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SixtyPical/tests/SixtyPical Compilation.md

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SixtyPical Compilation
This is a test suite, written in [Falderal][] format, for compiling
SixtyPical to 6502 machine code.
[Falderal]: http://catseye.tc/node/Falderal
-> Functionality "Compile SixtyPical program" is implemented by
-> shell command "bin/sixtypical --basic-prelude --compile %(test-body-file) | tests/appliances/bin/dcc6502-adapter"
-> Tests for functionality "Compile SixtyPical program"
Null program.
| routine main
| {
| }
= $080D RTS
Rudimentary program.
| routine main
| inputs a
| outputs a
| trashes c, z, n, v
| {
| st off, c
| add a, 4
| }
= $080D CLC
= $080E ADC #$04
= $0810 RTS
Call extern.
| routine chrout
| inputs a
| trashes a
| @ 65490
| routine main
| inputs a
| trashes a, z, n
| {
| ld a, 65
| call chrout
| }
= $080D LDA #$41
= $080F JSR $FFD2
= $0812 RTS
Call defined routine.
| routine foo
| outputs a, x, y
| trashes z, n
| {
| ld a, 0
| ld x, 0
| ld y, 0
| }
| routine main
| trashes a, x, y, z, n
| {
| call foo
| }
= $080D JSR $0811
= $0810 RTS
= $0811 LDA #$00
= $0813 LDX #$00
= $0815 LDY #$00
= $0817 RTS
Access a defined memory location.
| byte foo
| routine main
| trashes a, y, z, n, foo
| {
| ld y, 0
| st y, foo
| ld a, foo
| }
= $080D LDY #$00
= $080F STY $0816
= $0812 LDA $0816
= $0815 RTS
Memory location with explicit address.
| byte screen @ 1024
| routine main
| trashes a, z, n, screen
| {
| ld a, 100
| st a, screen
| }
= $080D LDA #$64
= $080F STA $0400
= $0812 RTS
Memory location with initial value.
| byte lives : 3
| routine main
| inputs lives
| trashes a, z, n
| {
| ld a, lives
| }
= $080D LDA $0811
= $0810 RTS
= $0811 .byte $03
Some instructions.
| byte foo
| routine main
| trashes a, x, y, z, n, c, v, foo
| {
| ld a, 0
| ld x, 0
| ld y, 0
| st a, foo
| st x, foo
| st y, foo
| st on, c
| st off, c
| add a, 1
| add a, foo
| sub a, 1
| sub a, foo
| inc foo
| inc x
| inc y
| dec foo
| dec x
| dec y
| and a, 255
| and a, foo
| or a, 255
| or a, foo
| xor a, 255
| xor a, foo
| cmp a, 1
| cmp a, foo
| cmp x, 1
| cmp x, foo
| cmp y, 1
| cmp y, foo
| shl a
| shr a
| }
= $080D LDA #$00
= $080F LDX #$00
= $0811 LDY #$00
= $0813 STA $0853
= $0816 STX $0853
= $0819 STY $0853
= $081C SEC
= $081D CLC
= $081E ADC #$01
= $0820 ADC $0853
= $0823 SBC #$01
= $0825 SBC $0853
= $0828 INC $0853
= $082B INX
= $082C INY
= $082D DEC $0853
= $0830 DEX
= $0831 DEY
= $0832 AND #$FF
= $0834 AND $0853
= $0837 ORA #$FF
= $0839 ORA $0853
= $083C EOR #$FF
= $083E EOR $0853
= $0841 CMP #$01
= $0843 CMP $0853
= $0846 CPX #$01
= $0848 CPX $0853
= $084B CPY #$01
= $084D CPY $0853
= $0850 ROL A
= $0851 ROR A
= $0852 RTS
Compiling `if`.
| routine main
| trashes a, x, y, z, n, c, v
| {
| ld a, 0
| if z {
| ld y, 1
| } else {
| ld y, 2
| }
| }
= $080D LDA #$00
= $080F BNE $0816
= $0811 LDY #$01
= $0813 JMP $0818
= $0816 LDY #$02
= $0818 RTS
Compiling `if not`.
| routine main
| trashes a, x, y, z, n, c, v
| {
| ld a, 0
| if not z {
| ld y, 1
| } else {
| ld y, 2
| }
| }
= $080D LDA #$00
= $080F BEQ $0816
= $0811 LDY #$01
= $0813 JMP $0818
= $0816 LDY #$02
= $0818 RTS
Compiling `if` without `else`.
| routine main
| trashes a, x, y, z, n, c, v
| {
| ld a, 0
| if z {
| ld y, 1
| }
| }
= $080D LDA #$00
= $080F BNE $0813
= $0811 LDY #$01
= $0813 RTS
Compiling `repeat`.
| routine main
| trashes a, y, z, n, c
| {
| ld y, 65
| repeat {
| ld a, y
| inc y
| cmp y, 91
| } until z
| }
= $080D LDY #$41
= $080F TYA
= $0810 INY
= $0811 CPY #$5B
= $0813 BNE $080F
= $0815 RTS
Compiling `repeat until not`.
| routine main
| trashes a, y, z, n, c
| {
| ld y, 65
| repeat {
| ld a, y
| inc y
| cmp y, 91
| } until not z
| }
= $080D LDY #$41
= $080F TYA
= $0810 INY
= $0811 CPY #$5B
= $0813 BEQ $080F
= $0815 RTS
Compiling `repeat forever`.
| routine main
| trashes a, y, z, n, c
| {
| ld y, 65
| repeat {
| inc y
| } forever
| }
= $080D LDY #$41
= $080F INY
= $0810 JMP $080F
= $0813 RTS
Indexed access.
| byte one
| byte table many
| routine main
| outputs many
| trashes a, x, n, z
| {
| ld x, 0
| ld a, 0
| st a, many + x
| ld a, many + x
| }
= $080D LDX #$00
= $080F LDA #$00
= $0811 STA $0819,X
= $0814 LDA $0819,X
= $0817 RTS
Byte tables take up 256 bytes in memory.
| byte table tab1
| byte table tab2
| routine main
| inputs tab1
| outputs tab2
| trashes a, x, n, z
| {
| ld x, 0
| ld a, tab1 + x
| st a, tab2 + x
| }
= $080D LDX #$00
= $080F LDA $0816,X
= $0812 STA $0916,X
= $0815 RTS
Byte storage locations take up only 1 byte in memory.
| byte one
| byte two
| routine main
| outputs one, two
| trashes a, x, n, z
| {
| ld a, 0
| st a, one
| st a, two
| }
= $080D LDA #$00
= $080F STA $0816
= $0812 STA $0817
= $0815 RTS
Copy byte to byte.
| byte bar
| byte baz
| routine main
| inputs baz
| outputs bar
| trashes a, n, z
| {
| copy baz, bar
| }
= $080D LDA $0815
= $0810 STA $0814
= $0813 RTS
Copy word to word.
| word bar
| word baz
| routine main
| inputs baz
| outputs bar
| trashes a, n, z
| {
| copy baz, bar
| }
= $080D LDA $081C
= $0810 STA $081A
= $0813 LDA $081D
= $0816 STA $081B
= $0819 RTS
Copy literal word to word.
| word bar
| routine main
| outputs bar
| trashes a, n, z
| {
| copy 2000, bar
| }
= $080D LDA #$D0
= $080F STA $0818
= $0812 LDA #$07
= $0814 STA $0819
= $0817 RTS
Copy vector to vector.
| vector bar
| vector baz
| routine main
| inputs baz
| outputs bar
| trashes a, n, z
| {
| copy baz, bar
| }
= $080D LDA $081C
= $0810 STA $081A
= $0813 LDA $081D
= $0816 STA $081B
= $0819 RTS
Copy routine to vector, inside an `interrupts off` block.
| vector bar
| routine foo
| inputs x
| outputs x
| trashes z, n
| {
| inc x
| }
| routine main
| inputs foo
| outputs bar
| trashes a, n, z
| {
| with interrupts off {
| copy foo, bar
| }
| }
= $080D SEI
= $080E LDA #$1A
= $0810 STA $081C
= $0813 LDA #$08
= $0815 STA $081D
= $0818 CLI
= $0819 RTS
= $081A INX
= $081B RTS
Copy word to word table and back, with both `x` and `y` as indexes.
| word one
| word table many
| routine main
| inputs one, many
| outputs one, many
| trashes a, x, y, n, z
| {
| ld x, 0
| ld y, 0
| copy 777, one
| copy one, many + x
| copy one, many + y
| copy many + x, one
| copy many + y, one
| }
= $080D LDX #$00
= $080F LDY #$00
= $0811 LDA #$09
= $0813 STA $084C
= $0816 LDA #$03
= $0818 STA $084D
= $081B LDA $084C
= $081E STA $084E,X
= $0821 LDA $084D
= $0824 STA $094E,X
= $0827 LDA $084C
= $082A STA $084E,Y
= $082D LDA $084D
= $0830 STA $094E,Y
= $0833 LDA $084E,X
= $0836 STA $084C
= $0839 LDA $094E,X
= $083C STA $084D
= $083F LDA $084E,Y
= $0842 STA $084C
= $0845 LDA $094E,Y
= $0848 STA $084D
= $084B RTS
Indirect call.
| vector foo outputs x trashes z, n
| routine bar outputs x trashes z, n {
| ld x, 200
| }
| routine main inputs bar outputs x, foo trashes a, z, n {
| copy bar, foo
| call foo
| }
= $080D LDA #$1B
= $080F STA $0821
= $0812 LDA #$08
= $0814 STA $0822
= $0817 JSR $081E
= $081A RTS
= $081B LDX #$C8
= $081D RTS
= $081E JMP ($0821)
| routine bar outputs x trashes z, n {
| ld x, 200
| }
| routine main outputs x trashes a, z, n {
| ld y, 200
| goto bar
| }
= $080D LDY #$C8
= $080F JMP $0813
= $0812 RTS
= $0813 LDX #$C8
= $0815 RTS
### word operations
Adding a constant word to a word memory location.
| word score
| routine main
| inputs score
| outputs score
| trashes a, c, z, v, n
| {
| st off, c
| add score, 1999
| }
= $080D CLC
= $080E LDA $081F
= $0811 ADC #$CF
= $0813 STA $081F
= $0816 LDA $0820
= $0819 ADC #$07
= $081B STA $0820
= $081E RTS
Adding a word memory location to another word memory location.
| word score
| word delta
| routine main
| inputs score, delta
| outputs score
| trashes a, c, z, v, n
| {
| st off, c
| add score, delta
| }
= $080D CLC
= $080E LDA $0821
= $0811 ADC $0823
= $0814 STA $0821
= $0817 LDA $0822
= $081A ADC $0824
= $081D STA $0822
= $0820 RTS
### Buffers and Pointers
Load address into pointer.
| buffer[2048] buf
| pointer ptr @ 254
| routine main
| inputs buf
| outputs buf, y
| trashes a, z, n, ptr
| {
| ld y, 0
| copy ^buf, ptr
| }
= $080D LDY #$00
= $080F LDA #$18
= $0811 STA $FE
= $0813 LDA #$08
= $0815 STA $FF
= $0817 RTS
Write literal through a pointer.
| buffer[2048] buf
| pointer ptr @ 254
| routine main
| inputs buf
| outputs buf, y
| trashes a, z, n, ptr
| {
| ld y, 0
| copy ^buf, ptr
| copy 123, [ptr] + y
| }
= $080D LDY #$00
= $080F LDA #$1C
= $0811 STA $FE
= $0813 LDA #$08
= $0815 STA $FF
= $0817 LDA #$7B
= $0819 STA ($FE),Y
= $081B RTS
Write stored value through a pointer.
| buffer[2048] buf
| pointer ptr @ 254
| byte foo
| routine main
| inputs foo, buf
| outputs y, buf
| trashes a, z, n, ptr
| {
| ld y, 0
| copy ^buf, ptr
| copy foo, [ptr] + y
| }
= $080D LDY #$00
= $080F LDA #$1D
= $0811 STA $FE
= $0813 LDA #$08
= $0815 STA $FF
= $0817 LDA $101D
= $081A STA ($FE),Y
= $081C RTS
Read through a pointer.
| buffer[2048] buf
| pointer ptr @ 254
| byte foo
| routine main
| inputs buf
| outputs y, foo
| trashes a, z, n, ptr
| {
| ld y, 0
| copy ^buf, ptr
| copy [ptr] + y, foo
| }
= $080D LDY #$00
= $080F LDA #$1D
= $0811 STA $FE
= $0813 LDA #$08
= $0815 STA $FF
= $0817 LDA ($FE),Y
= $0819 STA $101D
= $081C RTS
Add a word memory location, and a literal word, to a pointer, and then read through it.
Note that this is *not* range-checked. (Yet.)
| buffer[2048] buf
| pointer ptr @ 254
| byte foo
| word delta
| routine main
| inputs buf
| outputs y, foo, delta
| trashes a, z, n, ptr
| {
| copy 619, delta
| ld y, 0
| copy ^buf, ptr
| add ptr, delta
| add ptr, word 1
| copy [ptr] + y, foo
| }
= $080D LDA #$6B
= $080F STA $1042
= $0812 LDA #$02
= $0814 STA $1043
= $0817 LDY #$00
= $0819 LDA #$41
= $081B STA $FE
= $081D LDA #$08
= $081F STA $FF
= $0821 LDA $FE
= $0823 ADC $1042
= $0826 STA $FE
= $0828 LDA $FF
= $082A ADC $1043
= $082D STA $FF
= $082F LDA $FE
= $0831 ADC #$01
= $0833 STA $FE
= $0835 LDA $FF
= $0837 ADC #$00
= $0839 STA $FF
= $083B LDA ($FE),Y
= $083D STA $1041
= $0840 RTS