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SixtyPical/tests/SixtyPical Compilation.md

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Sixtypical Compilation

This is a test suite, written in Falderal format, for compiling Sixtypical to 6502 machine code.

-> Functionality "Compile Sixtypical program" is implemented by
-> shell command "bin/sixtypical --compile %(test-body-file) | fa-bin-to-hex"

-> Tests for functionality "Compile Sixtypical program"

Null program.

| routine main
| {
| }
= 00c060

Rudimentary program.

| routine main
|   inputs a
|   outputs a
|   trashes c, z, n, v
| {
|     st off, c
|     add a, 4
| }
= 00c018690460

Call extern.

| routine chrout
|   inputs a
|   trashes a
|   @ 65490
| routine main
|   inputs a
|   trashes a, z, n
| {
|     ld a, 65
|     call chrout
| }
= 00c0a94120d2ff60

Call defined routine.

| routine foo
|   outputs a, x, y
|   trashes z, n
| {
|   ld a, 0
|   ld x, 0
|   ld y, 0
| }
| routine main
|   trashes a, x, y, z, n
| {
|     call foo
| }
= 00c02004c060a900a200a00060

Access a defined memory location.

| byte foo
| routine main
|   trashes a, y, z, n, foo
| {
|     ld y, 0
|     st y, foo
|     ld a, foo
| }
= 00c0a0008c09c0ad09c060

Memory location with explicit address.

| byte screen @ 1024
| routine main
|   trashes a, z, n, screen
| {
|   ld a, 100
|   st a, screen
| }
= 00c0a9648d000460

Memory location with initial value.

| byte lives : 3
| routine main
|   inputs lives
|   trashes a, z, n
| {
|   ld a, lives
| }
= 00c0ad04c06003

Some instructions.

| byte foo
| routine main
|   trashes a, x, y, z, n, c, v, foo
| {
|     ld a, 0
|     ld x, 0
|     ld y, 0
|     st a, foo
|     st x, foo
|     st y, foo
|     st on, c
|     st off, c
|     add a, 1
|     add a, foo
|     sub a, 1
|     sub a, foo
|     inc foo
|     inc x
|     inc y
|     dec foo
|     dec x
|     dec y
|     and a, 255
|     and a, foo
|     or a, 255
|     or a, foo
|     xor a, 255
|     xor a, foo
|     cmp a, 1
|     cmp a, foo
|     cmp x, 1
|     cmp x, foo
|     cmp y, 1
|     cmp y, foo
|     shl a
|     shr a
| }
= 00c0a900a200a0008d46c08e46c08c46c0381869016d46c0e901ed46c0ee46c0e8c8ce46c0ca8829ff2d46c009ff0d46c049ff4d46c0c901cd46c0e001ec46c0c001cc46c02a6a60

Compiling if.

| routine main
|   trashes a, x, y, z, n, c, v
| {
|     ld a, 0
|     if z {
|         ld y, 1
|     } else {
|         ld y, 2
|     }
| }
= 00c0a900d005a0014c0bc0a00260

Compiling if not.

| routine main
|   trashes a, x, y, z, n, c, v
| {
|     ld a, 0
|     if not z {
|         ld y, 1
|     } else {
|         ld y, 2
|     }
| }
= 00c0a900f005a0014c0bc0a00260

Compiling if without else.

| routine main
|   trashes a, x, y, z, n, c, v
| {
|     ld a, 0
|     if z {
|         ld y, 1
|     }
| }
= 00c0a900d002a00160

Compiling repeat.

| routine main
|   trashes a, y, z, n, c
| {
|     ld y, 65
|     repeat {
|         ld a, y
|         inc y
|         cmp y, 91
|     } until z
| }
= 00c0a04198c8c05bd0fa60

Compiling repeat until not.

| routine main
|   trashes a, y, z, n, c
| {
|     ld y, 65
|     repeat {
|         ld a, y
|         inc y
|         cmp y, 91
|     } until not z
| }
= 00c0a04198c8c05bf0fa60

Compiling repeat forever.

| routine main
|   trashes a, y, z, n, c
| {
|     ld y, 65
|     repeat {
|         inc y
|     } forever
| }
= 00c0a041c84c02c060

Indexed access.

| byte one
| byte table many
| routine main
|   outputs many
|   trashes a, x, n, z
| {
|     ld x, 0
|     ld a, 0
|     st a, many + x
|     ld a, many + x
| }
= 00c0a200a9009d0dc0bd0dc060

Copy instruction..

| vector bar
| vector baz
| routine main
|   inputs baz
|   outputs bar
|   trashes a, n, z
| {
|   copy baz, bar
| }
= 00c0ad0fc08d0dc0ad10c08d0ec060

Copy instruction inside an interrupts off block.

| vector bar
| routine foo
|   inputs x
|   outputs x
|   trashes z, n
| {
|     inc x
| }
| routine main
|   inputs foo
|   outputs bar
|   trashes a, n, z
| {
|   with interrupts off {
|     copy foo, bar
|   }
| }
= 00c078a90d8d0fc0a9c08d10c05860e860

Indirect call.

| vector foo outputs x trashes z, n
| routine bar outputs x trashes z, n {
|     ld x, 200
| }
| routine main inputs bar outputs x, foo trashes a, z, n {
|     copy bar, foo
|     call foo
| }
= 00c0a90e8d14c0a9c08d15c02011c060a2c8606c14c0


| routine bar outputs x trashes z, n {
|     ld x, 200
| }
| routine main outputs x trashes a, z, n {
|     ld y, 200
|     goto bar
| }
= 00c0a0c84c06c060a2c860