mirror of https://github.com/cc65/cc65.git synced 2024-10-10 17:23:45 +00:00
Oliver Schmidt e3cbc7e8b8 Moved run location of ONCE segment.
Make the same changes to the Apple II that were done with 0ee9b2e446 to the C64.

- The startup code deliberately doesn't make use of symbols defined for the LC segment as that segment is optional.
- The <...>-asm.cfg configs move the segment BSS to an own memory area BSS although this doesn't seem necessary. However the benefit is that the size of the memeory area MAIN is identical to the number of bytes loaded from disk into RAM. To keep this an invariant for all Apple II configs allows to simplify the EXEHDR to just refer to the symbols defined for MAIN.
2016-03-17 21:07:19 +01:00

202 lines
5.8 KiB

; Oliver Schmidt, 2009-09-15
; Startup code for cc65 (Apple2 version)
.export _exit, done, return
.export __STARTUP__ : absolute = 1 ; Mark as startup
.import initlib, donelib
.import zerobss, callmain
.import __ONCE_LOAD__, __ONCE_SIZE__ ; Linker generated
.import __LC_START__, __LC_LAST__ ; Linker generated
.include "zeropage.inc"
.include "apple2.inc"
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
.segment "STARTUP"
; ProDOS TechRefMan, chapter 5.2.1:
; "For maximum interrupt efficiency, a system program should not
; use more than the upper 3/4 of the stack."
ldx #$FF
txs ; Init stack pointer
; Save space by putting some of the start-up code in the ONCE segment,
; which can be re-used by the BSS segment, the heap and the C stack.
jsr init
; Clear the BSS data.
jsr zerobss
; Push the command-line arguments; and, call main().
jsr callmain
; Avoid a re-entrance of donelib. This is also the exit() entry.
_exit: ldx #<exit
lda #>exit
jsr reset ; Setup RESET vector
; Switch in ROM, in case it wasn't already switched in by a RESET.
bit $C082
; Call the module destructors.
jsr donelib
; Restore the original RESET vector.
exit: ldx #$02
: lda rvsave,x
sta SOFTEV,x
bpl :-
; Copy back the zero-page stuff.
ldx #zpspace-1
: lda zpsave,x
sta sp,x
bpl :-
; ProDOS TechRefMan, chapter 5.2.1:
; "System programs should set the stack pointer to $FF at the
; warm-start entry point."
ldx #$FF
txs ; Re-init stack pointer
; We're done
jmp done
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
.segment "ONCE"
; Save the zero-page locations that we need.
init: ldx #zpspace-1
: lda sp,x
sta zpsave,x
bpl :-
; Save the original RESET vector.
ldx #$02
: lda SOFTEV,x
sta rvsave,x
bpl :-
; Check for ProDOS.
ldy $BF00 ; MLI call entry point
cpy #$4C ; Is MLI present? (JMP opcode)
bne basic
; Check the ProDOS system bit map.
lda $BF6F ; Protection for pages $B8 - $BF
cmp #%00000001 ; Exactly system global page is protected
bne basic
; No BASIC.SYSTEM; so, quit to the ProDOS dispatcher instead.
lda #<quit
ldx #>quit
sta done+1
stx done+2
; No BASIC.SYSTEM; so, use the addr of the ProDOS system global page.
lda #<$BF00
ldx #>$BF00
bne :+ ; Branch always
; Get the highest available mem addr from the BASIC interpreter.
basic: lda HIMEM
ldx HIMEM+1
; Set up the C stack.
: sta sp
stx sp+1
; ProDOS TechRefMan, chapter 5.3.5:
; "Your system program should place in the RESET vector the
; address of a routine that ... closes the files."
ldx #<_exit
lda #>_exit
jsr reset ; Setup RESET vector
; Call the module constructors.
jsr initlib
; Switch in LC bank 2 for W/O.
bit $C081
bit $C081
; Set the source start address.
; Aka __LC_LOAD__ iff segment LC exists.
lda #<(__ONCE_LOAD__ + __ONCE_SIZE__)
ldy #>(__ONCE_LOAD__ + __ONCE_SIZE__)
sta $9B
sty $9C
; Set the source last address.
; Aka __LC_LOAD__ + __LC_SIZE__ iff segment LC exists.
lda #<((__ONCE_LOAD__ + __ONCE_SIZE__) + (__LC_LAST__ - __LC_START__))
ldy #>((__ONCE_LOAD__ + __ONCE_SIZE__) + (__LC_LAST__ - __LC_START__))
sta $96
sty $97
; Set the destination last address.
; Aka __LC_RUN__ + __LC_SIZE__ iff segment LC exists.
lda #<__LC_LAST__
ldy #>__LC_LAST__
sta $94
sty $95
; Call into Applesoft Block Transfer Up -- which handles zero-
; sized blocks well -- to move the content of the LC memory area.
jsr $D39A ; BLTU2
; Switch in LC bank 2 for R/O and return.
bit $C080
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Set up the RESET vector.
reset: stx SOFTEV
sta SOFTEV+1
eor #$A5
return: rts
; Quit to the ProDOS dispatcher.
quit: jsr $BF00 ; MLI call entry point
.byte $65 ; Quit
.word q_param
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; MLI parameter list for quit
q_param:.byte $04 ; param_count
.byte $00 ; quit_type
.word $0000 ; reserved
.byte $00 ; reserved
.word $0000 ; reserved
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Final jump when we're done
done: jmp DOSWARM ; Potentially patched at runtime
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
.segment "INIT"
zpsave: .res zpspace
rvsave: .res 3