mirror of https://gitlab.com/camelot/kickc.git synced 2024-12-27 09:31:18 +00:00

Working on mega65 DMA line drawer. Works for fixed x1, y1.

This commit is contained in:
jespergravgaard 2021-04-01 01:32:02 +02:00
parent d08c678449
commit 2702432332
11 changed files with 306 additions and 18 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
lda {m2}+1
ora #$7f
bmi !+
lda #0
sta $ff
lda {m2}
adc #<{c1}
sta {m1}
lda {m2}+1
adc #>{c1}
sta {m1}+1
lda $ff
adc #<{c1}>>$10
sta {m1}+2
lda $ff
adc #>{c1}>>$10
sta {m1}+3

View File

@ -17,4 +17,3 @@ sta {m1}+2
lda {m1}+3
adc $ff
sta {m1}+3

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
ora #$7f
bmi !+
lda #0
sta $ff
adc {m2}
sta {m1}
lda {m2}+1
adc $ff
sta {m1}+1
lda {m2}+2
adc $ff
sta {m1}+2
lda {m2}+3
adc $ff
sta {m1}+3

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
lda {m2}
adc {m3}
sta {m1}
lda {m2}+1
adc {m3}+1
sta {m1}+1
lda {m2}+2
adc {m3}+2
sta {m1}+2
lda {m2}+3
adc {m3}+3
sta {m1}+3

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
lda {m3}+1
ora #$7f
bmi !+
lda #0
sta $ff
lda {m2}+1
ora #$7f
bmi !+
lda #0
sta $fe
lda {m2}
adc {m3}
sta {m1}
lda {m2}+1
adc {m3}+1
sta {m1}+1
lda $fe
adc $ff
sta {m1}+2
lda $fe
adc $ff
sta {m1}+3

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
lda {m1}
sta {m1}+1
lda #0
sta {m1}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
lda {m1}+1
sta {m1}
ora #$7f
bmi !+
lda #0
sta {m1}+1

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
lda {m2}+1
sta {m1}
and #$80
beq !+
lda #$ff
ora #$7f
bmi !+
lda #0
sta {m1}+1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
lda {m2}
sta {m1}
lda {m2}+1
sta {m1}+1

View File

@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ void memoryRemap256M(unsigned char remapBlocks, unsigned long lowerPageOffset, u
lda lMb // lower blocks offset megabytes
ldx #$0f // lower signal for MB offset
ldy uMb // upper blocks offset megabytes
ldz #$00 // upper signal for MB offset
ldz #$0f // upper signal for MB offset
lda aVal // lower blocks offset page low
ldx xVal // lower blocks to map + lower blocks offset high nibble

View File

@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
// Test hardware line drawing
// Based on https://github.com/MEGA65/mega65-tools/blob/master/src/tests/test_290.c
#pragma target(mega65)
#pragma target(mega65_remote)
#include <mega65.h>
#include <mega65-dma.h>
#include <6502.h>
#define POKE(addr,val) *((char*)(addr)) = val
#define PEEK(addr) *((char*)addr)
// Poke a value directly into memory
// - addr: The 32bit address to poke to
@ -19,23 +21,60 @@ void lpoke(__zp unsigned long addr, char val) {
char line_dmalist[256];
char slope_ofs, line_mode_ofs, cmd_ofs, count_ofs;
char src_ofs, dst_ofs;
void main() {
// Avoid interrupts
// Map memory to BANK 0 : 0x00XXXX - giving access to I/O
// Avoid interrupts
// Fast CPU, M65 IO
POKE(0, 65);
POKE(0xD02F, 0x47);
POKE(0xD02F, 0x53);
// Map memory to BANK 0 : 0x00XXXX - giving access to I/O
// Fast CPU, M65 IO
POKE(0, 65);
POKE(0xD02F, 0x47);
POKE(0xD02F, 0x53);
// No C65 ROMs are mapped
POKE(0xD030, 0x00);
for(;;) ;
// Set up common structure of the DMA list
char ofs = 0;
// Screen layout is in vertical stripes, so we need only to setup the
// X offset step. 64x25 =
line_dmalist[ofs++] = 0x87;
line_dmalist[ofs++] = (1600 - 8) & 0xff;
line_dmalist[ofs++] = 0x88;
line_dmalist[ofs++] = (1600 - 8) >> 8;
line_dmalist[ofs++] = 0x8b;
slope_ofs = ofs++; // remember where we have to put the slope in
line_dmalist[ofs++] = 0x8c;
line_dmalist[ofs++] = 0x8f;
line_mode_ofs = ofs++;
line_dmalist[ofs++] = 0x0a; // F018A list format
line_dmalist[ofs++] = 0x00; // end of options
cmd_ofs = ofs++; // command byte
count_ofs = ofs;
ofs += 2;
src_ofs = ofs;
ofs += 3;
dst_ofs = ofs;
ofs += 3;
line_dmalist[ofs++] = 0x00; // modulo
line_dmalist[ofs++] = 0x00;
int x1 = 160;
for(int x2=0;x2<320;x2+=11) {
draw_line(x1, 100, x2, 198, 1);
@ -76,5 +115,164 @@ void graphics_mode(void) {
POKE(0xD020, 0);
POKE(0xD021, 0);
// Fill the graphics
memset_dma256(0x0, 0x4, 0x0000, 0x00, 320*200);
memset_dma256(0x0, 0x4, 0x0000, 0x055, 8*200);
memset_dma256(0x0, 0x4, 0x0000+200*39*8, 0x055, 8*200);
void draw_line(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, unsigned char colour)
long addr;
int temp, slope, dx, dy;
// Ignore if we choose to draw a point
if (x2 == x1 && y2 == y1)
dx = x2 - x1;
dy = y2 - y1;
if (dx < 0)
dx = -dx;
if (dy < 0)
dy = -dy;
// snprintf(msg,41,"(%d,%d) - (%d,%d) ",x1,y1,x2,y2);
// print_text(0,1,1,msg);
// Draw line from x1,y1 to x2,y2
if (dx < dy) {
// Y is major axis
if (y2 < y1) {
temp = x1;
x1 = x2;
x2 = temp;
temp = y1;
y1 = y2;
y2 = temp;
// Use hardware divider to get the slope
POKE(0xD770, (char)(dx & 0xff));
POKE(0xD771, (char)(dx >> 8));
POKE(0xD772, 0);
POKE(0xD773, 0);
POKE(0xD774, (char)(dy & 0xff));
POKE(0xD775, (char)(dy >> 8));
POKE(0xD776, 0);
POKE(0xD777, 0);
// Wait 16 cycles
POKE(0xD020, 0);
POKE(0xD020, 0);
POKE(0xD020, 0);
POKE(0xD020, 0);
// Slope is the most significant bytes of the fractional part
// of the division result
slope = (int)PEEK(0xD76A) + ((int)PEEK(0xD76B) << 8);
// Put slope into DMA options
line_dmalist[slope_ofs] = (char)(slope & 0xff);
line_dmalist[slope_ofs + 2] = (char)(slope >> 8);
// Load DMA dest address with the address of the first pixel
addr = 0x40000 + (y1 << 3) + (x1 & 7) + (x1 >> 3) * 64 * 25l;
line_dmalist[dst_ofs + 0] = <(<(addr));
line_dmalist[dst_ofs + 1] = >(<(addr));
line_dmalist[dst_ofs + 2] = <(>(addr));
// Source is the colour
line_dmalist[src_ofs] = colour & 0xf;
// Count is number of pixels, i.e., dy.
line_dmalist[count_ofs] = (char)(dy & 0xff);
line_dmalist[count_ofs + 1] = (char)(dy >> 8);
// Command is FILL
line_dmalist[cmd_ofs] = 0x03;
// Line mode active, major axis is Y
line_dmalist[line_mode_ofs] = 0x80 + 0x40 + (((x2 - x1) < 0) ? 0x20 : 0x00);
// snprintf(msg,41,"Y: (%d,%d) - (%d,%d) m=%04x",x1,y1,x2,y2,slope);
// print_text(0,2,1,msg);
POKE(0xD020, 1);
POKE(0xD701, (char)(((unsigned int)(line_dmalist)) >> 8));
POKE(0xD705, (char)(((unsigned int)(line_dmalist)) >> 0));
POKE(0xD020, 0);
else {
// X is major axis
if (x2 < x1) {
temp = x1;
x1 = x2;
x2 = temp;
temp = y1;
y1 = y2;
y2 = temp;
// Use hardware divider to get the slope
POKE(0xD770, (char)(dy & 0xff));
POKE(0xD771, (char)(dy >> 8));
POKE(0xD772, 0);
POKE(0xD773, 0);
POKE(0xD774, (char)(dx & 0xff));
POKE(0xD775, (char)(dx >> 8));
POKE(0xD776, 0);
POKE(0xD777, 0);
// Wait 16 cycles
POKE(0xD020, 0);
POKE(0xD020, 0);
POKE(0xD020, 0);
POKE(0xD020, 0);
// Slope is the most significant bytes of the fractional part
// of the division result
slope = (int)PEEK(0xD76A) + ((int)PEEK(0xD76B) << 8);
// Put slope into DMA options
line_dmalist[slope_ofs] = (char)(slope & 0xff);
line_dmalist[slope_ofs + 2] = (char)(slope >> 8);
// Load DMA dest address with the address of the first pixel
addr = 0x40000 + (y1 << 3) + (x1 & 7) + (x1 >> 3) * 64 * 25;
line_dmalist[dst_ofs + 0] = <(<(addr));
line_dmalist[dst_ofs + 1] = >(<(addr));
line_dmalist[dst_ofs + 2] = <(>(addr));
// Source is the colour
line_dmalist[src_ofs] = colour & 0xf;
// Count is number of pixels, i.e., dy.
line_dmalist[count_ofs] = (char)(dx & 0xff);
line_dmalist[count_ofs + 1] = (char)(dx >> 8);
// Command is FILL
line_dmalist[cmd_ofs] = 0x03;
// Line mode active, major axis is X
char line_mode = (((y2 - y1) < 0) ? 0x20 : 0x00);
line_dmalist[line_mode_ofs] = 0x80 + 0x00 + line_mode;
// snprintf(msg,41,"X: (%d,%d) - (%d,%d) m=%04x",x1,y1,x2,y2,slope);
// print_text(0,2,1,msg);
POKE(0xD020, 1);
POKE(0xD701, (char)(((unsigned int)(line_dmalist)) >> 8));
POKE(0xD705, (char)(((unsigned int)(line_dmalist)) >> 0));
POKE(0xD020, 0);