
47 lines
924 B

; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 22.11.2002
; int __fastcall__ fclose (FILE* f);
; /* Close a file */
.export _fclose
.import _close, ___directerrno
.importzp ptr1
.include ""
.include ""
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Code
.proc _fclose
sta ptr1
stx ptr1+1 ; Store f
; Check if the file is really open
ldy #_FILE::f_flags
lda (ptr1),y
and #_FOPEN
bne @L1
; File is not open
jmp ___directerrno
; File is open. Reset the flags and close the file.
@L1: lda #_FCLOSED
sta (ptr1),y
ldy #_FILE::f_fd
lda (ptr1),y
ldx #0
jmp _close ; Will set errno and return an error flag