mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 18:30:32 +00:00
Implements the basics of EORI, ORI, ANDI, SUBI and ADDI.
Also corrects the BSR return address.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1051,6 +1051,14 @@ template <class T, bool dtack_is_implicit> void Processor<T, dtack_is_implicit>:
effective_address_[1].full = address_[7].full;
case int(MicroOp::Action::PrepareBSR):
// If the lowest byte of the instruction is non-zero then there's no 16-bit offset after it, so the
// return address should be two less.
destination_bus_data_[0].full = (decoded_instruction_ & 0xff) ? program_counter_.full - 2 : program_counter_.full;
address_[7].full -= 4;
effective_address_[1].full = address_[7].full;
case int(MicroOp::Action::PrepareRTS):
effective_address_[0].full = address_[7].full;
address_[7].full += 4;
@ -326,14 +326,16 @@ struct ProcessorStorageConstructor {
void install_instructions() {
enum class Decoder {
ABCDSBCD, // Maps source and desintation registers and a register/memory selection bit to an ABCD or SBCD.
EORI_ORI_ANDI_SUBI_ADDI, // Maps a mode and register to one of EORI, ORI, ANDI, SUBI or ADDI.
ADDSUB, // Maps a register and a register and mode to an ADD or SUB.
ADDASUBA, // Maps a destination register and a source mode and register to an ADDA or SUBA.
ADDQSUBQ, // Mags a register and a mode to an ADDQ or SUBQ.
ABCD_SBCD, // Maps source and desintation registers and a register/memory selection bit to an ABCD or SBCD.
ADD_SUB, // Maps a register and a register and mode to an ADD or SUB.
ADDA_SUBA, // Maps a destination register and a source mode and register to an ADDA or SUBA.
ADDQ_SUBQ, // Mags a register and a mode to an ADDQ or SUBQ.
BRA, // Maps to a BRA. All fields are decoded at runtime.
BccBSR, // Maps to a Bcc or BSR. Other than determining the type of operation, fields are decoded at runtime.
Bcc_BSR, // Maps to a Bcc or BSR. Other than determining the type of operation, fields are decoded at runtime.
BTST, // Maps a source register and a destination register and mode to a BTST.
BTSTIMM, // Maps a destination mode and register to a BTST #.
@ -341,14 +343,14 @@ struct ProcessorStorageConstructor {
BCLR, // Maps a source register and a destination register and mode to a BCLR.
BCLRIMM, // Maps a destination mode and register to a BCLR #.
CLRNEGNEGXNOT, // Maps a destination mode and register to a CLR, NEG, NEGX or NOT.
CLR_NEG_NEGX_NOT, // Maps a destination mode and register to a CLR, NEG, NEGX or NOT.
CMP, // Maps a destination register and a source mode and register to a CMP.
CMPI, // Maps a destination mode and register to a CMPI.
CMPA, // Maps a destination register and a source mode and register to a CMPA.
CMPM, // Maps to a CMPM.
SccDBcc, // Maps a mode and destination register to either a DBcc or Scc.
Scc_DBcc, // Maps a mode and destination register to either a DBcc or Scc.
JMP, // Maps a mode and register to a JMP.
@ -360,9 +362,9 @@ struct ProcessorStorageConstructor {
RESET, // Maps to a RESET.
ASLRLSLRROLRROXLRr, // Maps a destination register to a AS[L/R], LS[L/R], RO[L/R], ROX[L/R]; shift quantities are
ASLR_LSLR_ROLR_ROXLRr, // Maps a destination register to a AS[L/R], LS[L/R], RO[L/R], ROX[L/R]; shift quantities are
// decoded at runtime.
ASLRLSLRROLRROXLRm, // Maps a destination mode and register to a memory-based AS[L/R], LS[L/R], RO[L/R], ROX[L/R].
ASLR_LSLR_ROLR_ROXLRm, // Maps a destination mode and register to a memory-based AS[L/R], LS[L/R], RO[L/R], ROX[L/R].
MOVEM, // Maps a mode and register as they were a 'destination' and sets up bus steps with a suitable
// hole for the runtime part to install proper MOVEM activity.
@ -394,16 +396,32 @@ struct ProcessorStorageConstructor {
NB: a vector is used to allow easy iteration.
const std::vector<PatternMapping> mappings = {
{0xf1f0, 0xc100, Operation::ABCD, Decoder::ABCDSBCD}, // 4-3 (p107)
{0xf1f0, 0x8100, Operation::SBCD, Decoder::ABCDSBCD}, // 4-171 (p275)
{0xf1f0, 0xc100, Operation::ABCD, Decoder::ABCD_SBCD}, // 4-3 (p107)
{0xf1f0, 0x8100, Operation::SBCD, Decoder::ABCD_SBCD}, // 4-171 (p275)
// {0xf000, 0x8000, Operation::OR, Decoder::RegOpModeReg}, // 4-150 (p226)
// {0xf000, 0xb000, Operation::EOR, Decoder::RegOpModeReg}, // 4-100 (p204)
// {0xf000, 0xc000, Operation::AND, Decoder::RegOpModeReg}, // 4-15 (p119)
// {0xff00, 0x0600, Operation::ADD, Decoder::SizeModeRegisterImmediate}, // 4-9 (p113)
{0xffc0, 0x0600, Operation::ADDb, Decoder::EORI_ORI_ANDI_SUBI_ADDI}, // 4-9 (p113)
{0xffc0, 0x0640, Operation::ADDw, Decoder::EORI_ORI_ANDI_SUBI_ADDI}, // 4-9 (p113)
{0xffc0, 0x0680, Operation::ADDl, Decoder::EORI_ORI_ANDI_SUBI_ADDI}, // 4-9 (p113)
// {0xff00, 0x0600, Operation::ADD, Decoder::DataSizeModeQuick}, // 4-11 (p115)
{0xffc0, 0x0200, Operation::ANDb, Decoder::EORI_ORI_ANDI_SUBI_ADDI}, // 4-9 (p113)
{0xffc0, 0x0240, Operation::ANDw, Decoder::EORI_ORI_ANDI_SUBI_ADDI}, // 4-9 (p113)
{0xffc0, 0x0280, Operation::ANDl, Decoder::EORI_ORI_ANDI_SUBI_ADDI}, // 4-9 (p113)
{0xffc0, 0x0a00, Operation::ORb, Decoder::EORI_ORI_ANDI_SUBI_ADDI}, // 4-153 (p257)
{0xffc0, 0x0a40, Operation::ORw, Decoder::EORI_ORI_ANDI_SUBI_ADDI}, // 4-153 (p257)
{0xffc0, 0x0a80, Operation::ORl, Decoder::EORI_ORI_ANDI_SUBI_ADDI}, // 4-153 (p257)
{0xffc0, 0x0000, Operation::EORb, Decoder::EORI_ORI_ANDI_SUBI_ADDI}, // 4-102 (p206)
{0xffc0, 0x0040, Operation::EORw, Decoder::EORI_ORI_ANDI_SUBI_ADDI}, // 4-102 (p206)
{0xffc0, 0x0080, Operation::EORl, Decoder::EORI_ORI_ANDI_SUBI_ADDI}, // 4-102 (p206)
{0xffc0, 0x0400, Operation::SUBb, Decoder::EORI_ORI_ANDI_SUBI_ADDI}, // 4-179 (p283)
{0xffc0, 0x0440, Operation::SUBw, Decoder::EORI_ORI_ANDI_SUBI_ADDI}, // 4-179 (p283)
{0xffc0, 0x0480, Operation::SUBl, Decoder::EORI_ORI_ANDI_SUBI_ADDI}, // 4-179 (p283)
{0xf000, 0x1000, Operation::MOVEb, Decoder::MOVE}, // 4-116 (p220)
{0xf000, 0x2000, Operation::MOVEl, Decoder::MOVE}, // 4-116 (p220)
@ -428,7 +446,7 @@ struct ProcessorStorageConstructor {
{0xf1f8, 0xb188, Operation::CMPl, Decoder::CMPM}, // 4-81 (p185)
// {0xff00, 0x6000, Operation::BRA, Decoder::BRA}, // 4-55 (p159) TODO: confirm that this really, really is just a special case of Bcc.
{0xf000, 0x6000, Operation::Bcc, Decoder::BccBSR}, // 4-25 (p129) and 4-59 (p163)
{0xf000, 0x6000, Operation::Bcc, Decoder::Bcc_BSR}, // 4-25 (p129) and 4-59 (p163)
{0xf1c0, 0x41c0, Operation::MOVEAl, Decoder::LEA}, // 4-110 (p214)
{0xf100, 0x7000, Operation::MOVEq, Decoder::MOVEq}, // 4-134 (p238)
@ -439,26 +457,26 @@ struct ProcessorStorageConstructor {
{0xffc0, 0x4e80, Operation::JMP, Decoder::JSR}, // 4-109 (p213)
{0xffff, 0x4e75, Operation::JMP, Decoder::RTS}, // 4-169 (p273)
{0xf0c0, 0x9000, Operation::SUBb, Decoder::ADDSUB}, // 4-174 (p278)
{0xf0c0, 0x9040, Operation::SUBw, Decoder::ADDSUB}, // 4-174 (p278)
{0xf0c0, 0x9080, Operation::SUBl, Decoder::ADDSUB}, // 4-174 (p278)
{0xf0c0, 0x9000, Operation::SUBb, Decoder::ADD_SUB}, // 4-174 (p278)
{0xf0c0, 0x9040, Operation::SUBw, Decoder::ADD_SUB}, // 4-174 (p278)
{0xf0c0, 0x9080, Operation::SUBl, Decoder::ADD_SUB}, // 4-174 (p278)
{0xf0c0, 0xd000, Operation::ADDb, Decoder::ADDSUB}, // 4-4 (p108)
{0xf0c0, 0xd040, Operation::ADDw, Decoder::ADDSUB}, // 4-4 (p108)
{0xf0c0, 0xd080, Operation::ADDl, Decoder::ADDSUB}, // 4-4 (p108)
{0xf0c0, 0xd000, Operation::ADDb, Decoder::ADD_SUB}, // 4-4 (p108)
{0xf0c0, 0xd040, Operation::ADDw, Decoder::ADD_SUB}, // 4-4 (p108)
{0xf0c0, 0xd080, Operation::ADDl, Decoder::ADD_SUB}, // 4-4 (p108)
{0xf1c0, 0xd0c0, Operation::ADDAw, Decoder::ADDASUBA}, // 4-7 (p111)
{0xf1c0, 0xd1c0, Operation::ADDAl, Decoder::ADDASUBA}, // 4-7 (p111)
{0xf1c0, 0x90c0, Operation::SUBAw, Decoder::ADDASUBA}, // 4-177 (p281)
{0xf1c0, 0x91c0, Operation::SUBAl, Decoder::ADDASUBA}, // 4-177 (p281)
{0xf1c0, 0xd0c0, Operation::ADDAw, Decoder::ADDA_SUBA}, // 4-7 (p111)
{0xf1c0, 0xd1c0, Operation::ADDAl, Decoder::ADDA_SUBA}, // 4-7 (p111)
{0xf1c0, 0x90c0, Operation::SUBAw, Decoder::ADDA_SUBA}, // 4-177 (p281)
{0xf1c0, 0x91c0, Operation::SUBAl, Decoder::ADDA_SUBA}, // 4-177 (p281)
{0xf1c0, 0x5000, Operation::ADDQb, Decoder::ADDQSUBQ}, // 4-11 (p115)
{0xf1c0, 0x5040, Operation::ADDQw, Decoder::ADDQSUBQ}, // 4-11 (p115)
{0xf1c0, 0x5080, Operation::ADDQl, Decoder::ADDQSUBQ}, // 4-11 (p115)
{0xf1c0, 0x5000, Operation::ADDQb, Decoder::ADDQ_SUBQ}, // 4-11 (p115)
{0xf1c0, 0x5040, Operation::ADDQw, Decoder::ADDQ_SUBQ}, // 4-11 (p115)
{0xf1c0, 0x5080, Operation::ADDQl, Decoder::ADDQ_SUBQ}, // 4-11 (p115)
{0xf1c0, 0x5100, Operation::SUBQb, Decoder::ADDQSUBQ}, // 4-181 (p285)
{0xf1c0, 0x5140, Operation::SUBQw, Decoder::ADDQSUBQ}, // 4-181 (p285)
{0xf1c0, 0x5180, Operation::SUBQl, Decoder::ADDQSUBQ}, // 4-181 (p285)
{0xf1c0, 0x5100, Operation::SUBQb, Decoder::ADDQ_SUBQ}, // 4-181 (p285)
{0xf1c0, 0x5140, Operation::SUBQw, Decoder::ADDQ_SUBQ}, // 4-181 (p285)
{0xf1c0, 0x5180, Operation::SUBQl, Decoder::ADDQ_SUBQ}, // 4-181 (p285)
{0xf1c0, 0x0100, Operation::BTSTb, Decoder::BTST}, // 4-62 (p166)
{0xffc0, 0x0800, Operation::BTSTb, Decoder::BTSTIMM}, // 4-63 (p167)
@ -466,60 +484,60 @@ struct ProcessorStorageConstructor {
{0xf1c0, 0x0180, Operation::BCLRb, Decoder::BCLR}, // 4-31 (p135)
{0xffc0, 0x0880, Operation::BCLRb, Decoder::BCLRIMM}, // 4-32 (p136)
{0xf0c0, 0x50c0, Operation::Scc, Decoder::SccDBcc}, // Scc: 4-173 (p276); DBcc: 4-91 (p195)
{0xf0c0, 0x50c0, Operation::Scc, Decoder::Scc_DBcc}, // Scc: 4-173 (p276); DBcc: 4-91 (p195)
{0xffc0, 0x4200, Operation::CLRb, Decoder::CLRNEGNEGXNOT}, // 4-73 (p177)
{0xffc0, 0x4240, Operation::CLRw, Decoder::CLRNEGNEGXNOT}, // 4-73 (p177)
{0xffc0, 0x4280, Operation::CLRl, Decoder::CLRNEGNEGXNOT}, // 4-73 (p177)
{0xffc0, 0x4400, Operation::NEGb, Decoder::CLRNEGNEGXNOT}, // 4-144 (p248)
{0xffc0, 0x4440, Operation::NEGw, Decoder::CLRNEGNEGXNOT}, // 4-144 (p248)
{0xffc0, 0x4480, Operation::NEGl, Decoder::CLRNEGNEGXNOT}, // 4-144 (p248)
{0xffc0, 0x4000, Operation::NEGXb, Decoder::CLRNEGNEGXNOT}, // 4-146 (p250)
{0xffc0, 0x4040, Operation::NEGXw, Decoder::CLRNEGNEGXNOT}, // 4-146 (p250)
{0xffc0, 0x4080, Operation::NEGXl, Decoder::CLRNEGNEGXNOT}, // 4-146 (p250)
{0xffc0, 0x4600, Operation::NOTb, Decoder::CLRNEGNEGXNOT}, // 4-148 (p250)
{0xffc0, 0x4640, Operation::NOTw, Decoder::CLRNEGNEGXNOT}, // 4-148 (p250)
{0xffc0, 0x4680, Operation::NOTl, Decoder::CLRNEGNEGXNOT}, // 4-148 (p250)
{0xffc0, 0x4200, Operation::CLRb, Decoder::CLR_NEG_NEGX_NOT}, // 4-73 (p177)
{0xffc0, 0x4240, Operation::CLRw, Decoder::CLR_NEG_NEGX_NOT}, // 4-73 (p177)
{0xffc0, 0x4280, Operation::CLRl, Decoder::CLR_NEG_NEGX_NOT}, // 4-73 (p177)
{0xffc0, 0x4400, Operation::NEGb, Decoder::CLR_NEG_NEGX_NOT}, // 4-144 (p248)
{0xffc0, 0x4440, Operation::NEGw, Decoder::CLR_NEG_NEGX_NOT}, // 4-144 (p248)
{0xffc0, 0x4480, Operation::NEGl, Decoder::CLR_NEG_NEGX_NOT}, // 4-144 (p248)
{0xffc0, 0x4000, Operation::NEGXb, Decoder::CLR_NEG_NEGX_NOT}, // 4-146 (p250)
{0xffc0, 0x4040, Operation::NEGXw, Decoder::CLR_NEG_NEGX_NOT}, // 4-146 (p250)
{0xffc0, 0x4080, Operation::NEGXl, Decoder::CLR_NEG_NEGX_NOT}, // 4-146 (p250)
{0xffc0, 0x4600, Operation::NOTb, Decoder::CLR_NEG_NEGX_NOT}, // 4-148 (p250)
{0xffc0, 0x4640, Operation::NOTw, Decoder::CLR_NEG_NEGX_NOT}, // 4-148 (p250)
{0xffc0, 0x4680, Operation::NOTl, Decoder::CLR_NEG_NEGX_NOT}, // 4-148 (p250)
{0xf1d8, 0xe100, Operation::ASLb, Decoder::ASLRLSLRROLRROXLRr}, // 4-22 (p126)
{0xf1d8, 0xe140, Operation::ASLw, Decoder::ASLRLSLRROLRROXLRr}, // 4-22 (p126)
{0xf1d8, 0xe180, Operation::ASLl, Decoder::ASLRLSLRROLRROXLRr}, // 4-22 (p126)
{0xffc0, 0xe1c0, Operation::ASLm, Decoder::ASLRLSLRROLRROXLRm}, // 4-22 (p126)
{0xf1d8, 0xe100, Operation::ASLb, Decoder::ASLR_LSLR_ROLR_ROXLRr}, // 4-22 (p126)
{0xf1d8, 0xe140, Operation::ASLw, Decoder::ASLR_LSLR_ROLR_ROXLRr}, // 4-22 (p126)
{0xf1d8, 0xe180, Operation::ASLl, Decoder::ASLR_LSLR_ROLR_ROXLRr}, // 4-22 (p126)
{0xffc0, 0xe1c0, Operation::ASLm, Decoder::ASLR_LSLR_ROLR_ROXLRm}, // 4-22 (p126)
{0xf1d8, 0xe000, Operation::ASRb, Decoder::ASLRLSLRROLRROXLRr}, // 4-22 (p126)
{0xf1d8, 0xe040, Operation::ASRw, Decoder::ASLRLSLRROLRROXLRr}, // 4-22 (p126)
{0xf1d8, 0xe080, Operation::ASRl, Decoder::ASLRLSLRROLRROXLRr}, // 4-22 (p126)
{0xffc0, 0xe0c0, Operation::ASRm, Decoder::ASLRLSLRROLRROXLRm}, // 4-22 (p126)
{0xf1d8, 0xe000, Operation::ASRb, Decoder::ASLR_LSLR_ROLR_ROXLRr}, // 4-22 (p126)
{0xf1d8, 0xe040, Operation::ASRw, Decoder::ASLR_LSLR_ROLR_ROXLRr}, // 4-22 (p126)
{0xf1d8, 0xe080, Operation::ASRl, Decoder::ASLR_LSLR_ROLR_ROXLRr}, // 4-22 (p126)
{0xffc0, 0xe0c0, Operation::ASRm, Decoder::ASLR_LSLR_ROLR_ROXLRm}, // 4-22 (p126)
{0xf1d8, 0xe108, Operation::LSLb, Decoder::ASLRLSLRROLRROXLRr}, // 4-113 (p217)
{0xf1d8, 0xe148, Operation::LSLw, Decoder::ASLRLSLRROLRROXLRr}, // 4-113 (p217)
{0xf1d8, 0xe188, Operation::LSLl, Decoder::ASLRLSLRROLRROXLRr}, // 4-113 (p217)
{0xffc0, 0xe3c0, Operation::LSLm, Decoder::ASLRLSLRROLRROXLRm}, // 4-113 (p217)
{0xf1d8, 0xe108, Operation::LSLb, Decoder::ASLR_LSLR_ROLR_ROXLRr}, // 4-113 (p217)
{0xf1d8, 0xe148, Operation::LSLw, Decoder::ASLR_LSLR_ROLR_ROXLRr}, // 4-113 (p217)
{0xf1d8, 0xe188, Operation::LSLl, Decoder::ASLR_LSLR_ROLR_ROXLRr}, // 4-113 (p217)
{0xffc0, 0xe3c0, Operation::LSLm, Decoder::ASLR_LSLR_ROLR_ROXLRm}, // 4-113 (p217)
{0xf1d8, 0xe008, Operation::LSRb, Decoder::ASLRLSLRROLRROXLRr}, // 4-113 (p217)
{0xf1d8, 0xe048, Operation::LSRw, Decoder::ASLRLSLRROLRROXLRr}, // 4-113 (p217)
{0xf1d8, 0xe088, Operation::LSRl, Decoder::ASLRLSLRROLRROXLRr}, // 4-113 (p217)
{0xffc0, 0xe2c0, Operation::LSRm, Decoder::ASLRLSLRROLRROXLRm}, // 4-113 (p217)
{0xf1d8, 0xe008, Operation::LSRb, Decoder::ASLR_LSLR_ROLR_ROXLRr}, // 4-113 (p217)
{0xf1d8, 0xe048, Operation::LSRw, Decoder::ASLR_LSLR_ROLR_ROXLRr}, // 4-113 (p217)
{0xf1d8, 0xe088, Operation::LSRl, Decoder::ASLR_LSLR_ROLR_ROXLRr}, // 4-113 (p217)
{0xffc0, 0xe2c0, Operation::LSRm, Decoder::ASLR_LSLR_ROLR_ROXLRm}, // 4-113 (p217)
{0xf1d8, 0xe118, Operation::ROLb, Decoder::ASLRLSLRROLRROXLRr}, // 4-160 (p264)
{0xf1d8, 0xe158, Operation::ROLw, Decoder::ASLRLSLRROLRROXLRr}, // 4-160 (p264)
{0xf1d8, 0xe198, Operation::ROLl, Decoder::ASLRLSLRROLRROXLRr}, // 4-160 (p264)
{0xffc0, 0xe7c0, Operation::ROLm, Decoder::ASLRLSLRROLRROXLRm}, // 4-160 (p264)
{0xf1d8, 0xe118, Operation::ROLb, Decoder::ASLR_LSLR_ROLR_ROXLRr}, // 4-160 (p264)
{0xf1d8, 0xe158, Operation::ROLw, Decoder::ASLR_LSLR_ROLR_ROXLRr}, // 4-160 (p264)
{0xf1d8, 0xe198, Operation::ROLl, Decoder::ASLR_LSLR_ROLR_ROXLRr}, // 4-160 (p264)
{0xffc0, 0xe7c0, Operation::ROLm, Decoder::ASLR_LSLR_ROLR_ROXLRm}, // 4-160 (p264)
{0xf1d8, 0xe018, Operation::RORb, Decoder::ASLRLSLRROLRROXLRr}, // 4-160 (p264)
{0xf1d8, 0xe058, Operation::RORw, Decoder::ASLRLSLRROLRROXLRr}, // 4-160 (p264)
{0xf1d8, 0xe098, Operation::RORl, Decoder::ASLRLSLRROLRROXLRr}, // 4-160 (p264)
{0xffc0, 0xe6c0, Operation::RORm, Decoder::ASLRLSLRROLRROXLRm}, // 4-160 (p264)
{0xf1d8, 0xe018, Operation::RORb, Decoder::ASLR_LSLR_ROLR_ROXLRr}, // 4-160 (p264)
{0xf1d8, 0xe058, Operation::RORw, Decoder::ASLR_LSLR_ROLR_ROXLRr}, // 4-160 (p264)
{0xf1d8, 0xe098, Operation::RORl, Decoder::ASLR_LSLR_ROLR_ROXLRr}, // 4-160 (p264)
{0xffc0, 0xe6c0, Operation::RORm, Decoder::ASLR_LSLR_ROLR_ROXLRm}, // 4-160 (p264)
{0xf1d8, 0xe110, Operation::ROXLb, Decoder::ASLRLSLRROLRROXLRr}, // 4-163 (p267)
{0xf1d8, 0xe150, Operation::ROXLw, Decoder::ASLRLSLRROLRROXLRr}, // 4-163 (p267)
{0xf1d8, 0xe190, Operation::ROXLl, Decoder::ASLRLSLRROLRROXLRr}, // 4-163 (p267)
{0xffc0, 0xe5c0, Operation::ROXLm, Decoder::ASLRLSLRROLRROXLRm}, // 4-163 (p267)
{0xf1d8, 0xe110, Operation::ROXLb, Decoder::ASLR_LSLR_ROLR_ROXLRr}, // 4-163 (p267)
{0xf1d8, 0xe150, Operation::ROXLw, Decoder::ASLR_LSLR_ROLR_ROXLRr}, // 4-163 (p267)
{0xf1d8, 0xe190, Operation::ROXLl, Decoder::ASLR_LSLR_ROLR_ROXLRr}, // 4-163 (p267)
{0xffc0, 0xe5c0, Operation::ROXLm, Decoder::ASLR_LSLR_ROLR_ROXLRm}, // 4-163 (p267)
{0xf1d8, 0xe010, Operation::ROXRb, Decoder::ASLRLSLRROLRROXLRr}, // 4-163 (p267)
{0xf1d8, 0xe050, Operation::ROXRw, Decoder::ASLRLSLRROLRROXLRr}, // 4-163 (p267)
{0xf1d8, 0xe090, Operation::ROXRl, Decoder::ASLRLSLRROLRROXLRr}, // 4-163 (p267)
{0xffc0, 0xe4c0, Operation::ROXRm, Decoder::ASLRLSLRROLRROXLRm}, // 4-163 (p267)
{0xf1d8, 0xe010, Operation::ROXRb, Decoder::ASLR_LSLR_ROLR_ROXLRr}, // 4-163 (p267)
{0xf1d8, 0xe050, Operation::ROXRw, Decoder::ASLR_LSLR_ROLR_ROXLRr}, // 4-163 (p267)
{0xf1d8, 0xe090, Operation::ROXRl, Decoder::ASLR_LSLR_ROLR_ROXLRr}, // 4-163 (p267)
{0xffc0, 0xe4c0, Operation::ROXRm, Decoder::ASLR_LSLR_ROLR_ROXLRm}, // 4-163 (p267)
{0xffc0, 0x48c0, Operation::MOVEMtoMl, Decoder::MOVEM}, // 4-128 (p232)
{0xffc0, 0x4880, Operation::MOVEMtoMw, Decoder::MOVEM}, // 4-128 (p232)
@ -572,7 +590,98 @@ struct ProcessorStorageConstructor {
const int ea_mode = (instruction >> 3) & 7;
switch(mapping.decoder) {
case Decoder::ADDSUB: {
case Decoder::EORI_ORI_ANDI_SUBI_ADDI: {
const int mode = combined_mode(ea_mode, ea_register);
const bool is_byte_access = !!((instruction >> 6)&3);
const bool is_long_word_access = ((instruction >> 6)&3) == 2;
// Source is always something cribbed from the instruction stream;
// destination is going to be in the write address unit.
storage_.instructions[instruction].source = &storage_.source_bus_data_[0];
if(mode == Dn) {
storage_.instructions[instruction].destination = &storage_.data_[ea_register];
} else {
storage_.instructions[instruction].destination = &storage_.destination_bus_data_[0];
storage_.instructions[instruction].destination_address = &storage_.address_[ea_register];
switch(is_long_word_access ? l(mode) : bw(mode)) {
default: continue;
case bw(Dn):
op( int(Action::AssembleWordDataFromPrefetch) | MicroOp::SourceMask,
seq("np np", { a(ea_register) }, !is_byte_access));
case l(Dn):
op(Action::None, seq("np"));
op( int(Action::AssembleLongWordDataFromPrefetch) | MicroOp::SourceMask,
seq("np np nn", { a(ea_register) }, !is_byte_access));
case bw(Ind):
case bw(PostInc):
op( int(Action::AssembleWordDataFromPrefetch) | MicroOp::SourceMask,
seq("np nrd np", { a(ea_register) }, !is_byte_access));
op(Action::PerformOperation, seq("nw", { a(ea_register) }, !is_byte_access));
if(mode == PostInc) {
op(int(is_byte_access ? Action::Increment1 : Action::Increment2) | MicroOp::DestinationMask);
case l(Ind):
case l(PostInc):
op(int(Action::CopyToEffectiveAddress) | MicroOp::DestinationMask, seq("np"));
op( int(Action::AssembleLongWordDataFromPrefetch) | MicroOp::SourceMask,
seq("np nRd+ nrd np", { ea(1), ea(1) }));
op(Action::PerformOperation, seq("nw- nW", { ea(1), ea(1) }));
if(mode == PostInc) {
op(int(Action::Increment4) | MicroOp::DestinationMask);
case bw(PreDec):
op(int(is_byte_access ? Action::Decrement1 : Action::Decrement2) | MicroOp::DestinationMask);
op( int(Action::AssembleWordDataFromPrefetch) | MicroOp::SourceMask,
seq("np n nrd np", { a(ea_register) }, !is_byte_access));
op(Action::PerformOperation, seq("nw", { a(ea_register) }, !is_byte_access));
case l(PreDec):
op(int(Action::Decrement4) | MicroOp::DestinationMask);
op(int(Action::CopyToEffectiveAddress) | MicroOp::DestinationMask, seq("np"));
op( int(Action::AssembleLongWordDataFromPrefetch) | MicroOp::SourceMask,
seq("np n nRd+ nrd np", { ea(1), ea(1) }));
op(Action::PerformOperation, seq("nw- nW", { ea(1), ea(1) }));
case bw(d8AnXn):
case bw(d16An):
op(int(Action::AssembleWordDataFromPrefetch) | MicroOp::SourceMask, seq("np"));
op( calc_action_for_mode(mode) | MicroOp::DestinationMask,
seq(pseq("np nrd np", mode), { ea(1) }, !is_byte_access));
op(Action::PerformOperation, seq("nw", { ea(1) }, !is_byte_access));
case bw(XXXw):
op(int(Action::AssembleWordDataFromPrefetch) | MicroOp::SourceMask, seq("np"));
op( int(Action::AssembleWordAddressFromPrefetch) | MicroOp::DestinationMask,
seq("np nrd np", { ea(1) }, !is_byte_access));
op(Action::PerformOperation, seq("nw", { ea(1) }, !is_byte_access));
case bw(XXXl):
op(int(Action::AssembleWordDataFromPrefetch) | MicroOp::SourceMask, seq("np np"));
op( int(Action::AssembleLongWordAddressFromPrefetch) | MicroOp::DestinationMask,
seq("np nrd np", { ea(1) }, !is_byte_access));
op(Action::PerformOperation, seq("nw", { ea(1) }, !is_byte_access));
} break;
case Decoder::ADD_SUB: {
// ADD and SUB definitely always involve a data register and an arbitrary addressing mode;
// which direction they operate in depends on bit 8.
const bool reverse_source_destination = !(instruction & 256);
@ -765,7 +874,7 @@ struct ProcessorStorageConstructor {
} break;
case Decoder::ADDASUBA: {
case Decoder::ADDA_SUBA: {
const int destination_register = (instruction >> 9) & 7;
storage_.instructions[instruction].set_destination(storage_, 1, destination_register);
storage_.instructions[instruction].set_source(storage_, ea_mode, ea_register);
@ -856,7 +965,7 @@ struct ProcessorStorageConstructor {
} break;
case Decoder::ADDQSUBQ: {
case Decoder::ADDQ_SUBQ: {
storage_.instructions[instruction].set_destination(storage_, ea_mode, ea_register);
const bool is_long_word_access = ((instruction >> 6)&3) == 2;
@ -930,13 +1039,13 @@ struct ProcessorStorageConstructor {
} break;
// This decoder actually decodes nothing; it just schedules a PerformOperation followed by an empty step.
case Decoder::BccBSR: {
case Decoder::Bcc_BSR: {
const int condition = (instruction >> 8) & 0xf;
if(condition == 1) {
// This is BSR, which is unconditional and means pushing a return address to the stack first.
// Push the return address to the stack.
op(Action::PrepareJSR, seq("n nW+ nw", { ea(1), ea(1) }));
op(Action::PrepareBSR, seq("n nW+ nw", { ea(1), ea(1) }));
// This is Bcc.
@ -1072,7 +1181,7 @@ struct ProcessorStorageConstructor {
} break;
// Decodes the format used by ABCD and SBCD.
case Decoder::ABCDSBCD: {
case Decoder::ABCD_SBCD: {
const int destination_register = (instruction >> 9) & 7;
if(instruction & 8) {
@ -1092,7 +1201,7 @@ struct ProcessorStorageConstructor {
} break;
case Decoder::ASLR_LSLR_ROLR_ROXLRr: {
storage_.instructions[instruction].set_destination(storage_, 0, ea_register);
// All further decoding occurs at runtime; that's also when the proper number of
@ -1107,7 +1216,7 @@ struct ProcessorStorageConstructor {
op(Action::PerformOperation, seq("r"));
} break;
case Decoder::ASLR_LSLR_ROLR_ROXLRm: {
storage_.instructions[instruction].set_destination(storage_, ea_mode, ea_register);
const int mode = combined_mode(ea_mode, ea_register);
@ -1145,7 +1254,7 @@ struct ProcessorStorageConstructor {
} break;
case Decoder::CLRNEGNEGXNOT: {
case Decoder::CLR_NEG_NEGX_NOT: {
const bool is_byte_access = !!((instruction >> 6)&3);
const bool is_long_word_access = ((instruction >> 6)&3) == 2;
@ -1556,7 +1665,7 @@ struct ProcessorStorageConstructor {
} break;
case Decoder::SccDBcc: {
case Decoder::Scc_DBcc: {
if(ea_mode == 1) {
// This is a DBcc. Decode as such.
operation = Operation::DBcc;
@ -233,6 +233,11 @@ class ProcessorStorage {
// (iii) decrements the stack pointer by four.
// (i) inspects the prefetch queue to determine the length of this BSR and copies the next PC to destination_bus_data_;
// (ii) copies the stack pointer minus 4 to effective_address_[1];
// (iii) decrements the stack pointer by four.
// (i) copies the stack pointer to effective_address_[0];
// (ii) increments the stack pointer by four.
Reference in New Issue
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