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// CGA.hpp
// Clock Signal
// Created by Thomas Harte on 05/12/2023.
// Copyright © 2023 Thomas Harte. All rights reserved.
#ifndef CGA_h
#define CGA_h
#include "../../Components/6845/CRTC6845.hpp"
#include "../../Outputs/CRT/CRT.hpp"
#include "../../Machines/Utility/ROMCatalogue.hpp"
namespace PCCompatible {
class CGA {
CGA() : crtc_(Motorola::CRTC::Personality::HD6845S, outputter_) {}
static constexpr uint32_t BaseAddress = 0xb'8000;
static constexpr auto FontROM = ROM::Name::PCCompatibleCGAFont;
void set_source(const uint8_t *ram, std::vector<uint8_t> font) {
outputter_.ram = ram;
outputter_.font = font;
void run_for(Cycles cycles) {
// Input rate is the PIT rate of 1,193,182 Hz.
// CGA is clocked at the real oscillator rate of 14 times that.
// But there's also an internal divide by 8 to align to the fetch clock.
full_clock_ += 7 * cycles.as<int>();
const int modulo = 4 * outputter_.clock_divider;
crtc_.run_for(Cycles(full_clock_ / modulo));
full_clock_ %= modulo;
template <int address>
void write(uint8_t value) {
switch(address) {
case 0: case 2: case 4: case 6:
case 1: case 3: case 5: case 7:
case 0x8: outputter_.set_mode(value); break;
case 0x9: outputter_.set_colours(value); break;
template <int address>
uint8_t read() {
switch(address) {
case 1: case 3: case 5: case 7:
return crtc_.get_register();
case 0xa:
// b3: 1 => in vsync; 0 => not;
// b2: 1 => light pen switch is off;
// b1: 1 => positive edge from light pen has set trigger;
// b0: 1 => safe to write to VRAM now without causing snow.
(crtc_.get_bus_state().vsync ? 0b1001 : 0b0000) |
(crtc_.get_bus_state().hsync ? 0b0001 : 0b0000) |
default: return 0xff;
// MARK: - Call-ins for ScanProducer.
void set_scan_target(Outputs::Display::ScanTarget *scan_target) {
Outputs::Display::ScanStatus get_scaled_scan_status() const {
return outputter_.crt.get_scaled_scan_status() * 4.0f / (7.0f * 8.0f);
struct CRTCOutputter {
CRTCOutputter() :
crt(912, 8, 262, 3, Outputs::Display::InputDataType::Red2Green2Blue2)
// crt.set_visible_area(Outputs::Display::Rect(0.1072f, 0.1f, 0.842105263157895f, 0.842105263157895f));
void set_mode(uint8_t control) {
// b5: enable blink
// b4: 1 => 640x200 graphics
// b3: video enable
// b2: 1 => monochrome
// b1: 1 => 320x200 graphics; 0 => text
// b0: 1 => 80-column text; 0 => 40
control_ = control;
if(control & 0x2) {
mode_ = (control & 0x10) ? Mode::Pixels640 : Mode::Pixels320;
pixels_per_tick = (mode_ == Mode::Pixels640) ? 16 : 8;
} else {
mode_ = Mode::Text;
pixels_per_tick = 8;
clock_divider = 1 + !(control & 0x01);
void set_colours(uint8_t value) {
if(value & 0x20) {
palette[0] = 0b00'00'00;
palette[1] = 0b00'10'10;
palette[2] = 0b10'00'10;
palette[3] = 0b10'10'10;
} else {
palette[0] = 0b00'00'00;
palette[1] = 0b00'10'00;
palette[2] = 0b10'00'00;
palette[3] = 0b10'10'00; // TODO: brown, here and elsewhere.
uint8_t control() {
return control_;
void perform_bus_cycle_phase1(const Motorola::CRTC::BusState &state) {
// Determine new output state.
const OutputState new_state =
(state.hsync | state.vsync) ? OutputState::Sync :
((state.display_enable && control_&0x08) ? OutputState::Pixels : OutputState::Border);
// Upon either a state change or just having accumulated too much local time...
if(new_state != output_state || active_pixels_per_tick != pixels_per_tick || active_clock_divider != clock_divider || count > 912) {
// (1) flush preexisting state.
if(count) {
switch(output_state) {
case OutputState::Sync: crt.output_sync(count * active_clock_divider); break;
case OutputState::Border: crt.output_blank(count * active_clock_divider); break;
case OutputState::Pixels: flush_pixels(); break;
// (2) adopt new state.
output_state = new_state;
active_pixels_per_tick = pixels_per_tick;
active_clock_divider = clock_divider;
count = 0;
// Collect pixels if applicable.
if(output_state == OutputState::Pixels) {
if(!pixels) {
pixel_pointer = pixels = crt.begin_data(DefaultAllocationSize);
// Flush any period where pixels weren't recorded due to back pressure.
if(pixels && count) {
crt.output_blank(count * active_clock_divider);
count = 0;
if(pixels) {
if(state.cursor) {
std::fill(pixel_pointer, pixel_pointer + pixels_per_tick, 0x3f); // i.e. white.
} else {
if(mode_ == Mode::Text) {
} else {
pixel_pointer += pixels_per_tick;
// Advance.
count += 8;
// Output pixel row prematurely if storage is exhausted.
if(output_state == OutputState::Pixels && pixel_pointer == pixels + DefaultAllocationSize) {
count = 0;
void perform_bus_cycle_phase2(const Motorola::CRTC::BusState &) {}
void flush_pixels() {
crt.output_data(count * active_clock_divider, size_t(count));
pixels = pixel_pointer = nullptr;
void serialise_pixels(const Motorola::CRTC::BusState &state) {
// This is what I think is happenings:
// Refresh address is still shifted left one and two bytes are fetched, just as if it were
// character code + attributes except that these are two bytes worth of graphics.
// Meanwhile, row address is used to invent a 15th address line.
const auto base_address = ((state.refresh_address << 1) + (state.row_address << 13)) & 0x3fff;
const uint8_t bitmap[] = {
ram[base_address + 1],
if(mode_ == Mode::Pixels320) {
pixel_pointer[0] = palette[(bitmap[0] & 0xc0) >> 6];
pixel_pointer[1] = palette[(bitmap[0] & 0x30) >> 4];
pixel_pointer[2] = palette[(bitmap[0] & 0x0c) >> 2];
pixel_pointer[3] = palette[(bitmap[0] & 0x03) >> 0];
pixel_pointer[4] = palette[(bitmap[1] & 0xc0) >> 6];
pixel_pointer[5] = palette[(bitmap[1] & 0x30) >> 4];
pixel_pointer[6] = palette[(bitmap[1] & 0x0c) >> 2];
pixel_pointer[7] = palette[(bitmap[1] & 0x03) >> 0];
} else {
void serialise_text(const Motorola::CRTC::BusState &state) {
const uint8_t attributes = ram[((state.refresh_address << 1) + 1) & 0xfff];
const uint8_t glyph = ram[((state.refresh_address << 1) + 0) & 0xfff];
const uint8_t row = font[(glyph * 8) + state.row_address];
uint8_t colours[2] = {
uint8_t(((attributes & 0x40) >> 1) | ((attributes & 0x20) >> 2) | ((attributes & 0x10) >> 3)),
uint8_t(((attributes & 0x04) << 3) | ((attributes & 0x02) << 2) | ((attributes & 0x01) << 1)),
// Apply foreground intensity.
if(attributes & 0x08) {
colours[1] |= colours[1] >> 1;
// Apply blink or background intensity.
if(control_ & 0x20) {
if((attributes & 0x80) && (state.field_count & 16)) {
std::swap(colours[0], colours[1]);
} else {
if(attributes & 0x80) {
colours[0] |= colours[0] >> 1;
// Draw according to ROM contents.
pixel_pointer[0] = (row & 0x80) ? colours[1] : colours[0];
pixel_pointer[1] = (row & 0x40) ? colours[1] : colours[0];
pixel_pointer[2] = (row & 0x20) ? colours[1] : colours[0];
pixel_pointer[3] = (row & 0x10) ? colours[1] : colours[0];
pixel_pointer[4] = (row & 0x08) ? colours[1] : colours[0];
pixel_pointer[5] = (row & 0x04) ? colours[1] : colours[0];
pixel_pointer[6] = (row & 0x02) ? colours[1] : colours[0];
pixel_pointer[7] = (row & 0x01) ? colours[1] : colours[0];
Outputs::CRT::CRT crt;
static constexpr size_t DefaultAllocationSize = 320;
// Current output stream.
uint8_t *pixels = nullptr;
uint8_t *pixel_pointer = nullptr;
int active_pixels_per_tick = 8;
int active_clock_divider = 1;
// Source data.
const uint8_t *ram = nullptr;
std::vector<uint8_t> font;
// CRTC state tracking, for CRT serialisation.
enum class OutputState {
Sync, Pixels, Border
} output_state = OutputState::Sync;
int count = 0;
// Current Programmer-set parameters.
int clock_divider = 1;
int pixels_per_tick = 8;
uint8_t control_ = 0;
enum class Mode {
Pixels640, Pixels320, Text,
} mode_ = Mode::Text;
uint8_t palette[4];
} outputter_;
Motorola::CRTC::CRTC6845<CRTCOutputter, Motorola::CRTC::CursorType::MDA> crtc_;
int full_clock_;
#endif /* CGA_h */