mirror of https://github.com/specht/champ.git synced 2024-12-22 03:30:47 +00:00

added PC to source code

This commit is contained in:
Michael Specht 2018-02-19 22:07:41 +01:00
parent d1687f534d
commit 61ff02e98c

View File

@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ class Champ
@execution_log_size = 20
@code_for_pc = {}
@source_for_file = {}
@pc_for_file_and_line = {}
args = ARGV.dup
while args.size > 1
item = args.shift
@ -788,25 +789,33 @@ class Champ
# write error dump
if @error
io = StringIO.new
io.puts "<div>"
io.puts "<h2>Error log</h2>"
io.puts "<div style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>"
io.puts "<h2>Source code</h2>"
io.puts "<code><pre>"
source_code = @code_for_pc[@error[:pc]]
STDERR.puts source_code.to_yaml
offset = source_code[:line] - 1
this_filename = source_code[:file]
io.puts "<span class='heading'>#{sprintf('%-83s', this_filename)}</span>"
io.puts "<span class='heading'> Line | PC | #{sprintf('%-75s', this_filename)}</span>"
((offset - 16)..(offset + 16)).each do |i|
next if i < 0 || i >= @source_for_file[this_filename].size
io.print "<span class='#{(i == offset) ? 'error' : 'code'}'>"
io.print sprintf('%5d | %-75s', i + 1, @source_for_file[this_filename][i])
line_pc = nil
if @pc_for_file_and_line[this_filename]
if @pc_for_file_and_line[this_filename][i]
line_pc = sprintf('0x%04x', @pc_for_file_and_line[this_filename][i + 1])
line_pc ||= ''
io.print sprintf('%5d | %6s | %-75s', i + 1, line_pc, @source_for_file[this_filename][i])
io.print "</span>" if i == offset
io.puts "</pre></code>"
io.puts "</div>"
io.puts "<h3>Debug log</h3>"
io.puts "<div style='display: inline-block;'>"
io.puts "<h2>Execution log</h2>"
io.puts "<code><pre>"
io.puts sprintf("<span class='heading'> PC | A X Y PC SP Flags </span>")
@execution_log.each do |item|
@ -817,6 +826,8 @@ class Champ
io.puts "</div>"
io.puts "<div style='clear: both;'></div>"
report.sub!('#{error}', io.string)
report.sub!('#{error}', '')
@ -843,6 +854,7 @@ class Champ
@source_line = -3
File.open(path, 'r') do |f|
f.each_line do |line|
@pc_for_file_and_line[input_file] ||= {}
@source_line += 1
parts = line.split('|')
next unless parts.size > 2
@ -855,15 +867,13 @@ class Champ
code_parts = code.split(/\s+/)
line_number = parts[1].split(' ').map { |x| x.strip }.reject { |x| x.empty? }.last.to_i
# unless (@pc_code_lines.last || 0) == pc
STDERR.puts line_number
@code_for_pc[pc] = {
:file => input_file,
:line => line_number,
# @pc_code_lines << pc
# end
@code_for_pc[pc] = {
:file => input_file,
:line => line_number,
@pc_for_file_and_line[input_file][line_number] = pc
next if code_parts.empty?
label = nil