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Anayzling SixtyPical Programs

-> Tests for functionality "Analyze SixtyPical program"

-> Functionality "Analyze SixtyPical program" is implemented by
-> shell command "bin/sixtypical analyze %(test-file)"

Analysis determines what storage locations have been modified by a routine.

| reserve byte score
| routine main {
|   lda #4
|   sta score
| }
= main ([])
=   A: UpdatedWith (Immediate 4)
=   NamedLocation Nothing "score": UpdatedWith A

A routine cannot expect registers which a called routine does not preserve, to be preserved. We say the called routine "poisons" those registers.

| assign byte border_colour 4000
| reserve byte score
| routine update_score
| {
|   lda #8
|   sta score
| }
| routine main {
|   lda #4
|   jsr update_score
|   sta border_colour
| }
? routine 'main' does not preserve 'A'

But if a called routine does preserve those registers, the caller can continue to use them after calling the routine.

| assign byte border_colour 4000
| reserve byte score
| routine update_score
| {
|   ldx score
|   inx
|   stx score
| }
| routine main {
|   lda #4
|   jsr update_score
|   sta border_colour
| }
= main ([])
=   A: UpdatedWith (Immediate 4)
=   X: PoisonedWith (Immediate 1)
=   NamedLocation Nothing "border_colour": UpdatedWith A
=   NamedLocation Nothing "score": PoisonedWith X
= update_score ([])
=   X: UpdatedWith (Immediate 1)
=   NamedLocation Nothing "score": UpdatedWith X

Not only registers, but also named variables, can be poisoned by a called routine.

| reserve byte score
| routine update_score
| {
|   lda #8
|   sta score
| }
| routine main {
|   jsr update_score
|   lda score
| }
? routine 'main' does not preserve 'NamedLocation Nothing "score"'

Of course, the difference between poisoning and intentionally modifying a storage location is a matter of intent. The solution to the above is to explicitly notate update_score as an "output" of the routine.

| assign byte border_colour 4000
| reserve byte score
| routine update_score outputs (score)
| {
|   lda #8
|   sta score
| }
| routine main {
|   ldx score
|   jsr update_score
|   ldx score
| }
= main ([])
=   A: PoisonedWith (Immediate 8)
=   X: UpdatedWith (NamedLocation Nothing "score")
=   NamedLocation Nothing "score": UpdatedWith A
= update_score ([NamedLocation Nothing "score"])
=   A: UpdatedWith (Immediate 8)
=   NamedLocation Nothing "score": UpdatedWith A

Routines can name registers as outputs.

| reserve byte score
| routine update_score
| {
|   lda #8
| }
| routine main {
|   jsr update_score
|   sta score
| }
? routine 'main' does not preserve 'A'

| reserve byte score
| routine update_score outputs (.a)
| {
|   lda #8
| }
| routine main {
|   jsr update_score
|   sta score
| }
= main ([])
=   A: UpdatedWith (Immediate 8)
=   NamedLocation Nothing "score": UpdatedWith A
= update_score ([A])
=   A: UpdatedWith (Immediate 8)

If a location is poisoned in either branch of an if, it is poisoned after the if. Note there are several tests for this.

| reserve byte score
| routine update_score
| {
|   if beq {
|      lda #8
|   } else {
|      ldx #8
|   }
| }
| routine main {
|   lda #4
|   jsr update_score
|   sta score
| }
? routine 'main' does not preserve 'A'

| reserve byte score
| routine update_score
| {
|   if beq {
|      ldx #8
|   } else {
|      lda #8
|   }
| }
| routine main {
|   lda #4
|   jsr update_score
|   sta score
| }
? routine 'main' does not preserve 'A'

| reserve byte score
| routine update_score
| {
|   lda #4
|   sta score
| }
| routine main {
|   lda #4
|   if beq {
|      jsr update_score
|   } else {
|      ldx #3
|   }
|   sta score
| }
? routine 'main' does not preserve 'A'

| reserve byte score
| routine update_score
| {
|   lda #4
|   sta score
| }
| routine main {
|   lda #4
|   if beq {
|      ldx #3
|   } else {
|      jsr update_score
|   }
|   sta score
| }
? routine 'main' does not preserve 'A'

| reserve byte score
| routine update_score
| {
|   ldx #4
|   stx score
| }
| routine main {
|   lda #4
|   if beq {
|      jsr update_score
|   } else {
|      ldx #4
|   }
|   sta score
| }
= main ([])
=   A: UpdatedWith (Immediate 4)
=   X: PoisonedWith (Immediate 4)
=   NamedLocation Nothing "score": UpdatedWith A
= update_score ([])
=   X: UpdatedWith (Immediate 4)
=   NamedLocation Nothing "score": UpdatedWith X

| assign word position $fb
| reserve byte value
| routine reset_position {
|     lda #$00
|     sta <position
|     lda #$04
|     sta >position
| }
| routine main {
|     inc value
|     lda value
|     ldy #0
|     sta (position), y
|     if beq {
|         jsr reset_position
|     } else {
|     }
| }
= main ([])
=   A: PoisonedWith (Immediate 4)
=   Y: UpdatedWith (Immediate 0)
=   IndirectIndexed (NamedLocation Nothing "position") Y: UpdatedWith A
=   NamedLocation Nothing "position": PoisonedWith A
=   NamedLocation Nothing "value": UpdatedWith (Immediate 1)
= reset_position ([])
=   A: UpdatedWith (Immediate 4)
=   NamedLocation Nothing "position": UpdatedWith A

| assign word position $fb
| reserve byte value
| routine reset_position {
|     lda #$00
|     sta <position
|     lda #$04
|     sta >position
| }
| routine main {
|     inc value
|     lda value
|     ldy #0
|     sta (position), y
|     if beq {
|         jsr reset_position
|     } else {
|     }
|     sta value
| }
? routine 'main' does not preserve 'A'

| assign word position $fb
| reserve byte value
| routine reset_position {
|     lda #$00
|     sta <position
|     lda #$04
|     sta >position
| }
| routine main {
|     inc value
|     lda value
|     ldy #0
|     sta (position), y
|     jsr reset_position
|     if beq {
|     } else {
|         sta value
|     }
| }
? routine 'main' does not preserve 'A'

A storage location poisoned in a repeat continues to be poisoned after the repeat.

| reserve byte value
| routine blah {
|     lda #123
| }
| routine main {
|     lda #33
|     ldy #255
|     repeat bne {
|         jsr blah
|         dey
|     }
|     sta value
| }
? routine 'main' does not preserve 'A'

Oh, here's a tricky one. The accumulator isn't poisoned on the first run through the repeat, but it is on the second run through. We handle this simply by abstractly interpreting the repeat's block twice — the second time in the context of having already interpreted it once.

| reserve byte value
| routine blah {
|     lda #123
| }
| routine main {
|     lda #33
|     ldy #255
|     repeat bne {
|         sta value
|         jsr blah
|         dey
|     }
| }
? routine 'main' does not preserve 'A'

Poisoning a high byte or low byte of a word poisons the whole word.

| reserve word score
| reserve byte temp
| routine update_score
| {
|   ldx #4
|   stx <score
| }
| routine main {
|   jsr update_score
|   lda >score
|   sta temp
| }
? routine 'main' does not preserve 'NamedLocation Nothing "score"'

| reserve word score
| reserve byte temp
| routine update_score
| {
|   ldx #4
|   stx >score
| }
| routine main {
|   jsr update_score
|   lda <score
|   sta temp
| }
? routine 'main' does not preserve 'NamedLocation Nothing "score"'