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Colin Leroy-Mira 1093d169ad Fix BSS obliteration by mliparam during exec().
Using mliparam at this time could lead to corruption at the
start of the new executed program if BSS is real full and
mliparam is over $BB00.
The fix is to open the file from the loader stub instead of doing
it before the C library shutdown.
2023-12-14 16:47:33 +01:00

286 lines
8.4 KiB

; Oliver Schmidt, 2011-01-26
; int __fastcall__ exec (const char* progname, const char* cmdline);
.export _exec
.import pushname, popname
.import popax, done, _exit
.include "zeropage.inc"
.include "errno.inc"
.include "apple2.inc"
.include "mli.inc"
; Wrong file type
typerr: lda #$4A ; "Incompatible file format"
; Cleanup name
oserr: jsr popname ; Preserves A
; Set ___oserror
jmp ___mappederrno
; Save cmdline
sta ptr4
stx ptr4+1
; Get and push name
jsr popax
jsr pushname
bne oserr
; ProDOS TechRefMan, chapter
; "The complete or partial pathname of the system program
; is stored at $280, starting with a length byte."
; In fact BASIC.SYSTEM does the same for BLOAD and BRUN of
; binary programs so we should do the same too in any case
; especially as _we_ rely on it in mainargs.s for argv[0]
ldy #$00
lda (sp),y
: lda (sp),y
sta $0280,y
bpl :-
; Set pushed name
lda sp
ldx sp+1
sta mliparam + MLI::INFO::PATHNAME
stx mliparam + MLI::INFO::PATHNAME+1
; Get file_type and aux_type
jsr callmli
bcs oserr
; If we get here the program file at least exists so we copy
; the loader stub right now and patch it later to set params
ldx #size - 1
: lda source,x
sta target,x
bpl :-
; Check program file type
lda mliparam + MLI::INFO::FILE_TYPE
cmp #$FF ; SYS file?
bne binary ; No, check for BIN file
sta file_type ; Save file type for cmdline handling
; SYS programs replace BASIC.SYSTEM so set in the ProDOS system bit map
; protection for pages $80 - $BF just in case BASIC.SYSTEM is there now
ldx #$0F ; Start with protection for pages $B8 - $BF
lda #%00000001 ; Protect only system global page
: sta $BF60,x ; Set protection for 8 pages
lda #%00000000 ; Protect no page
bpl :-
bmi prodos ; Branch always
binary: cmp #$06 ; BIN file?
bne typerr ; No, wrong file type
; Set BIN program load addr
lda mliparam + MLI::INFO::AUX_TYPE
ldx mliparam + MLI::INFO::AUX_TYPE+1
sta data_buffer
stx data_buffer+1
; Check ProDOS system bit map for presence of BASIC.SYSTEM
lda $BF6F ; Protection for pages $B8 - $BF
cmp #%00000001 ; Exactly system global page is protected
beq setvec
; Get highest available mem addr from BASIC.SYSTEM
ldx HIMEM+1 ; High byte
bne setbuf ; Branch always
; BIN programs are supposed to quit through one of the two DOS
; vectors so we set up those to point to the ProDOS dispatcher
setvec: ldx #$03 - 1 ; Size of JMP opcode
: lda dosvec,x
sta DOSWARM,x ; DOS warm start
sta DOSWARM + 3,x ; DOS cold start
bpl :-
; No BASIC.SYSTEM so use addr of ProDOS system global page
prodos: ldx #>$BF00 ; High byte
; The I/O buffer needs to be page aligned
setbuf: lda #$00 ; Low byte
; The I/O buffer needs four pages
; Set OPEN MLI call I/O buffer parameter
sta io_buffer
stx io_buffer+1
.ifdef __APPLE2ENH__
; Calling the 80 column firmware needs the ROM switched
; in, otherwise it copies the F8 ROM to the LC (@ $CEF4)
bit $C082
; ProDOS TechRefMan, chapter
; "80-column text cards -- and other Apple IIe features -- can
; be turned off using the following sequence of instructions:"
lda #$15
jsr $C300
; Switch in LC bank 2 for R/O
bit $C080
; Reset stack as we already passed
; the point of no return anyway
ldx #$FF
; Store up to 127 chars of cmdline (if any)
; including terminating zero in stack page
ldy #$00
lda ptr4+1 ; NULL?
beq :++ ; Yes, store as '\0'
: lda (ptr4),y
: sta $0100,y
beq :+ ; '\0' stored, done
cpy #$7E
bcc :--
lda #$00 ; '\0'
beq :- ; Branch always
; Call loader stub after C library shutdown
: lda #<target
ldx #>target
sta done+1
stx done+2
; Initiate C library shutdown
jmp _exit
; Open program file
; PATHNAME parameter is already set (we reuse
; the copy at $0280); IO_BUFFER has been setup
; before shutting down the C library
jsr $BF00
.word open_param
bcs error
; Copy REF_NUM to MLI READ and CLOSE parameters
lda open_ref
sta read_ref
sta close_ref
; Read whole program file
jsr $BF00
.word read_param
bcs error
; Close program file
jsr $BF00
.word close_param
bcs error
; Check for cmdline handling
ldx file_type ; SYS file?
bne system ; Yes, check for startup filename
; Store REM and cmdline in BASIC input buffer
lda #$B2 ; REM token
bne :++ ; Branch always
: inx
lda a:$0100-1,x
: sta $0200,x
bne :--
beq jump ; Branch always
; Check for startup filename support
; ProDOS TechRefMan, chapter
; "$2000 is a jump instruction. $2003 and $2004 are $EE."
system: lda #$4C
cmp $2000
bne jump
lda #$EE
cmp $2003
bne jump
cmp $2004
bne jump
; Store cmdline in startup filename buffer
ldx #$01
: lda a:$0100-1,x
beq :+
sta $2006,x
cpx $2005 ; Buffer full?
bcc :- ; No, continue
: dex
stx $2006 ; Store cmdline length
; Go for it ...
jump: jmp (data_buffer)
file_type = * - source + target
.byte $00
open_param = * - source + target
.byte $03 ; PARAM_COUNT
.addr $0280 ; PATHNAME
io_buffer = * - source + target
.addr $0000 ; IO_BUFFER
open_ref = * - source + target
.byte $00 ; REF_NUM
read_param = * - source + target
.byte $04 ; PARAM_COUNT
read_ref = * - source + target
.byte $00 ; REF_NUM
data_buffer = * - source + target
.addr $2000 ; DATA_BUFFER
.word $0000 ; TRANS_COUNT
close_param = * - source + target
.byte $01 ; PARAM_COUNT
close_ref = * - source + target
.byte $00 ; REF_NUM
; Quit to ProDOS dispatcher
quit = * - source + target
error: jsr $BF00
.byte $65 ; QUIT
.word quit_param
quit_param = * - source + target
.byte $04 ; PARAM_COUNT
.byte $00 ; QUIT_TYPE
.word $0000 ; RESERVED
.byte $00 ; RESERVED
.word $0000 ; RESERVED
size = * - source
target = DOSWARM - size
; Make sure that the loader isn't too big, and
; fits in $300-$3D0
.assert target >= $300, error
dosvec: jmp quit