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;Paddle Controller Constants and Functions for C64
PADDLS EQU #$04 ;Maximum Numbers of Paddles
;Read Paddle
;Args: A = Paddle #
;Affects: X,Y
;Returns: A = Paddle Value
; 0 and Carry Set if Paddle # Invalid
PADDLE: CMP #PADDLS ;If Invalid Paddle #
BCS BUTTOZ ; Return 0 & Carry Set
EOR #$03 ;Invert Paddle #
TAY ;Copy Paddle # to Y
AND #$01 ;Get Paddle Index
TAX ;and Copy to X
SEI ;Turn off Interrupts
LDA $DC02 ;Save Data Direction Register A
LDA #$C0
STA $DC02 ;Set Port A for Output
LDA PADDLT,Y ;Get Bit Mask and
STA $DC00 ;Address Pair of Paddles
LDY #$FF ;Wait for SID to Read Paddles
BMI PADDLL ;Y contains $7F when Done
PLA ;Restore Data Direction Register A
LDA $D419,X ;Read Paddle
STY $DC00 ;Reset Port A for Button Read
CLI ;Turn on Interrupts
PADDLT: DC $80,$80,$40,$40 ;Port A Bit Mask Table
BUTTNS EQU #$04 ;Maximum Numbers of Paddle Buttons
;Read Paddle Button
;Args: A = Button #
;Affects: X,Y
;Returns: A = $FF if Paddle Button Pressed
; $00 if Paddle Button Not Pressed
; Carry Set if Button Number Invalid
BUTTON: CMP #BUTTNS ;If Button# >= # of Buttons
BCS BUTTOZ ; Return FALSE & Carry Set
EOR #$03 ;Invert Button #
TAX ;and Copy to X Register
ROR ;Divide Button # by 2
TAY ;and Transfer to Y Register
LDA $DC00,Y ;Read Joystick Port
AND BUTTOM,X ;Mask off Relevant Bit
BNE BUTTOZ ;If Bit is 0
LDA #$FF ; Return TRUE
RTS ;Else
BUTTOZ: LDA #$00 ; Return FALSE
;Paddle Buttons 0 = S2 (bit 2), 1 = S3 (bit 3)
BUTTOM: DC $08,$04,$08,$04 ;Paddle Button Bit Masks