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synced 2025-03-07 21:32:05 +00:00
It's not because Y must equal zero on rts that we should'nt spare one byte and one cycle.
42 lines
1.1 KiB
42 lines
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; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 26.10.2000
; CC65 runtime: Push value in a/x onto the stack
.export push0, pusha0, pushax
.importzp sp
.macpack cpu
push0: lda #0
pusha0: ldx #0
; This function is used *a lot*, so don't call any subroutines here.
; Beware: The value in ax must not be changed by this function!
; Beware^2: The optimizer knows about the value of Y after the function
; returns!
.proc pushax
pha ; (3)
lda sp ; (6)
sec ; (8)
sbc #2 ; (10)
sta sp ; (13)
bcs @L1 ; (17)
dec sp+1 ; (+5)
@L1: ldy #1 ; (19)
txa ; (21)
sta (sp),y ; (27)
pla ; (31)
dey ; (33)
.if (.cpu .bitand ::CPU_ISET_65SC02)
sta (sp) ; (37)
sta (sp),y ; (38)
rts ; (44/43)