32'h4040_3050 ||
conw4[95:64]!== 32'h602a_5030 ||
conw4[127:96]!==32'h7010) $stop;
// conw4 = 144'h7000_7000_7010_602a_5030_4040_3050_2060_1070;
w32 = 12;
win <= 12;
if ((32'hffff0000 >> w32) != 32'h 000ffff0) $stop;
con__ascii = "abcdefghijklmnop";
if ( con__ascii !== {"abcd","efgh","ijkl","mnop"}) $stop;
con__ascii = "abcdefghijklm";
if ( con__ascii !== {24'h0,"a","bcde","fghi","jklm"}) $stop;
if ( 3'dx !== 3'hx) $stop;
// Wide decimal
if ( 94'd12345678901234567890123456789 != 94'h27e41b3246bec9b16e398115) $stop;
if (-94'sd123456789012345678901234567 != 94'h3f99e1020ea70d57d360b479) $stop;
// Increments
w32 = 12; w32++; if (w32 != 13) $stop;
w32 = 12; ++w32; if (w32 != 13) $stop;
w32 = 12; w32--; if (w32 != 11) $stop;
w32 = 12; --w32; if (w32 != 11) $stop;
w32 = 12; w32 += 2; if (w32 != 14) $stop;
w32 = 12; w32 -= 2; if (w32 != 10) $stop;
w32 = 12; w32 *= 2; if (w32 != 24) $stop;
w32 = 12; w32 /= 2; if (w32 != 6) $stop;
w32 = 12; w32 &= 6; if (w32 != 4) $stop;
w32 = 12; w32 |= 15; if (w32 != 15) $stop;
w32 = 12; w32 ^= 15; if (w32 != 3) $stop;
w32 = 12; w32 >>= 1; if (w32 != 6) $stop;
w32 = 12; w32 <<= 1; if (w32 != 24) $stop;
// Increments
v32[1] = 12; v32[1]++; if (v32[1] != 13) $stop;
v32[1] = 12; ++v32[1]; if (v32[1] != 13) $stop;
v32[1] = 12; v32[1]--; if (v32[1] != 11) $stop;
v32[1] = 12; --v32[1]; if (v32[1] != 11) $stop;
v32[1] = 12; v32[1] += 2; if (v32[1] != 14) $stop;
v32[1] = 12; v32[1] -= 2; if (v32[1] != 10) $stop;
v32[1] = 12; v32[1] *= 2; if (v32[1] != 24) $stop;
v32[1] = 12; v32[1] /= 2; if (v32[1] != 6) $stop;
v32[1] = 12; v32[1] &= 6; if (v32[1] != 4) $stop;
v32[1] = 12; v32[1] |= 15; if (v32[1] != 15) $stop;
v32[1] = 12; v32[1] ^= 15; if (v32[1] != 3) $stop;
v32[1] = 12; v32[1] >>= 1; if (v32[1] != 6) $stop;
v32[1] = 12; v32[1] <<= 1; if (v32[1] != 24) $stop;
if (cyc==2) begin
win <= 32'h123123;
if (narrow !== 32'hfffffefb) $stop;
if (narrow2 !== 32'hffffff9d) $stop;
if (cyc==3) begin
if (narrow !== 32'h00123012) $stop;
if (narrow2 !== 32'h001230b4) $stop;
if (cyc==10) begin
$write("*-* All Finished *-*\n");