mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 11:31:35 +00:00
Make v4th.com tests independent of .fb sources:
Provide .fth variants of asm.fb, extend.fb, dos.fb, multi.vid Also add detection of unresolved symbols to v4th.com make rule
This commit is contained in:
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ v4th.com: metafile.com src/meta.fb src/mk-v4th.fth \
dos2unix -n OUTPUT.LOG v4th.log
mv V4TH.COM v4th.com
grep -F 'new kernel written as v4th.com' v4th.log
grep -i 'unresolved:.*[^ ]' v4th.log && exit 1 || true
# o4th for old volks4th - the new v4th is built with precompiled
# metacompiler metafile.com and mk-v4th.fth which writes a compile log.
@ -60,6 +61,9 @@ logappendtest.log: v4thfile.com tests/logapp.fth
prepsrcs = asm.fb extend.fb multi.vid dos.fb include.fb
prepfths = asm.fb extend.fb multi.vid dos.fb include.fb 86asm.fth \
t86asm.fth extend2.fth multivid.fth dos2.fth dos3.fth
incltest.log: \
$(patsubst %, dosfiles/%, v4th.com $(prepsrcs) log2file.fb \
@ -69,7 +73,7 @@ incltest.log: \
dos2unix -n dosfiles/OUTPUT.LOG $@
test-min.log: \
$(patsubst %, dosfiles/%, v4th.com $(prepsrcs)) \
$(patsubst %, dosfiles/%, v4th.com $(prepfths)) \
$(patsubst tests/%, dosfiles/%, $(wildcard tests/*.*))
rm -f dosfiles/OUTPUT.LOG
(cd dosfiles && ../emulator/run-in-dosbox.sh v4th.com \
@ -77,7 +81,7 @@ test-min.log: \
dos2unix -n dosfiles/OUTPUT.LOG $@
test-std.log: \
$(patsubst %, dosfiles/%, v4th.com $(prepsrcs)) \
$(patsubst %, dosfiles/%, v4th.com $(prepfths)) \
$(patsubst tests/%, dosfiles/%, $(wildcard tests/*.*))
rm -f dosfiles/OUTPUT.LOG
(cd dosfiles && ../emulator/run-in-dosbox.sh v4th.com \
@ -85,7 +89,7 @@ test-std.log: \
dos2unix -n dosfiles/OUTPUT.LOG $@
test-blk.log: \
$(patsubst %, dosfiles/%, v4th.com $(prepsrcs)) \
$(patsubst %, dosfiles/%, v4th.com $(prepfths)) \
$(patsubst tests/%, dosfiles/%, $(wildcard tests/*.*))
rm -f dosfiles/OUTPUT.LOG
(cd dosfiles && ../emulator/run-in-dosbox.sh v4th.com \
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
\ *** Block No. 0, Hexblock 0
\ 8086 Assembler cas 10nov05
\ This 8086 Assembler was written by Klaus Schleisiek.
\ Assembler Definitions are created with the definig word
\ CODE and closed with the word END-CODE.
\ The 8086 Registers naming and usage in volksFORTH
\ Intel vForth Used for 8bit-Register
\ AX A free A+ A-
\ DX D topmost Stackitem D+ D-
\ CX C free C+ C-
\ BX R Returnstack Pointer R+ R-
\ BP U User Pointer
\ SP S Stack Pointer
\ SI I Instruction Pointer
\ DI W Word Pointer, mostly free
\ *** Block No. 1, Hexblock 1
\ 8086 Assembler loadscreen cas 10nov05
| : u2/ ( 16b -- 15b ) 2/ $7FFF and ;
| : 8* ( 15b -- 16b ) 2* 2* 2* ;
| : 8/ ( 16b -- 13b ) u2/ 2/ 2/ ;
Vocabulary Assembler
Assembler also definitions
\ 3 &21 thru clear .( Assembler loaded ) cr
\ *** Block No. 3, Hexblock 3
\ Code generating primitives cas 10nov05
Variable >codes \ points at table of execution vectors
| Create nrc ] c, , here ! c! [
: nonrelocate nrc >codes ! ; nonrelocate
| : >exec ( n -- n+2 ) Create dup c, 2+
Does> c@ >codes @ + perform ;
0 | >exec >c, | >exec >, | >exec >here
| >exec >! | >exec >c! drop
\ *** Block No. 4, Hexblock 4
\ 8086 Registers cas 10nov05
0 Constant A 1 Constant C 2 Constant D 3 Constant R
4 Constant S 5 Constant U 6 Constant I 7 Constant W
' I Alias SI ' W Alias DI ' R Alias BX
8 Constant A- 9 Constant C- $A Constant D- $B Constant R-
$C Constant A+ $D Constant C+ $E Constant D+ $F Constant R+
' R- Alias B- ' R+ Alias B+
$100 Constant E: $101 Constant C:
$102 Constant S: $103 Constant D:
| Variable isize ( specifies Size by prefix)
| : Size: ( n -- ) Create c, Does> c@ isize ! ;
0 Size: byte 1 Size: word word 2 Size: far
\ *** Block No. 5, Hexblock 5
\ 8086 Assembler System variables cas 10nov05
| Variable direction \ 0 reg>EA, -1 EA>reg
| Variable size \ 1 word, 0 byte, -1 undefined
| Variable displaced \ 1 direct, 0 nothing, -1 displaced
| Variable displacement
| : setsize isize @ size ! ;
| : long? ( n -- f ) $FF80 and dup 0< not ?exit $FF80 xor ;
| : wexit rdrop word ;
| : moderr word true Abort" invalid" ;
| : ?moderr ( f -- ) 0=exit moderr ;
| : ?word size @ 1- ?moderr ;
| : far? ( -- f ) size @ 2 = ;
\ *** Block No. 6, Hexblock 6
\ 8086 addressing modes cas 10nov05
| Create (EA 7 c, 0 c, 6 c, 4 c, 5 c,
| : () ( 8b1 -- 8b2 )
3 - dup 4 u> over 1 = or ?moderr (EA + c@ ;
-1 Constant # $C6 Constant #) -1 Constant C*
: ) ( u1 -- u2 )
() 6 case? IF 0 $86 exit THEN $C0 or ;
: I) ( u1 u2 -- u3 ) + 9 - dup 3 u> ?moderr $C0 or ;
: D) ( n u1 -- n u2 )
() over long? IF $40 ELSE $80 THEN or ;
: DI) ( n u1 u2 -- n u3 )
I) over long? IF $80 ELSE $40 THEN xor ;
\ *** Block No. 7, Hexblock 7
\ 8086 Registers and addressing modes cas 10nov05
| : displaced? ( [n] u1 -- [n] u1 f )
dup #) = IF 1 exit THEN
dup $C0 and dup $40 = swap $80 = or ;
| : displace ( [n] u1 -- u1 ) displaced? ?dup 0=exit
displaced @ ?moderr displaced ! swap displacement ! ;
| : rmode ( u1 -- u2 ) 1 size ! dup 8 and 0=exit
size off $FF07 and ;
| : mmode? ( 9b - 9b f) dup $C0 and ;
| : rmode? ( 8b1 - 8b1 f) mmode? $C0 = ;
\ *** Block No. 8, Hexblock 8
\ 8086 decoding addressing modes cas 10nov05
| : 2address ( [n] source [displ] dest -- 15b / [n] 16b )
size on displaced off dup # = ?moderr mmode?
IF displace False ELSE rmode True THEN direction !
>r # case? IF r> $80C0 xor size @ 1+ ?exit setsize exit
THEN direction @
IF r> 8* >r mmode? IF displace
ELSE dup 8/ 1 and size @ = ?moderr $FF07 and THEN
ELSE rmode 8*
THEN r> or $C0 xor ;
| : 1address ( [displ] 9b -- 9b )
# case? ?moderr size on displaced off direction off
mmode? IF displace setsize ELSE rmode THEN $C0 xor ;
\ *** Block No. 9, Hexblock 9
\ 8086 assembler cas 10nov05
| : immediate? ( u -- u f ) dup 0< ;
| : nonimmediate ( u -- u ) immediate? ?moderr ;
| : r/m 7 and ;
| : reg $38 and ;
| : ?akku ( u -- u ff / tf ) dup r/m 0= dup 0=exit nip ;
| : smode? ( u1 -- u1 ff / u2 tf ) dup $F00 and
IF dup $100 and IF dup r/m 8* swap reg 8/
or $C0 or direction off
THEN True exit
THEN False ;
\ *** Block No. 10, Hexblock a
\ 8086 Registers and addressing modes cas 10nov05
| : w, size @ or >c, ;
| : dw, size @ or direction @ IF 2 xor THEN >c, ;
| : ?word, ( u1 f -- ) IF >, exit THEN >c, ;
| : direct, displaced @ 0=exit
displacement @ dup long? displaced @ 1+ or ?word, ;
| : r/m, >c, direct, ;
| : data, size @ ?word, ;
\ *** Block No. 11, Hexblock b
\ 8086 Arithmetic instructions cas 10nov05
| : Arith: ( code -- ) Create ,
Does> @ >r 2address immediate?
IF rmode? IF ?akku IF r> size @
IF 5 or >c, >, wexit THEN
4 or >c, >c, wexit THEN THEN
r@ or $80 size @ or r> 0<
IF size @ IF 2 pick long? 0= IF 2 or size off THEN
THEN THEN >c, >c, direct, data, wexit
THEN r> dw, r/m, wexit ;
$8000 Arith: add $0008 Arith: or
$8010 Arith: adc $8018 Arith: sbb
$0020 Arith: and $8028 Arith: sub
$0030 Arith: xor $8038 Arith: cmp
\ *** Block No. 12, Hexblock c
\ 8086 move push pop cas 10nov05
: mov [ Forth ] 2address immediate?
IF rmode? IF r/m $B0 or size @ IF 8 or THEN
>c, data, wexit
THEN $C6 w, r/m, data, wexit
THEN 6 case? IF $A2 dw, direct, wexit THEN
smode? IF $8C direction @ IF 2 or THEN >c, r/m, wexit
THEN $88 dw, r/m, wexit ;
| : pupo [ Forth ] >r 1address ?word
smode? IF reg 6 r> IF 1+ THEN or >c, wexit THEN
rmode? IF r/m $50 or r> or >c, wexit THEN
r> IF $8F ELSE $30 or $FF THEN >c, r/m, wexit ;
: push 0 pupo ; : pop 8 pupo ;
\ *** Block No. 13, Hexblock d
\ 8086 inc & dec , effective addresses cas 10nov05
| : inc/dec [ Forth ] >r 1address rmode?
IF size @ IF r/m $40 or r> or >c, wexit THEN
THEN $FE w, r> or r/m, wexit ;
: dec 8 inc/dec ; : inc 0 inc/dec ;
| : EA: ( code -- ) Create c, [ Forth ]
Does> >r 2address nonimmediate
rmode? direction @ 0= or ?moderr r> c@ >c, r/m, wexit ;
$C4 EA: les $8D EA: lea $C5 EA: lds
\ *** Block No. 14, Hexblock e
\ 8086 xchg segment prefix cas 10nov05
: xchg [ Forth ] 2address nonimmediate rmode?
IF size @ IF dup r/m 0=
IF 8/ true ELSE dup $38 and 0= THEN
IF r/m $90 or >c, wexit THEN
THEN THEN $86 w, r/m, wexit ;
| : 1addr: ( code -- ) Create c, [ Forth ]
Does> c@ >r 1address $F6 w, r> or r/m, wexit ;
$10 1addr: com $18 1addr: neg
$20 1addr: mul $28 1addr: imul
$38 1addr: idiv $30 1addr: div
: seg ( 8b -) [ Forth ]
$100 xor dup $FFFC and ?moderr 8* $26 or >c, ;
\ *** Block No. 15, Hexblock f
\ 8086 test not neg mul imul div idiv cas 10nov05
: test [ Forth ] 2address immediate?
IF rmode? IF ?akku IF $A8 w, data, wexit THEN THEN
$F6 w, r/m, data, wexit
THEN $84 w, r/m, wexit ;
| : in/out [ Forth ] >r 1address setsize
$C2 case? IF $EC r> or w, wexit THEN
6 - ?moderr $E4 r> or w, displacement @ >c, wexit ;
: out 2 in/out ; : in 0 in/out ;
: int 3 case? IF $CC >c, wexit THEN $CD >c, >c, wexit ;
\ *** Block No. 16, Hexblock 10
\ 8086 shifts and string instructions cas 10nov05
| : Shifts: ( code -- ) Create c, [ Forth ]
Does> c@ >r C* case? >r 1address
r> direction ! $D0 dw, r> or r/m, wexit ;
$00 Shifts: rol $08 Shifts: ror
$10 Shifts: rcl $18 Shifts: rcr
$20 Shifts: shl $28 Shifts: shr
$38 Shifts: sar ' shl Alias sal
| : Str: ( code -- ) Create c,
Does> c@ setsize w, wexit ;
$A6 Str: cmps $AC Str: lods $A4 Str: movs
$AE Str: scas $AA Str: stos
\ *** Block No. 17, Hexblock 11
\ implied 8086 instructions cas 10nov05
: Byte: ( code -- ) Create c, Does> c@ >c, ;
: Word: ( code -- ) Create , Does> @ >, ;
$37 Byte: aaa $AD5 Word: aad $AD4 Word: aam
$3F Byte: aas $98 Byte: cbw $F8 Byte: clc
$FC Byte: cld $FA Byte: cli $F5 Byte: cmc
$99 Byte: cwd $27 Byte: daa $2F Byte: das
$F4 Byte: hlt $CE Byte: into $CF Byte: iret
$9F Byte: lahf $F0 Byte: lock $90 Byte: nop
$9D Byte: popf $9C Byte: pushf $9E Byte: sahf
$F9 Byte: stc $FD Byte: std $FB Byte: sti
$9B Byte: wait $D7 Byte: xlat
$C3 Byte: ret $CB Byte: lret
$F2 Byte: rep $F2 Byte: 0<>rep $F3 Byte: 0=rep
\ *** Block No. 18, Hexblock 12
\ 8086 jmp call conditions cas 10nov05
| : jmp/call >r setsize # case? [ Forth ]
IF far? IF r> IF $EA ELSE $9A THEN >c, swap >, >, wexit
THEN >here 2+ - r>
IF dup long? 0= IF $EB >c, >c, wexit THEN $E9
ELSE $E8 THEN >c, 1- >, wexit
THEN 1address $FF >c, $10 or r> +
far? IF 8 or THEN r/m, wexit ;
: call 0 jmp/call ; : jmp $10 jmp/call ;
$71 Constant OS $73 Constant CS
$75 Constant 0= $77 Constant >=
$79 Constant 0< $7B Constant PE
$7D Constant < $7F Constant <=
$E2 Constant C0= $E0 Constant ?C0=
: not 1 [ Forth ] xor ;
\ *** Block No. 19, Hexblock 13
\ 8086 conditional branching cas 10nov05
: +ret $C2 >c, >, ;
: +lret $CA >c, >, ;
| : ?range dup long? abort" out of range" ;
: ?[ >, >here 1- ;
: ]? >here over 1+ - ?range swap >c! ;
: ][ $EB ?[ swap ]? ;
: ?[[ ?[ swap ;
: [[ >here ;
: ?] >c, >here 1+ - ?range >c, ;
: ]] $EB ?] ;
: ]]? ]] ]? ;
\ *** Block No. 20, Hexblock 14
\ Next user' end-code ;c: cas 10nov05
: Next lods A W xchg W ) jmp
>here next-link @ >, next-link ! ;
: u' ' >body c@ ;
Forth definitions
\needs end-code : end-code toss also ;
Assembler definitions
: ;c: recover # call last off end-code 0 ] ;
\ *** Block No. 21, Hexblock 15
\ 8086 Assembler, Forth words cas 10nov05
: Assembler Assembler [ Assembler ] wexit ;
: ;code 0 ?pairs compile (;code
reveal [compile] [ Assembler ; immediate
: Code Create [ Assembler ] >here dup 2- >! Assembler ;
: >label ( addr -- )
here | Create immediate swap , 4 hallot
here 4 - heap 4 cmove heap last @ (name> ! dp !
Does> ( -- addr ) @ state @ 0=exit [compile] Literal ;
: Label [ Assembler ] >here >label Assembler ;
clear .( Assembler loaded ) cr
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
\ *** Block No. 0, Hexblock 0
\ 28 jun 88
\ This file is a pure .fth-version of dos.fb.
\ DOS loads higher level file functions which go beyond
\ including a screen file. Calls to MS-DOS are implemented
\ and used for directory manipulation. These functions may
\ not work for versions before MS-DOS 3.0.
\ *** Block No. 1, Hexblock 1
\ MS-DOS file handli cas 09jun20
Onlyforth \needs Assembler 2 loadfrom asm.fb
: fswap isfile@ fromfile @ isfile ! fromfile ! ;
$80 Constant dta
| : COMSPEC ( -- string ) [ dos ]
$2C @ ( DOS-environment:seg) 8 ds@ filename &60 lmove
filename counted &60 min filename place filename ;
\ 1 &12 +thru .( MS-DOS functions loaed ) cr
\ *** Block No. 2, Hexblock 2
\ moving blocks ks 04 okt 87
| : full? ( -- flag ) prev BEGIN @ dup @ 0= UNTIL 6 + @ 0< ;
: used? ( blk -- f )
block count b/blk 1- swap skip nip 0<> ;
| : (copy ( from to -- )
full? IF save-buffers THEN isfile@ fromfile @ -
IF dup used? Abort" target block not empty" THEN
dup isfile@ core? IF prev @ emptybuf THEN
isfile@ 0= IF offset @ + THEN
isfile@ rot fromfile @ (block 6 - 2! update ;
\ *** Block No. 3, Hexblock 3
\ moving blocks ks 04 okt 87
| : blkmove ( from to quan -- ) 3 arguments save-buffers
>r over r@ + over u> >r 2dup u< r> and
IF r@ r@ d+ r> 0 ?DO -1 -2 d+ 2dup (copy LOOP
ELSE r> 0 ?DO 2dup (copy 1 1 d+ LOOP
THEN save-buffers 2drop ;
: copy ( from to -- ) 1 blkmove ;
: convey ( blk1 blk2 to.blk -- )
3 arguments >r 2dup swap - >r
fswap dup capacity 1- > isfile@ 0<> and
fswap r> r@ + capacity 1- > isfile@ 0<> and or >r
1+ over - dup 0> not r> or Abort" nein" r> swap blkmove ;
\ *** Block No. 4, Hexblock 4
\ MORE extending forth files ks 10 okt 87
Dos also definitions
| : addblock ( blk -- ) dup buffer dup b/blk blank
isfile@ f.size dup 2@ b/blk 0 d+ rot 2!
swap isfile@ fblock! ;
Forth definitions
: more ( n -- ) 1 arguments isfile@
IF capacity swap bounds ?DO I addblock LOOP close exit
THEN drop ;
\ *** Block No. 5, Hexblock 5
\ file eof? create dta-addressing ks 03 apr 88
Dos definitions
: ftime ( -- mm hh )
isfile@ f.time @ $20 u/mod nip $40 u/mod ;
: fdate ( -- dd mm yy )
isfile@ f.date @ $20 u/mod $10 u/mod &80 + ;
: .when base push decimal
fdate rot 3 .r ." ." swap 2 .r ." ." 2 .r
ftime 3 .r ." :" 2 .r ;
\ *** Block No. 6, Hexblock 6
\ ks 20mar88
: (.fcb ( fcb -- )
dup .file ?dup 0=exit pushfile
isfile ! &13 tab ." is"
isfile@ f.handle @ 2 .r
isfile@ f.size 2@ 7 d.r .when
space isfile@ f.name count type ;
Forth definitions
: files file-link
BEGIN @ dup WHILE cr dup (.fcb stop? UNTIL drop ;
: ?file isfile@ (.fcb ;
\ *** Block No. 7, Hexblock 7
\ dir make makefile ks 25 okt 87
Forth definitions
: killfile close
isfile@ f.name filename >asciz ~unlink drop ;
: emptyfile isfile@ 0=exit
isfile@ f.name filename >asciz 0 ~creat ?diskerror
isfile@ f.handle ! isfile@ f.size 4 erase ;
: make close name isfile@ fname! emptyfile ;
: makefile File last @ name> execute emptyfile ;
\ *** Block No. 8, Hexblock 8
\ getpath ks 10 okt 87
Dos definitions
| &40 Constant pathlen
| Create pathes 0 c, pathlen allot
| : (setpath ( string -- ) count
dup pathlen u> Abort" path too long" pathes place ;
| : getpath ( +n -- string / ff )
>r 0 pathes count r> 0
DO rot drop Ascii ; skip stash Ascii ; scan LOOP
drop over - ?dup
IF here place here dup count + 1- c@
?" :\" ?exit Ascii \ here append exit
THEN 0= ;
\ *** Block No. 9, Hexblock 9
\ pathsearch .path path ks 09 okt 87
: pathsearch ( string -- asciz *f ) dup >r
(fsearch dup 0= IF rdrop exit THEN 2drop 0 0
BEGIN drop 1+ dup getpath ?dup 0=
IF drop r> filename >asciz 2 exit THEN
r@ count 2 pick attach (fsearch
0= UNTIL nip rdrop false ;
' pathsearch Is fsearch
Forth definitions
: .path pathes count type ;
: path name nullstring? IF .path exit THEN (setpath ;
\ *** Block No. 10, Hexblock a
\ call another executable file ks 04 aug 87
Dos definitions
| Create cpb 0 , \ inherit parent environment
dta , ds@ , $5C , ds@ , $6C , ds@ , Label ssave 0 ,
| Code ~exec ( asciz -- *f )
I push R push U push S ssave #) mov cpb # R mov
$4B00 # A mov $21 int C: D mov D D: mov D S: mov
D E: mov ssave #) S mov CS not
?[ A A xor A push $2F # A+ mov $21 int E: A mov
A D: mov C: A mov A E: mov R I mov dta # W mov
$40 # C mov rep movs A D: mov A pop
]? A W xchg dta # D mov $1A # A+ mov $21 int
W D mov U pop R pop I pop Next
\ *** Block No. 11, Hexblock b
\ calling MS-DOS thru forth interpreter ks 19 mr 88
| : execute? ( extension -- *f )
count filename count Ascii . scan drop swap
2dup 1+ erase move filename 1+ ~exec ;
: fcall ( string -- ) count filename place ds@ cpb 4+ !
" .EXE" execute? dup IF drop " .COM" execute? THEN
?diskerror ;
: fdos ( string -- )
dta $80 erase " /c " count dta place count dta attach
status push status off .status COMSPEC fcall curat? at ;
\ *** Block No. 12, Hexblock c
\ einige MS-DOS Funktionen msdos call ks 10 okt 87
: dos: Create ," Does> count here place
Ascii " parse here attach here fdos ;
Forth definitions
dos: dir dir "
dos: ren ren "
dos: md md "
dos: cd cd "
dos: rd rd "
dos: fcopy copy "
dos: delete del "
dos: ftype type "
\ *** Block No. 13, Hexblock d
\ msdos call ks 23 okt 88
: msdos savevideo status push status off .status
flush dta off COMSPEC fcall restorevideo ;
: call name source >in @ /string c/l umin
dta place dta dta >asciz drop [compile] \
status push status off .status fcall curat? at ;
.( MS-DOS functions loaed ) cr
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
\ *** Block No. 0, Hexblock 0
\ 28 jun 88
\ This file is an .fth-version of dos.fb without the block-related
\ words.
\ DOS loads higher level file functions which go beyond
\ including a screen file. Calls to MS-DOS are implemented
\ and used for directory manipulation. These functions may
\ not work for versions before MS-DOS 3.0.
\ *** Block No. 1, Hexblock 1
\ MS-DOS file handli cas 09jun20
Onlyforth \needs Assembler 2 loadfrom asm.fb
: fswap isfile@ fromfile @ isfile ! fromfile ! ;
$80 Constant dta
| : COMSPEC ( -- string ) [ dos ]
$2C @ ( DOS-environment:seg) 8 ds@ filename &60 lmove
filename counted &60 min filename place filename ;
\ *** Block No. 5, Hexblock 5
\ file eof? create dta-addressing ks 03 apr 88
Dos also definitions
: ftime ( -- mm hh )
isfile@ f.time @ $20 u/mod nip $40 u/mod ;
: fdate ( -- dd mm yy )
isfile@ f.date @ $20 u/mod $10 u/mod &80 + ;
: .when base push decimal
fdate rot 3 .r ." ." swap 2 .r ." ." 2 .r
ftime 3 .r ." :" 2 .r ;
\ *** Block No. 6, Hexblock 6
\ ks 20mar88
: (.fcb ( fcb -- )
dup .file ?dup 0=exit pushfile
isfile ! &13 tab ." is"
isfile@ f.handle @ 2 .r
isfile@ f.size 2@ 7 d.r .when
space isfile@ f.name count type ;
Forth definitions
: files file-link
BEGIN @ dup WHILE cr dup (.fcb stop? UNTIL drop ;
: ?file isfile@ (.fcb ;
\ *** Block No. 7, Hexblock 7
\ dir make makefile ks 25 okt 87
Forth definitions
: killfile close
isfile@ f.name filename >asciz ~unlink drop ;
: emptyfile isfile@ 0=exit
isfile@ f.name filename >asciz 0 ~creat ?diskerror
isfile@ f.handle ! isfile@ f.size 4 erase ;
: make close name isfile@ fname! emptyfile ;
: makefile File last @ name> execute emptyfile ;
\ *** Block No. 8, Hexblock 8
\ getpath ks 10 okt 87
Dos definitions
| &40 Constant pathlen
| Create pathes 0 c, pathlen allot
| : (setpath ( string -- ) count
dup pathlen u> Abort" path too long" pathes place ;
| : getpath ( +n -- string / ff )
>r 0 pathes count r> 0
DO rot drop Ascii ; skip stash Ascii ; scan LOOP
drop over - ?dup
IF here place here dup count + 1- c@
?" :\" ?exit Ascii \ here append exit
THEN 0= ;
\ *** Block No. 9, Hexblock 9
\ pathsearch .path path ks 09 okt 87
: pathsearch ( string -- asciz *f ) dup >r
(fsearch dup 0= IF rdrop exit THEN 2drop 0 0
BEGIN drop 1+ dup getpath ?dup 0=
IF drop r> filename >asciz 2 exit THEN
r@ count 2 pick attach (fsearch
0= UNTIL nip rdrop false ;
' pathsearch Is fsearch
Forth definitions
: .path pathes count type ;
: path name nullstring? IF .path exit THEN (setpath ;
\ *** Block No. 10, Hexblock a
\ call another executable file ks 04 aug 87
Dos definitions
| Create cpb 0 , \ inherit parent environment
dta , ds@ , $5C , ds@ , $6C , ds@ , Label ssave 0 ,
| Code ~exec ( asciz -- *f )
I push R push U push S ssave #) mov cpb # R mov
$4B00 # A mov $21 int C: D mov D D: mov D S: mov
D E: mov ssave #) S mov CS not
?[ A A xor A push $2F # A+ mov $21 int E: A mov
A D: mov C: A mov A E: mov R I mov dta # W mov
$40 # C mov rep movs A D: mov A pop
]? A W xchg dta # D mov $1A # A+ mov $21 int
W D mov U pop R pop I pop Next
\ *** Block No. 11, Hexblock b
\ calling MS-DOS thru forth interpreter ks 19 mr 88
| : execute? ( extension -- *f )
count filename count Ascii . scan drop swap
2dup 1+ erase move filename 1+ ~exec ;
: fcall ( string -- ) count filename place ds@ cpb 4+ !
" .EXE" execute? dup IF drop " .COM" execute? THEN
?diskerror ;
: fdos ( string -- )
dta $80 erase " /c " count dta place count dta attach
status push status off .status COMSPEC fcall curat? at ;
\ *** Block No. 12, Hexblock c
\ einige MS-DOS Funktionen msdos call ks 10 okt 87
: dos: Create ," Does> count here place
Ascii " parse here attach here fdos ;
Forth definitions
dos: dir dir "
dos: ren ren "
dos: md md "
dos: cd cd "
dos: rd rd "
dos: fcopy copy "
dos: delete del "
dos: ftype type "
\ *** Block No. 13, Hexblock d
\ msdos call ks 23 okt 88
: msdos savevideo status push status off .status
flush dta off COMSPEC fcall restorevideo ;
: call name source >in @ /string c/l umin
dta place dta dta >asciz drop [compile] \
status push status off .status fcall curat? at ;
.( MS-DOS functions loaed ) cr
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
\ *** Block No. 0, Hexblock 0
\ ks 11 mai 88
\ This file is a pure .fth-version of extend.fb.
\ It contains definitions needed for several further system
\ and application files.
\ Among others there are MSDOS specific commands such as allocating
\ memory outside the Forth core 64k memory segment, some routines
\ that make using the video display easier, and some string
\ manipulation words.
\ *** Block No. 1, Hexblock 1
\ loadscreen for often used words ks cas 25sep16
Onlyforth \needs Assembler include t86asm.fth
' save-buffers Alias sav
' name &12 + Constant 'name
' page Alias cls
\ 1 8 +thru
\ *** Block No. 2, Hexblock 2
\ Postkernel words ks 22 dez 87
: blank ( addr quan -- ) bl fill ;
Code stash ( u1 u2 -- u1 u1 u2 )
S W mov W ) push Next end-code
\ : stash ( u1 u2 -- u1 u1 u2 ) over swap ;
: >expect ( addr len -- ) stash expect span @ over place ;
: .field ( addr len quan -- )
over - >r type r> 0 max spaces ;
: tab ( n -- ) col - 0 max spaces ;
\ *** Block No. 3, Hexblock 3
\ postkernel ks 08 mär 89
\ hier sollte END-CODE eigentlich aehem, also z.B. -TRANSIENT
\needs end-code : end-code toss also ;
: u? ( addr -- ) @ u. ;
: adr ' >body state @ 0=exit [compile] Literal ; immediate
: Abort( ( f -- ) IF [compile] .( true abort" !" THEN
[compile] ( ;
: arguments ( n -- )
depth 1- > Error" zu wenige Parameter" ;
\ *** Block No. 4, Hexblock 4
\ MS-DOS memory management
Code lallocate ( pages -- seg ff / rest err# )
R push D R mov $48 # A+ mov $21 int CS
?[ A D xchg A pop R push A R xchg
][ R pop A push 0 # D mov ]? Next end-code
Code lfree ( seg -- err# )
E: push D E: mov $49 # A+ mov $21 int CS
?[ A D xchg ][ 0 # D mov ]? E: pop Next end-code
\ *** Block No. 5, Hexblock 5
\ postkernel ks 03 aug 87
c/row c/col * 2* Constant c/dis \ characters per display
Code video@ ( -- seg ) D push R D mov $F # A+ mov
$10 int R D xchg 0 # D- mov 7 # A- cmp
0= ?[ $B0 # D+ mov ][ $B8 # D+ add ]? Next
: savevideo ( -- seg / ff )
[ c/dis b/seg /mod swap 0<> - ] Literal lallocate
IF drop false exit THEN video@ 0 2 pick 0 c/dis lmove ;
: restorevideo ( seg -- ) ?dup 0=exit
dup 0 video@ 0 c/dis lmove lfree drop ;
\ *** Block No. 6, Hexblock 6
\ string operators append attach ks 21 jun 87
| : .stringoverflow true Abort" String zu lang" ;
Code append ( char addr -- )
D W mov D pop W ) A- mov 1 # A- add CS
?[ ;c: .stringoverflow ; Assembler ]?
A- W ) mov 0 # A+ mov A W add
D- W ) mov D pop Next end-code
Code attach ( addr len addr1 -- ) D W mov C pop
I D mov I pop W ) A- mov A- A+ mov C- A+ add CS
?[ ;c: .stringoverflow ; Assembler ]?
A+ W ) mov A+ A+ xor A+ C+ mov A W add W inc
rep byte movs D I mov D pop Next end-code
\ *** Block No. 7, Hexblock 7
\\ string operators append attach detract ks 21 jun 87
: append ( char addr -- )
under count + c! dup c@ 1+ swap c! ;
: attach ( addr len addr.to -- )
>r under r@ count + swap move r@ c@ + r> c! ;
: detract ( addr -- char )
dup c@ 1- dup 0> and over c!
count >r dup count -rot swap r> cmove ;
\ *** Block No. 8, Hexblock 8
\ ?" string operator ks 09 feb 88
\ : (?" ( 8b -- index ) "lit under count rot
\ scan IF swap - exit THEN 2drop false ;
| Create months ," janfebmäraprmaijunjulaugsepoktnovdez"
: >months ( n -- addr len ) 3 * 2- months + 3 ;
| Code (?" ( 8b -- index )
A D xchg I ) C- mov 0 # C+ mov C I add
I W mov I inc std 0<>rep byte scas cld
0= ?[ C inc ]? C D mov Next
: ?" compile (?" ," align ; immediate restrict
\ *** Block No. 9, Hexblock 9
\ Conditional compilation ks 12 dez 88
| Defer cond
: .THEN ; immediate
: .ELSE ( -- ) 0
BEGIN name nullstring? IF drop exit THEN
find IF cond -1 case? ?exit ELSE drop THEN
REPEAT ; immediate
: .IF ( f -- ) ?exit [compile] .ELSE ; immediate
| : (cond ( n cfa -- n' )
['] .THEN case? IF 1- exit THEN
['] .ELSE case? IF dup 0= + exit THEN
['] .IF = 0=exit 1+ ; ' (cond is cond
.( Systemerweiterung geladen) cr
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
\ *** Block No. 0, Hexblock 0
\ This file is a pure .fth-version of multi.vid.
\ This display interface uses BIOS call $10 functions for a fast
\ display interface. A couple of state variables is contained
\ in a vector that is task specific such that different tasks
\ may use different windows. For simplicity windows always
\ span the whole width of the screen. They can be defined by
\ top and bottom line. This mechanism is used for a convenient
\ status display line on the bottom of the screen.
\ *** Block No. 1, Hexblock 1
\ Multitsking display interface loadscreen ks phz 31jan22
Onlyforth \needs Assembler include t86asm.fth
User area area off \ points at active window
Variable status \ to switch status on/off
| Variable cursor \ points at area with active cursor
\ 1 8 +thru .( Multitasking display driver loaded ) cr
\ *** Block No. 2, Hexblock 2
\ Multitsking display interface ks 6 sep 86
: Area: Create 0 , 0 , 7 c, Does> area ! ;
\ | col | row | top | bot | att |
Area: terminal terminal area @ cursor !
: (area Create dup c, 1+ Does> c@ area @ + ;
0 | (area ccol | (area crow | (area ctop
| (area cbot (area catt drop
: window ( topline botline -- ) cbot c! ctop c! ;
: full 0 c/col 2- window ; full
\ *** Block No. 3, Hexblock 3
\ Multitask (type (emit ks 20 dez 87
Code (type ( addr len -- ) W pop I push R push
u' area U D) I mov U push D U mov
$F # A+ mov $10 int u' catt I D) R- mov
3 # A+ mov $10 int C push D push $E0E # C mov
1 # A+ mov $10 int I ) D mov 1 # C mov
U inc [[ U dec 0= not ?[[ 2 # A+ mov $10 int
D- inc ' c/row >body #) D- cmp 0= not
?[[ W ) A- mov W inc 9 # A+ mov $10 int ]]? ]?
D I ) mov D pop cursor #) I cmp 0= ?[ I ) D mov ]?
2 # A+ mov $10 int C pop 1 # A+ mov $10 int U pop
R pop I pop D pop ' pause #) jmp end-code
: (emit ( char -- ) sp@ 1 (type drop ;
\ *** Block No. 4, Hexblock 4
\ Multitask (at (at? ks 04 aug 87
Code (at ( row col -- ) A pop A- D+ mov
u' area U D) W mov D W ) mov cursor #) W cmp 0=
?[ R push U push $F # A+ mov $10 int
2 # A+ mov $10 int U pop R pop
]? D pop Next end-code
Code (at? ( -- row col )
D push u' area U D) W mov W ) D mov
D+ A- mov 0 # A+ mov A+ D+ mov A push Next
Code curat? ( -- row col ) D push R push
$F # A+ mov $10 int 3 # A+ mov $10 int
R pop 0 # A mov D+ A- xchg A push Next
\ *** Block No. 5, Hexblock 5
\ cur! curshape setpage ks 28 jun 87
: cur! \ set cursor into current task's window
area @ cursor ! (at? (at ; cur!
Code curshape ( top bot -- ) D C mov D pop
D- C+ mov 1 # A+ mov $10 int D pop Next
Code setpage ( n -- )
$503 # A mov D- A- and $10 int D pop Next
\ *** Block No. 6, Hexblock 6
\ Multitask normal invers blankline ks 01 nov 88
: normal 7 catt c! ; : invers $70 catt c! ;
: underline 1 catt c! ; : bright $F catt c! ;
Code blankline D push R push U push $F # A+ mov
$10 int u' area U D) W mov u' catt W D) R- mov
3 # A+ mov $10 int C push D push
$E0E # C mov 1 # A+ mov $10 int W ) D mov
2 # A+ mov $10 int ' c/row >body #) C mov
D- C- sub bl # A- mov 9 # A+ mov
C- C- or 0= not ?[ $10 int ]?
D pop 2 # A+ mov $10 int \ set cursor back
C pop 1 # A+ mov $10 int \ cursor visible again
U pop R pop D pop ' pause #) jmp end-code
| : lineerase ( line# -- ) 0 (at blankline ;
\ *** Block No. 7, Hexblock 7
\ Multitask (del scroll (cr (page ks 04 okt 87
: (del (at? ?dup
IF 1- 2dup (at bl (emit (at exit THEN drop ;
Code scroll D push R push U push
u' area U D) W mov u' catt W D) R+ mov
u' ctop W D) D mov D- C+ mov 0 # C- mov
' c/row >body #) D- mov D- dec $601 # A mov
$10 int U pop R pop D pop Next
: (cr (at? drop 1+ dup cbot c@ u>
IF scroll drop cbot c@ THEN lineerase ;
: (page ctop c@ cbot c@ DO I lineerase -1 +LOOP ;
\ *** Block No. 8, Hexblock 8
\ Multitask status display ks 10 okt 87
' (emit ' display 2 + ! ' (cr ' display 4 + !
' (type ' display 6 + ! ' (del ' display 8 + !
' (page ' display &10 + !
' (at ' display &12 + ! ' (at? ' display &14 + !
: .base base @ decimal dup 2 .r base ! ;
: .sp ( n -- ) ." s" depth swap 1+ - 2 .r ;
: (.drv ( n -- ) Ascii A + emit ." : " ;
: .dr ." " drv (.drv ;
: .scr blk @ IF ." Blk" blk ELSE ." Scr" scr THEN
@ 5 .r ;
: .space ." Dic" s0 @ here $100 + - 6 u.r ;
\ *** Block No. 9, Hexblock 9
\ statuszeile ks ks 04 aug 87
| : fstat ( n -- ) .base .sp
.space .scr .dr file? 2 spaces order ;
| Area: statusline
statusline c/col 1- dup window page invers terminal
: (.status output @ display area @ statusline
status @ IF (at? drop 0 (at 2 fstat blankline
ELSE normal page invers
THEN area ! output ! ;
' (.status Is .status
: bye status off .status bye ;
.( Multitasking display driver loaded ) cr
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
\ *** Block No. 2, Hexblock 2
\ conditional Assembler compiler cas 10nov05
: maybe-include-tmp-asm ( addr -- ) hide last off dp !
" ASSEMBLER" find nip ?exit here $1800 + sp@ u>
IF display cr ." Assembler won't fit" abort THEN
here sp@ $1800 - dp !
dp ! ;
maybe-include-tmp-asm 86asm.fth
@ -1,5 +1,13 @@
include extend.fb
include multi.vid
include dos.fb
include log2file.fb
include extend2.fth
include multivid.fth
\ : .blk|tib
\ blk @ ?dup IF ." Blk " u. ?cr exit THEN
\ incfile @ IF tib #tib @ cr type THEN ;
\ ' .blk|tib Is .status
\ include dos2.fth
include dos3.fth
include log2file.fth
Reference in New Issue
Block a user