Thomas Harte
Completed curly bracket movement.
2017-03-26 14:34:47 -04:00 |
Thomas Harte
Commuted all of 'Storage' other than 'Tape' to postfix underscores.
2016-12-03 11:59:28 -05:00 |
Thomas Harte
Factored out Commodore is-a-ROM test, allowing it to be used from the Commodore analyser and thereby allowing ROMs to get as far as the machine again.
2016-09-29 19:39:13 -04:00 |
Thomas Harte
Addressed my dithering here: the file format containers themselves should do nothing but inspect the data to find out whether it is of the correct format. The machine steps are there for machine-specific validation. So it's probably easier to treat a binary ROM image just as a binary ROM image. Therefore, the Acorn-specific .rom detection is now in an Acorn-specific area.
2016-08-29 08:48:49 -04:00 |
Thomas Harte
Added hacky segue into analysis for all Electron formats. Added analyser to try to differentiate Acorn-format ROMs from other things called .rom, which are likely to be numerous.
2016-08-28 12:43:17 -04:00 |
Thomas Harte
Sketched out just enough classes to get through the get-contents-into-memory step of static analysis.
2016-08-28 12:20:40 -04:00 |
Thomas Harte
ROMs definitely have no behaviour other than responding to memory accesses. Cartridges might. So picked the more general term. Sketched out a class at least to parse PRG as though it were a cartridge. Hence the static analyser can guess at whether a PRG is a cartridge or an ordinary program.
2016-08-27 18:26:51 -04:00 |