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* stmt.c
* Ullrich von Bassewitz, 06.08.1998
* Original by John R. Dunning - see copyleft.jrd
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
/* common */
#include "xmalloc.h"
/* cc65 */
#include "asmcode.h"
#include "asmlabel.h"
#include "codegen.h"
#include "datatype.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "expr.h"
#include "function.h"
#include "global.h"
#include "goto.h"
#include "litpool.h"
#include "locals.h"
#include "loop.h"
#include "pragma.h"
#include "scanner.h"
#include "symtab.h"
#include "stmt.h"
/* Data */
/* Maximum count of cases */
#define CASE_MAX 257
/* Code */
static int statement (void);
/* Forward decl */
static int doif (void)
/* Handle 'if' statement here */
int flab1;
int flab2;
int gotbreak;
/* Skip the if */
NextToken ();
/* Generate a jump label and parse the condition */
flab1 = GetLabel ();
test (flab1, 0);
/* Parse the if body */
gotbreak = statement ();
/* Else clause present? */
if (curtok != TOK_ELSE) {
g_defloclabel (flab1);
/* Since there's no else clause, we're not sure, if the a break
* statement is really executed.
return 0;
} else {
/* Skip the else */
NextToken ();
/* If we had some sort of break statement at the end of the if clause,
* there's no need to generate an additional jump around the else
* clause, since the jump is never reached.
if (!gotbreak) {
flab2 = GetLabel ();
g_jump (flab2);
} else {
/* Mark the label as unused */
flab2 = 0;
g_defloclabel (flab1);
gotbreak &= statement ();
/* Generate the label for the else clause */
if (flab2) {
g_defloclabel (flab2);
/* Done */
return gotbreak;
static void dowhile (char wtype)
/* Handle 'while' statement here */
int loop;
int lab;
NextToken ();
loop = GetLabel ();
lab = GetLabel ();
addloop (oursp, loop, lab, 0, 0);
g_defloclabel (loop);
if (wtype == 'w') {
/* While loop */
test (lab, 0);
/* If the statement following the while loop is empty, that is, we have
* something like "while (1) ;", the test function ommitted the jump as
* an optimization. Since we know, the condition codes are set, we can
* do another small optimization here, and use a conditional jump
* instead an absolute one.
if (curtok == TOK_SEMI) {
/* Shortcut */
NextToken ();
/* Use a conditional jump */
g_truejump (CF_NONE, loop);
} else {
/* There is code inside the while loop */
statement ();
g_jump (loop);
g_defloclabel (lab);
} else {
/* Do loop */
statement ();
test (loop, 1);
ConsumeSemi ();
g_defloclabel (lab);
delloop ();
static void doreturn (void)
/* Handle 'return' statement here */
struct expent lval;
unsigned etype = 0; /* Type of return expression */
int HaveVal = 0; /* Do we have a return value in ax? */
NextToken ();
if (curtok != TOK_SEMI) {
if (HasVoidReturn (CurrentFunc)) {
if (evalexpr (CF_NONE, hie0, &lval) == 0) {
/* Constant value */
etype = CF_CONST;
} else {
/* Value in the primary register */
HaveVal = 1;
/* Convert the return value to the type of the function result */
if (!HasVoidReturn (CurrentFunc)) {
etype |= assignadjust (GetReturnType (CurrentFunc), &lval) & ~CF_CONST;
} else if (!HasVoidReturn (CurrentFunc)) {
RestoreRegVars (HaveVal);
g_leave (etype, lval.e_const);
static void dobreak (void)
/* Handle 'break' statement here */
struct loopdesc* l;
NextToken ();
if ((l = currentloop ()) == 0) {
/* Error: No current loop */
g_space (oursp - l->sp);
g_jump (l->label);
static void docontinue (void)
/* Handle 'continue' statement here */
struct loopdesc* l;
NextToken ();
if ((l = currentloop ()) == 0) {
/* Error: Not in loop */
do {
if (l->loop) {
l = l->next;
} while (l);
if (l == 0) {
g_space (oursp - l->sp);
if (l->linc) {
g_jump (l->linc);
} else {
g_jump (l->loop);
static void cascadeswitch (struct expent* eval)
/* Handle a switch statement for chars with a cmp cascade for the selector */
unsigned exitlab; /* Exit label */
unsigned nextlab; /* Next case label */
unsigned codelab; /* Label that starts the actual selector code */
int havebreak; /* Remember if we exited with break */
int lcount; /* Label count */
unsigned flags; /* Code generator flags */
struct expent lval; /* Case label expression */
long val; /* Case label value */
/* Create a loop so we may break out, init labels */
exitlab = GetLabel ();
addloop (oursp, 0, exitlab, 0, 0);
/* Setup some variables needed in the loop below */
flags = TypeOf (eval->e_tptr) | CF_CONST | CF_FORCECHAR;
codelab = nextlab = 0;
havebreak = 1;
/* Parse the labels */
lcount = 0;
while (curtok != TOK_RCURLY) {
if (curtok == TOK_CASE || curtok == TOK_DEFAULT) {
/* If the code for the previous selector did not end with a
* break statement, we must jump over the next selector test.
if (!havebreak) {
/* Define a label for the code */
if (codelab == 0) {
codelab = GetLabel ();
g_jump (codelab);
/* If we have a cascade label, emit it */
if (nextlab) {
g_defloclabel (nextlab);
nextlab = 0;
while (curtok == TOK_CASE || curtok == TOK_DEFAULT) {
/* Parse the selector */
if (curtok == TOK_CASE) {
/* Count labels */
/* Skip the "case" token */
NextToken ();
/* Read the selector expression */
constexpr (&lval);
if (!IsClassInt (lval.e_tptr)) {
/* Check the range of the expression */
val = lval.e_const;
switch (*eval->e_tptr) {
case T_SCHAR:
/* Signed char */
if (val < -128 || val > 127) {
Error (ERR_RANGE);
case T_UCHAR:
if (val < 0 || val > 255) {
Error (ERR_RANGE);
case T_INT:
if (val < -32768 || val > 32767) {
Error (ERR_RANGE);
case T_UINT:
if (val < 0 || val > 65535) {
Error (ERR_RANGE);
Internal ("Invalid type: %02X", *eval->e_tptr & 0xFF);
/* Skip the colon */
ConsumeColon ();
/* Emit a compare */
g_cmp (flags, val);
/* If another case follows, we will jump to the code if
* the condition is true.
if (curtok == TOK_CASE) {
/* Create a code label if needed */
if (codelab == 0) {
codelab = GetLabel ();
g_falsejump (CF_NONE, codelab);
} else if (curtok != TOK_DEFAULT) {
/* No case follows, jump to next selector */
if (nextlab == 0) {
nextlab = GetLabel ();
g_truejump (CF_NONE, nextlab);
} else {
/* Default case */
NextToken ();
/* Skip the colon */
ConsumeColon ();
/* Handle the pathologic case: DEFAULT followed by CASE */
if (curtok == TOK_CASE) {
if (codelab == 0) {
codelab = GetLabel ();
g_jump (codelab);
/* Emit a code label if we have one */
if (codelab) {
g_defloclabel (codelab);
codelab = 0;
/* Parse statements */
if (curtok != TOK_RCURLY) {
havebreak = statement ();
/* Check if we have any labels */
if (lcount == 0) {
Warning ("No case labels");
/* Eat the closing curly brace */
NextToken ();
/* Define the exit label and, if there's a next label left, create this
* one, too.
if (nextlab) {
g_defloclabel (nextlab);
g_defloclabel (exitlab);
/* End the loop */
delloop ();
static void tableswitch (struct expent* eval)
/* Handle a switch statement via table based selector */
/* Entry for one case in a switch statement */
struct swent {
long sw_const; /* selector value */
unsigned sw_lab; /* label for this selector */
int dlabel; /* for default */
int lab; /* exit label */
int label; /* label for case */
int lcase; /* label for compares */
int lcount; /* Label count */
int havebreak; /* Last statement has a break */
unsigned flags; /* Code generator flags */
struct expent lval; /* Case label expression */
struct swent *p;
struct swent *swtab;
/* Allocate memory for the switch table */
swtab = xmalloc (CASE_MAX * sizeof (struct swent));
/* Create a look so we may break out, init labels */
havebreak = 0; /* Keep gcc silent */
dlabel = 0; /* init */
lab = GetLabel (); /* get exit */
p = swtab;
addloop (oursp, 0, lab, 0, 0);
/* Jump behind the code for the CASE labels */
g_jump (lcase = GetLabel ());
lcount = 0;
while (curtok != TOK_RCURLY) {
if (curtok == TOK_CASE || curtok == TOK_DEFAULT) {
if (lcount >= CASE_MAX) {
Fatal ("Too many case labels");
label = GetLabel ();
do {
if (curtok == TOK_CASE) {
NextToken ();
constexpr (&lval);
if (!IsClassInt (lval.e_tptr)) {
p->sw_const = lval.e_const;
p->sw_lab = label;
} else {
NextToken ();
dlabel = label;
ConsumeColon ();
} while (curtok == TOK_CASE || curtok == TOK_DEFAULT);
g_defloclabel (label);
havebreak = 0;
if (curtok != TOK_RCURLY) {
havebreak = statement ();
/* Check if we have any labels */
if (lcount == 0) {
Warning ("No case labels");
/* Eat the closing curly brace */
NextToken ();
/* If the last statement doesn't have a break or return, add one */
if (!havebreak) {
g_jump (lab);
/* Actual selector code goes here */
g_defloclabel (lcase);
/* Create the call to the switch subroutine */
flags = TypeOf (eval->e_tptr);
g_switch (flags);
/* First entry is negative of label count */
g_defdata (CF_INT | CF_CONST, -((int)lcount)-1, 0);
/* Create the case selector table */
AddCodeHint ("casetable");
p = swtab;
while (lcount) {
g_case (flags, p->sw_lab, p->sw_const); /* Create one label */
if (dlabel) {
g_jump (dlabel);
g_defloclabel (lab);
delloop ();
/* Free the allocated space for the labels */
xfree (swtab);
static void doswitch (void)
/* Handle 'switch' statement here */
struct expent eval; /* Switch statement expression */
/* Eat the "switch" */
NextToken ();
/* Read the switch expression */
ConsumeLParen ();
intexpr (&eval);
ConsumeRParen ();
/* result of expr is in P */
ConsumeLCurly ();
/* Now decide which sort of switch we will create: */
if (IsTypeChar (eval.e_tptr) || (FavourSize == 0 && IsClassInt (eval.e_tptr))) {
cascadeswitch (&eval);
} else {
tableswitch (&eval);
static void dofor (void)
/* Handle 'for' statement here */
int loop;
int lab;
int linc;
int lstat;
struct expent lval1;
struct expent lval2;
struct expent lval3;
NextToken ();
loop = GetLabel ();
lab = GetLabel ();
linc = GetLabel ();
lstat = GetLabel ();
addloop (oursp, loop, lab, linc, lstat);
ConsumeLParen ();
if (curtok != TOK_SEMI) { /* exp1 */
expression (&lval1);
ConsumeSemi ();
g_defloclabel (loop);
if (curtok != TOK_SEMI) { /* exp2 */
boolexpr (&lval2);
g_truejump (CF_NONE, lstat);
g_jump (lab);
} else {
g_jump (lstat);
ConsumeSemi ();
g_defloclabel (linc);
if (curtok != TOK_RPAREN) { /* exp3 */
expression (&lval3);
ConsumeRParen ();
g_jump (loop);
g_defloclabel (lstat);
statement ();
g_jump (linc);
g_defloclabel (lab);
delloop ();
static int statement (void)
/* Statement parser. Called whenever syntax requires a statement.
* This routine performs that statement and returns 1 if it is a branch,
* 0 otherwise
struct expent lval;
/* */
if (curtok == TOK_IDENT && nxttok == TOK_COLON) {
/* Special handling for a label */
DoLabel ();
} else {
switch (curtok) {
return compound ();
case TOK_IF:
return doif ();
dowhile ('w');
case TOK_DO:
dowhile ('d');
doswitch ();
doreturn ();
ConsumeSemi ();
return 1;
dobreak ();
ConsumeSemi ();
return 1;
docontinue ();
ConsumeSemi ();
return 1;
case TOK_FOR:
dofor ();
case TOK_GOTO:
DoGoto ();
ConsumeSemi ();
return 1;
case TOK_SEMI:
/* ignore it. */
NextToken ();
DoPragma ();
AddCodeHint ("stmt:start");
expression (&lval);
AddCodeHint ("stmt:end");
ConsumeSemi ();
return 0;
int compound (void)
/* Compound statement. Allow any number of statements, inside braces. */
static unsigned CurrentLevel = 0;
int isbrk;
int oldsp;
/* eat LCURLY */
NextToken ();
/* Remember the stack at block entry */
oldsp = oursp;
/* If we're not on function level, enter a new lexical level */
if (CurrentLevel++ > 0) {
/* A nested block */
EnterBlockLevel ();
/* Parse local variable declarations if any */
DeclareLocals ();
/* Now process statements in the function body */
isbrk = 0;
while (curtok != TOK_RCURLY) {
if (curtok == TOK_CEOF)
else {
isbrk = statement ();
/* Emit references to imports/exports for this block */
EmitExternals ();
/* If this is not the top level compound statement, clean up the stack.
* For a top level statement this will be done by the function exit code.
if (--CurrentLevel != 0) {
/* Some sort of nested block */
LeaveBlockLevel ();
if (isbrk) {
oursp = oldsp;
} else {
g_space (oursp - oldsp);
oursp = oldsp;
/* Eat closing brace */
ConsumeRCurly ();
return isbrk;