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// Chipset.cpp
// Clock Signal
// Created by Thomas Harte on 22/07/2021.
// Copyright © 2021 Thomas Harte. All rights reserved.
#include "Chipset.hpp"
//#define NDEBUG
#define LOG_PREFIX "[Amiga chipset] "
#include "../../Outputs/Log.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
using namespace Amiga;
namespace {
template <typename EnumT, EnumT... T> struct Mask {
static constexpr uint16_t value = 0;
template <typename EnumT, EnumT F, EnumT... T> struct Mask<EnumT, F, T...> {
static constexpr uint16_t value = uint16_t(F) | Mask<EnumT, T...>::value;
template <InterruptFlag... Flags> struct InterruptMask: Mask<InterruptFlag, Flags...> {};
template <DMAFlag... Flags> struct DMAMask: Mask<DMAFlag, Flags...> {};
#define DMA_CONSTRUCT *this, reinterpret_cast<uint16_t *>(map.chip_ram.data()), map.chip_ram.size() >> 1
Chipset::Chipset(MemoryMap &map, int input_clock_rate) :
crt_(908, 4, Outputs::Display::Type::PAL50, Outputs::Display::InputDataType::Red4Green4Blue4),
cia_a_handler_(map, disk_controller_, mouse_),
disk_controller_(Cycles(input_clock_rate), *this, disk_, cia_b) {
Chipset::Changes Chipset::run_for(HalfCycles length) {
return run<false>(length);
Chipset::Changes Chipset::run_until_cpu_slot() {
return run<true>();
void Chipset::set_cia_interrupts(bool cia_a_interrupt, bool cia_b_interrupt) {
// TODO: are these really latched, or are they active live?
interrupt_requests_ &= ~InterruptMask<InterruptFlag::IOPortsAndTimers, InterruptFlag::External>::value;
interrupt_requests_ |=
(cia_a_interrupt ? InterruptMask<InterruptFlag::IOPortsAndTimers>::value : 0) |
(cia_b_interrupt ? InterruptMask<InterruptFlag::External>::value : 0);
void Chipset::posit_interrupt(InterruptFlag flag) {
interrupt_requests_ |= uint16_t(flag);
void DMADeviceBase::posit_interrupt(InterruptFlag flag) {
template <int cycle> void Chipset::output() {
// Notes to self on guesses below:
// Hardware stop is at 0x18;
// 12/64 * 227 = 42.5625
// "However, horizontal blanking actually limits the displayable
// video to 368 low resolution pixel"
// => 184 windows out of 227 are visible, which concurs.
// A complete from-thin-air guess:
// 7 cycles blank;
// 17 cycles sync;
// 3 cycles blank;
// 9 cycles colour burst;
// 7 cycles blank.
constexpr int blank1 = 7;
constexpr int sync = 17 + blank1;
constexpr int blank2 = 3 + sync;
constexpr int burst = 9 + blank2;
constexpr int blank3 = 7 + burst;
static_assert(blank3 == 43);
#define LINK(location, action, length) \
if(cycle == (location)) { \
crt_.action((length) * 4); \
if(y_ < vertical_blank_height_) {
// Put three lines of sync at the centre of the vertical blank period.
// Offset by half a line if interlaced and on an odd frame.
const int midline = vertical_blank_height_ >> 1;
if(frame_height_ & 1) {
if(y_ < midline - 1 || y_ > midline + 2) {
LINK(blank1, output_blank, blank1);
LINK(sync, output_sync, sync - blank1);
LINK(line_length_ - 1, output_blank, line_length_ - 1 - sync);
} else if(y_ == midline - 1) {
LINK(113, output_blank, 113);
LINK(line_length_ - 1, output_sync, line_length_ - 1 - 113);
} else if(y_ == midline + 2) {
LINK(113, output_sync, 113);
LINK(line_length_ - 1, output_blank, line_length_ - 1 - 113);
} else {
LINK(blank1, output_sync, blank1);
LINK(sync, output_blank, sync - blank1);
LINK(line_length_ - 1, output_sync, line_length_ - 1 - sync);
} else {
if(y_ < midline - 1 || y_ > midline + 1) {
LINK(blank1, output_blank, blank1);
LINK(sync, output_sync, sync - blank1);
LINK(line_length_ - 1, output_blank, line_length_ - 1 - sync);
} else {
LINK(blank1, output_sync, blank1);
LINK(sync, output_blank, sync - blank1);
LINK(line_length_ - 1, output_sync, line_length_ - 1 - sync);
} else {
// Output the correct sequence of blanks, syncs and burst atomically.
LINK(blank1, output_blank, blank1);
LINK(sync, output_sync, sync - blank1);
LINK(blank2, output_blank, blank2 - sync);
LINK(burst, output_default_colour_burst, burst - blank2); // TODO: only if colour enabled.
LINK(blank3, output_blank, blank3 - burst);
// TODO: these shouldn't be functions of the fetch window,
// but of the display window.
display_horizontal_ |= cycle == fetch_window_[0];
display_horizontal_ &= cycle != fetch_window_[1];
if constexpr (cycle > blank3) {
const bool is_pixel_display = display_horizontal_ && fetch_vertical_;
(is_pixel_display == is_border_) ||
(is_border_ && border_colour_ != palette_[0])) {
is_border_ = !is_pixel_display;
border_colour_ = palette_[0];
if(is_pixel_display) {
if(!pixels_) {
uint16_t *const new_pixels = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t *>(crt_.begin_data(4 * size_t(line_length_ - cycle)));
if(new_pixels) {
pixels_ = new_pixels;
if(pixels_) {
// TODO: this doesn't support dual playfields; use an alternative
// palette table for that.
const uint32_t source = bitplane_pixels_.get(is_high_res_);
pixels_[0] = palette_[source >> 24];
pixels_[1] = palette_[(source >> 16) & 0xff];
pixels_[2] = palette_[(source >> 8) & 0xff];
pixels_[3] = palette_[source & 0xff];
// QUICK HACK: dump sprite pixels:
// (i) always on top, regardless of current priority;
// (ii) assuming four-colour sprites; and
// (iii) not using the proper triggering mechanism.
// (and assuming visible area is a subset of the fetch area, but elsewhere
// the two are currently equated, so...)
constexpr auto dcycle = cycle << 1;
for(int c = 7; c >= 0; --c) {
if(sprites_[c].active && sprites_[c].h_start_ <= (dcycle+1) && sprites_[c].h_start_+16 >= dcycle) {
const int shift = 16 + dcycle - sprites_[c].h_start_;
uint32_t pixels[] = {
uint32_t(sprites_[c].data[0] << shift),
uint32_t(sprites_[c].data[1] << shift),
const int colours[] = {
int((pixels[1] >> 31) | ((pixels[0] >> 30) & 2)),
int(((pixels[1] >> 30)&1) | ((pixels[0] >> 29) & 2))
const int base = ((c&~1) << 1) + 16;
if(colours[0]) {
pixels_[0] = pixels_[1] = palette_[base + colours[0]];
if(colours[1]) {
pixels_[2] = pixels_[3] = palette_[base + colours[1]];
pixels_ += 4;
// Output the rest of the line. TODO: optimise border area.
if(cycle == line_length_ - 1) {
#undef LINK
void Chipset::flush_output() {
if(!zone_duration_) return;
if(is_border_) {
uint16_t *const pixels = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t *>(crt_.begin_data(1));
if(pixels) {
*pixels = border_colour_;
crt_.output_data(zone_duration_ * 4, 1);
} else {
crt_.output_data(zone_duration_ * 4);
zone_duration_ = 0;
pixels_ = nullptr;
/// @returns @c true if this was a CPU slot; @c false otherwise.
template <int cycle, bool stop_if_cpu> bool Chipset::perform_cycle() {
constexpr auto BlitterFlag = DMAMask<DMAFlag::Blitter, DMAFlag::AllBelow>::value;
constexpr auto BitplaneFlag = DMAMask<DMAFlag::Bitplane, DMAFlag::AllBelow>::value;
constexpr auto CopperFlag = DMAMask<DMAFlag::Copper, DMAFlag::AllBelow>::value;
constexpr auto DiskFlag = DMAMask<DMAFlag::Disk, DMAFlag::AllBelow>::value;
constexpr auto SpritesFlag = DMAMask<DMAFlag::Sprites, DMAFlag::AllBelow>::value;
// Update state as to whether bitplane fetching should happen now.
// TODO: figure out how the hard stops factor into this.
// Top priority: bitplane collection.
// TODO: mask off fetch_window_'s lower bits. (Dependant on high/low-res?)
fetch_horizontal_ |= cycle == fetch_window_[0];
horizontal_is_last_ |= cycle == fetch_window_[1];
if((dma_control_ & BitplaneFlag) == BitplaneFlag) {
// TODO: offer a cycle for bitplane collection.
// Probably need to indicate odd or even?
if(fetch_vertical_ && fetch_horizontal_ && bitplanes_.advance(cycle)) {
did_fetch_ = true;
return false;
if constexpr (cycle & 1) {
// Odd slot use/priority:
// 1. Bitplane fetches [dealt with above].
// 2. Refresh, disk, audio, or sprites. Depending on region.
// Blitter and CPU priority is dealt with below.
if constexpr (cycle >= 0x07 && cycle < 0x0d) {
if((dma_control_ & DiskFlag) == DiskFlag) {
if(disk_.advance()) {
return false;
if constexpr(cycle >= 0x15 && cycle < 0x35) {
if((dma_control_ & SpritesFlag) == SpritesFlag) {
constexpr auto sprite_id = (cycle - 0x15) >> 2;
if(sprites_[sprite_id].advance(y_)) {
return false;
} else {
// Bitplanes being dealt with, specific odd-cycle responsibility
// is just possibly to pass to the Copper.
// The Blitter and CPU are dealt with outside of the odd/even test.
if((dma_control_ & CopperFlag) == CopperFlag) {
if(copper_.advance(uint16_t(((y_ & 0xff) << 8) | (cycle & 0xfe)))) {
return false;
} else {
// Down here: give first refusal to the Blitter, otherwise
// pass on to the CPU.
return (dma_control_ & BlitterFlag) != BlitterFlag || !blitter_.advance();
/// Performs all slots starting with @c first_slot and ending just before @c last_slot.
/// If @c stop_on_cpu is true, stops upon discovery of a CPU slot.
/// @returns the number of slots completed if @c stop_on_cpu was true and a CPU slot was found.
/// @c -1 otherwise.
template <bool stop_on_cpu> int Chipset::advance_slots(int first_slot, int last_slot) {
if(first_slot == last_slot) {
return -1;
#define C(x) \
case x: \
if constexpr(stop_on_cpu) {\
if(perform_cycle<x, stop_on_cpu>()) {\
return x - first_slot;\
} else {\
perform_cycle<x, stop_on_cpu>(); \
} \
output<x>(); \
if((x + 1) == last_slot) break; \
#define C10(x) C(x); C(x+1); C(x+2); C(x+3); C(x+4); C(x+5); C(x+6); C(x+7); C(x+8); C(x+9);
switch(first_slot) {
C10(0); C10(10); C10(20); C10(30); C10(40);
C10(50); C10(60); C10(70); C10(80); C10(90);
C10(100); C10(110); C10(120); C10(130); C10(140);
C10(150); C10(160); C10(170); C10(180); C10(190);
C10(200); C10(210);
C(220); C(221); C(222); C(223); C(224);
C(225); C(226); C(227); C(228);
default: assert(false);
#undef C
return -1;
template <bool stop_on_cpu> Chipset::Changes Chipset::run(HalfCycles length) {
Changes changes;
// This code uses 'pixels' as a measure, which is equivalent to one pixel clock time,
// or half a cycle.
auto pixels_remaining = length.as<int>();
int hsyncs = 0, vsyncs = 0;
// Update raster position, spooling out graphics.
while(pixels_remaining) {
// Determine number of pixels left on this line.
const int line_pixels = std::min(pixels_remaining, (line_length_ * 4) - line_cycle_);
const int start_slot = line_cycle_ >> 2;
const int end_slot = (line_cycle_ + line_pixels) >> 2;
const int actual_slots = advance_slots<stop_on_cpu>(start_slot, end_slot);
if(stop_on_cpu && actual_slots >= 0) {
// Run until the end of the named slot.
if(actual_slots) {
const int actual_line_pixels =
(4 - (line_cycle_ & 3)) + ((actual_slots - 1) << 2);
line_cycle_ += actual_line_pixels;
changes.duration += HalfCycles(actual_line_pixels);
// Just ensure an exit.
pixels_remaining = 0;
} else {
line_cycle_ += line_pixels;
changes.duration += HalfCycles(line_pixels);
pixels_remaining -= line_pixels;
// Advance intraline counter and possibly ripple upwards into
// lines and fields.
if(line_cycle_ == (line_length_ * 4)) {
line_cycle_ = 0;
fetch_vertical_ |= y_ == display_window_start_[1];
fetch_vertical_ &= y_ != display_window_stop_[1];
// if(y_ == display_window_start_[1]) {
// fetch_vertical_ = true;
//// LOG("Enabling vertical fetch at line " << std::dec << +y_);
// }
// if(y_ == display_window_stop_[1]) {
// fetch_vertical_ = false;
//// LOG("Disabling vertical fetch at line " << std::dec << +y_);
// }
if(did_fetch_) {
// TODO: find out when modulos are actually applied, since
// they're dynamically programmable.
did_fetch_ = false;
fetch_horizontal_ = horizontal_is_last_ = false;
if(y_ == frame_height_) {
interrupt_requests_ |= InterruptMask<InterruptFlag::VerticalBlank>::value;
y_ = 0;
// TODO: the manual is vague on when this happens. Try to find out.
// TODO: is this really how sprite DMA proceeds?
for(int c = 0; c < 8; c++) {
assert(line_cycle_ < line_length_ * 4);
// The CIAs are on the E clock.
cia_divider_ += changes.duration;
const HalfCycles e_clocks = cia_divider_.divide(HalfCycles(20));
if(e_clocks > HalfCycles(0)) {
// Propagate TOD updates to the CIAs, and feed their new interrupt
// outputs back to here.
set_cia_interrupts(cia_a.get_interrupt_line(), cia_b.get_interrupt_line());
// Update the disk controller, if any drives are active.
if(!disk_controller_is_sleeping_) {
// Record the interrupt level.
// TODO: is this useful?
changes.interrupt_level = interrupt_level_;
return changes;
void Chipset::post_bitplanes(const BitplaneData &data) {
// Expand this
previous_bitplanes_ = data;
fetch_horizontal_ &= !horizontal_is_last_;
namespace {
/// Expands @c source so that b7 is the least-significant bit of the most-significant byte of the result,
/// b6 is the least-significant bit of the next most significant byte, etc. b0 stays in place.
constexpr uint64_t expand_byte(uint8_t source) {
uint64_t result = source; // 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 abcd efgh
result = (result | (result << 28)) & 0x0000'000f'0000'000f; // 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 abcd 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 efgh
result = (result | (result << 14)) & 0x0003'0003'0003'0003; // 0000 0000 0000 00ab 0000 0000 0000 00cd 0000 0000 0000 00ef 0000 0000 0000 00gh
result = (result | (result << 7)) & 0x0101'0101'0101'0101; // 0000 000a 0000 000b 0000 000c 0000 000d 0000 000e 0000 000f 0000 000g 0000 000h
return result;
// A very small selection of test cases.
static_assert(expand_byte(0xff) == 0x01'01'01'01'01'01'01'01);
static_assert(expand_byte(0x55) == 0x00'01'00'01'00'01'00'01);
static_assert(expand_byte(0xaa) == 0x01'00'01'00'01'00'01'00);
static_assert(expand_byte(0x00) == 0x00'00'00'00'00'00'00'00);
void Chipset::SixteenPixels::set(const BitplaneData &previous, const BitplaneData &next, int odd_delay, int even_delay) {
const uint16_t planes[6] = {
uint16_t(((previous[0] << 16) | next[0]) >> even_delay),
uint16_t(((previous[1] << 16) | next[1]) >> odd_delay),
uint16_t(((previous[2] << 16) | next[2]) >> even_delay),
uint16_t(((previous[3] << 16) | next[3]) >> odd_delay),
uint16_t(((previous[4] << 16) | next[4]) >> even_delay),
uint16_t(((previous[5] << 16) | next[5]) >> odd_delay),
(*this)[0] =
(expand_byte(uint8_t(planes[0])) << 0) |
(expand_byte(uint8_t(planes[1])) << 1) |
(expand_byte(uint8_t(planes[2])) << 2) |
(expand_byte(uint8_t(planes[3])) << 3) |
(expand_byte(uint8_t(planes[4])) << 4) |
(expand_byte(uint8_t(planes[5])) << 5);
(*this)[1] =
(expand_byte(uint8_t(planes[0] >> 8)) << 0) |
(expand_byte(uint8_t(planes[1] >> 8)) << 1) |
(expand_byte(uint8_t(planes[2] >> 8)) << 2) |
(expand_byte(uint8_t(planes[3] >> 8)) << 3) |
(expand_byte(uint8_t(planes[4] >> 8)) << 4) |
(expand_byte(uint8_t(planes[5] >> 8)) << 5);
void Chipset::update_interrupts() {
interrupt_level_ = 0;
const uint16_t enabled_requests = interrupt_enable_ & interrupt_requests_ & 0x3fff;
if(enabled_requests && (interrupt_enable_ & 0x4000)) {
if(enabled_requests & InterruptMask<InterruptFlag::External>::value) {
interrupt_level_ = 6;
} else if(enabled_requests & InterruptMask<InterruptFlag::SerialPortReceive, InterruptFlag::DiskSyncMatch>::value) {
interrupt_level_ = 5;
} else if(enabled_requests & InterruptMask<InterruptFlag::AudioChannel0, InterruptFlag::AudioChannel1, InterruptFlag::AudioChannel2, InterruptFlag::AudioChannel3>::value) {
interrupt_level_ = 4;
} else if(enabled_requests & InterruptMask<InterruptFlag::Copper, InterruptFlag::VerticalBlank, InterruptFlag::Blitter>::value) {
interrupt_level_ = 3;
} else if(enabled_requests & InterruptMask<InterruptFlag::IOPortsAndTimers>::value) {
interrupt_level_ = 2;
} else if(enabled_requests & InterruptMask<InterruptFlag::SerialPortTransmit, InterruptFlag::DiskBlock, InterruptFlag::Software>::value) {
interrupt_level_ = 1;
void Chipset::perform(const CPU::MC68000::Microcycle &cycle) {
using Microcycle = CPU::MC68000::Microcycle;
#define RW(address) address | ((cycle.operation & Microcycle::Read) << 12)
#define Read(address) address | (Microcycle::Read << 12)
#define Write(address) address
#define ApplySetClear(target) { \
const uint16_t value = cycle.value16(); \
if(value & 0x8000) { \
target |= (value & 0x7fff); \
} else { \
target &= ~(value & 0x7fff); \
} \
const uint32_t register_address = *cycle.address & 0x1fe;
switch(RW(register_address)) {
LOG("Unimplemented chipset " << (cycle.operation & Microcycle::Read ? "read" : "write") << " " << PADHEX(6) << *cycle.address);
// Raster position.
case Read(0x004): {
const uint16_t position = uint16_t(y_ >> 8);
// LOG("Read vertical position high " << PADHEX(4) << position);
} break;
case Read(0x006): {
const uint16_t position = uint16_t(((line_cycle_ << 6) & 0xff00) | (y_ & 0x00ff));
// LOG("Read position low " << PADHEX(4) << position);
} break;
case Write(0x02a):
LOG("TODO: write vertical position high " << PADHEX(4) << cycle.value16());
case Write(0x02c):
LOG("TODO: write vertical position low " << PADHEX(4) << cycle.value16());
// Joystick/mouse input.
case Read(0x00a):
(mouse_.position[1] << 8) |
case Read(0x00c):
case Write(0x034):
// LOG("TODO: pot port start");
case Read(0x016):
// LOG("TODO: pot port read");
// Disk DMA and control.
case Write(0x020): disk_.set_pointer<0, 16>(cycle.value16()); break;
case Write(0x022): disk_.set_pointer<0, 0>(cycle.value16()); break;
case Write(0x024): disk_.set_length(cycle.value16()); break;
case Write(0x026):
LOG("TODO: disk DMA; " << PADHEX(4) << cycle.value16() << " to " << *cycle.address);
case Write(0x09e):
LOG("Write disk control");
// TODO: should also post to Paula.
case Read(0x010):
LOG("Read disk control");
case Write(0x07e):
assert(false); // Not fully implemented.
case Read(0x01a):
LOG("TODO: disk status");
assert(false); // Not yet implemented.
// Refresh.
case Write(0x028):
LOG("TODO (maybe): refresh; " << PADHEX(4) << cycle.value16() << " to " << *cycle.address);
// Serial port.
case Read(0x018):
LOG("TODO: serial data and status");
cycle.set_value16(0x3000); // i.e. transmit buffer empty.
case Write(0x030):
LOG("TODO: serial data: " << PADHEX(4) << cycle.value16());
case Write(0x032):
LOG("TODO: serial control: " << PADHEX(4) << cycle.value16());
// DMA management.
case Read(0x002):
cycle.set_value16(dma_control_ | blitter_.get_status());
case Write(0x096):
// Interrupts.
case Write(0x09a):
case Read(0x01c):
case Write(0x09c):
case Read(0x01e):
// Display management.
case Write(0x08e): {
const uint16_t value = cycle.value16();
display_window_start_[0] = value & 0xff;
display_window_start_[1] = value >> 8;
LOG("Display window start set to " << std::dec << display_window_start_[0] << ", " << display_window_start_[1]);
} break;
case Write(0x090): {
const uint16_t value = cycle.value16();
display_window_stop_[0] = 0x100 | (value & 0xff);
display_window_stop_[1] = value >> 8;
display_window_stop_[1] |= ((value >> 7) & 0x100) ^ 0x100;
LOG("Display window stop set to " << std::dec << display_window_stop_[0] << ", " << display_window_stop_[1]);
} break;
case Write(0x092):
fetch_window_[0] = cycle.value16();
LOG("Fetch window start set to " << std::dec << fetch_window_[0]);
case Write(0x094):
// TODO: something in my interpretation of ddfstart and ddfstop
// means a + 8 is needed below for high-res displays. Investigate.
fetch_window_[1] = cycle.value16() + 8;
LOG("Fetch window stop set to " << std::dec << fetch_window_[1]);
// Bitplanes.
case Write(0x0e0): bitplanes_.set_pointer<0, 16>(cycle.value16()); break;
case Write(0x0e2): bitplanes_.set_pointer<0, 0>(cycle.value16()); break;
case Write(0x0e4): bitplanes_.set_pointer<1, 16>(cycle.value16()); break;
case Write(0x0e6): bitplanes_.set_pointer<1, 0>(cycle.value16()); break;
case Write(0x0e8): bitplanes_.set_pointer<2, 16>(cycle.value16()); break;
case Write(0x0ea): bitplanes_.set_pointer<2, 0>(cycle.value16()); break;
case Write(0x0ec): bitplanes_.set_pointer<3, 16>(cycle.value16()); break;
case Write(0x0ee): bitplanes_.set_pointer<3, 0>(cycle.value16()); break;
case Write(0x0f0): bitplanes_.set_pointer<4, 16>(cycle.value16()); break;
case Write(0x0f2): bitplanes_.set_pointer<4, 0>(cycle.value16()); break;
case Write(0x0f4): bitplanes_.set_pointer<5, 16>(cycle.value16()); break;
case Write(0x0f6): bitplanes_.set_pointer<5, 0>(cycle.value16()); break;
case Write(0x102): {
const uint8_t delay = cycle.value8_low();
odd_delay_ = delay & 0x0f;
even_delay_ = delay >> 4;
} break;
case Write(0x100):
is_high_res_ = cycle.value16() & 0x8000;
case Write(0x104):
case Write(0x106):
LOG("TODO: Bitplane control; " << PADHEX(4) << cycle.value16() << " to " << *cycle.address);
case Write(0x108):
case Write(0x10a):
LOG("TODO: Bitplane modulo; " << PADHEX(4) << cycle.value16() << " to " << *cycle.address);
case Write(0x110):
case Write(0x112):
case Write(0x114):
case Write(0x116):
case Write(0x118):
case Write(0x11a):
LOG("TODO: Bitplane data; " << PADHEX(4) << cycle.value16() << " to " << *cycle.address);
case Read(0x110): case Read(0x112): case Read(0x114): case Read(0x116):
case Read(0x118): case Read(0x11a):
LOG("Invalid read at " << PADHEX(6) << *cycle.address);
// Blitter.
case Read(0x040): blitter_.set_control(0, 0xffff); break; // UGH. Have fallen into quite a hole here with my
case Read(0x042): blitter_.set_control(1, 0xffff); break; // Read/Write macros. TODO: some sort of canonical decode?
// Templatey to hit the usual Read/Write cases first?
case Write(0x040): blitter_.set_control(0, cycle.value16()); break;
case Write(0x042): blitter_.set_control(1, cycle.value16()); break;
case Write(0x044): blitter_.set_first_word_mask(cycle.value16()); break;
case Write(0x046): blitter_.set_last_word_mask(cycle.value16()); break;
case Write(0x048): blitter_.set_pointer<2, 16>(cycle.value16()); break;
case Write(0x04a): blitter_.set_pointer<2, 0>(cycle.value16()); break;
case Write(0x04c): blitter_.set_pointer<1, 16>(cycle.value16()); break;
case Write(0x04e): blitter_.set_pointer<1, 0>(cycle.value16()); break;
case Write(0x050): blitter_.set_pointer<0, 16>(cycle.value16()); break;
case Write(0x052): blitter_.set_pointer<0, 0>(cycle.value16()); break;
case Write(0x054): blitter_.set_pointer<3, 16>(cycle.value16()); break;
case Write(0x056): blitter_.set_pointer<3, 0>(cycle.value16()); break;
case Write(0x058): blitter_.set_size(cycle.value16()); break;
case Write(0x05a): blitter_.set_minterms(cycle.value16()); break;
case Write(0x05c): blitter_.set_vertical_size(cycle.value16()); break;
case Write(0x05e): blitter_.set_horizontal_size(cycle.value16()); break;
case Write(0x060): blitter_.set_modulo(2, cycle.value16()); break;
case Write(0x062): blitter_.set_modulo(1, cycle.value16()); break;
case Write(0x064): blitter_.set_modulo(0, cycle.value16()); break;
case Write(0x066): blitter_.set_modulo(3, cycle.value16()); break;
case Write(0x070): blitter_.set_data(2, cycle.value16()); break;
case Write(0x072): blitter_.set_data(1, cycle.value16()); break;
case Write(0x074): blitter_.set_data(0, cycle.value16()); break;
// Paula.
case Write(0x0a0): case Write(0x0a2): case Write(0x0a4): case Write(0x0a6):
case Write(0x0a8): case Write(0x0aa):
case Write(0x0b0): case Write(0x0b2): case Write(0x0b4): case Write(0x0b6):
case Write(0x0b8): case Write(0x0ba):
case Write(0x0c0): case Write(0x0c2): case Write(0x0c4): case Write(0x0c6):
case Write(0x0c8): case Write(0x0ca):
case Write(0x0d0): case Write(0x0d2): case Write(0x0d4): case Write(0x0d6):
case Write(0x0d8): case Write(0x0da):
LOG("TODO: Paula write " << PADHEX(2) << (*cycle.address & 0xff) << " " << PADHEX(4) << cycle.value16());
// Copper.
case Write(0x02e):
case Write(0x080):
copper_.set_pointer<0, 16>(cycle.value16());
case Write(0x082):
copper_.set_pointer<0, 0>(cycle.value16());
case Write(0x084):
copper_.set_pointer<1, 16>(cycle.value16());
case Write(0x086):
copper_.set_pointer<1, 0>(cycle.value16());
case Write(0x088): case Read(0x088):
case Write(0x08a): case Read(0x08a):
case Write(0x08c):
LOG("TODO: coprocessor instruction fetch identity " << PADHEX(4) << cycle.value16());
// Sprites.
#define Sprite(index, pointer, position) \
case Write(pointer + 0): sprites_[index].set_pointer<0, 16>(cycle.value16()); break; \
case Write(pointer + 2): sprites_[index].set_pointer<0, 0>(cycle.value16()); break; \
case Write(position + 0): sprites_[index].set_start_position(cycle.value16()); break; \
case Write(position + 2): sprites_[index].set_stop_and_control(cycle.value16()); break; \
case Write(position + 4): sprites_[index].set_image_data(0, cycle.value16()); break; \
case Write(position + 6): sprites_[index].set_image_data(1, cycle.value16()); break;
Sprite(0, 0x120, 0x140);
Sprite(1, 0x124, 0x148);
Sprite(2, 0x128, 0x150);
Sprite(3, 0x12c, 0x158);
Sprite(4, 0x130, 0x160);
Sprite(5, 0x134, 0x168);
Sprite(6, 0x138, 0x170);
Sprite(7, 0x13c, 0x178);
#undef Sprite
// Colour palette.
case Write(0x180): case Write(0x182): case Write(0x184): case Write(0x186):
case Write(0x188): case Write(0x18a): case Write(0x18c): case Write(0x18e):
case Write(0x190): case Write(0x192): case Write(0x194): case Write(0x196):
case Write(0x198): case Write(0x19a): case Write(0x19c): case Write(0x19e):
case Write(0x1a0): case Write(0x1a2): case Write(0x1a4): case Write(0x1a6):
case Write(0x1a8): case Write(0x1aa): case Write(0x1ac): case Write(0x1ae):
case Write(0x1b0): case Write(0x1b2): case Write(0x1b4): case Write(0x1b6):
case Write(0x1b8): case Write(0x1ba): case Write(0x1bc): case Write(0x1be): {
// LOG("Colour palette; " << PADHEX(4) << cycle.value16() << " to " << *cycle.address);
// Store once in regular, linear order.
const auto entry_address = (register_address - 0x180) >> 1;
uint8_t *const entry = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&palette_[entry_address]);
entry[0] = cycle.value8_high();
entry[1] = cycle.value8_low();
// Also store in bit-swizzled order. In this array,
// instead of being indexed as [b4 b3 b2 b1 b0], index
// as [b3 b1 b4 b2 b0]. This is related to the dual/single-playfield
// decision being made relatively late in the planar -> chunky
// conversion performed by this implementation.
const auto swizzled_address =
(entry_address&0x01) |
((entry_address&0x02) << 2) |
((entry_address&0x04) >> 1) |
((entry_address&0x08) << 1) |
((entry_address&0x10) >> 2);
uint8_t *const swizzled_entry = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&swizzled_palette_[swizzled_address]);
swizzled_entry[0] = cycle.value8_high();
swizzled_entry[1] = cycle.value8_low();
} break;
#undef ApplySetClear
#undef Write
#undef Read
#undef RW
// MARK: - Bitplanes.
bool Chipset::Bitplanes::advance(int cycle) {
#define BIND_CYCLE(offset, plane) \
case offset: \
if(plane_count_ > plane) { \
next[plane] = ram_[pointer_[plane] & ram_mask_]; \
++pointer_[plane]; \
if constexpr (!plane) { \
chipset_.post_bitplanes(next); \
} \
return true; \
} \
return false;
if(is_high_res_) {
switch(cycle&3) {
default: return false;
} else {
switch(cycle&7) {
default: return false;
/* Omitted: 0. */
/* Omitted: 4. */
return false;
void Chipset::Bitplanes::do_end_of_line() {
// TODO: apply modulos.
void Chipset::Bitplanes::set_control(uint16_t control) {
is_high_res_ = control & 0x8000;
plane_count_ = (control >> 12) & 7;
// TODO: who really has responsibility for clearing the other
// bit plane fields?
std::fill(next.begin() + plane_count_, next.end(), 0);
if(plane_count_ == 7) {
plane_count_ = 4;
// MARK: - Sprites.
void Chipset::Sprite::set_start_position(uint16_t value) {
v_start_ = (v_start_ & 0xff00) | (value >> 8);
h_start_ = uint16_t((h_start_ & 0x0001) | ((value & 0xff) << 1));
active = false;
void Chipset::Sprite::set_stop_and_control(uint16_t value) {
h_start_ = uint16_t((h_start_ & 0x01fe) | (value & 0x01));
v_stop_ = uint16_t((value >> 8) | ((value & 0x02) << 7));
v_start_ = uint16_t((v_start_ & 0x00ff) | ((value & 0x04) << 6));
attached = value & 0x80;
void Chipset::Sprite::set_image_data(int slot, uint16_t value) {
data[slot] = value;
active |= slot == 0;
bool Chipset::Sprite::advance(int y) {
switch(dma_state_) {
// i.e. stopped.
default: return false;
// FetchStart: fetch the first control word and proceed to the second.
case DMAState::FetchStart:
dma_state_ = DMAState::FetchStopAndControl;
return true;
// FetchStopAndControl: fetch second control word and wait for V start.
case DMAState::FetchStopAndControl:
dma_state_ = DMAState::WaitingForStart;
return true;
// WaitingForStart: repeat until V start is found.
case DMAState::WaitingForStart:
if(y != v_start_) {
return false;
// FetchData1: if v end is reached, stop DMA. Otherwise fetch a word
// and proceed to FetchData0.
case DMAState::FetchData1:
if(y == v_stop_) {
dma_state_ = DMAState::Stopped;
return false;
set_image_data(1, ram_[pointer_[0]]);
dma_state_ = DMAState::FetchData0;
return true;
// FetchData0: fetch a word and proceed back to FetchData1.
case DMAState::FetchData0:
set_image_data(0, ram_[pointer_[0]]);
dma_state_ = DMAState::FetchData1;
return true;
return false;
void Chipset::Sprite::reset_dma() {
dma_state_ = DMAState::FetchStart;
// MARK: - Disk.
void Chipset::DiskDMA::enqueue(uint16_t value, bool matches_sync) {
if(matches_sync) {
// TODO: start buffering from the next word onwards if
// syncing is enabled.
// LOG("In: " << buffer_write_);
buffer_[buffer_write_ & 3] = value;
if(buffer_write_ == buffer_read_ + 4) {
void Chipset::DiskDMA::set_length(uint16_t value) {
if(value == last_set_length_) {
dma_enable_ = value & 0x8000;
write_ = value & 0x4000;
length_ = value & 0x3fff;
buffer_read_ = buffer_write_ = 0;
if(dma_enable_) {
LOG("Disk DMA " << (write_ ? "write" : "read") << " of " << length_ << " to " << PADHEX(8) << pointer_[0]);
last_set_length_ = value;
bool Chipset::DiskDMA::advance() {
if(!dma_enable_) return false;
if(!write_) {
if(length_ && buffer_read_ != buffer_write_) {
ram_[pointer_[0] & ram_mask_] = buffer_[buffer_read_ & 3];
if(!length_) {
return true;
return false;
// MARK: - CRT connection.
void Chipset::set_scan_target(Outputs::Display::ScanTarget *scan_target) {
Outputs::Display::ScanStatus Chipset::get_scaled_scan_status() const {
return crt_.get_scaled_scan_status();
void Chipset::set_display_type(Outputs::Display::DisplayType type) {
Outputs::Display::DisplayType Chipset::get_display_type() const {
return crt_.get_display_type();
// MARK: - CIA A.
Chipset::CIAAHandler::CIAAHandler(MemoryMap &map, DiskController &controller, Mouse &mouse) :
map_(map), controller_(controller), mouse_(mouse) {}
void Chipset::CIAAHandler::set_port_output(MOS::MOS6526::Port port, uint8_t value) {
if(port) {
// CIA A, Port B: Parallel port output.
LOG("TODO: parallel output " << PADHEX(2) << +value);
} else {
// CIA A, Port A:
// b7: /FIR1
// b6: /FIR0
// b5: /RDY
// b4: /TRK0
// b3: /WPRO
// b2: /CHNG
// b1: /LED [output]
// b0: OVL [output]
if(observer_) {
observer_->set_led_status(led_name, !(value & 2));
map_.set_overlay(value & 1);
uint8_t Chipset::CIAAHandler::get_port_input(MOS::MOS6526::Port port) {
if(port) {
LOG("TODO: parallel input?");
} else {
controller_.get_rdy_trk0_wpro_chng() &
return 0xff;
void Chipset::CIAAHandler::set_activity_observer(Activity::Observer *observer) {
observer_ = observer;
if(observer) {
observer->register_led(led_name, Activity::Observer::LEDPresentation::Persistent);
// MARK: - CIA B.
Chipset::CIABHandler::CIABHandler(DiskController &controller) : controller_(controller) {}
void Chipset::CIABHandler::set_port_output(MOS::MOS6526::Port port, uint8_t value) {
if(port) {
// CIA B, Port B:
// Disk motor control, drive and head selection,
// and stepper control:
} else {
// CIA B, Port A: Serial port control.
// b7: /DTR
// b6: /RTS
// b5: /CD
// b4: /CTS
// b3: /DSR
// b2: SEL
// b1: POUT
// b0: BUSY
LOG("TODO: DTR/RTS/etc: " << PADHEX(2) << +value);
uint8_t Chipset::CIABHandler::get_port_input(MOS::MOS6526::Port) {
LOG("Unexpected: input for CIA B");
return 0xff;
// MARK: - ClockingHintObserver.
void Chipset::set_component_prefers_clocking(ClockingHint::Source *, ClockingHint::Preference preference) {
disk_controller_is_sleeping_ = preference == ClockingHint::Preference::None;
// MARK: - Disk Controller.
Chipset::DiskController::DiskController(Cycles clock_rate, Chipset &chipset, DiskDMA &disk_dma, CIAB &cia) :
cia_(cia) {
// Add four drives.
for(int c = 0; c < 4; c++) {
emplace_drive(clock_rate.as<int>(), 300, 2, Storage::Disk::Drive::ReadyType::IBMRDY);
void Chipset::DiskController::process_input_bit(int value) {
data_ = uint16_t((data_ << 1) | value);
const bool sync_matches = data_ == sync_word_;
if(sync_matches) {
if(sync_with_word_) {
bit_count_ = 0;
if(!(bit_count_ & 15)) {
disk_dma_.enqueue(data_, sync_matches);
void Chipset::DiskController::set_sync_word(uint16_t value) {
LOG("Set disk sync word to " << PADHEX(4) << value);
sync_word_ = value;
void Chipset::DiskController::set_control(uint16_t control) {
// b13 and b14: precompensation length specifier
// b12: 0 => GCR precompensation; 1 => MFM.
// b10: 1 => enable use of word sync; 0 => disable.
// b9: 1 => sync on MSB (Disk II style, presumably?); 0 => don't.
// b8: 1 => 2µs per bit; 0 => 4µs.
sync_with_word_ = control & 0x400;
Storage::Time bit_length;
bit_length.length = 1;
bit_length.clock_rate = (control & 0x100) ? 500000 : 250000;
LOG((sync_with_word_ ? "Will" : "Won't") << " sync with word; bit length is " << ((control & 0x100) ? "short" : "long"));
void Chipset::DiskController::process_index_hole() {
// Pulse the CIA flag input.
// TODO: rectify once drives do an actual index pulse, with length.
// Resync word output. Experimental!!
bit_count_ = 0;
void Chipset::DiskController::set_mtr_sel_side_dir_step(uint8_t value) {
// b7: /MTR
// b6: /SEL3
// b5: /SEL2
// b4: /SEL1
// b3: /SEL0
// b2: /SIDE
// b1: DIR
// b0: /STEP
// Select active drive.
set_drive(((value >> 3) & 0x0f) ^ 0x0f);
// "[The MTR] signal is nonstandard on the Amiga system.
// Each drive will latch the motor signal at the time its
// select signal turns on." — The Hardware Reference Manual.
const auto difference = int(previous_select_ ^ value);
previous_select_ = value;
// Check for changes in the SEL line per drive.
const bool motor_on = !(value & 0x80);
const int side = (value & 0x04) ? 0 : 1;
const bool did_step = difference & value & 0x01;
const auto direction = Storage::Disk::HeadPosition(
(value & 0x02) ? -1 : 1
for(int c = 0; c < 4; c++) {
auto &drive = get_drive(size_t(c));
const int select_mask = 0x08 << c;
const bool is_selected = !(value & select_mask);
// Both the motor state and the ID shifter are affected upon
// changes in drive selection only.
if(difference & select_mask) {
// If transitioning to inactive, shift the drive ID value;
// if transitioning to active, possibly reset the drive
// ID and definitely latch the new motor state.
if(!is_selected) {
drive_ids_[c] <<= 1;
LOG("Shifted drive ID shift register for drive " << +c << " to " << PADHEX(4) << std::bitset<16>{drive_ids_[c]});
} else {
// Motor transition on -> off => reload register.
if(!motor_on && drive.get_motor_on()) {
// NB:
// 0xffff'ffff = 3.5" drive;
// 0x5555'5555 = 5.25" drive;
// 0x0000'0000 = no drive.
drive_ids_[c] = 0xffff'ffff;
LOG("Reloaded drive ID shift register for drive " << +c);
// Also latch the new motor state.
// Set the new side.
// Possibly step.
if(did_step && is_selected) {
LOG("Stepped drive " << +c << " by " << std::dec << +direction.as_int());
uint8_t Chipset::DiskController::get_rdy_trk0_wpro_chng() {
// b5: /RDY
// b4: /TRK0
// b3: /WPRO
// b2: /CHNG
// My interpretation:
// RDY isn't RDY, it's a shift value as described above, combined with the motor state.
// CHNG is what is normally RDY.
const uint32_t combined_id =
((previous_select_ & 0x40) ? 0 : drive_ids_[3]) |
((previous_select_ & 0x20) ? 0 : drive_ids_[2]) |
((previous_select_ & 0x10) ? 0 : drive_ids_[1]) |
((previous_select_ & 0x08) ? 0 : drive_ids_[0]);
auto &drive = get_drive();
const uint8_t active_high =
((combined_id & 0x8000) >> 10) |
(drive.get_motor_on() ? 0x20 : 0x00) |
(drive.get_is_ready() ? 0x00 : 0x04) |
(drive.get_is_track_zero() ? 0x10 : 0x00) |
(drive.get_is_read_only() ? 0x08 : 0x00);
return ~active_high;
void Chipset::DiskController::set_activity_observer(Activity::Observer *observer) {
for_all_drives([observer] (Storage::Disk::Drive &drive, size_t index) {
drive.set_activity_observer(observer, "Drive " + std::to_string(index+1), true);
bool Chipset::DiskController::insert(const std::shared_ptr<Storage::Disk::Disk> &disk, size_t drive) {
if(drive >= 4) return false;
return true;
bool Chipset::insert(const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Storage::Disk::Disk>> &disks) {
bool inserted = false;
size_t target = 0;
for(const auto &disk: disks) {
inserted |= disk_controller_.insert(disk, target);
return inserted;
// MARK: - Mouse.
int Chipset::Mouse::get_number_of_buttons() {
return 2;
void Chipset::Mouse::set_button_pressed(int button, bool is_set) {
// TODO: this is nothing like correct; the second and optional
// third buttons aren't exposed via CIA A like the first is,
// so there's not really a single location of buttons.
// Leaving as is for now, as this gives me a working left
// button in port 0 and that'll do.
const auto mask = uint8_t(0x40 << button);
button_state =
(button_state & ~mask) |
(is_set ? 0 : mask);
void Chipset::Mouse::reset_all_buttons() {
button_state = 0xff;
void Chipset::Mouse::move(int x, int y) {
position[0] += x;
position[1] += y;
Inputs::Mouse &Chipset::get_mouse() {
return mouse_;