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/* */
/* codeinfo.h */
/* */
/* Additional information about 6502 code */
/* */
/* */
/* */
/* (C) 2001-2002 Ullrich von Bassewitz */
/* Wacholderweg 14 */
/* D-70597 Stuttgart */
/* EMail: uz@cc65.org */
/* */
/* */
/* This software is provided 'as-is', without any expressed or implied */
/* warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages */
/* arising from the use of this software. */
/* */
/* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, */
/* including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it */
/* freely, subject to the following restrictions: */
/* */
/* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not */
/* claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software */
/* in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be */
/* appreciated but is not required. */
/* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not */
/* be misrepresented as being the original software. */
/* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source */
/* distribution. */
/* */
#ifndef CODEINFO_H
#define CODEINFO_H
/* Forwards */
struct CodeSeg;
/* Data */
/* Forward to struct RegContents */
struct RegContents;
/* Defines for registers */
#define REG_NONE 0x0000U
#define REG_A 0x0001U
#define REG_X 0x0002U
#define REG_Y 0x0004U
#define REG_TMP1 0x0008U
#define REG_PTR1_LO 0x0010U
#define REG_PTR1_HI 0x0020U
#define REG_PTR2_LO 0x0040U
#define REG_PTR2_HI 0x0080U
#define REG_SREG_LO 0x0100U
#define REG_SREG_HI 0x0200U
#define REG_SAVE_LO 0x0400U
#define REG_SAVE_HI 0x0800U
#define REG_SP_LO 0x1000U
#define REG_SP_HI 0x2000U
/* Defines for some special register usage */
#define SLV_IND 0x00010000U /* Accesses (sp),y */
#define SLV_TOP 0x00020000U /* Accesses (sp),0 */
#define SLV_SP65 0x00200000U /* Accesses 6502 stack pointer */
#define SLV_PH65 0x00400000U /* Pushes onto 6502 stack */
#define SLV_PL65 0x00800000U /* Pops from 6502 stack */
/* Defines for processor states */
#define PSTATE_NONE 0x00000000U
#define PSTATE_C 0x01000000U /* Carry */
#define PSTATE_Z 0x02000000U /* Zero */
#define PSTATE_I 0x04000000U /* Interrupt */
#define PSTATE_D 0x08000000U /* Decimal */
#define PSTATE_U 0x10000000U /* Unused */
#define PSTATE_B 0x20000000U /* Break */
#define PSTATE_V 0x40000000U /* Overflow */
#define PSTATE_N 0x80000000U /* Negative */
/* Combined register defines */
#define REG_PTR1 (REG_PTR1_LO | REG_PTR1_HI)
#define REG_PTR2 (REG_PTR2_LO | REG_PTR2_HI)
#define REG_SP (REG_SP_LO | REG_SP_HI)
#define REG_AX (REG_A | REG_X)
#define REG_AY (REG_A | REG_Y)
#define REG_XY (REG_X | REG_Y)
#define REG_AXY (REG_AX | REG_Y)
#define REG_EAXY (REG_EAX | REG_Y)
#define REG_ZP 0xFFF8U
#define REG_ALL 0xFFFFU
#define PSTATE_6502 0xE7000000U
#define PSTATE_ALL 0xFF000000U
/* Zero page register info */
typedef struct ZPInfo ZPInfo;
struct ZPInfo {
unsigned char Len; /* Length of the following string */
char Name[10]; /* Name of zero page symbol */
unsigned char Size; /* Maximum buffer size of this register */
unsigned short ByteUse; /* Register info for this symbol */
unsigned short WordUse; /* Register info for 16 bit access */
/* Defines for the conditions in a compare */
typedef enum {
CMP_INV = -1,
/* End of the enumeration */
} cmp_t;
/* Defines for the conditions in a compare */
typedef enum {
FNCLS_UNKNOWN = -1, /* Unknown */
FNCLS_BUILTIN, /* Builtin */
FNCLS_GLOBAL, /* Found in global sym table minus the leading underscore */
FNCLS_NUMERIC /* A call to a numeric address */
} fncls_t;
/* Code */
int IsZPArg (const char* Arg);
/* Exam if the main part of the arg string indicates a ZP loc */
fncls_t GetFuncInfo (const char* Name, unsigned int* Use, unsigned int* Chg);
/* For the given function, lookup register information and store it into
** the given variables. If the function is unknown, assume it will use and
** load all registers.
** Return the whatever category the function is in.
const ZPInfo* GetZPInfo (const char* Name);
/* If the given name is a zero page symbol, return a pointer to the info
** struct for this symbol, otherwise return NULL.
unsigned GetRegInfo (struct CodeSeg* S, unsigned Index, unsigned Wanted);
/* Determine register usage information for the instructions starting at the
** given index.
int RegAUsed (struct CodeSeg* S, unsigned Index);
/* Check if the value in A is used. */
int RegXUsed (struct CodeSeg* S, unsigned Index);
/* Check if the value in X is used. */
int RegYUsed (struct CodeSeg* S, unsigned Index);
/* Check if the value in Y is used. */
int RegAXUsed (struct CodeSeg* S, unsigned Index);
/* Check if the value in A or(!) the value in X are used. */
int RegEAXUsed (struct CodeSeg* S, unsigned Index);
/* Check if any of the four bytes in EAX are used. */
unsigned GetKnownReg (unsigned Use, const struct RegContents* RC);
/* Return the register or zero page location from the set in Use, thats
** contents are known. If Use does not contain any register, or if the
** register in question does not have a known value, return REG_NONE.
cmp_t FindBoolCmpCond (const char* Name);
/* Check if the given string is the name of one of the boolean transformer
** subroutine, and if so, return the condition that is evaluated by this
** routine. Return CMP_INV if the condition is not recognised.
cmp_t FindTosCmpCond (const char* Name);
/* Check if this is a call to one of the TOS compare functions (tosgtax).
** Return the condition code or CMP_INV on failure.
const char* GetBoolTransformer (cmp_t Cond);
/* Get the bool transformer corresponding to the given compare condition */
cmp_t GetNegatedCond (cmp_t Cond);
/* Get the logically opposite compare condition */
cmp_t GetRevertedCond (cmp_t Cond);
/* Get the compare condition in reverted order of operands */
const char* GetCmpSuffix (cmp_t Cond);
/* Return the compare suffix by the given a compare condition or 0 on failure */
char* GetBoolCmpSuffix (char* Buf, cmp_t Cond);
/* Search for a boolean transformer subroutine (eg. booleq) by the given compare
** condition.
** Return the output buffer filled with the name of the correct subroutine or 0
** on failure.
char* GetTosCmpSuffix (char* Buf, cmp_t Cond);
/* Search for a TOS compare function (eg. tosgtax) by the given compare condition.
** Return the output buffer filled with the name of the correct function or 0 on
** failure.
/* End of codeinfo.h */