mirror of https://github.com/cc65/cc65.git synced 2025-03-03 09:32:33 +00:00
Oliver Schmidt 3a7282544e Moved convert.system from geos-apple to apple2[enh].
The target util convert.system is to be used in conjunction with GEOS on the Apple II but has to be built as an "ordinary" Apple II program. The way the cc65 library build system is designed there's no way to define dependencies between targets. The solution used so far was to explicitly trigger a build of the target 'apple2enh' from the target 'geos-apple'. However, that approach tends to break parallel builds which may be in the middle of building 'appple2enh' at the time it is triggered by 'geos-apple'.

There might be ways to get this fixed - but the the cc65 library build systrem is already (more than) complex enough, so I really don't want to add anything special to it.

On the other hand there are easier ways (outside the scope of cc65) to archive what convert.system does so I don't presume convert.system to be actually used - it's more a reference type of thing.

Putting all facts together the decision was easy: Just move convert.system from the target it is used with to the target(s) it is built with.
2021-02-17 10:50:22 +01:00

347 lines
11 KiB

#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <device.h>
#include <dio.h>
unsigned char info_signature[3] = {3, 21, 63 | 0x80};
dhandle_t dhandle;
struct dir_entry_t {
struct {
unsigned name_length :4;
unsigned storage_type :4;
} storage_length;
char file_name[15];
unsigned char file_type;
unsigned key_pointer;
unsigned blocks_used;
unsigned char size[3];
unsigned long creation;
unsigned char version;
unsigned char min_version;
unsigned char access;
unsigned aux_type;
unsigned long last_mod;
unsigned header_pointer;
}* dir_entry;
union {
unsigned char bytes[512];
struct {
unsigned prev_block;
unsigned next_block;
unsigned char entries[1];
} content;
} dir_block;
union {
unsigned char bytes[512];
struct {
unsigned char addr_lo[254];
unsigned char size_lo[2];
unsigned char addr_hi[254];
unsigned char size_hi[2];
} content;
} index_block, master_block, vlir_block;
union {
unsigned char bytes[512];
struct {
unsigned reserved;
unsigned char info_block[254];
unsigned char vlir_records[128];
struct dir_entry_t dir_entry;
} content;
} header_block;
static void err_exit(char *operation, unsigned char oserr)
if (oserr) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s - err:%02x - %s",
operation, (int)_oserror, _stroserror(_oserror));
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "%s",
static unsigned get_dir_entry(char* p_name)
char* d_name;
char* f_name;
size_t f_namelen;
DIR* dir;
struct dirent* dirent;
unsigned cur_addr;
unsigned char entry_length;
unsigned char entries_per_block;
unsigned char cur_entry;
/* Split path name into directory name and file name */
f_name = strrchr(p_name, '/');
if (f_name) {
d_name = p_name;
*f_name++ = '\0';
} else {
d_name = ".";
f_name = p_name;
f_namelen = strlen(f_name);
/* Start with high level functions to get handling
of relative path and current drive for free */
dir = opendir(d_name);
if (!dir) {
err_exit("opendir", 1);
dirent = readdir(dir);
if (!dirent) {
err_exit("readdir", 1);
/* Field header_pointer directly follows field last_mod */
cur_addr = *(unsigned*)(&dirent->d_mtime.hour + 1);
dhandle = dio_open(getcurrentdevice());
if (!dhandle) {
err_exit("dio_open", 1);
if (dio_read(dhandle, cur_addr, &dir_block)) {
err_exit("dio_read.1", 1);
/* Get directory entry infos from directory header */
entry_length = dir_block.bytes[0x23];
entries_per_block = dir_block.bytes[0x24];
/* Skip directory header entry */
cur_entry = 1;
do {
/* Search for next active directory entry */
do {
/* Check if next directory block is necessary */
if (cur_entry == entries_per_block) {
/* Check if another directory block is present */
cur_addr = dir_block.content.next_block;
if (!cur_addr) {
err_exit("dio_read.2", 1);
/* Read next directory block */
if (dio_read(dhandle, cur_addr, &dir_block)) {
err_exit("dio_read.3", 1);
/* Start with first entry in next block */
cur_entry = 0;
/* Compute pointer to current entry */
dir_entry = (struct dir_entry_t*)(dir_block.content.entries +
cur_entry * entry_length);
/* Switch to next entry */
} while (!dir_entry->storage_length.storage_type);
} while (dir_entry->storage_length.name_length != f_namelen ||
strncasecmp(dir_entry->file_name, f_name, f_namelen));
return cur_addr;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
char input[80];
char* p_name;
unsigned dir_addr;
unsigned header_addr;
unsigned char index;
unsigned long size;
if (argc > 1) {
p_name = argv[1];
} else {
"Apple GEOS Convert 1.0\n"
p_name = gets(input);
dir_addr = get_dir_entry(p_name);
/* Read index block */
if (dio_read(dhandle, dir_entry->key_pointer, &index_block)) {
err_exit("dio_read.4", 1);
/* First pointer is header block */
header_addr = index_block.content.addr_lo[0] |
index_block.content.addr_hi[0] << 8;
/* Read header block */
if (dio_read(dhandle, header_addr, &header_block)) {
err_exit("dio_read.5", 1);
/* Do some sanity check */
for (index = 0; index < sizeof(info_signature); ++index) {
if (header_block.content.info_block[index] != info_signature[index]) {
err_exit("file signature mismatch", 0);
/* Check ProDOS storage type in directory entry template */
if (header_block.content.dir_entry.storage_length.storage_type == 2)
/* ProDOS sapling file means GEOS Sequential file*/
printf("\nSequential file\n");
/* Remove header block pointer from pointer list */
&index_block.content.addr_lo[1], sizeof(index_block.content.addr_lo) - 1);
&index_block.content.addr_hi[1], sizeof(index_block.content.addr_hi) - 1);
/* Get file size from ProDOS directory entry template */
size = (unsigned long)(header_block.content.dir_entry.size[0]) |
(unsigned long)(header_block.content.dir_entry.size[1]) << 8 |
(unsigned long)(header_block.content.dir_entry.size[2]) << 16;
} else {
/* ProDOS tree file means GEOS VLIR file */
unsigned vlir_addr;
unsigned long vlir_size;
unsigned char vlir_blocks;
unsigned char record = 0;
printf("\nVLIR file\n");
/* Skip header block pointer */
index = 1;
size = 0;
while (1) {
/* Get next VLIR index pointer from index block */
vlir_addr = index_block.content.addr_lo[index] |
index_block.content.addr_hi[index] << 8;
/* Check for end of pointer list */
if (vlir_addr == 0) {
/* Check for empty VLIRs */
while (header_block.content.vlir_records[record] == 0xFF) {
/* Add empty VLIR index pointer to to master index block */
master_block.content.addr_lo[record] = 0xFF;
master_block.content.addr_hi[record] = 0xFF;
/* Add VLIR index pointer to master index block */
master_block.content.addr_lo[record] = (unsigned char)(vlir_addr );
master_block.content.addr_hi[record] = (unsigned char)(vlir_addr >> 8);
/* Read VLIR index block */
if (dio_read(dhandle, vlir_addr, &vlir_block)) {
err_exit("dio_read.6", 1);
/* Get VLIR size from VLIR index block */
vlir_size = (unsigned long)(vlir_block.content.size_lo[1]) |
(unsigned long)(vlir_block.content.size_hi[1]) << 8 |
(unsigned long)(vlir_block.content.size_lo[0]) << 16 |
(unsigned long)(vlir_block.content.size_hi[0]) << 24;
printf("VLIR %u size %lu bytes\n", record - 1, vlir_size);
/* Compute VLIR block size */
vlir_blocks = (unsigned char)((vlir_size + 511) / 512);
/* Copy VLIR block pointers from index block to VLIR index block */
&index_block.content.addr_lo[index], vlir_blocks);
&index_block.content.addr_hi[index], vlir_blocks);
index += vlir_blocks;
/* Write back VLIR index block */
if (dio_write(dhandle, vlir_addr, &vlir_block)) {
err_exit("dio_write.1", 1);
/* Add VLIR size to file size */
size += vlir_size;
/* Replace (by now completely read) index block with
(by now completely created) master index block */
index_block = master_block;
printf("File size %lu bytes\n\n", size);
/* Set file size in index block */
index_block.content.size_lo[1] = (unsigned char)(size );
index_block.content.size_hi[1] = (unsigned char)(size >> 8);
index_block.content.size_lo[0] = (unsigned char)(size >> 16);
index_block.content.size_hi[0] = (unsigned char)(size >> 24);
/* Write index block */
if (dio_write(dhandle, dir_entry->key_pointer, &index_block)) {
err_exit("dio_write.2", 1);
/* Copy selected fields from directory entry template to directory block */
dir_entry->storage_length = header_block.content.dir_entry.storage_length;
memcpy(dir_entry->file_name, header_block.content.dir_entry.file_name, 15);
dir_entry->file_type = header_block.content.dir_entry.file_type;
dir_entry->size[0] = (unsigned char)(size );
dir_entry->size[1] = (unsigned char)(size >> 8);
dir_entry->size[2] = (unsigned char)(size >> 16);
dir_entry->creation = header_block.content.dir_entry.creation;
dir_entry->version = header_block.content.dir_entry.version;
dir_entry->min_version = header_block.content.dir_entry.min_version;
dir_entry->aux_type = header_addr;
dir_entry->last_mod = header_block.content.dir_entry.last_mod;
/* Write directory block */
if (dio_write(dhandle, dir_addr, &dir_block)) {
err_exit("dio_write.3", 1);
/* We're done */
if (dio_close(dhandle)) {
err_exit("dio_close", 1);
printf("Convert to '%.*s' successful", dir_entry->storage_length.name_length,