[docs] Add ReST version of all the man pages.

- The POD versions are slated for execution, but are still around until
   llvm.org machinery is in place.

git-svn-id: https://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/llvm/trunk@156384 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
This commit is contained in:
Daniel Dunbar 2012-05-08 16:50:35 +00:00
parent f647c1b777
commit 3b709d5f55
22 changed files with 3953 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
FileCheck - Flexible pattern matching file verifier
**FileCheck** *match-filename* [*--check-prefix=XXX*] [*--strict-whitespace*]
**FileCheck** reads two files (one from standard input, and one specified on the
command line) and uses one to verify the other. This behavior is particularly
useful for the testsuite, which wants to verify that the output of some tool
(e.g. llc) contains the expected information (for example, a movsd from esp or
whatever is interesting). This is similar to using grep, but it is optimized
for matching multiple different inputs in one file in a specific order.
The *match-filename* file specifies the file that contains the patterns to
match. The file to verify is always read from standard input.
Print a summary of command line options.
**--check-prefix** *prefix*
FileCheck searches the contents of *match-filename* for patterns to match. By
default, these patterns are prefixed with "CHECK:". If you'd like to use a
different prefix (e.g. because the same input file is checking multiple
different tool or options), the **--check-prefix** argument allows you to specify
a specific prefix to match.
By default, FileCheck canonicalizes input horizontal whitespace (spaces and
tabs) which causes it to ignore these differences (a space will match a tab).
The --strict-whitespace argument disables this behavior.
Show the version number of this program.
If **FileCheck** verifies that the file matches the expected contents, it exits
with 0. Otherwise, if not, or if an error occurs, it will exit with a non-zero
FileCheck is typically used from LLVM regression tests, being invoked on the RUN
line of the test. A simple example of using FileCheck from a RUN line looks
like this:
.. code-block:: perl
; RUN: llvm-as < %s | llc -march=x86-64 | FileCheck %s
This syntax says to pipe the current file ("%s") into llvm-as, pipe that into
llc, then pipe the output of llc into FileCheck. This means that FileCheck will
be verifying its standard input (the llc output) against the filename argument
specified (the original .ll file specified by "%s"). To see how this works,
let's look at the rest of the .ll file (after the RUN line):
.. code-block:: perl
define void @sub1(i32* %p, i32 %v) {
; CHECK: sub1:
; CHECK: subl
%0 = tail call i32 @llvm.atomic.load.sub.i32.p0i32(i32* %p, i32 %v)
ret void
define void @inc4(i64* %p) {
; CHECK: inc4:
; CHECK: incq
%0 = tail call i64 @llvm.atomic.load.add.i64.p0i64(i64* %p, i64 1)
ret void
Here you can see some "CHECK:" lines specified in comments. Now you can see
how the file is piped into llvm-as, then llc, and the machine code output is
what we are verifying. FileCheck checks the machine code output to verify that
it matches what the "CHECK:" lines specify.
The syntax of the CHECK: lines is very simple: they are fixed strings that
must occur in order. FileCheck defaults to ignoring horizontal whitespace
differences (e.g. a space is allowed to match a tab) but otherwise, the contents
of the CHECK: line is required to match some thing in the test file exactly.
One nice thing about FileCheck (compared to grep) is that it allows merging
test cases together into logical groups. For example, because the test above
is checking for the "sub1:" and "inc4:" labels, it will not match unless there
is a "subl" in between those labels. If it existed somewhere else in the file,
that would not count: "grep subl" matches if subl exists anywhere in the
The FileCheck -check-prefix option
The FileCheck -check-prefix option allows multiple test configurations to be
driven from one .ll file. This is useful in many circumstances, for example,
testing different architectural variants with llc. Here's a simple example:
.. code-block:: perl
; RUN: llvm-as < %s | llc -mtriple=i686-apple-darwin9 -mattr=sse41 \
; RUN: | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=X32>
; RUN: llvm-as < %s | llc -mtriple=x86_64-apple-darwin9 -mattr=sse41 \
; RUN: | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=X64>
define <4 x i32> @pinsrd_1(i32 %s, <4 x i32> %tmp) nounwind {
%tmp1 = insertelement <4 x i32>; %tmp, i32 %s, i32 1
ret <4 x i32> %tmp1
; X32: pinsrd_1:
; X32: pinsrd $1, 4(%esp), %xmm0
; X64: pinsrd_1:
; X64: pinsrd $1, %edi, %xmm0
In this case, we're testing that we get the expected code generation with
both 32-bit and 64-bit code generation.
The "CHECK-NEXT:" directive
Sometimes you want to match lines and would like to verify that matches
happen on exactly consecutive lines with no other lines in between them. In
this case, you can use CHECK: and CHECK-NEXT: directives to specify this. If
you specified a custom check prefix, just use "<PREFIX>-NEXT:". For
example, something like this works as you'd expect:
.. code-block:: perl
define void @t2(<2 x double>* %r, <2 x double&gt;* %A, double %B) {
%tmp3 = load <2 x double&gt;* %A, align 16
%tmp7 = insertelement <2 x double&gt; undef, double %B, i32 0
%tmp9 = shufflevector <2 x double&gt; %tmp3,
<2 x double&gt; %tmp7,
<2 x i32&gt; < i32 0, i32 2 &gt;
store <2 x double&gt; %tmp9, <2 x double&gt;* %r, align 16
ret void
; CHECK: t2:
; CHECK: movl 8(%esp), %eax
; CHECK-NEXT: movapd (%eax), %xmm0
; CHECK-NEXT: movhpd 12(%esp), %xmm0
; CHECK-NEXT: movl 4(%esp), %eax
; CHECK-NEXT: movapd %xmm0, (%eax)
CHECK-NEXT: directives reject the input unless there is exactly one newline
between it an the previous directive. A CHECK-NEXT cannot be the first
directive in a file.
The "CHECK-NOT:" directive
The CHECK-NOT: directive is used to verify that a string doesn't occur
between two matches (or before the first match, or after the last match). For
example, to verify that a load is removed by a transformation, a test like this
can be used:
.. code-block:: perl
define i8 @coerce_offset0(i32 %V, i32* %P) {
store i32 %V, i32* %P
%P2 = bitcast i32* %P to i8*
%P3 = getelementptr i8* %P2, i32 2
%A = load i8* %P3
ret i8 %A
; CHECK: @coerce_offset0
; CHECK-NOT: load
; CHECK: ret i8
FileCheck Pattern Matching Syntax
The CHECK: and CHECK-NOT: directives both take a pattern to match. For most
uses of FileCheck, fixed string matching is perfectly sufficient. For some
things, a more flexible form of matching is desired. To support this, FileCheck
allows you to specify regular expressions in matching strings, surrounded by
double braces: **{{yourregex}}**. Because we want to use fixed string
matching for a majority of what we do, FileCheck has been designed to support
mixing and matching fixed string matching with regular expressions. This allows
you to write things like this:
.. code-block:: perl
; CHECK: movhpd {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), {{%xmm[0-7]}}
In this case, any offset from the ESP register will be allowed, and any xmm
register will be allowed.
Because regular expressions are enclosed with double braces, they are
visually distinct, and you don't need to use escape characters within the double
braces like you would in C. In the rare case that you want to match double
braces explicitly from the input, you can use something ugly like
**{{[{][{]}}** as your pattern.
FileCheck Variables
It is often useful to match a pattern and then verify that it occurs again
later in the file. For codegen tests, this can be useful to allow any register,
but verify that that register is used consistently later. To do this, FileCheck
allows named variables to be defined and substituted into patterns. Here is a
simple example:
.. code-block:: perl
; CHECK: test5:
; CHECK: notw [[REGISTER:%[a-z]+]]
; CHECK: andw {{.*}}[REGISTER]]
The first check line matches a regex (**%[a-z]+**) and captures it into
the variable "REGISTER". The second line verifies that whatever is in REGISTER
occurs later in the file after an "andw". FileCheck variable references are
always contained in **[[ ]]** pairs, are named, and their names can be
name, then it is a definition of the variable, if not, it is a use.
FileCheck variables can be defined multiple times, and uses always get the
latest value. Note that variables are all read at the start of a "CHECK" line
and are all defined at the end. This means that if you have something like
"**CHECK: [[XYZ:.\\*]]x[[XYZ]]**", the check line will read the previous
value of the XYZ variable and define a new one after the match is performed. If
you need to do something like this you can probably take advantage of the fact
that FileCheck is not actually line-oriented when it matches, this allows you to
define two separate CHECK lines that match on the same line.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
bugpoint - automatic test case reduction tool
**bugpoint** [*options*] [*input LLVM ll/bc files*] [*LLVM passes*] **--args**
*program arguments*
**bugpoint** narrows down the source of problems in LLVM tools and passes. It
can be used to debug three types of failures: optimizer crashes, miscompilations
by optimizers, or bad native code generation (including problems in the static
and JIT compilers). It aims to reduce large test cases to small, useful ones.
For more information on the design and inner workings of **bugpoint**, as well as
advice for using bugpoint, see *llvm/docs/Bugpoint.html* in the LLVM
**--additional-so** *library*
Load the dynamic shared object *library* into the test program whenever it is
run. This is useful if you are debugging programs which depend on non-LLVM
libraries (such as the X or curses libraries) to run.
**--append-exit-code**\ =\ *{true,false}*
Append the test programs exit code to the output file so that a change in exit
code is considered a test failure. Defaults to false.
**--args** *program args*
Pass all arguments specified after -args to the test program whenever it runs.
Note that if any of the *program args* start with a '-', you should use:
.. code-block:: perl
bugpoint [bugpoint args] --args -- [program args]
The "--" right after the **--args** option tells **bugpoint** to consider any
options starting with ``-`` to be part of the **--args** option, not as options to
**bugpoint** itself.
**--tool-args** *tool args*
Pass all arguments specified after --tool-args to the LLVM tool under test
(**llc**, **lli**, etc.) whenever it runs. You should use this option in the
following way:
.. code-block:: perl
bugpoint [bugpoint args] --tool-args -- [tool args]
The "--" right after the **--tool-args** option tells **bugpoint** to consider any
options starting with ``-`` to be part of the **--tool-args** option, not as
options to **bugpoint** itself. (See **--args**, above.)
**--safe-tool-args** *tool args*
Pass all arguments specified after **--safe-tool-args** to the "safe" execution
**--gcc-tool-args** *gcc tool args*
Pass all arguments specified after **--gcc-tool-args** to the invocation of
**--opt-args** *opt args*
Pass all arguments specified after **--opt-args** to the invocation of **opt**.
Do not run the specified passes to clean up and reduce the size of the test
program. By default, **bugpoint** uses these passes internally when attempting to
reduce test programs. If you're trying to find a bug in one of these passes,
**bugpoint** may crash.
Use valgrind to find faults in the optimization phase. This will allow
bugpoint to find otherwise asymptomatic problems caused by memory
Continually randomize the specified passes and run them on the test program
until a bug is found or the user kills **bugpoint**.
Print a summary of command line options.
**--input** *filename*
Open *filename* and redirect the standard input of the test program, whenever
it runs, to come from that file.
**--load** *plugin*
Load the dynamic object *plugin* into **bugpoint** itself. This object should
register new optimization passes. Once loaded, the object will add new command
line options to enable various optimizations. To see the new complete list of
optimizations, use the **-help** and **--load** options together; for example:
.. code-block:: perl
bugpoint --load myNewPass.so -help
**--mlimit** *megabytes*
Specifies an upper limit on memory usage of the optimization and codegen. Set
to zero to disable the limit.
**--output** *filename*
Whenever the test program produces output on its standard output stream, it
should match the contents of *filename* (the "reference output"). If you
do not use this option, **bugpoint** will attempt to generate a reference output
by compiling the program with the "safe" backend and running it.
**--profile-info-file** *filename*
Profile file loaded by **--profile-loader**.
Whenever the test program is compiled, **bugpoint** should generate code for it
using the specified code generator. These options allow you to choose the
interpreter, the JIT compiler, the static native code compiler, or a
custom command (see **--exec-command**) respectively.
When debugging a code generator, **bugpoint** should use the specified code
generator as the "safe" code generator. This is a known-good code generator
used to generate the "reference output" if it has not been provided, and to
compile portions of the program that as they are excluded from the testcase.
These options allow you to choose the
static native code compiler, or a custom command, (see **--exec-command**)
respectively. The interpreter and the JIT backends cannot currently
be used as the "safe" backends.
**--exec-command** *command*
This option defines the command to use with the **--run-custom** and
**--safe-custom** options to execute the bitcode testcase. This can
be useful for cross-compilation.
**--compile-command** *command*
This option defines the command to use with the **--compile-custom**
option to compile the bitcode testcase. This can be useful for
testing compiler output without running any link or execute stages. To
generate a reduced unit test, you may add CHECK directives to the
testcase and pass the name of an executable compile-command script in this form:
.. code-block:: perl
llc "$@"
not FileCheck [bugpoint input file].ll < bugpoint-test-program.s
This script will "fail" as long as FileCheck passes. So the result
will be the minimum bitcode that passes FileCheck.
**--safe-path** *path*
This option defines the path to the command to execute with the
If **bugpoint** succeeds in finding a problem, it will exit with 0. Otherwise,
if an error occurs, it will exit with a non-zero value.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
.. _commands:
LLVM Command Guide
The following documents are command descriptions for all of the LLVM tools.
These pages describe how to use the LLVM commands and what their options are.
Note that these pages do not describe all of the options available for all
tools. To get a complete listing, pass the ``--help`` (general options) or
``--help-hidden`` (general and debugging options) arguments to the tool you are
interested in.
Basic Commands
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
Debugging Tools
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
Developer Tools
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1

docs/CommandGuide/lit.rst Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
lit - LLVM Integrated Tester
**lit** [*options*] [*tests*]
**lit** is a portable tool for executing LLVM and Clang style test suites,
summarizing their results, and providing indication of failures. **lit** is
designed to be a lightweight testing tool with as simple a user interface as
**lit** should be run with one or more *tests* to run specified on the command
line. Tests can be either individual test files or directories to search for
tests (see "TEST DISCOVERY").
Each specified test will be executed (potentially in parallel) and once all
tests have been run **lit** will print summary information on the number of tests
which passed or failed (see "TEST STATUS RESULTS"). The **lit** program will
execute with a non-zero exit code if any tests fail.
By default **lit** will use a succinct progress display and will only print
summary information for test failures. See "OUTPUT OPTIONS" for options
controlling the **lit** progress display and output.
**lit** also includes a number of options for controlling how tests are executed
(specific features may depend on the particular test format). See "EXECUTION
OPTIONS" for more information.
Finally, **lit** also supports additional options for only running a subset of
the options specified on the command line, see "SELECTION OPTIONS" for
more information.
Users interested in the **lit** architecture or designing a **lit** testing
implementation should see "LIT INFRASTRUCTURE"
**-h**, **--help**
Show the **lit** help message.
**-j** *N*, **--threads**\ =\ *N*
Run *N* tests in parallel. By default, this is automatically chosen to match
the number of detected available CPUs.
**--config-prefix**\ =\ *NAME*
Search for *NAME.cfg* and *NAME.site.cfg* when searching for test suites,
instead of *lit.cfg* and *lit.site.cfg*.
**--param** *NAME*, **--param** *NAME*\ =\ *VALUE*
Add a user defined parameter *NAME* with the given *VALUE* (or the empty
string if not given). The meaning and use of these parameters is test suite
**-q**, **--quiet**
Suppress any output except for test failures.
**-s**, **--succinct**
Show less output, for example don't show information on tests that pass.
**-v**, **--verbose**
Show more information on test failures, for example the entire test output
instead of just the test result.
Do not use curses based progress bar.
**--path**\ =\ *PATH*
Specify an addition *PATH* to use when searching for executables in tests.
Run individual tests under valgrind (using the memcheck tool). The
*--error-exitcode* argument for valgrind is used so that valgrind failures will
cause the program to exit with a non-zero status.
**--vg-arg**\ =\ *ARG*
When *--vg* is used, specify an additional argument to pass to valgrind itself.
Track the wall time individual tests take to execute and includes the results in
the summary output. This is useful for determining which tests in a test suite
take the most time to execute. Note that this option is most useful with *-j
**--max-tests**\ =\ *N*
Run at most *N* tests and then terminate.
**--max-time**\ =\ *N*
Spend at most *N* seconds (approximately) running tests and then terminate.
Run the tests in a random order.
Run **lit** in debug mode, for debugging configuration issues and **lit** itself.
List the discovered test suites as part of the standard output.
Run Tcl scripts internally (instead of converting to shell scripts).
**--repeat**\ =\ *N*
Run each test *N* times. Currently this is primarily useful for timing tests,
other results are not collated in any reasonable fashion.
**lit** will exit with an exit code of 1 if there are any FAIL or XPASS
results. Otherwise, it will exit with the status 0. Other exit codes are used
for non-test related failures (for example a user error or an internal program
The inputs passed to **lit** can be either individual tests, or entire
directories or hierarchies of tests to run. When **lit** starts up, the first
thing it does is convert the inputs into a complete list of tests to run as part
of *test discovery*.
In the **lit** model, every test must exist inside some *test suite*. **lit**
resolves the inputs specified on the command line to test suites by searching
upwards from the input path until it finds a *lit.cfg* or *lit.site.cfg*
file. These files serve as both a marker of test suites and as configuration
files which **lit** loads in order to understand how to find and run the tests
inside the test suite.
Once **lit** has mapped the inputs into test suites it traverses the list of
inputs adding tests for individual files and recursively searching for tests in
This behavior makes it easy to specify a subset of tests to run, while still
allowing the test suite configuration to control exactly how tests are
interpreted. In addition, **lit** always identifies tests by the test suite they
are in, and their relative path inside the test suite. For appropriately
configured projects, this allows **lit** to provide convenient and flexible
support for out-of-tree builds.
Each test ultimately produces one of the following six results:
The test succeeded.
The test failed, but that is expected. This is used for test formats which allow
specifying that a test does not currently work, but wish to leave it in the test
The test succeeded, but it was expected to fail. This is used for tests which
were specified as expected to fail, but are now succeeding (generally because
the feature they test was broken and has been fixed).
The test failed.
The test result could not be determined. For example, this occurs when the test
could not be run, the test itself is invalid, or the test was interrupted.
The test is not supported in this environment. This is used by test formats
which can report unsupported tests.
Depending on the test format tests may produce additional information about
their status (generally only for failures). See the Output|"OUTPUT OPTIONS"
section for more information.
This section describes the **lit** testing architecture for users interested in
creating a new **lit** testing implementation, or extending an existing one.
**lit** proper is primarily an infrastructure for discovering and running
arbitrary tests, and to expose a single convenient interface to these
tests. **lit** itself doesn't know how to run tests, rather this logic is
defined by *test suites*.
As described in "TEST DISCOVERY", tests are always located inside a *test
suite*. Test suites serve to define the format of the tests they contain, the
logic for finding those tests, and any additional information to run the tests.
**lit** identifies test suites as directories containing *lit.cfg* or
*lit.site.cfg* files (see also **--config-prefix**). Test suites are initially
discovered by recursively searching up the directory hierarchy for all the input
files passed on the command line. You can use **--show-suites** to display the
discovered test suites at startup.
Once a test suite is discovered, its config file is loaded. Config files
themselves are Python modules which will be executed. When the config file is
executed, two important global variables are predefined:
The global **lit** configuration object (a *LitConfig* instance), which defines
the builtin test formats, global configuration parameters, and other helper
routines for implementing test configurations.
This is the config object (a *TestingConfig* instance) for the test suite,
which the config file is expected to populate. The following variables are also
available on the *config* object, some of which must be set by the config and
others are optional or predefined:
**name** *[required]* The name of the test suite, for use in reports and
**test_format** *[required]* The test format object which will be used to
discover and run tests in the test suite. Generally this will be a builtin test
format available from the *lit.formats* module.
**test_src_root** The filesystem path to the test suite root. For out-of-dir
builds this is the directory that will be scanned for tests.
**test_exec_root** For out-of-dir builds, the path to the test suite root inside
the object directory. This is where tests will be run and temporary output files
**environment** A dictionary representing the environment to use when executing
tests in the suite.
**suffixes** For **lit** test formats which scan directories for tests, this
variable is a list of suffixes to identify test files. Used by: *ShTest*,
**substitutions** For **lit** test formats which substitute variables into a test
script, the list of substitutions to perform. Used by: *ShTest*, *TclTest*.
**unsupported** Mark an unsupported directory, all tests within it will be
reported as unsupported. Used by: *ShTest*, *TclTest*.
**parent** The parent configuration, this is the config object for the directory
containing the test suite, or None.
**root** The root configuration. This is the top-most **lit** configuration in
the project.
**on_clone** The config is actually cloned for every subdirectory inside a test
suite, to allow local configuration on a per-directory basis. The *on_clone*
variable can be set to a Python function which will be called whenever a
configuration is cloned (for a subdirectory). The function should takes three
arguments: (1) the parent configuration, (2) the new configuration (which the
*on_clone* function will generally modify), and (3) the test path to the new
directory being scanned.
Once test suites are located, **lit** recursively traverses the source directory
(following *test_src_root*) looking for tests. When **lit** enters a
sub-directory, it first checks to see if a nested test suite is defined in that
directory. If so, it loads that test suite recursively, otherwise it
instantiates a local test config for the directory (see "LOCAL CONFIGURATION
Tests are identified by the test suite they are contained within, and the
relative path inside that suite. Note that the relative path may not refer to an
actual file on disk; some test formats (such as *GoogleTest*) define "virtual
tests" which have a path that contains both the path to the actual test file and
a subpath to identify the virtual test.
When **lit** loads a subdirectory in a test suite, it instantiates a local test
configuration by cloning the configuration for the parent direction -- the root
of this configuration chain will always be a test suite. Once the test
configuration is cloned **lit** checks for a *lit.local.cfg* file in the
subdirectory. If present, this file will be loaded and can be used to specialize
the configuration for each individual directory. This facility can be used to
define subdirectories of optional tests, or to change other configuration
parameters -- for example, to change the test format, or the suffixes which
identify test files.
The b<lit> output for a test run conforms to the following schema, in both short
and verbose modes (although in short mode no PASS lines will be shown). This
schema has been chosen to be relatively easy to reliably parse by a machine (for
example in buildbot log scraping), and for other tools to generate.
Each test result is expected to appear on a line that matches:
<result code>: <test name> (<progress info>)
where <result-code> is a standard test result such as PASS, FAIL, XFAIL, XPASS,
UNRESOLVED, or UNSUPPORTED. The performance result codes of IMPROVED and
REGRESSED are also allowed.
The <test name> field can consist of an arbitrary string containing no newline.
The <progress info> field can be used to report progress information such as
(1/300) or can be empty, but even when empty the parentheses are required.
Each test result may include additional (multiline) log information in the
following format.
<log delineator> TEST '(<test name>)' <trailing delineator>
... log message ...
<log delineator>
where <test name> should be the name of a preceeding reported test, <log
delineator> is a string of '\*' characters *at least* four characters long (the
recommended length is 20), and <trailing delineator> is an arbitrary (unparsed)
The following is an example of a test run output which consists of four tests A,
B, C, and D, and a log message for the failing test C::
PASS: A (1 of 4)
PASS: B (2 of 4)
FAIL: C (3 of 4)
\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* TEST 'C' FAILED \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*
Test 'C' failed as a result of exit code 1.
PASS: D (4 of 4)
The **lit** distribution contains several example implementations of test suites
in the *ExampleTests* directory.

docs/CommandGuide/llc.rst Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
llc - LLVM static compiler
**llc** [*options*] [*filename*]
The **llc** command compiles LLVM source inputs into assembly language for a
specified architecture. The assembly language output can then be passed through
a native assembler and linker to generate a native executable.
The choice of architecture for the output assembly code is automatically
determined from the input file, unless the **-march** option is used to override
the default.
If *filename* is - or omitted, **llc** reads from standard input. Otherwise, it
will from *filename*. Inputs can be in either the LLVM assembly language
format (.ll) or the LLVM bitcode format (.bc).
If the **-o** option is omitted, then **llc** will send its output to standard
output if the input is from standard input. If the **-o** option specifies -,
then the output will also be sent to standard output.
If no **-o** option is specified and an input file other than - is specified,
then **llc** creates the output filename by taking the input filename,
removing any existing *.bc* extension, and adding a *.s* suffix.
Other **llc** options are as follows:
End-user Options
Print a summary of command line options.
**-O**\ =\ *uint*
Generate code at different optimization levels. These correspond to the *-O0*,
*-O1*, *-O2*, and *-O3* optimization levels used by **llvm-gcc** and
**-mtriple**\ =\ *target triple*
Override the target triple specified in the input file with the specified
**-march**\ =\ *arch*
Specify the architecture for which to generate assembly, overriding the target
encoded in the input file. See the output of **llc -help** for a list of
valid architectures. By default this is inferred from the target triple or
autodetected to the current architecture.
**-mcpu**\ =\ *cpuname*
Specify a specific chip in the current architecture to generate code for.
By default this is inferred from the target triple and autodetected to
the current architecture. For a list of available CPUs, use:
**llvm-as < /dev/null | llc -march=xyz -mcpu=help**
**-mattr**\ =\ *a1,+a2,-a3,...*
Override or control specific attributes of the target, such as whether SIMD
operations are enabled or not. The default set of attributes is set by the
current CPU. For a list of available attributes, use:
**llvm-as < /dev/null | llc -march=xyz -mattr=help**
Disable frame pointer elimination optimization.
Disable optimizations that may produce excess precision for floating point.
Note that this option can dramatically slow down code on some systems
(e.g. X86).
Enable optimizations that assume no Inf values.
Enable optimizations that assume no NAN values.
Enable optimizations that make unsafe assumptions about IEEE math (e.g. that
addition is associative) or may not work for all input ranges. These
optimizations allow the code generator to make use of some instructions which
would otherwise not be usable (such as fsin on X86).
Instruct the **lowerinvoke** pass to insert code for correct exception handling
support. This is expensive and is by default omitted for efficiency.
Print statistics recorded by code-generation passes.
Record the amount of time needed for each pass and print a report to standard
**--load**\ =\ *dso_path*
Dynamically load *dso_path* (a path to a dynamically shared object) that
implements an LLVM target. This will permit the target name to be used with the
**-march** option so that code can be generated for that target.
Tuning/Configuration Options
Print generated machine code between compilation phases (useful for debugging).
**--regalloc**\ =\ *allocator*
Specify the register allocator to use. The default *allocator* is *local*.
Valid register allocators are:
Very simple "always spill" register allocator
Local register allocator
Linear scan global register allocator
Iterative scan global register allocator
**--spiller**\ =\ *spiller*
Specify the spiller to use for register allocators that support it. Currently
this option is used only by the linear scan register allocator. The default
*spiller* is *local*. Valid spillers are:
Simple spiller
Local spiller
Intel IA-32-specific Options
Specify whether to emit assembly code in AT&T syntax (the default) or intel
If **llc** succeeds, it will exit with 0. Otherwise, if an error occurs,
it will exit with a non-zero value.

docs/CommandGuide/lli.rst Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
lli - directly execute programs from LLVM bitcode
**lli** [*options*] [*filename*] [*program args*]
**lli** directly executes programs in LLVM bitcode format. It takes a program
in LLVM bitcode format and executes it using a just-in-time compiler, if one is
available for the current architecture, or an interpreter. **lli** takes all of
the same code generator options as llc|llc, but they are only effective when
**lli** is using the just-in-time compiler.
If *filename* is not specified, then **lli** reads the LLVM bitcode for the
program from standard input.
The optional *args* specified on the command line are passed to the program as
**-fake-argv0**\ =\ *executable*
Override the ``argv[0]`` value passed into the executing program.
**-force-interpreter**\ =\ *{false,true}*
If set to true, use the interpreter even if a just-in-time compiler is available
for this architecture. Defaults to false.
Print a summary of command line options.
**-load**\ =\ *puginfilename*
Causes **lli** to load the plugin (shared object) named *pluginfilename* and use
it for optimization.
Print statistics from the code-generation passes. This is only meaningful for
the just-in-time compiler, at present.
Record the amount of time needed for each code-generation pass and print it to
standard error.
Print out the version of **lli** and exit without doing anything else.
**-mtriple**\ =\ *target triple*
Override the target triple specified in the input bitcode file with the
specified string. This may result in a crash if you pick an
architecture which is not compatible with the current system.
**-march**\ =\ *arch*
Specify the architecture for which to generate assembly, overriding the target
encoded in the bitcode file. See the output of **llc -help** for a list of
valid architectures. By default this is inferred from the target triple or
autodetected to the current architecture.
**-mcpu**\ =\ *cpuname*
Specify a specific chip in the current architecture to generate code for.
By default this is inferred from the target triple and autodetected to
the current architecture. For a list of available CPUs, use:
**llvm-as < /dev/null | llc -march=xyz -mcpu=help**
**-mattr**\ =\ *a1,+a2,-a3,...*
Override or control specific attributes of the target, such as whether SIMD
operations are enabled or not. The default set of attributes is set by the
current CPU. For a list of available attributes, use:
**llvm-as < /dev/null | llc -march=xyz -mattr=help**
Disable optimizations that may increase floating point precision.
Enable optimizations that assume no Inf values.
Enable optimizations that assume no NAN values.
Causes **lli** to enable optimizations that may decrease floating point
Causes **lli** to generate software floating point library calls instead of
equivalent hardware instructions.
**-code-model**\ =\ *model*
Choose the code model from:
.. code-block:: perl
default: Target default code model
small: Small code model
kernel: Kernel code model
medium: Medium code model
large: Large code model
Disable scheduling after register allocation.
Disable fusing of spill code into instructions.
Make the -lowerinvoke pass insert expensive, but correct, EH code.
Exception handling should be enabled in the just-in-time compiler.
Coalesce copies (default=true).
**-nozero-initialized-in-bss** Don't place zero-initialized symbols into the BSS section.
**-pre-RA-sched**\ =\ *scheduler*
Instruction schedulers available (before register allocation):
.. code-block:: perl
=default: Best scheduler for the target
=none: No scheduling: breadth first sequencing
=simple: Simple two pass scheduling: minimize critical path and maximize processor utilization
=simple-noitin: Simple two pass scheduling: Same as simple except using generic latency
=list-burr: Bottom-up register reduction list scheduling
=list-tdrr: Top-down register reduction list scheduling
=list-td: Top-down list scheduler -print-machineinstrs - Print generated machine code
**-regalloc**\ =\ *allocator*
Register allocator to use (default=linearscan)
.. code-block:: perl
=bigblock: Big-block register allocator
=linearscan: linear scan register allocator =local - local register allocator
=simple: simple register allocator
**-relocation-model**\ =\ *model*
Choose relocation model from:
.. code-block:: perl
=default: Target default relocation model
=static: Non-relocatable code =pic - Fully relocatable, position independent code
=dynamic-no-pic: Relocatable external references, non-relocatable code
Spiller to use (default=local)
.. code-block:: perl
=simple: simple spiller
=local: local spiller
**-x86-asm-syntax**\ =\ *syntax*
Choose style of code to emit from X86 backend:
.. code-block:: perl
=att: Emit AT&T-style assembly
=intel: Emit Intel-style assembly
If **lli** fails to load the program, it will exit with an exit code of 1.
Otherwise, it will return the exit code of the program it executes.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
llvm-ar - LLVM archiver
**llvm-ar** [-]{dmpqrtx}[Rabfikouz] [relpos] [count] <archive> [files...]
The **llvm-ar** command is similar to the common Unix utility, ``ar``. It
archives several files together into a single file. The intent for this is
to produce archive libraries by LLVM bitcode that can be linked into an
LLVM program. However, the archive can contain any kind of file. By default,
**llvm-ar** generates a symbol table that makes linking faster because
only the symbol table needs to be consulted, not each individual file member
of the archive.
The **llvm-ar** command can be used to *read* both SVR4 and BSD style archive
files. However, it cannot be used to write them. While the **llvm-ar** command
produces files that are *almost* identical to the format used by other ``ar``
implementations, it has two significant departures in order to make the
archive appropriate for LLVM. The first departure is that **llvm-ar** only
uses BSD4.4 style long path names (stored immediately after the header) and
never contains a string table for long names. The second departure is that the
symbol table is formated for efficient construction of an in-memory data
structure that permits rapid (red-black tree) lookups. Consequently, archives
produced with **llvm-ar** usually won't be readable or editable with any
``ar`` implementation or useful for linking. Using the ``f`` modifier to flatten
file names will make the archive readable by other ``ar`` implementations
but not for linking because the symbol table format for LLVM is unique. If an
SVR4 or BSD style archive is used with the ``r`` (replace) or ``q`` (quick
update) operations, the archive will be reconstructed in LLVM format. This
means that the string table will be dropped (in deference to BSD 4.4 long names)
and an LLVM symbol table will be added (by default). The system symbol table
will be retained.
Here's where **llvm-ar** departs from previous ``ar`` implementations:
*Symbol Table*
Since **llvm-ar** is intended to archive bitcode files, the symbol table
won't make much sense to anything but LLVM. Consequently, the symbol table's
format has been simplified. It consists simply of a sequence of pairs
of a file member index number as an LSB 4byte integer and a null-terminated
*Long Paths*
Some ``ar`` implementations (SVR4) use a separate file member to record long
path names (> 15 characters). **llvm-ar** takes the BSD 4.4 and Mac OS X
approach which is to simply store the full path name immediately preceding
the data for the file. The path name is null terminated and may contain the
slash (/) character.
**llvm-ar** can compress the members of an archive to save space. The
compression used depends on what's available on the platform and what choices
the LLVM Compressor utility makes. It generally favors bzip2 but will select
between "no compression" or bzip2 depending on what makes sense for the
file's content.
*Directory Recursion*
Most ``ar`` implementations do not recurse through directories but simply
ignore directories if they are presented to the program in the *files*
option. **llvm-ar**, however, can recurse through directory structures and
add all the files under a directory, if requested.
*TOC Verbose Output*
When **llvm-ar** prints out the verbose table of contents (``tv`` option), it
precedes the usual output with a character indicating the basic kind of
content in the file. A blank means the file is a regular file. A 'Z' means
the file is compressed. A 'B' means the file is an LLVM bitcode file. An
'S' means the file is the symbol table.
The options to **llvm-ar** are compatible with other ``ar`` implementations.
However, there are a few modifiers (*zR*) that are not found in other ``ar``
implementations. The options to **llvm-ar** specify a single basic operation to
perform on the archive, a variety of modifiers for that operation, the name of
the archive file, and an optional list of file names. These options are used to
determine how **llvm-ar** should process the archive file.
The Operations and Modifiers are explained in the sections below. The minimal
set of options is at least one operator and the name of the archive. Typically
archive files end with a ``.a`` suffix, but this is not required. Following
the *archive-name* comes a list of *files* that indicate the specific members
of the archive to operate on. If the *files* option is not specified, it
generally means either "none" or "all" members, depending on the operation.
Delete files from the archive. No modifiers are applicable to this operation.
The *files* options specify which members should be removed from the
archive. It is not an error if a specified file does not appear in the archive.
If no *files* are specified, the archive is not modified.
Move files from one location in the archive to another. The *a*, *b*, and
*i* modifiers apply to this operation. The *files* will all be moved
to the location given by the modifiers. If no modifiers are used, the files
will be moved to the end of the archive. If no *files* are specified, the
archive is not modified.
Print files to the standard output. The *k* modifier applies to this
operation. This operation simply prints the *files* indicated to the
standard output. If no *files* are specified, the entire archive is printed.
Printing bitcode files is ill-advised as they might confuse your terminal
settings. The *p* operation never modifies the archive.
Quickly append files to the end of the archive. The *R*, *f*, and *z*
modifiers apply to this operation. This operation quickly adds the
*files* to the archive without checking for duplicates that should be
removed first. If no *files* are specified, the archive is not modified.
Because of the way that **llvm-ar** constructs the archive file, its dubious
whether the *q* operation is any faster than the *r* operation.
Replace or insert file members. The *R*, *a*, *b*, *f*, *u*, and *z*
modifiers apply to this operation. This operation will replace existing
*files* or insert them at the end of the archive if they do not exist. If no
*files* are specified, the archive is not modified.
Print the table of contents. Without any modifiers, this operation just prints
the names of the members to the standard output. With the *v* modifier,
**llvm-ar** also prints out the file type (B=bitcode, Z=compressed, S=symbol
table, blank=regular file), the permission mode, the owner and group, the
size, and the date. If any *files* are specified, the listing is only for
those files. If no *files* are specified, the table of contents for the
whole archive is printed.
Extract archive members back to files. The *o* modifier applies to this
operation. This operation retrieves the indicated *files* from the archive
and writes them back to the operating system's file system. If no
*files* are specified, the entire archive is extract.
Modifiers (operation specific)
The modifiers below are specific to certain operations. See the Operations
section (above) to determine which modifiers are applicable to which operations.
When inserting or moving member files, this option specifies the destination of
the new files as being after the *relpos* member. If *relpos* is not found,
the files are placed at the end of the archive.
When inserting or moving member files, this option specifies the destination of
the new files as being before the *relpos* member. If *relpos* is not
found, the files are placed at the end of the archive. This modifier is
identical to the the *i* modifier.
Normally, **llvm-ar** stores the full path name to a file as presented to it on
the command line. With this option, truncated (15 characters max) names are
used. This ensures name compatibility with older versions of ``ar`` but may also
thwart correct extraction of the files (duplicates may overwrite). If used with
the *R* option, the directory recursion will be performed but the file names
will all be flattened to simple file names.
A synonym for the *b* option.
Normally, **llvm-ar** will not print the contents of bitcode files when the
*p* operation is used. This modifier defeats the default and allows the
bitcode members to be printed.
This option is ignored by **llvm-ar** but provided for compatibility.
When extracting files, this option will cause **llvm-ar** to preserve the
original modification times of the files it writes.
use full path names when matching
This modifier instructions the *r* option to recursively process directories.
Without *R*, directories are ignored and only those *files* that refer to
files will be added to the archive. When *R* is used, any directories specified
with *files* will be scanned (recursively) to find files to be added to the
archive. Any file whose name begins with a dot will not be added.
When replacing existing files in the archive, only replace those files that have
a time stamp than the time stamp of the member in the archive.
When inserting or replacing any file in the archive, compress the file first.
modifier is safe to use when (previously) compressed bitcode files are added to
the archive; the compressed bitcode files will not be doubly compressed.
Modifiers (generic)
The modifiers below may be applied to any operation.
For all operations, **llvm-ar** will always create the archive if it doesn't
exist. Normally, **llvm-ar** will print a warning message indicating that the
archive is being created. Using this modifier turns off that warning.
This modifier requests that an archive index (or symbol table) be added to the
archive. This is the default mode of operation. The symbol table will contain
all the externally visible functions and global variables defined by all the
bitcode files in the archive. Using this modifier is more efficient that using
llvm-ranlib|llvm-ranlib which also creates the symbol table.
This modifier is the opposite of the *s* modifier. It instructs **llvm-ar** to
not build the symbol table. If both *s* and *S* are used, the last modifier to
occur in the options will prevail.
This modifier instructs **llvm-ar** to be verbose about what it is doing. Each
editing operation taken against the archive will produce a line of output saying
what is being done.
The **llvm-ar** utility is intended to provide a superset of the IEEE Std 1003.2
(POSIX.2) functionality for ``ar``. **llvm-ar** can read both SVR4 and BSD4.4 (or
Mac OS X) archives. If the ``f`` modifier is given to the ``x`` or ``r`` operations
then **llvm-ar** will write SVR4 compatible archives. Without this modifier,
**llvm-ar** will write BSD4.4 compatible archives that have long names
immediately after the header and indicated using the "#1/ddd" notation for the
name in the header.
The file format for LLVM Archive files is similar to that of BSD 4.4 or Mac OSX
archive files. In fact, except for the symbol table, the ``ar`` commands on those
operating systems should be able to read LLVM archive files. The details of the
file format follow.
Each archive begins with the archive magic number which is the eight printable
characters "!<arch>\n" where \n represents the newline character (0x0A).
Following the magic number, the file is composed of even length members that
begin with an archive header and end with a \n padding character if necessary
(to make the length even). Each file member is composed of a header (defined
below), an optional newline-terminated "long file name" and the contents of
the file.
The fields of the header are described in the items below. All fields of the
header contain only ASCII characters, are left justified and are right padded
with space characters.
name - char[16]
This field of the header provides the name of the archive member. If the name is
longer than 15 characters or contains a slash (/) character, then this field
contains ``#1/nnn`` where ``nnn`` provides the length of the name and the ``#1/``
is literal. In this case, the actual name of the file is provided in the ``nnn``
bytes immediately following the header. If the name is 15 characters or less, it
is contained directly in this field and terminated with a slash (/) character.
date - char[12]
This field provides the date of modification of the file in the form of a
decimal encoded number that provides the number of seconds since the epoch
(since 00:00:00 Jan 1, 1970) per Posix specifications.
uid - char[6]
This field provides the user id of the file encoded as a decimal ASCII string.
This field might not make much sense on non-Unix systems. On Unix, it is the
same value as the st_uid field of the stat structure returned by the stat(2)
operating system call.
gid - char[6]
This field provides the group id of the file encoded as a decimal ASCII string.
This field might not make much sense on non-Unix systems. On Unix, it is the
same value as the st_gid field of the stat structure returned by the stat(2)
operating system call.
mode - char[8]
This field provides the access mode of the file encoded as an octal ASCII
string. This field might not make much sense on non-Unix systems. On Unix, it
is the same value as the st_mode field of the stat structure returned by the
stat(2) operating system call.
size - char[10]
This field provides the size of the file, in bytes, encoded as a decimal ASCII
string. If the size field is negative (starts with a minus sign, 0x02D), then
the archive member is stored in compressed form. The first byte of the archive
member's data indicates the compression type used. A value of 0 (0x30) indicates
that no compression was used. A value of 2 (0x32) indicates that bzip2
compression was used.
fmag - char[2]
This field is the archive file member magic number. Its content is always the
two characters back tick (0x60) and newline (0x0A). This provides some measure
utility in identifying archive files that have been corrupted.
The LLVM symbol table has the special name "#_LLVM_SYM_TAB_#". It is presumed
that no regular archive member file will want this name. The LLVM symbol table
is simply composed of a sequence of triplets: byte offset, length of symbol,
and the symbol itself. Symbols are not null or newline terminated. Here are
the details on each of these items:
offset - vbr encoded 32-bit integer
The offset item provides the offset into the archive file where the bitcode
member is stored that is associated with the symbol. The offset value is 0
based at the start of the first "normal" file member. To derive the actual
file offset of the member, you must add the number of bytes occupied by the file
signature (8 bytes) and the symbol tables. The value of this item is encoded
using variable bit rate encoding to reduce the size of the symbol table.
Variable bit rate encoding uses the high bit (0x80) of each byte to indicate
if there are more bytes to follow. The remaining 7 bits in each byte carry bits
from the value. The final byte does not have the high bit set.
length - vbr encoded 32-bit integer
The length item provides the length of the symbol that follows. Like this
*offset* item, the length is variable bit rate encoded.
symbol - character array
The symbol item provides the text of the symbol that is associated with the
*offset*. The symbol is not terminated by any character. Its length is provided
by the *length* field. Note that is allowed (but unwise) to use non-printing
characters (even 0x00) in the symbol. This allows for multiple encodings of
symbol names.
If **llvm-ar** succeeds, it will exit with 0. A usage error, results
in an exit code of 1. A hard (file system typically) error results in an
exit code of 2. Miscellaneous or unknown errors result in an
exit code of 3.
llvm-ranlib|llvm-ranlib, ar(1)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
llvm-as - LLVM assembler
**llvm-as** [*options*] [*filename*]
**llvm-as** is the LLVM assembler. It reads a file containing human-readable
LLVM assembly language, translates it to LLVM bitcode, and writes the result
into a file or to standard output.
If *filename* is omitted or is ``-``, then **llvm-as** reads its input from
standard input.
If an output file is not specified with the **-o** option, then
**llvm-as** sends its output to a file or standard output by following
these rules:
If the input is standard input, then the output is standard output.
If the input is a file that ends with ``.ll``, then the output file is of
the same name, except that the suffix is changed to ``.bc``.
If the input is a file that does not end with the ``.ll`` suffix, then the
output file has the same name as the input file, except that the ``.bc``
suffix is appended.
Enable binary output on terminals. Normally, **llvm-as** will refuse to
write raw bitcode output if the output stream is a terminal. With this option,
**llvm-as** will write raw bitcode regardless of the output device.
Print a summary of command line options.
**-o** *filename*
Specify the output file name. If *filename* is ``-``, then **llvm-as**
sends its output to standard output.
If **llvm-as** succeeds, it will exit with 0. Otherwise, if an error
occurs, it will exit with a non-zero value.
llvm-dis|llvm-dis, gccas|gccas

View File

@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
llvm-bcanalyzer - LLVM bitcode analyzer
**llvm-bcanalyzer** [*options*] [*filename*]
The **llvm-bcanalyzer** command is a small utility for analyzing bitcode files.
The tool reads a bitcode file (such as generated with the **llvm-as** tool) and
produces a statistical report on the contents of the bitcode file. The tool
can also dump a low level but human readable version of the bitcode file.
This tool is probably not of much interest or utility except for those working
directly with the bitcode file format. Most LLVM users can just ignore
this tool.
If *filename* is omitted or is ``-``, then **llvm-bcanalyzer** reads its input
from standard input. This is useful for combining the tool into a pipeline.
Output is written to the standard output.
Causes **llvm-bcanalyzer** to abbreviate its output by writing out only a module
level summary. The details for individual functions are not displayed.
Causes **llvm-bcanalyzer** to dump the bitcode in a human readable format. This
format is significantly different from LLVM assembly and provides details about
the encoding of the bitcode file.
Causes **llvm-bcanalyzer** to verify the module produced by reading the
bitcode. This ensures that the statistics generated are based on a consistent
Print a summary of command line options.
If **llvm-bcanalyzer** succeeds, it will exit with 0. Otherwise, if an error
occurs, it will exit with a non-zero value, usually 1.
The following items are always printed by llvm-bcanalyzer. They comprize the
summary output.
**Bitcode Analysis Of Module**
This just provides the name of the module for which bitcode analysis is being
**Bitcode Version Number**
The bitcode version (not LLVM version) of the file read by the analyzer.
**File Size**
The size, in bytes, of the entire bitcode file.
**Module Bytes**
The size, in bytes, of the module block. Percentage is relative to File Size.
**Function Bytes**
The size, in bytes, of all the function blocks. Percentage is relative to File
**Global Types Bytes**
The size, in bytes, of the Global Types Pool. Percentage is relative to File
Size. This is the size of the definitions of all types in the bitcode file.
**Constant Pool Bytes**
The size, in bytes, of the Constant Pool Blocks Percentage is relative to File
**Module Globals Bytes**
Ths size, in bytes, of the Global Variable Definitions and their initializers.
Percentage is relative to File Size.
**Instruction List Bytes**
The size, in bytes, of all the instruction lists in all the functions.
Percentage is relative to File Size. Note that this value is also included in
the Function Bytes.
**Compaction Table Bytes**
The size, in bytes, of all the compaction tables in all the functions.
Percentage is relative to File Size. Note that this value is also included in
the Function Bytes.
**Symbol Table Bytes**
The size, in bytes, of all the symbol tables in all the functions. Percentage is
relative to File Size. Note that this value is also included in the Function
**Dependent Libraries Bytes**
The size, in bytes, of the list of dependent libraries in the module. Percentage
is relative to File Size. Note that this value is also included in the Module
Global Bytes.
**Number Of Bitcode Blocks**
The total number of blocks of any kind in the bitcode file.
**Number Of Functions**
The total number of function definitions in the bitcode file.
**Number Of Types**
The total number of types defined in the Global Types Pool.
**Number Of Constants**
The total number of constants (of any type) defined in the Constant Pool.
**Number Of Basic Blocks**
The total number of basic blocks defined in all functions in the bitcode file.
**Number Of Instructions**
The total number of instructions defined in all functions in the bitcode file.
**Number Of Long Instructions**
The total number of long instructions defined in all functions in the bitcode
file. Long instructions are those taking greater than 4 bytes. Typically long
instructions are GetElementPtr with several indices, PHI nodes, and calls to
functions with large numbers of arguments.
**Number Of Operands**
The total number of operands used in all instructions in the bitcode file.
**Number Of Compaction Tables**
The total number of compaction tables in all functions in the bitcode file.
**Number Of Symbol Tables**
The total number of symbol tables in all functions in the bitcode file.
**Number Of Dependent Libs**
The total number of dependent libraries found in the bitcode file.
**Total Instruction Size**
The total size of the instructions in all functions in the bitcode file.
**Average Instruction Size**
The average number of bytes per instruction across all functions in the bitcode
file. This value is computed by dividing Total Instruction Size by Number Of
**Maximum Type Slot Number**
The maximum value used for a type's slot number. Larger slot number values take
more bytes to encode.
**Maximum Value Slot Number**
The maximum value used for a value's slot number. Larger slot number values take
more bytes to encode.
**Bytes Per Value**
The average size of a Value definition (of any type). This is computed by
dividing File Size by the total number of values of any type.
**Bytes Per Global**
The average size of a global definition (constants and global variables).
**Bytes Per Function**
The average number of bytes per function definition. This is computed by
dividing Function Bytes by Number Of Functions.
**# of VBR 32-bit Integers**
The total number of 32-bit integers encoded using the Variable Bit Rate
encoding scheme.
**# of VBR 64-bit Integers**
The total number of 64-bit integers encoded using the Variable Bit Rate encoding
**# of VBR Compressed Bytes**
The total number of bytes consumed by the 32-bit and 64-bit integers that use
the Variable Bit Rate encoding scheme.
**# of VBR Expanded Bytes**
The total number of bytes that would have been consumed by the 32-bit and 64-bit
integers had they not been compressed with the Variable Bit Rage encoding
**Bytes Saved With VBR**
The total number of bytes saved by using the Variable Bit Rate encoding scheme.
The percentage is relative to # of VBR Expanded Bytes.
The following definitions occur only if the -nodetails option was not given.
The detailed output provides additional information on a per-function basis.
The type signature of the function.
**Byte Size**
The total number of bytes in the function's block.
**Basic Blocks**
The number of basic blocks defined by the function.
The number of instructions defined by the function.
**Long Instructions**
The number of instructions using the long instruction format in the function.
The number of operands used by all instructions in the function.
**Instruction Size**
The number of bytes consumed by instructions in the function.
**Average Instruction Size**
The average number of bytes consumed by the instructions in the function. This
value is computed by dividing Instruction Size by Instructions.
**Bytes Per Instruction**
The average number of bytes used by the function per instruction. This value is
computed by dividing Byte Size by Instructions. Note that this is not the same
as Average Instruction Size. It computes a number relative to the total function
size not just the size of the instruction list.
**Number of VBR 32-bit Integers**
The total number of 32-bit integers found in this function (for any use).
**Number of VBR 64-bit Integers**
The total number of 64-bit integers found in this function (for any use).
**Number of VBR Compressed Bytes**
The total number of bytes in this function consumed by the 32-bit and 64-bit
integers that use the Variable Bit Rate encoding scheme.
**Number of VBR Expanded Bytes**
The total number of bytes in this function that would have been consumed by
the 32-bit and 64-bit integers had they not been compressed with the Variable
Bit Rate encoding scheme.
**Bytes Saved With VBR**
The total number of bytes saved in this function by using the Variable Bit
Rate encoding scheme. The percentage is relative to # of VBR Expanded Bytes.
llvm-dis|llvm-dis, `http://llvm.org/docs/BitCodeFormat.html <http://llvm.org/docs/BitCodeFormat.html>`_

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@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
llvm-build - LLVM Project Build Utility
**llvm-build** [*options*]
**llvm-build** is a tool for working with LLVM projects that use the LLVMBuild
system for describing their components.
At heart, **llvm-build** is responsible for loading, verifying, and manipulating
the project's component data. The tool is primarily designed for use in
implementing build systems and tools which need access to the project structure
**-h**, **--help**
Print the builtin program help.
**--source-root**\ =\ *PATH*
If given, load the project at the given source root path. If this option is not
given, the location of the project sources will be inferred from the location of
the **llvm-build** script itself.
Print the component tree for the project.
Write out the C++ fragment which defines the components, library names, and
required libraries. This C++ fragment is built into llvm-config|llvm-config
in order to provide clients with the list of required libraries for arbitrary
component combinations.
Write out new *LLVMBuild.txt* files based on the loaded components. This is
useful for auto-upgrading the schema of the files. **llvm-build** will try to a
limited extent to preserve the comments which were written in the original
source file, although at this time it only preserves block comments that preceed
the section names in the *LLVMBuild* files.
Write out the LLVMBuild in the form of a CMake fragment, so it can easily be
consumed by the CMake based build system. The exact contents and format of this
file are closely tied to how LLVMBuild is integrated with CMake, see LLVM's
top-level CMakeLists.txt.
Write out the LLVMBuild in the form of a Makefile fragment, so it can easily be
consumed by a Make based build system. The exact contents and format of this
file are closely tied to how LLVMBuild is integrated with the Makefiles, see
LLVM's Makefile.rules.
**--llvmbuild-source-root**\ =\ *PATH*
If given, expect the *LLVMBuild* files for the project to be rooted at the
given path, instead of inside the source tree itself. This option is primarily
designed for use in conjunction with **--write-llvmbuild** to test changes to
*LLVMBuild* schema.
**llvm-build** exits with 0 if operation was successful. Otherwise, it will exist
with a non-zero value.

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@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
llvm-config - Print LLVM compilation options
**llvm-config** *option* [*components*...]
**llvm-config** makes it easier to build applications that use LLVM. It can
print the compiler flags, linker flags and object libraries needed to link
against LLVM.
To link against the JIT:
.. code-block:: perl
g++ `llvm-config --cxxflags` -o HowToUseJIT.o -c HowToUseJIT.cpp
g++ `llvm-config --ldflags` -o HowToUseJIT HowToUseJIT.o \
`llvm-config --libs engine bcreader scalaropts`
Print the version number of LLVM.
Print a summary of **llvm-config** arguments.
Print the installation prefix for LLVM.
Print the source root from which LLVM was built.
Print the object root used to build LLVM.
Print the installation directory for LLVM binaries.
Print the installation directory for LLVM headers.
Print the installation directory for LLVM libraries.
Print the C++ compiler flags needed to use LLVM headers.
Print the flags needed to link against LLVM libraries.
Print all the libraries needed to link against the specified LLVM
*components*, including any dependencies.
Similar to **--libs**, but prints the bare filenames of the libraries
without **-l** or pathnames. Useful for linking against a not-yet-installed
copy of LLVM.
Similar to **--libs**, but print the full path to each library file. This is
useful when creating makefile dependencies, to ensure that a tool is relinked if
any library it uses changes.
Print all valid component names.
Print the component names for all targets supported by this copy of LLVM.
Print the build mode used when LLVM was built (e.g. Debug or Release)
To print a list of all available components, run **llvm-config
--components**. In most cases, components correspond directly to LLVM
libraries. Useful "virtual" components include:
Includes all LLVM libaries. The default if no components are specified.
Includes either a native backend or the C backend.
Includes either a native JIT or the bitcode interpreter.
If **llvm-config** succeeds, it will exit with 0. Otherwise, if an error
occurs, it will exit with a non-zero value.

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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
llvm-cov - emit coverage information
**llvm-cov** [-gcno=filename] [-gcda=filename] [dump]
The experimental **llvm-cov** tool reads in description file generated by compiler
and coverage data file generated by instrumented program. This program assumes
that the description and data file uses same format as gcov files.
This option selects input description file generated by compiler while instrumenting
This option selects coverage data file generated by instrumented compiler.
This options enables output dump that is suitable for a developer to help debug
**llvm-cov** itself.
**llvm-cov** returns 1 if it cannot read input files. Otherwise, it exits with zero.

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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
llvm-diff - LLVM structural 'diff'
**llvm-diff** [*options*] *module 1* *module 2* [*global name ...*]
**llvm-diff** compares the structure of two LLVM modules, primarily
focusing on differences in function definitions. Insignificant
differences, such as changes in the ordering of globals or in the
names of local values, are ignored.
An input module will be interpreted as an assembly file if its name
ends in '.ll'; otherwise it will be read in as a bitcode file.
If a list of global names is given, just the values with those names
are compared; otherwise, all global values are compared, and
diagnostics are produced for globals which only appear in one module
or the other.
**llvm-diff** compares two functions by comparing their basic blocks,
beginning with the entry blocks. If the terminators seem to match,
then the corresponding successors are compared; otherwise they are
ignored. This algorithm is very sensitive to changes in control flow,
which tend to stop any downstream changes from being detected.
**llvm-diff** is intended as a debugging tool for writers of LLVM
passes and frontends. It does not have a stable output format.
If **llvm-diff** finds no differences between the modules, it will exit
with 0 and produce no output. Otherwise it will exit with a non-zero
Many important differences, like changes in linkage or function
attributes, are not diagnosed.
Changes in memory behavior (for example, coalescing loads) can cause
massive detected differences in blocks.

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@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
llvm-dis - LLVM disassembler
**llvm-dis** [*options*] [*filename*]
The **llvm-dis** command is the LLVM disassembler. It takes an LLVM
bitcode file and converts it into human-readable LLVM assembly language.
If filename is omitted or specified as ``-``, **llvm-dis** reads its
input from standard input.
If the input is being read from standard input, then **llvm-dis**
will send its output to standard output by default. Otherwise, the
output will be written to a file named after the input file, with
a ``.ll`` suffix added (any existing ``.bc`` suffix will first be
removed). You can override the choice of output file using the
**-o** option.
Enable binary output on terminals. Normally, **llvm-dis** will refuse to
write raw bitcode output if the output stream is a terminal. With this option,
**llvm-dis** will write raw bitcode regardless of the output device.
Print a summary of command line options.
**-o** *filename*
Specify the output file name. If *filename* is -, then the output is sent
to standard output.
If **llvm-dis** succeeds, it will exit with 0. Otherwise, if an error
occurs, it will exit with a non-zero value.

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@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
llvm-extract - extract a function from an LLVM module
**llvm-extract** [*options*] **--func** *function-name* [*filename*]
The **llvm-extract** command takes the name of a function and extracts it from
the specified LLVM bitcode file. It is primarily used as a debugging tool to
reduce test cases from larger programs that are triggering a bug.
In addition to extracting the bitcode of the specified function,
**llvm-extract** will also remove unreachable global variables, prototypes, and
unused types.
The **llvm-extract** command reads its input from standard input if filename is
omitted or if filename is -. The output is always written to standard output,
unless the **-o** option is specified (see below).
Enable binary output on terminals. Normally, **llvm-extract** will refuse to
write raw bitcode output if the output stream is a terminal. With this option,
**llvm-extract** will write raw bitcode regardless of the output device.
**--func** *function-name*
Extract the function named *function-name* from the LLVM bitcode. May be
specified multiple times to extract multiple functions at once.
**--rfunc** *function-regular-expr*
Extract the function(s) matching *function-regular-expr* from the LLVM bitcode.
All functions matching the regular expression will be extracted. May be
specified multiple times.
**--glob** *global-name*
Extract the global variable named *global-name* from the LLVM bitcode. May be
specified multiple times to extract multiple global variables at once.
**--rglob** *glob-regular-expr*
Extract the global variable(s) matching *global-regular-expr* from the LLVM
bitcode. All global variables matching the regular expression will be extracted.
May be specified multiple times.
Print a summary of command line options.
**-o** *filename*
Specify the output filename. If filename is "-" (the default), then
**llvm-extract** sends its output to standard output.
Write output in LLVM intermediate language (instead of bitcode).
If **llvm-extract** succeeds, it will exit with 0. Otherwise, if an error
occurs, it will exit with a non-zero value.

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@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
llvm-link - LLVM linker
**llvm-link** [*options*] *filename ...*
**llvm-link** takes several LLVM bitcode files and links them together into a
single LLVM bitcode file. It writes the output file to standard output, unless
the **-o** option is used to specify a filename.
**llvm-link** attempts to load the input files from the current directory. If
that fails, it looks for each file in each of the directories specified by the
**-L** options on the command line. The library search paths are global; each
one is searched for every input file if necessary. The directories are searched
in the order they were specified on the command line.
**-L** *directory*
Add the specified *directory* to the library search path. When looking for
libraries, **llvm-link** will look in path name for libraries. This option can be
specified multiple times; **llvm-link** will search inside these directories in
the order in which they were specified on the command line.
Enable binary output on terminals. Normally, **llvm-link** will refuse to
write raw bitcode output if the output stream is a terminal. With this option,
**llvm-link** will write raw bitcode regardless of the output device.
**-o** *filename*
Specify the output file name. If *filename* is ``-``, then **llvm-link** will
write its output to standard output.
Write output in LLVM intermediate language (instead of bitcode).
If specified, **llvm-link** prints a human-readable version of the output
bitcode file to standard error.
Print a summary of command line options.
Verbose mode. Print information about what **llvm-link** is doing. This
typically includes a message for each bitcode file linked in and for each
library found.
If **llvm-link** succeeds, it will exit with 0. Otherwise, if an error
occurs, it will exit with a non-zero value.

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@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
llvm-nm - list LLVM bitcode file's symbol table
**llvm-nm** [*options*] [*filenames...*]
The **llvm-nm** utility lists the names of symbols from the LLVM bitcode files,
or **ar** archives containing LLVM bitcode files, named on the command line.
Each symbol is listed along with some simple information about its provenance.
If no file name is specified, or *-* is used as a file name, **llvm-nm** will
process a bitcode file on its standard input stream.
**llvm-nm**'s default output format is the traditional BSD **nm** output format.
Each such output record consists of an (optional) 8-digit hexadecimal address,
followed by a type code character, followed by a name, for each symbol. One
record is printed per line; fields are separated by spaces. When the address is
omitted, it is replaced by 8 spaces.
Type code characters currently supported, and their meanings, are as follows:
Named object is referenced but undefined in this bitcode file
Common (multiple definitions link together into one def)
Weak reference (multiple definitions link together into zero or one definitions)
Local function (text) object
Global function (text) object
Local data object
Global data object
Something unrecognizable
Because LLVM bitcode files typically contain objects that are not considered to
have addresses until they are linked into an executable image or dynamically
compiled "just-in-time", **llvm-nm** does not print an address for any symbol,
even symbols which are defined in the bitcode file.
Use POSIX.2 output format. Alias for **--format=posix**.
**-B** (default)
Use BSD output format. Alias for **--format=bsd**.
Print a summary of command-line options and their meanings.
Print only symbols defined in this bitcode file (as opposed to
symbols which may be referenced by objects in this file, but not
defined in this file.)
**--extern-only**, **-g**
Print only symbols whose definitions are external; that is, accessible
from other bitcode files.
**--undefined-only**, **-u**
Print only symbols referenced but not defined in this bitcode file.
Select an output format; *fmt* may be *sysv*, *posix*, or *bsd*. The
default is *bsd*.
**llvm-nm** cannot demangle C++ mangled names, like GNU **nm** can.
**llvm-nm** exits with an exit code of zero.
llvm-dis|llvm-dis, ar(1), nm(1)

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@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
llvm-prof - print execution profile of LLVM program
**llvm-prof** [*options*] [*bitcode file*] [*llvmprof.out*]
The **llvm-prof** tool reads in an *llvmprof.out* file (which can
optionally use a specific file with the third program argument), a bitcode file
for the program, and produces a human readable report, suitable for determining
where the program hotspots are.
This program is often used in conjunction with the *utils/profile.pl*
script. This script automatically instruments a program, runs it with the JIT,
then runs **llvm-prof** to format a report. To get more information about
*utils/profile.pl*, execute it with the **-help** option.
**--annotated-llvm** or **-A**
In addition to the normal report printed, print out the code for the
program, annotated with execution frequency information. This can be
particularly useful when trying to visualize how frequently basic blocks
are executed. This is most useful with basic block profiling
information or better.
Using this option enables the **--annotated-llvm** option, but it
prints the entire module, instead of just the most commonly executed
Record the amount of time needed for each pass and print it to standard
**llvm-prof** returns 1 if it cannot load the bitcode file or the profile
information. Otherwise, it exits with zero.

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@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
llvm-ranlib - Generate index for LLVM archive
**llvm-ranlib** [--version] [-help] <archive-file>
The **llvm-ranlib** command is similar to the common Unix utility, ``ranlib``. It
adds or updates the symbol table in an LLVM archive file. Note that using the
**llvm-ar** modifier *s* is usually more efficient than running **llvm-ranlib**
which is only provided only for completness and compatibility. Unlike other
implementations of ``ranlib``, **llvm-ranlib** indexes LLVM bitcode files, not
native object modules. You can list the contents of the symbol table with the
``llvm-nm -s`` command.
Specifies the archive-file to which the symbol table is added or updated.
Print the version of **llvm-ranlib** and exit without building a symbol table.
Print usage help for **llvm-ranlib** and exit without building a symbol table.
If **llvm-ranlib** succeeds, it will exit with 0. If an error occurs, a non-zero
exit code will be returned.
llvm-ar|llvm-ar, ranlib(1)

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@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
llvm-stress - generate random .ll files
**llvm-cov** [-gcno=filename] [-gcda=filename] [dump]
The **llvm-stress** tool is used to generate random .ll files that can be used to
test different components of LLVM.
**-o** *filename*
Specify the output filename.
**-size** *size*
Specify the size of the generated .ll file.
**-seed** *seed*
Specify the seed to be used for the randomly generated instructions.
**llvm-stress** returns 0.

docs/CommandGuide/opt.rst Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
opt - LLVM optimizer
**opt** [*options*] [*filename*]
The **opt** command is the modular LLVM optimizer and analyzer. It takes LLVM
source files as input, runs the specified optimizations or analyses on it, and then
outputs the optimized file or the analysis results. The function of
**opt** depends on whether the **-analyze** option is given.
When **-analyze** is specified, **opt** performs various analyses of the input
source. It will usually print the results on standard output, but in a few
cases, it will print output to standard error or generate a file with the
analysis output, which is usually done when the output is meant for another
While **-analyze** is *not* given, **opt** attempts to produce an optimized
output file. The optimizations available via **opt** depend upon what
libraries were linked into it as well as any additional libraries that have
been loaded with the **-load** option. Use the **-help** option to determine
what optimizations you can use.
If *filename* is omitted from the command line or is *-*, **opt** reads its
input from standard input. Inputs can be in either the LLVM assembly language
format (.ll) or the LLVM bitcode format (.bc).
If an output filename is not specified with the **-o** option, **opt**
writes its output to the standard output.
Enable binary output on terminals. Normally, **opt** will refuse to
write raw bitcode output if the output stream is a terminal. With this option,
**opt** will write raw bitcode regardless of the output device.
Print a summary of command line options.
**-o** *filename*
Specify the output filename.
Write output in LLVM intermediate language (instead of bitcode).
**opt** provides the ability to run any of LLVM's optimization or analysis passes
in any order. The **-help** option lists all the passes available. The order in
which the options occur on the command line are the order in which they are
executed (within pass constraints).
This is short hand for a standard list of *compile time optimization* passes.
This is typically used to optimize the output from the llvm-gcc front end. It
might be useful for other front end compilers as well. To discover the full set
of options available, use the following command:
.. code-block:: perl
llvm-as < /dev/null | opt -std-compile-opts -disable-output -debug-pass=Arguments
This option is only meaningful when **-std-compile-opts** is given. It simply
removes the inlining pass from the standard list.
This option is only meaningful when **-std-compile-opts** is given. It disables
most, but not all, of the **-std-compile-opts**. The ones that remain are
**-verify**, **-lower-setjmp**, and **-funcresolve**.
This option causes opt to strip debug information from the module before
applying other optimizations. It is essentially the same as **-strip** but it
ensures that stripping of debug information is done first.
This option causes opt to add a verify pass after every pass otherwise specified
on the command line (including **-verify**). This is useful for cases where it
is suspected that a pass is creating an invalid module but it is not clear which
pass is doing it. The combination of **-std-compile-opts** and **-verify-each**
can quickly track down this kind of problem.
**-profile-info-file** *filename*
Specify the name of the file loaded by the -profile-loader option.
Print statistics.
Record the amount of time needed for each pass and print it to standard
If this is a debug build, this option will enable debug printouts
from passes which use the *DEBUG()* macro. See the **LLVM Programmer's
Manual**, section *#DEBUG* for more information.
**-load**\ =\ *plugin*
Load the dynamic object *plugin*. This object should register new optimization
or analysis passes. Once loaded, the object will add new command line options to
enable various optimizations or analyses. To see the new complete list of
optimizations, use the **-help** and **-load** options together. For example:
.. code-block:: perl
opt -load=plugin.so -help
Print module after each transformation.
If **opt** succeeds, it will exit with 0. Otherwise, if an error
occurs, it will exit with a non-zero value.

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@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
tblgen - Target Description To C++ Code Generator
**tblgen** [*options*] [*filename*]
**tblgen** translates from target description (.td) files into C++ code that can
be included in the definition of an LLVM target library. Most users of LLVM will
not need to use this program. It is only for assisting with writing an LLVM
target backend.
The input and output of **tblgen** is beyond the scope of this short
introduction. Please see the *CodeGeneration* page in the LLVM documentation.
The *filename* argument specifies the name of a Target Description (.td) file
to read as input.
Print a summary of command line options.
**-o** *filename*
Specify the output file name. If *filename* is ``-``, then **tblgen**
sends its output to standard output.
**-I** *directory*
Specify where to find other target description files for inclusion. The
*directory* value should be a full or partial path to a directory that contains
target description files.
**-asmparsernum** *N*
Make -gen-asm-parser emit assembly writer number *N*.
**-asmwriternum** *N*
Make -gen-asm-writer emit assembly writer number *N*.
**-class** *class Name*
Print the enumeration list for this class.
Print all records to standard output (default).
Print enumeration values for a class
Print expanded sets for testing DAG exprs.
Generate machine code emitter.
Generate registers and register classes info.
Generate instruction descriptions.
Generate the assembly writer.
Generate disassembler.
Generate pseudo instruction lowering.
Generate a DAG (Directed Acycle Graph) instruction selector.
Generate assembly instruction matcher.
Generate DFA Packetizer for VLIW targets.
Generate a "fast" instruction selector.
Generate subtarget enumerations.
Generate intrinsic information.
Generate target intrinsic information.
Generate enhanced disassembly info.
Show the version number of this program.
If **tblgen** succeeds, it will exit with 0. Otherwise, if an error
occurs, it will exit with a non-zero value.