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2022-04-11 15:00:55 -04:00
// Decoder.cpp
// Clock Signal
// Created by Thomas Harte on 10/04/2022.
// Copyright © 2022 Thomas Harte. All rights reserved.
#include "Decoder.hpp"
2022-04-12 07:49:08 -04:00
#include <cassert>
2022-04-11 15:00:55 -04:00
using namespace InstructionSet::M68k;
namespace {
/// @returns The @c AddressingMode given the specified mode and reg, subject to potential
/// aliasing on the '020+ as described above the @c AddressingMode enum.
template <
bool allow_An = true, bool allow_post_inc = true
> constexpr AddressingMode combined_mode(int raw_mode, int reg) {
2022-04-15 15:33:54 -04:00
auto mode = AddressingMode(raw_mode);
if(!allow_An && mode == AddressingMode::AddressRegisterDirect) {
mode = AddressingMode::DataRegisterDirect;
if(!allow_post_inc && mode == AddressingMode::AddressRegisterIndirectWithPostincrement) {
mode = AddressingMode::AddressRegisterIndirect;
return (raw_mode != 7) ? mode : AddressingMode(0b01'000 | reg);
2022-04-11 15:00:55 -04:00
// MARK: - Instruction decoders.
/// Maps from an ExtendedOperation to an Operation; in practice that means that anything
/// that already is an Operation is passed through, and other things are mapped down into
/// an operation that doesn't duplicate detail about the operands that can be held by a
/// Preinstruction in other ways — for example, ANDI and AND are both represented by
/// a Preinstruction with an operation of AND, the former just happens to specify an
/// immediate operand.
template <Model model>
constexpr Operation Predecoder<model>::operation(OpT op) {
if(op < OpT(Operation::Max)) {
return Operation(op);
switch(op) {
case MOVEMtoRl: case MOVEMtoMl: return Operation::MOVEMl;
case MOVEMtoRw: case MOVEMtoMw: return Operation::MOVEMw;
case MOVEPtoRl: case MOVEPtoMl: return Operation::MOVEPl;
case MOVEPtoRw: case MOVEPtoMw: return Operation::MOVEPw;
case ADDQb: return Operation::ADDb;
case ADDQw: return Operation::ADDw;
case ADDQl: return Operation::ADDl;
case ADDQAw: return Operation::ADDAw;
case ADDQAl: return Operation::ADDAl;
case SUBQb: return Operation::SUBb;
2022-04-18 09:08:49 -04:00
case SUBQw: return Operation::SUBw;
case SUBQl: return Operation::SUBl;
case SUBQAw: return Operation::SUBAw;
case SUBQAl: return Operation::SUBAl;
2022-04-15 15:33:54 -04:00
case BTSTI: return Operation::BTST;
case BCHGI: return Operation::BCHG;
case BCLRI: return Operation::BCLR;
case BSETI: return Operation::BSET;
case LEA: return Operation::MOVEAl;
#define ImmediateGroup(x) \
case x##Ib: return Operation::x##b; \
case x##Iw: return Operation::x##w; \
case x##Il: return Operation::x##l;
#undef ImmediateGroup
default: break;
return Operation::Undefined;
/// Decodes the fields within an instruction and constructs a `Preinstruction`, given that the operation has already been
/// decoded. Optionally applies validation
template <Model model>
template <uint8_t op, bool validate> Preinstruction Predecoder<model>::decode(uint16_t instruction) {
2022-04-11 15:00:55 -04:00
// Fields used pervasively below.
// Underlying assumption: the compiler will discard whatever of these
// isn't actually used.
const auto ea_register = instruction & 7;
const auto ea_mode = (instruction >> 3) & 7;
const auto opmode = (instruction >> 6) & 7;
const auto data_register = (instruction >> 9) & 7;
constexpr auto operation = Predecoder<model>::operation(op);
2022-04-11 15:00:55 -04:00
switch(op) {
2022-04-11 15:00:55 -04:00
// b9b11: Rx (destination)
// b0b2: Ry (source)
// b3: 1 => operation is memory-to-memory; 0 => register-to-register.
case OpT(Operation::ABCD): case OpT(Operation::SBCD): {
2022-04-11 15:00:55 -04:00
const auto addressing_mode = (instruction & 8) ?
AddressingMode::AddressRegisterIndirectWithPredecrement : AddressingMode::DataRegisterDirect;
return Preinstruction(operation,
addressing_mode, ea_register,
addressing_mode, data_register);
// b9b11: a register;
// b0b2 and b3b5: an effective address;
// b6b8: an opmode, i.e. source + direction.
case OpT(Operation::ADDb): case OpT(Operation::ADDw): case OpT(Operation::ADDl):
case OpT(Operation::ADDAw): case OpT(Operation::ADDAl):
case OpT(Operation::SUBb): case OpT(Operation::SUBw): case OpT(Operation::SUBl):
case OpT(Operation::SUBAw): case OpT(Operation::SUBAl):
case OpT(Operation::CMPAw): case OpT(Operation::CMPAl):
case OpT(Operation::ANDb): case OpT(Operation::ANDw): case OpT(Operation::ANDl):
case OpT(Operation::ORb): case OpT(Operation::ORw): case OpT(Operation::ORl):
case OpT(Operation::EORb): case OpT(Operation::EORw): case OpT(Operation::EORl): {
// TODO: I strongly suspect that most of the potential exits to Preinstruction()
// below are completely unnecessary, being merely relics of the old method I applied
// to instruction decoding; I assume that all missing operation modes and addressing
// modes are actually caused by the instruction codes being otherwise allocated.
// Disabled for now. Will need to verify!
2022-04-11 15:00:55 -04:00
// Opmode 7 is illegal.
// if(opmode == 7) {
// return Preinstruction();
// }
2022-04-11 15:00:55 -04:00
// constexpr bool is_eor =
// operation == Operation::EORb ||
// operation == Operation::EORw ||
// operation == Operation::EORl;
2022-04-11 15:00:55 -04:00
const auto ea_combined_mode = combined_mode(ea_mode, ea_register);
2022-04-11 15:00:55 -04:00
if(opmode & 4) {
// Dn Λ < ea > → < ea >
// The operations other than EOR do not permit <ea>
// to be a data register; targetting a data register
// should be achieved with the alternative opmode.
// if constexpr (!is_eor) {
// if(ea_combined_mode == AddressingMode::DataRegisterDirect) {
// return Preinstruction();
// }
// }
2022-04-11 15:00:55 -04:00
return Preinstruction(operation,
AddressingMode::DataRegisterDirect, data_register,
ea_combined_mode, ea_register);
} else {
// < ea > Λ Dn → Dn
// EOR doesn't permit → Dn.
// if constexpr (is_eor) {
// return Preinstruction();
// }
2022-04-11 15:00:55 -04:00
return Preinstruction(operation,
ea_combined_mode, ea_register,
AddressingMode::DataRegisterDirect, data_register);
return Preinstruction();
2022-04-15 15:33:54 -04:00
// Implicitly: source is an immediate value;
// b0b2 and b3b5: destination effective address.
2022-04-15 15:33:54 -04:00
case EORIb: case EORIl: case EORIw:
case ORIb: case ORIl: case ORIw:
case ANDIb: case ANDIl: case ANDIw:
case SUBIb: case SUBIl: case SUBIw:
case ADDIb: case ADDIl: case ADDIw:
case CMPIb: case CMPIl: case CMPIw:
case BTSTI: case BCHGI:
case BCLRI: case BSETI:
return Preinstruction(operation,
AddressingMode::ImmediateData, 0,
combined_mode(ea_mode, ea_register), ea_register);
2022-04-15 15:33:54 -04:00
// b0b2 and b3b5: destination effective address;
// b9b11: source data register.
case OpT(Operation::BTST): case OpT(Operation::BCLR):
case OpT(Operation::BCHG): case OpT(Operation::BSET):
2022-04-15 15:33:54 -04:00
return Preinstruction(operation,
AddressingMode::DataRegisterDirect, data_register,
combined_mode(ea_mode, ea_register), ea_register);
2022-04-15 15:33:54 -04:00
// Operand is an immedate; destination/source (if any) is implied by the operation.
2022-04-18 08:29:10 -04:00
case OpT(Operation::STOP):
case OpT(Operation::Bccl): case OpT(Operation::Bccw):
case OpT(Operation::BSRl): case OpT(Operation::BSRw):
case OpT(Operation::ORItoSR): case OpT(Operation::ORItoCCR):
case OpT(Operation::ANDItoSR): case OpT(Operation::ANDItoCCR):
case OpT(Operation::EORItoSR): case OpT(Operation::EORItoCCR):
return Preinstruction(operation,
AddressingMode::ImmediateData, 0,
operation == Operation::ORItoSR || operation == Operation::ANDItoSR || operation == Operation::EORItoSR);
// Implicitly: destination is a register;
// b0b2 and b3b5: source effective address.
case OpT(Operation::CHK):
return Preinstruction(operation,
combined_mode(ea_mode, ea_register), ea_register,
AddressingMode::DataRegisterDirect, data_register);
2022-04-11 15:00:55 -04:00
// b0b2: register Ry (data or address, address if exchange is address <-> data);
// b9b11: register Rx (data or address, data if exchange is address <-> data);
// b3b7: an opmode, indicating address/data registers.
case OpT(Operation::EXG):
2022-04-11 15:00:55 -04:00
switch((instruction >> 3)&31) {
default: return Preinstruction();
2022-04-11 15:00:55 -04:00
case 0x08: return Preinstruction(operation,
AddressingMode::DataRegisterDirect, ea_register,
AddressingMode::DataRegisterDirect, data_register);
case 0x09: return Preinstruction(operation,
AddressingMode::AddressRegisterDirect, ea_register,
AddressingMode::AddressRegisterDirect, data_register);
case 0x11: return Preinstruction(operation,
AddressingMode::AddressRegisterDirect, ea_register,
AddressingMode::DataRegisterDirect, data_register);
2022-04-11 16:32:57 -04:00
2022-04-11 15:00:55 -04:00
// b9b11: destination data register;
// b0b2 and b3b5: source effective address.
case OpT(Operation::DIVU): case OpT(Operation::DIVS):
case OpT(Operation::MULU): case OpT(Operation::MULS):
2022-04-11 15:00:55 -04:00
return Preinstruction(operation,
combined_mode(ea_mode, ea_register), ea_register,
2022-04-11 15:00:55 -04:00
AddressingMode::DataRegisterDirect, data_register);
// b9b11: destination address register;
// b0b2 and b3b5: source effective address.
case LEA:
return Preinstruction(operation,
combined_mode(ea_mode, ea_register), ea_register,
AddressingMode::AddressRegisterDirect, data_register);
// b0b2: an address register;
// b9b11: a data register.
// [already decoded: b6b8: an opmode, indicating size and direction]
case OpT(MOVEPtoRw): case OpT(MOVEPtoRl):
return Preinstruction(operation,
AddressingMode::AddressRegisterIndirectWithDisplacement, ea_register,
AddressingMode::DataRegisterDirect, data_register);
case OpT(MOVEPtoMw): case OpT(MOVEPtoMl):
return Preinstruction(operation,
AddressingMode::DataRegisterDirect, data_register,
AddressingMode::AddressRegisterIndirectWithDisplacement, ea_register);
2022-04-15 15:40:31 -04:00
// b0b2 and b3b5: source effective address;
// b6b8 and b9b11: destination effective address;
// [already decoded: b12b13: size]
case OpT(Operation::MOVEb): case OpT(Operation::MOVEl): case OpT(Operation::MOVEw):
2022-04-15 15:40:31 -04:00
return Preinstruction(operation,
combined_mode(ea_mode, ea_register), ea_register,
2022-04-15 15:40:31 -04:00
combined_mode<false, false>(opmode, data_register), data_register);
2022-04-18 08:29:10 -04:00
2022-04-15 15:40:31 -04:00
// No additional fields.
2022-04-18 08:29:10 -04:00
case OpT(Operation::RESET): case OpT(Operation::NOP):
case OpT(Operation::RTE): case OpT(Operation::RTS): case OpT(Operation::TRAPV):
case OpT(Operation::RTR):
return Preinstruction(operation);
// b0b2 and b3b5: effective address.
case OpT(Operation::CLRb): case OpT(Operation::CLRw): case OpT(Operation::CLRl):
case OpT(Operation::JMP): case OpT(Operation::JSR):
case OpT(Operation::MOVEtoSR): case OpT(Operation::MOVEfromSR): case OpT(Operation::MOVEtoCCR):
case OpT(Operation::NBCD):
case OpT(Operation::NEGb): case OpT(Operation::NEGw): case OpT(Operation::NEGl):
case OpT(Operation::NEGXb): case OpT(Operation::NEGXw): case OpT(Operation::NEGXl):
case OpT(Operation::NOTb): case OpT(Operation::NOTw): case OpT(Operation::NOTl):
case OpT(Operation::PEA):
case OpT(Operation::TAS):
case OpT(Operation::TSTb): case OpT(Operation::TSTw): case OpT(Operation::TSTl):
case OpT(Operation::Scc):
return Preinstruction(operation,
combined_mode(ea_mode, ea_register), ea_register);
2022-04-18 08:29:10 -04:00
// b0b2: an address register.
case OpT(Operation::UNLINK):
case OpT(Operation::MOVEfromUSP): case OpT(Operation::MOVEtoUSP):
return Preinstruction(operation,
AddressingMode::AddressRegisterDirect, ea_register);
// MARK: DBcc
// b0b2: a data register.
// Followed by an immediate value.
case OpT(Operation::DBcc):
return Preinstruction(operation,
AddressingMode::DataRegisterDirect, ea_register,
AddressingMode::ImmediateData, 0);
2022-04-19 08:37:13 -04:00
// b0b2: a data register.
case OpT(Operation::SWAP):
return Preinstruction(operation,
AddressingMode::DataRegisterDirect, ea_register);
// b0b2 and b3b5: effective address.
// [already decoded: b10: direction]
case MOVEMtoMl: case MOVEMtoMw:
return Preinstruction(operation,
AddressingMode::ImmediateData, 0,
combined_mode(ea_mode, ea_register), ea_register);
case MOVEMtoRl: case MOVEMtoRw:
return Preinstruction(operation,
combined_mode(ea_mode, ea_register), ea_register,
AddressingMode::ImmediateData, 0);
// TODO: more validation on the above.
2022-04-18 08:05:33 -04:00
2022-04-18 08:05:33 -04:00
// No further operands decoded, but note that one is somewhere in the opcode.
case OpT(Operation::TRAP):
case OpT(Operation::Bccb):
case OpT(Operation::BSRb):
2022-04-18 08:05:33 -04:00
return Preinstruction(operation,
AddressingMode::Quick, 0);
2022-04-18 08:29:10 -04:00
// b0b2: 'source' address register;
2022-04-18 08:29:10 -04:00
// Implicitly: 'destination' is an immediate.
case OpT(Operation::LINKw):
return Preinstruction(operation,
AddressingMode::AddressRegisterDirect, ea_register,
AddressingMode::ImmediateData, 0);
// b0b2 and b35: a destination effective address;
// b9b11: an immediate value, embedded in the opcode.
case ADDQb: case ADDQw: case ADDQl:
case SUBQb: case SUBQw: case SUBQl:
return Preinstruction(operation,
AddressingMode::Quick, 0,
combined_mode(ea_mode, ea_register), ea_register);
2022-04-18 09:12:45 -04:00
// b9b11: a destination register;
// b0b7: a 'quick' value.
// TODO: does this need to be a separate instruction from MOVEl?
case OpT(Operation::MOVEq):
return Preinstruction(operation,
AddressingMode::Quick, 0,
AddressingMode::DataRegisterDirect, data_register);
// b0b2: a register to shift (the source here, for consistency with the memory operations);
// b8: 0 => b9b11 are a direct count of bits to shift; 1 => b9b11 identify a register containing the shift count;
// b9b11: either a quick value or a register.
case OpT(Operation::ASRb): case OpT(Operation::ASRw): case OpT(Operation::ASRl):
case OpT(Operation::LSRb): case OpT(Operation::LSRw): case OpT(Operation::LSRl):
case OpT(Operation::ROXRb): case OpT(Operation::ROXRw): case OpT(Operation::ROXRl):
case OpT(Operation::RORb): case OpT(Operation::RORw): case OpT(Operation::RORl):
case OpT(Operation::ASLb): case OpT(Operation::ASLw): case OpT(Operation::ASLl):
case OpT(Operation::LSLb): case OpT(Operation::LSLw): case OpT(Operation::LSLl):
case OpT(Operation::ROXLb): case OpT(Operation::ROXLw): case OpT(Operation::ROXLl):
case OpT(Operation::ROLb): case OpT(Operation::ROLw): case OpT(Operation::ROLl):
return Preinstruction(operation,
AddressingMode::DataRegisterDirect, ea_register,
(instruction & 0x100) ? AddressingMode::DataRegisterDirect : AddressingMode::Quick, data_register);
// b0b2 and b35: an effective address.
case OpT(Operation::ASRm): case OpT(Operation::ASLm):
case OpT(Operation::LSRm): case OpT(Operation::LSLm):
case OpT(Operation::ROXRm): case OpT(Operation::ROXLm):
case OpT(Operation::RORm): case OpT(Operation::ROLm):
return Preinstruction(operation,
combined_mode(ea_mode, ea_register), ea_register);
// MARK: Impossible error case.
2022-04-12 07:49:08 -04:00
// Should be unreachable.
2022-04-11 15:00:55 -04:00
// MARK: - Page decoders.
#define Decode(y) return decode<OpT(y)>(instruction)
template <Model model>
Preinstruction Predecoder<model>::decode0(uint16_t instruction) {
using Op = Operation;
switch(instruction & 0xfff) {
2022-04-15 20:41:39 -04:00
case 0x03c: Decode(Op::ORItoCCR); // 4-155 (p259)
case 0x07c: Decode(Op::ORItoSR); // 6-27 (p481)
case 0x23c: Decode(Op::ANDItoCCR); // 4-20 (p124)
2022-04-15 20:41:39 -04:00
case 0x27c: Decode(Op::ANDItoSR); // 6-2 (p456)
case 0xa3c: Decode(Op::EORItoCCR); // 4-104 (p208)
2022-04-15 20:41:39 -04:00
case 0xa7c: Decode(Op::EORItoSR); // 6-10 (p464)
default: break;
switch(instruction & 0xfc0) {
// 4-153 (p257)
case 0x000: Decode(ORIb);
case 0x040: Decode(ORIw);
case 0x080: Decode(ORIl);
// 4-18 (p122)
case 0x200: Decode(ANDIb);
case 0x240: Decode(ANDIw);
case 0x280: Decode(ANDIl);
// 4-179 (p283)
case 0x400: Decode(SUBIb);
case 0x440: Decode(SUBIw);
case 0x480: Decode(SUBIl);
// 4-9 (p113)
case 0x600: Decode(ADDIb);
case 0x640: Decode(ADDIw);
case 0x680: Decode(ADDIl);
// 4-63 (p167)
case 0x800: Decode(BTSTI);
// 4-29 (p133)
case 0x840: Decode(BCHGI);
// 4-32 (p136)
case 0x880: Decode(BCLRI);
// 4-58 (p162)
case 0x8c0: Decode(BSETI);
// 4-102 (p206)
case 0xa00: Decode(EORIb);
case 0xa40: Decode(EORIw);
case 0xa80: Decode(EORIl);
// 4-79 (p183)
case 0xc00: Decode(CMPIb);
case 0xc40: Decode(CMPIw);
case 0xc80: Decode(CMPIl);
default: break;
switch(instruction & 0x1c0) {
case 0x100: Decode(Op::BTST); // 4-62 (p166)
case 0x180: Decode(Op::BCLR); // 4-31 (p135)
case 0x140: Decode(Op::BCHG); // 4-28 (p132)
case 0x1c0: Decode(Op::BSET); // 4-57 (p161)
default: break;
switch(instruction & 0x1f8) {
// 4-133 (p237)
case 0x108: Decode(MOVEPtoRw);
case 0x148: Decode(MOVEPtoRl);
case 0x188: Decode(MOVEPtoMw);
case 0x1c8: Decode(MOVEPtoMl);
default: break;
2022-04-12 08:16:29 -04:00
return Preinstruction();
template <Model model>
Preinstruction Predecoder<model>::decode1(uint16_t instruction) {
using Op = Operation;
2022-04-15 15:40:31 -04:00
// 4-116 (p220)
2022-04-12 08:16:29 -04:00
template <Model model>
Preinstruction Predecoder<model>::decode2(uint16_t instruction) {
using Op = Operation;
2022-04-15 15:40:31 -04:00
// 4-116 (p220)
2022-04-12 08:16:29 -04:00
template <Model model>
Preinstruction Predecoder<model>::decode3(uint16_t instruction) {
using Op = Operation;
2022-04-15 15:40:31 -04:00
// 4-116 (p220)
2022-04-12 08:16:29 -04:00
template <Model model>
Preinstruction Predecoder<model>::decode4(uint16_t instruction) {
using Op = Operation;
2022-04-12 07:49:08 -04:00
switch(instruction & 0xfff) {
case 0xe70: Decode(Op::RESET); // 6-83 (p537)
case 0xe71: Decode(Op::NOP); // 4-147 (p251)
2022-04-18 08:29:10 -04:00
case 0xe72: Decode(Op::STOP); // 6-85 (p539)
case 0xe73: Decode(Op::RTE); // 6-84 (p538)
case 0xe75: Decode(Op::RTS); // 4-169 (p273)
case 0xe76: Decode(Op::TRAPV); // 4-191 (p295)
case 0xe77: Decode(Op::RTR); // 4-168 (p272)
default: break;
2022-04-12 07:49:08 -04:00
2022-04-19 08:00:52 -04:00
switch(instruction & 0xff8) {
case 0x860: Decode(Op::SWAP); // 4-185 (p289)
case 0x880: Decode(Op::EXTbtow); // 4-106 (p210)
case 0x8c0: Decode(Op::EXTwtol); // 4-106 (p210)
case 0xe50: Decode(Op::LINKw); // 4-111 (p215)
case 0xe58: Decode(Op::UNLINK); // 4-194 (p298)
case 0xe60: Decode(Op::MOVEtoUSP); // 6-21 (p475)
case 0xe68: Decode(Op::MOVEfromUSP); // 6-21 (p475)
default: break;
switch(instruction & 0xff0) {
case 0xe40: Decode(Op::TRAP); // 4-188 (p292)
default: break;
2022-04-12 07:49:08 -04:00
switch(instruction & 0xfc0) {
// 4-146 (p250)
case 0x000: Decode(Op::NEGXb);
case 0x040: Decode(Op::NEGXw);
case 0x080: Decode(Op::NEGXl);
2022-04-12 07:49:08 -04:00
// 6-17 (p471)
case 0x0c0: Decode(Op::MOVEfromSR);
2022-04-12 07:49:08 -04:00
// 4-73 (p177)
case 0x200: Decode(Op::CLRb);
case 0x240: Decode(Op::CLRw);
case 0x280: Decode(Op::CLRl);
2022-04-12 07:49:08 -04:00
// 4-144 (p247)
case 0x400: Decode(Op::NEGb);
case 0x440: Decode(Op::NEGw);
case 0x480: Decode(Op::NEGl);
2022-04-12 07:49:08 -04:00
// 4-123 (p227)
case 0x4c0: Decode(Op::MOVEtoCCR);
2022-04-12 07:49:08 -04:00
// 4-148 (p252)
case 0x600: Decode(Op::NOTb);
case 0x640: Decode(Op::NOTw);
case 0x680: Decode(Op::NOTl);
2022-04-12 07:49:08 -04:00
// 4-123 (p227)
case 0x6c0: Decode(Op::MOVEtoSR);
2022-04-12 07:49:08 -04:00
// 4-142 (p246)
case 0x800: Decode(Op::NBCD);
2022-04-12 07:49:08 -04:00
// 4-159 (p263)
case 0x840: Decode(Op::PEA);
2022-04-12 07:49:08 -04:00
// 4-128 (p232)
case 0x880: Decode(MOVEMtoMw);
case 0x8c0: Decode(MOVEMtoMl);
case 0xc80: Decode(MOVEMtoRw);
case 0xcc0: Decode(MOVEMtoRl);
2022-04-12 07:49:08 -04:00
// 4-192 (p296)
case 0xa00: Decode(Op::TSTb);
case 0xa40: Decode(Op::TSTw);
case 0xa80: Decode(Op::TSTl);
2022-04-12 07:49:08 -04:00
// 4-186 (p290)
case 0xac0: Decode(Op::TAS);
2022-04-12 07:49:08 -04:00
// 4-109 (p213)
case 0xe80: Decode(Op::JSR);
2022-04-12 07:49:08 -04:00
// 4-108 (p212)
case 0xec0: Decode(Op::JMP);
2022-04-12 07:49:08 -04:00
default: break;
2022-04-12 07:49:08 -04:00
switch(instruction & 0x1c0) {
case 0x1c0: Decode(LEA); // 4-110 (p214)
2022-04-15 20:41:39 -04:00
case 0x180: Decode(Op::CHK); // 4-69 (p173)
default: break;
2022-04-12 07:49:08 -04:00
return Preinstruction();
template <Model model>
Preinstruction Predecoder<model>::decode5(uint16_t instruction) {
using Op = Operation;
switch(instruction & 0x1c0) {
// 4-11 (p115)
case 0x000: Decode(ADDQb);
case 0x040: Decode(ADDQw);
case 0x080: Decode(ADDQl);
// 4-181 (p285)
case 0x100: Decode(SUBQb);
case 0x140: Decode(SUBQw);
case 0x180: Decode(SUBQl);
default: break;
switch(instruction & 0x0f8) {
// 4-173 (p276)
case 0x0c0:
2022-04-18 09:04:17 -04:00
case 0x0d0: case 0x0d8:
case 0x0e0: case 0x0e8:
case 0x0f0: case 0x0f8: Decode(Op::Scc);
// 4-91 (p195)
case 0x0c8: Decode(Op::DBcc);
default: break;
2022-04-12 08:16:29 -04:00
return Preinstruction();
template <Model model>
Preinstruction Predecoder<model>::decode6(uint16_t instruction) {
using Op = Operation;
switch(instruction & 0xf00) {
// 4-59 (p163)
case 1:
switch(instruction & 0xff) {
case 0x00: Decode(Op::BSRw);
case 0xff:
2022-04-18 14:42:31 -04:00
if constexpr (model >= Model::M68020) {
default: Decode(Op::BSRb);
// 4-25 (p129) Bcc
// 4-55 (p159) BRA (i.e. Bcc with cc = always)
switch(instruction & 0xff) {
case 0x00: Decode(Op::Bccw);
case 0xff:
2022-04-18 14:42:31 -04:00
if constexpr (model >= Model::M68020) {
default: Decode(Op::Bccb);
2022-04-12 08:16:29 -04:00
template <Model model>
Preinstruction Predecoder<model>::decode7(uint16_t instruction) {
using Op = Operation;
// 4-134 (p238)
2022-04-12 08:16:29 -04:00
template <Model model>
Preinstruction Predecoder<model>::decode8(uint16_t instruction) {
using Op = Operation;
2022-04-11 16:32:57 -04:00
// 4-171 (p275)
if((instruction & 0x1f0) == 0x100) Decode(Op::SBCD);
2022-04-11 16:32:57 -04:00
// 4-150 (p254)
switch(instruction & 0x0c0) {
case 0x00: Decode(Op::ORb);
case 0x40: Decode(Op::ORw);
case 0x80: Decode(Op::ORl);
default: break;
2022-04-11 16:32:57 -04:00
switch(instruction & 0x1c0) {
case 0x0c0: Decode(Op::DIVU); // 4-97 (p201)
case 0x1c0: Decode(Op::DIVS); // 4-93 (p197)
default: break;
2022-04-11 16:32:57 -04:00
return Preinstruction();
template <Model model>
Preinstruction Predecoder<model>::decode9(uint16_t instruction) {
using Op = Operation;
2022-04-12 08:57:40 -04:00
switch(instruction & 0x0c0) {
// 4-174 (p278)
case 0x00: Decode(Op::SUBb);
case 0x40: Decode(Op::SUBw);
case 0x80: Decode(Op::SUBl);
2022-04-12 08:57:40 -04:00
default: break;
2022-04-12 08:57:40 -04:00
switch(instruction & 0x1c0) {
// 4-177 (p281)
case 0x0c0: Decode(Op::SUBAw);
case 0x1c0: Decode(Op::SUBAl);
2022-04-12 08:57:40 -04:00
default: break;
2022-04-12 08:57:40 -04:00
switch(instruction & 0x1f0) {
// 4-184 (p288)
case 0x100: Decode(Op::SUBXb);
case 0x140: Decode(Op::SUBXw);
case 0x180: Decode(Op::SUBXl);
2022-04-12 08:57:40 -04:00
default: break;
2022-04-12 08:57:40 -04:00
2022-04-12 08:16:29 -04:00
return Preinstruction();
template <Model model>
Preinstruction Predecoder<model>::decodeA(uint16_t) {
2022-04-12 08:16:29 -04:00
return Preinstruction();
template <Model model>
Preinstruction Predecoder<model>::decodeB(uint16_t instruction) {
using Op = Operation;
2022-04-12 07:49:08 -04:00
switch(instruction & 0x0c0) {
2022-04-12 08:57:40 -04:00
// 4-100 (p204)
case 0x000: Decode(Op::EORb);
case 0x040: Decode(Op::EORw);
case 0x080: Decode(Op::EORl);
default: break;
2022-04-12 07:49:08 -04:00
switch(instruction & 0x1c0) {
2022-04-12 08:57:40 -04:00
// 4-75 (p179)
case 0x000: Decode(Op::CMPb);
case 0x040: Decode(Op::CMPw);
case 0x080: Decode(Op::CMPl);
2022-04-12 07:49:08 -04:00
// 4-77 (p181)
case 0x0c0: Decode(Op::CMPAw);
case 0x1c0: Decode(Op::CMPAl);
2022-04-12 07:49:08 -04:00
default: break;
2022-04-12 07:49:08 -04:00
return Preinstruction();
template <Model model>
Preinstruction Predecoder<model>::decodeC(uint16_t instruction) {
using Op = Operation;
switch(instruction & 0x1f0) {
case 0x100: Decode(Op::ABCD); // 4-3 (p107)
default: break;
2022-04-11 15:00:55 -04:00
switch(instruction & 0x0c0) {
// 4-15 (p119)
case 0x00: Decode(Op::ANDb);
case 0x40: Decode(Op::ANDw);
case 0x80: Decode(Op::ANDl);
default: break;
2022-04-11 15:00:55 -04:00
switch(instruction & 0x1c0) {
case 0x0c0: Decode(Op::MULU); // 4-139 (p243)
case 0x1c0: Decode(Op::MULS); // 4-136 (p240)
default: break;
2022-04-11 15:00:55 -04:00
// 4-105 (p209)
switch(instruction & 0x1f8) {
case 0x140:
case 0x148:
case 0x188: Decode(Op::EXG);
default: break;
2022-04-11 15:00:55 -04:00
2022-04-12 07:49:08 -04:00
2022-04-11 15:00:55 -04:00
return Preinstruction();
template <Model model>
Preinstruction Predecoder<model>::decodeD(uint16_t instruction) {
using Op = Operation;
2022-04-12 08:57:40 -04:00
switch(instruction & 0x0c0) {
// 4-4 (p108)
case 0x000: Decode(Op::ADDb);
case 0x040: Decode(Op::ADDw);
case 0x080: Decode(Op::ADDl);
2022-04-12 08:57:40 -04:00
default: break;
2022-04-12 08:57:40 -04:00
switch(instruction & 0x1c0) {
// 4-7 (p111)
case 0x0c0: Decode(Op::ADDAw);
case 0x1c0: Decode(Op::ADDAl);
2022-04-12 08:57:40 -04:00
default: break;
2022-04-12 08:57:40 -04:00
switch(instruction & 0x1f0) {
// 4-14 (p118)
case 0x100: Decode(Op::ADDXb);
case 0x140: Decode(Op::ADDXw);
case 0x180: Decode(Op::ADDXl);
2022-04-12 08:57:40 -04:00
default: break;
2022-04-12 08:57:40 -04:00
2022-04-12 08:16:29 -04:00
return Preinstruction();
template <Model model>
Preinstruction Predecoder<model>::decodeE(uint16_t instruction) {
using Op = Operation;
2022-04-12 09:04:40 -04:00
switch(instruction & 0x1d8) {
// 4-22 (p126)
case 0x000: Decode(Op::ASRb);
case 0x040: Decode(Op::ASRw);
case 0x080: Decode(Op::ASRl);
2022-04-12 09:04:40 -04:00
// 4-113 (p217)
case 0x008: Decode(Op::LSRb);
case 0x048: Decode(Op::LSRw);
case 0x088: Decode(Op::LSRl);
2022-04-12 09:04:40 -04:00
// 4-163 (p267)
case 0x010: Decode(Op::ROXRb);
case 0x050: Decode(Op::ROXRw);
case 0x090: Decode(Op::ROXRl);
2022-04-12 09:04:40 -04:00
// 4-160 (p264)
case 0x018: Decode(Op::RORb);
case 0x058: Decode(Op::RORw);
case 0x098: Decode(Op::RORl);
2022-04-12 09:04:40 -04:00
// 4-22 (p126)
case 0x100: Decode(Op::ASLb);
case 0x140: Decode(Op::ASLw);
case 0x180: Decode(Op::ASLl);
2022-04-12 09:04:40 -04:00
// 4-113 (p217)
case 0x108: Decode(Op::LSLb);
case 0x148: Decode(Op::LSLw);
case 0x188: Decode(Op::LSLl);
2022-04-12 09:04:40 -04:00
// 4-163 (p267)
case 0x110: Decode(Op::ROXLb);
case 0x150: Decode(Op::ROXLw);
case 0x190: Decode(Op::ROXLl);
2022-04-12 09:04:40 -04:00
// 4-160 (p264)
case 0x118: Decode(Op::ROLb);
case 0x158: Decode(Op::ROLw);
case 0x198: Decode(Op::ROLl);
2022-04-12 09:04:40 -04:00
default: break;
2022-04-12 09:04:40 -04:00
switch(instruction & 0xfc0) {
case 0x0c0: Decode(Op::ASRm); // 4-22 (p126)
case 0x1c0: Decode(Op::ASLm); // 4-22 (p126)
case 0x2c0: Decode(Op::LSRm); // 4-113 (p217)
case 0x3c0: Decode(Op::LSLm); // 4-113 (p217)
case 0x4c0: Decode(Op::ROXRm); // 4-163 (p267)
case 0x5c0: Decode(Op::ROXLm); // 4-163 (p267)
case 0x6c0: Decode(Op::RORm); // 4-160 (p264)
case 0x7c0: Decode(Op::ROLm); // 4-160 (p264)
2022-04-12 09:04:40 -04:00
default: break;
2022-04-12 09:04:40 -04:00
2022-04-12 08:16:29 -04:00
return Preinstruction();
template <Model model>
Preinstruction Predecoder<model>::decodeF(uint16_t) {
2022-04-12 08:16:29 -04:00
return Preinstruction();
#undef Decode
2022-04-11 15:00:55 -04:00
// MARK: - Main decoder.
template <Model model>
Preinstruction Predecoder<model>::decode(uint16_t instruction) {
2022-04-11 15:00:55 -04:00
// Divide first based on line.
switch(instruction & 0xf000) {
2022-04-12 08:16:29 -04:00
case 0x0000: return decode0(instruction);
case 0x1000: return decode1(instruction);
case 0x2000: return decode2(instruction);
case 0x3000: return decode3(instruction);
2022-04-12 07:49:08 -04:00
case 0x4000: return decode4(instruction);
2022-04-12 08:16:29 -04:00
case 0x5000: return decode5(instruction);
case 0x6000: return decode6(instruction);
case 0x7000: return decode7(instruction);
2022-04-11 16:32:57 -04:00
case 0x8000: return decode8(instruction);
2022-04-12 08:16:29 -04:00
case 0x9000: return decode9(instruction);
case 0xa000: return decodeA(instruction);
2022-04-12 07:49:08 -04:00
case 0xb000: return decodeB(instruction);
2022-04-11 15:00:55 -04:00
case 0xc000: return decodeC(instruction);
2022-04-12 08:16:29 -04:00
case 0xd000: return decodeD(instruction);
case 0xe000: return decodeE(instruction);
case 0xf000: return decodeF(instruction);
2022-04-11 15:00:55 -04:00
default: break;
2022-04-11 15:00:55 -04:00
return Preinstruction();
template class InstructionSet::M68k::Predecoder<InstructionSet::M68k::Model::M68000>;
2022-04-18 14:42:31 -04:00
template class InstructionSet::M68k::Predecoder<InstructionSet::M68k::Model::M68010>;
template class InstructionSet::M68k::Predecoder<InstructionSet::M68k::Model::M68020>;
template class InstructionSet::M68k::Predecoder<InstructionSet::M68k::Model::M68030>;
template class InstructionSet::M68k::Predecoder<InstructionSet::M68k::Model::M68040>;