Hellschreiber fonts

This directory contains fonts for the Hellschreiber and similar dot-matrix communication equipment. These fonts have been manually constructed based on images from https://www.nonstopsystems.com/radio/hellschreiber-fonts.htm.

Not all images are clear so there may be errors. For the Cyrillic font, additional assumptions have been made as not all characters could be inferred from the images provided.

The following are included:

Machine Cell size
Feld-Hell Typenbildschreiber 24a Latin 7x14
Feld-Hell Typenbildschreiber 24a Cyrillic 7x14
Hellschreiber T-Typ 72 GL 7x14
Hell-80 7x9
GTL Telewriter 7x8
Abtastfernschreiber 8x14

The source additionally provides images for the Feld-Hell Tbs 24b. These have not yet been included.