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SixtyPical/tests/SixtyPical Syntax.md
2015-10-18 23:15:40 +01:00

3.3 KiB

Sixtypical Execution

This is a test suite, written in Falderal format, for the syntax of the Sixtypical language, disgregarding execution, static analysis, etc.

-> Functionality "Check syntax of Sixtypical program" is implemented by
-> shell command "bin/sixtypical %(test-body-file) && echo ok"

-> Tests for functionality "Check syntax of Sixtypical program"

Rudimentary program.

| routine main {
|     ld a, 0
|     add a, 1
| }
= ok

Program with comments.

| // Welcome to my program.
| routine main {
|     ld a, 0
|     add a, 1    // We are adding the thing.
| }
= ok

Hex literals.

| routine main {
|     ld a, $ff
|     add a, $01
| }
= ok

Syntax error.

| routine foo (
|     ld a, 0
|     add a, 1
| )
? SyntaxError

Another syntax error.

| byte glee
| {
|     ld a, 0
|     add a, 1
| }
? SyntaxError

Extern routines

| routine chrout
|   inputs a
|   trashes a
|   @ 65490
| routine chrin
|   outputs a
|   trashes x
|   @ 65487
= ok

If with not

| routine foo {
|     ld y, 0
|     cmp y, 10
|     if not z {
|         inc y
|         cmp y, 10
|     }
| }
= ok

Repeat loop

| routine foo {
|     ld y, 0
|     repeat {
|         inc y
|         cmp y, 10
|     } until z
| }
= ok

"While" loop

| routine foo inputs y {
|     repeat {
|         cmp y, 10
|         if not z {
|             inc y
|         }
|     } until z
| }
= ok

Repeat forever

| routine foo inputs y {
|     repeat {
|         inc y
|     } forever
| }
= ok

Repeat with not

| routine foo inputs y {
|     repeat {
|         inc y
|     } until not z
| }
= ok

Extern memory locations

| byte screen @ 1024
| routine main {
|   ld a, 100
|   st a, screen
| }
= ok

Can't access an undeclared memory location.

| routine main {
|     ld a, 0
|     st a, lives
| }
? SyntaxError

Can't define two memory locations with the same name.

| byte lives
| byte lives
| routine main {
|     ld a, 0
|     st a, lives
| }
? SyntaxError

Can't shadow the name of a register or a flag.

| byte a
| routine main {
| }
? SyntaxError

| byte z
| routine main {
| }
? SyntaxError

Can't call routine that hasn;t been defined.

| routine main {
|     ld x, 0
|     ld y, 1
|     call up
|     call up
| }
? SyntaxError

Can't define two routines with the same name.

| routine main {
|     inc x
|     inc y
| }
| routine main {
|     ld x, 0
|     ld y, 1
| }
? SyntaxError

Declaring a byte table memory location.

| byte table tab
| routine main {
|     ld x, 0
|     ld y, 0
|     ld a, tab + x
|     st a, tab + y
| }
= ok

Declaring a vector.

| vector cinv
| routine foo {
|     ld a, 0
| }
| routine main {
|     with interrupts off {
|         copy foo, cinv
|     }
| }
= ok