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SixtyPical/tests/SixtyPical Syntax.md

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SixtyPical Syntax

This is a test suite, written in Falderal format, for the syntax of the Sixtypical language, disgregarding execution, static analysis, etc.

Note that these example programs are intended to be syntactically correct, but not necessarily sensible programs.

-> Functionality "Check syntax of SixtyPical program" is implemented by
-> shell command "bin/sixtypical %(test-body-file) && echo ok"

-> Tests for functionality "Check syntax of SixtyPical program"

Rudimentary program.

| routine main {
|     ld a, 0
|     add a, 1
| }
= ok

Program with comments.

| // Welcome to my program.
| routine main {
|     ld a, 0
|     add a, 1    // We are adding the thing.
| }
= ok

Hex literals.

| routine main {
|     ld a, $ff
|     add a, $01
| }
= ok

Syntax error.

| routine foo (
|     ld a, 0
|     add a, 1
| )
? SyntaxError

Another syntax error.

| byte glee
| {
|     ld a, 0
|     add a, 1
| }
? SyntaxError

Extern routines

| routine chrout
|   inputs a
|   trashes a
|   @ 65490
| routine chrin
|   outputs a
|   trashes x
|   @ 65487
= ok

If with not

| routine foo {
|     ld y, 0
|     cmp y, 10
|     if not z {
|         inc y
|         cmp y, 10
|     }
| }
= ok

Repeat loop

| routine foo {
|     ld y, 0
|     repeat {
|         inc y
|         cmp y, 10
|     } until z
| }
= ok

"While" loop

| routine foo inputs y {
|     repeat {
|         cmp y, 10
|         if not z {
|             inc y
|         }
|     } until z
| }
= ok

Repeat forever

| routine foo inputs y {
|     repeat {
|         inc y
|     } forever
| }
= ok

Repeat with not

| routine foo inputs y {
|     repeat {
|         inc y
|     } until not z
| }
= ok

User-defined memory addresses of different types.

| byte byt
| word wor
| vector vec
| byte table tab
| buffer[2048] buf
| pointer ptr
| routine main {
| }
= ok

Explicit memory address.

| byte screen @ 1024
| routine main {
|   ld a, 100
|   st a, screen
| }
= ok

Initialized memory locations.

| byte lives : 3
| routine main {
|   ld a, lives
|   st a, lives
| }
= ok

Cannot have both initial value and explicit address.

| byte screen : 3 @ 1024
| routine main {
|   ld a, lives
|   st a, lives
| }
? SyntaxError

User-defined locations of other types.

| byte table screen @ 1024
| word r1
| word r2 @ 60000
| word r3 : 2000
| routine main {
| }
= ok

Can't access an undeclared memory location.

| routine main {
|     ld a, 0
|     st a, lives
| }
? SyntaxError

Can't define two memory locations with the same name.

| byte lives
| byte lives
| routine main {
|     ld a, 0
|     st a, lives
| }
? SyntaxError

Can't shadow the name of a register or a flag.

| byte a
| routine main {
| }
? SyntaxError

| byte z
| routine main {
| }
? SyntaxError

Can't call routine that hasn't been defined.

| routine main {
|     ld x, 0
|     ld y, 1
|     call up
|     call up
| }
? SyntaxError

And you can't call a non-routine.

| byte up
| routine main {
|     ld x, 0
|     ld y, 1
|     call up
| }
? SyntaxError

| routine main {
|     ld x, 0
|     ld y, 1
|     call x
| }
? SyntaxError

Can't define two routines with the same name.

| routine main {
|     inc x
|     inc y
| }
| routine main {
|     ld x, 0
|     ld y, 1
| }
? SyntaxError

Declaring a byte table memory location.

| byte table tab
| routine main {
|     ld x, 0
|     ld y, 0
|     ld a, tab + x
|     st a, tab + y
| }
= ok

Declaring and calling a vector.

| vector cinv
|   inputs a
|   outputs x
|   trashes a, x, z, n
|   @ 788
| routine foo {
|     ld a, 0
| }
| routine main {
|     with interrupts off {
|         copy foo, cinv
|     }
|     call cinv
| }
= ok

Only vectors can be decorated with constraints like that.

| byte cinv
|   inputs a
|   outputs x
|   trashes a, x, z, n
|   @ 788
| routine main {
| }
? SyntaxError


| routine foo {
|     ld a, 0
| }
| routine main {
|     goto foo
| }
= ok

| vector foo
| routine main {
|     goto foo
| }
= ok

| routine main {
|     goto foo
| }
? SyntaxError

| byte foo
| routine main {
|     goto foo
| }
? SyntaxError

Buffers and pointers.

| buffer[2048] buf
| pointer ptr
| routine main {
|     copy buf, ptr
|     copy 123, [ptr] + y
| }
= ok