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2019-07-08 07:26:51 +00:00
package millfork.output
2019-07-28 22:55:24 +00:00
import millfork.assembly.SourceLine
2020-09-15 15:08:38 +00:00
import millfork.assembly.m6809.opt.JumpFixing
2021-03-14 23:44:14 +00:00
import millfork.{CompilationFlag, CompilationOptions, Platform}
2019-07-08 07:26:51 +00:00
import millfork.assembly.m6809.{MOpcode, _}
import millfork.compiler.m6809.M6809Compiler
import millfork.env.{Environment, FunctionInMemory, Label, MemoryAddressConstant, NormalFunction, NumericConstant}
2019-07-28 22:55:24 +00:00
import millfork.node.{M6809Register, NiceFunctionProperty, Position, Program}
2019-07-08 07:26:51 +00:00
import scala.collection.mutable
* @author Karol Stasiak
class M6809Assembler(program: Program,
rootEnv: Environment,
platform: Platform) extends AbstractAssembler[MLine](program, rootEnv, platform, M6809InliningCalculator, M6809Compiler) {
override def bytePseudoopcode: String = "FCB"
override def deduplicate(options: CompilationOptions, compiledFunctions: mutable.Map[String, CompiledFunction[MLine]]): Unit = ()
override def injectLabels(labelMap: Map[String, (Int, Int)], code: List[MLine]): List[MLine] = code
override def quickSimplify(code: List[MLine]): List[MLine] = code
2019-08-01 17:11:35 +00:00
override def gatherNiceFunctionProperties(options: CompilationOptions, niceFunctionProperties: mutable.Set[(NiceFunctionProperty, String)], function: NormalFunction, code: List[MLine]): Unit = ()
2019-07-08 07:26:51 +00:00
override def gatherFunctionOptimizationHints(options: CompilationOptions, niceFunctionProperties: mutable.Set[(NiceFunctionProperty, String)], function: FunctionInMemory): Unit = {
import NiceFunctionProperty._
import millfork.node.M6809NiceFunctionProperty._
val functionName = function.name
if (function.optimizationHints("preserves_memory")) niceFunctionProperties += DoesntWriteMemory -> functionName
if (function.optimizationHints("idempotent")) niceFunctionProperties += Idempotent -> functionName
if (function.optimizationHints("preserves_a")) niceFunctionProperties += DoesntChangeA -> functionName
if (function.optimizationHints("preserves_b")) niceFunctionProperties += DoesntChangeB -> functionName
if (function.optimizationHints("preserves_d")) {
niceFunctionProperties += DoesntChangeA -> functionName
niceFunctionProperties += DoesntChangeB -> functionName
if (function.optimizationHints("preserves_x")) niceFunctionProperties += DoesntChangeX -> functionName
if (function.optimizationHints("preserves_y")) niceFunctionProperties += DoesntChangeY -> functionName
if (function.optimizationHints("preserves_u")) niceFunctionProperties += DoesntChangeU -> functionName
if (function.optimizationHints("preserves_dp")) niceFunctionProperties += DoesntChangeDP -> functionName
if (function.optimizationHints("preserves_c")) niceFunctionProperties += DoesntChangeCF -> functionName
2020-09-15 15:08:38 +00:00
override def performFinalOptimizationPass(f: NormalFunction, actuallyOptimize: Boolean, options: CompilationOptions, code: List[MLine]): List[MLine] = {
JumpFixing(f, code, options)
2019-07-08 07:26:51 +00:00
2019-07-28 22:55:24 +00:00
private def registerCode(register: M6809Register.Value): Int = {
import M6809Register._
register match {
case D => 0
case X => 1
case Y => 2
case U => 3
case S => 4
case PC => 5
case A => 8
case B => 9
case CC => 10
case DP => 11
private def registerPushMask(register: M6809Register.Value, useUserStack: Boolean, position: Option[Position]): Int = {
import M6809Register._
register match {
case D => 6
case X => 0x10
case Y => 0x20
case U =>
case S =>
if (!useUserStack) log.error("Can't push/pull the S register onto the system stack", position)
case PC => 0x80
case A => 2
case B => 4
case CC => 1
case DP =>
log.error("Can't push/pull the DP register", position)
override def emitInstruction(bank: String, options: CompilationOptions, startIndex: Int, instr: MLine): Int = {
implicit val position = instr.source.map(sl => Position(sl.moduleName, sl.line, 0, 0))
2019-07-08 07:26:51 +00:00
import millfork.assembly.m6809.MOpcode._
2019-07-28 22:55:24 +00:00
var index: Int = startIndex
if (MOpcode.PrefixedBy10(instr.opcode)) {
writeByte(bank, index, 0x10)
index += 1
if (MOpcode.PrefixedBy11(instr.opcode)) {
writeByte(bank, index, 0x11)
index += 1
2019-07-08 07:26:51 +00:00
instr match {
case MLine0(BYTE, RawByte, c) =>
writeByte(bank, index, c)
index + 1
case MLine0(BYTE, _, _) => log.fatal("BYTE opcode failure")
case MLine0(_, RawByte, _) => log.fatal("BYTE opcode failure")
case MLine0(LABEL, NonExistent, MemoryAddressConstant(Label(labelName))) =>
val bank0 = mem.banks(bank)
labelMap(labelName) = bank0.index -> index
case MLine0(op, NonExistent, _) if MOpcode.NoopDiscard(op) =>
case MLine0(CHANGED_MEM, NonExistent, MemoryAddressConstant(Label(l))) if l.contains("..brk") =>
breakpointSet += mem.banks(bank).index -> index
case MLine0(CHANGED_MEM, _, _) =>
2019-07-28 22:55:24 +00:00
case MLine0(TFR, TwoRegisters(source, target), param)
if M6809Register.registerSize(source) == M6809Register.registerSize(target) && param.isProvablyZero =>
writeByte(bank, index, 0x1f)
2019-08-15 22:46:46 +00:00
writeByte(bank, index + 1, registerCode(source) * 16 + registerCode(target))
2019-07-28 22:55:24 +00:00
index + 2
case MLine0(EXG, TwoRegisters(source, target), param)
if M6809Register.registerSize(source) == M6809Register.registerSize(target) && param.isProvablyZero =>
writeByte(bank, index, 0x1e)
2019-08-15 22:46:46 +00:00
writeByte(bank, index + 1, registerCode(source) * 16 + registerCode(target))
2019-07-28 22:55:24 +00:00
index + 2
case l@MLine0(op, RegisterSet(set), param) if param.isProvablyZero && M6809Assembler.pushpull.contains(op) =>
writeByte(bank, index, M6809Assembler.pushpull(op))
val useUserStack = op == PULU || op == PSHU
if (useUserStack && set(M6809Register.U)) log.error("Can't push/pull the U register onto the user stack", position)
if (!useUserStack && set(M6809Register.S)) log.error("Can't push/pull the U register onto the system stack", position)
if (set(M6809Register.DP)) log.error("Can't push/pull the DP register", position)
writeByte(bank, index + 1, set.foldLeft(0)((acc,reg) => acc | registerPushMask(reg, useUserStack, position)))
index + 2
2019-07-08 07:26:51 +00:00
case MLine0(op, Inherent, _) if M6809Assembler.inherent.contains(op) =>
writeByte(bank, index, M6809Assembler.inherent(op))
index + 1
case MLine0(op, InherentA, _) if M6809Assembler.inherentA.contains(op) =>
writeByte(bank, index, M6809Assembler.inherentA(op))
index + 1
case MLine0(op, InherentB, _) if M6809Assembler.inherentB.contains(op) =>
writeByte(bank, index, M6809Assembler.inherentB(op))
index + 1
case MLine0(op, Immediate, param) if M6809Assembler.immediate.contains(op) =>
writeByte(bank, index, M6809Assembler.immediate(op))
writeByte(bank, index + 1, param)
2019-07-28 22:55:24 +00:00
index + 2
case MLine0(op, Immediate, param) if M6809Assembler.standardByte.contains(op) =>
writeByte(bank, index, M6809Assembler.standardByte(op))
writeByte(bank, index + 1, param)
index + 2
case MLine0(op, Immediate, param) if M6809Assembler.standardWord.contains(op) =>
writeByte(bank, index, M6809Assembler.standardWord(op))
writeWord(bank, index + 1, param)
index + 3
case MLine0(op, DirectPage, param) if M6809Assembler.standard.contains(op) =>
if (M6809Assembler.standard(op).&(0xf0) == 0x40) {
writeByte(bank, index, M6809Assembler.standard(op) & 0xf)
} else {
writeByte(bank, index, M6809Assembler.standard(op) + 0x10)
writeByte(bank, index + 1, param)
index + 2
case MLine0(op, Absolute(false), param) if M6809Assembler.standard.contains(op) =>
writeByte(bank, index, M6809Assembler.standard(op) + 0x30)
writeWord(bank, index + 1, param)
index + 3
case MLine0(op, Absolute(true), param) if M6809Assembler.indexable.contains(op) =>
writeByte(bank, index, M6809Assembler.standard(op) + 0x20)
2020-07-13 20:10:04 +00:00
writeByte(bank, index + 1, 0x9f)
2019-07-28 22:55:24 +00:00
writeWord(bank, index + 2, param)
2020-07-13 20:10:04 +00:00
index + 4
2019-07-28 22:55:24 +00:00
case MLine0(op, Indexed(M6809Register.PC, indirect), param) if M6809Assembler.indexable.contains(op) =>
case MLine0(op, Indexed(register, indirect), param) if M6809Assembler.indexable.contains(op) =>
writeByte(bank, index, M6809Assembler.indexable(op) + 0x20)
val ri = getRegByte(register, indirect)
param match {
case NumericConstant(0, _) =>
writeByte(bank, index + 1, 0x84 + ri)
index + 2
2020-06-09 19:43:04 +00:00
case NumericConstant(n, _) if !indirect && n >= -16 && n <= 15 =>
writeByte(bank, index + 1, ri + n.toInt.&(0x1f))
index + 2
2019-07-28 22:55:24 +00:00
case NumericConstant(n, _) if n >= -128 && n <= 127 =>
writeByte(bank, index + 1, 0x88 + ri)
writeWord(bank, index + 2, param)
index + 3
case _ =>
writeByte(bank, index + 1, 0x89 + ri)
writeWord(bank, index + 2, param)
index + 4
case MLine0(op, PostIncremented(register, 1, false), param) if M6809Assembler.indexable.contains(op) =>
if (!param.isProvablyZero) log.error(s"Index offset has to be zero, not $param", position)
writeByte(bank, index, M6809Assembler.indexable(op) + 0x20)
writeByte(bank, index + 1, 0x80 + getRegByte(register, indirect = false))
index + 2
case MLine0(op, PostIncremented(register, 2, indirect), param) if M6809Assembler.indexable.contains(op) =>
if (!param.isProvablyZero) log.error(s"Index offset has to be zero, not $param", position)
writeByte(bank, index, M6809Assembler.indexable(op) + 0x20)
writeByte(bank, index + 1, 0x81 + getRegByte(register, indirect))
index + 2
case MLine0(op, PreDecremented(register, 1, false), param) if M6809Assembler.indexable.contains(op) =>
if (!param.isProvablyZero) log.error(s"Index offset has to be zero, not $param", position)
writeByte(bank, index, M6809Assembler.indexable(op) + 0x20)
writeByte(bank, index + 1, 0x82 + getRegByte(register, indirect = false))
index + 2
case MLine0(op, PreDecremented(register, 2, indirect), param) if M6809Assembler.indexable.contains(op) =>
if (!param.isProvablyZero) log.error(s"Index offset has to be zero, not $param", position)
writeByte(bank, index, M6809Assembler.indexable(op) + 0x20)
writeByte(bank, index + 1, 0x83 + getRegByte(register, indirect))
index + 2
case MLine0(op, BAccumulatorIndexed(register, indirect), param) if M6809Assembler.indexable.contains(op) =>
if (!param.isProvablyZero) log.error(s"Index offset has to be zero, not $param", position)
writeByte(bank, index, M6809Assembler.indexable(op) + 0x20)
writeByte(bank, index + 1, 0x85 + getRegByte(register, indirect))
index + 2
case MLine0(op, AAccumulatorIndexed(register, indirect), param) if M6809Assembler.indexable.contains(op) =>
if (!param.isProvablyZero) log.error(s"Index offset has to be zero, not $param", position)
writeByte(bank, index, M6809Assembler.indexable(op) + 0x20)
writeByte(bank, index + 1, 0x86 + getRegByte(register, indirect))
index + 2
case MLine0(op, DAccumulatorIndexed(register, indirect), param) if M6809Assembler.indexable.contains(op) =>
if (!param.isProvablyZero) log.error(s"Index offset has to be zero, not $param", position)
writeByte(bank, index, M6809Assembler.indexable(op) + 0x20)
writeByte(bank, index + 1, 0x8b + getRegByte(register, indirect))
index + 2
case MLine0(op, Relative, param) if M6809Assembler.branches.contains(op) =>
writeByte(bank, index, M6809Assembler.branches(op))
writeByte(bank, index + 1, param - (index + 2))
index + 2
2019-12-15 22:47:01 +00:00
case MLine0(BRA, LongRelative, param) =>
writeByte(bank, index, 0x16)
writeWord(bank, index + 1, param - (index + 3))
index + 3
2019-07-28 22:55:24 +00:00
case MLine0(op, LongRelative, param) if M6809Assembler.branches.contains(op) =>
writeByte(bank, index, 0x10)
writeByte(bank, index + 1, M6809Assembler.branches(op))
writeWord(bank, index + 2, param - (index + 4))
index + 4
2019-07-08 07:26:51 +00:00
case _ =>
2019-10-07 23:43:09 +00:00
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not supported: " + instr + " " + instr.productIterator.mkString("/"))
2019-07-08 07:26:51 +00:00
2019-07-28 22:55:24 +00:00
private def getRegByte(register: M6809Register.Value, indirect: Boolean) = {
(register match {
case M6809Register.X => 0x00
case M6809Register.Y => 0x20
case M6809Register.U => 0x40
case M6809Register.S => 0x60
}) + (if (indirect) 0x10 else 0)
2019-07-08 07:26:51 +00:00
object M6809Assembler {
2019-07-28 22:55:24 +00:00
val inherent: mutable.Map[MOpcode.Value, Int] = mutable.Map[MOpcode.Value, Int]()
val inherentA: mutable.Map[MOpcode.Value, Int] = mutable.Map[MOpcode.Value, Int]()
val inherentB: mutable.Map[MOpcode.Value, Int] = mutable.Map[MOpcode.Value, Int]()
val immediate: mutable.Map[MOpcode.Value, Int] = mutable.Map[MOpcode.Value, Int]()
val standardByte: mutable.Map[MOpcode.Value, Int] = mutable.Map[MOpcode.Value, Int]()
val standardWord: mutable.Map[MOpcode.Value, Int] = mutable.Map[MOpcode.Value, Int]()
val standard: mutable.Map[MOpcode.Value, Int] = mutable.Map[MOpcode.Value, Int]()
val indexable: mutable.Map[MOpcode.Value, Int] = mutable.Map[MOpcode.Value, Int]()
val pushpull: mutable.Map[MOpcode.Value, Int] = mutable.Map[MOpcode.Value, Int]()
val branches: mutable.Map[MOpcode.Value, Int] = mutable.Map[MOpcode.Value, Int]()
2019-07-08 07:26:51 +00:00
2019-07-28 22:55:24 +00:00
private def br(op: MOpcode.Value, value: Int): Unit = branches(op) = value
private def inh(op: MOpcode.Value, value: Int): Unit = inherent(op) = value
private def pp(op: MOpcode.Value, value: Int): Unit = pushpull(op) = value
2019-07-08 07:26:51 +00:00
private def inab(op: MOpcode.Value, value: Int): Unit = {
2019-07-28 22:55:24 +00:00
inherentA(op) = value
inherentB(op) = value.+(0x10)
2019-07-08 07:26:51 +00:00
2019-07-28 22:55:24 +00:00
private def imm(op: MOpcode.Value, value: Int): Unit = immediate(op) = value
private def stb(op: MOpcode.Value, value: Int): Unit = {
standardByte(op) = value
standard(op) = value
indexable(op) = value
private def stw(op: MOpcode.Value, value: Int): Unit = {
standardWord(op) = value
standard(op) = value
indexable(op) = value
private def stm(op: MOpcode.Value, value: Int): Unit = {
standard(op) = value
indexable(op) = value
private def lea(op: MOpcode.Value, value: Int): Unit = {
indexable(op) = value
2019-07-08 07:26:51 +00:00
import MOpcode._
inh(ABX, 0x3a)
inh(DAA, 0x19)
inh(MUL, 0x3d)
inh(NOP, 0x12)
inh(RTI, 0x3B)
inh(RTS, 0x39)
inh(SEX, 0x1d)
inh(SWI, 0x3f)
2019-07-28 22:55:24 +00:00
inh(SWI2, 0x3f)
inh(SWI3, 0x3f)
2019-07-08 07:26:51 +00:00
inh(SYNC, 0x13)
inab(ASL, 0x48)
inab(ASR, 0x47)
inab(CLR, 0x4f)
inab(COM, 0x43)
inab(DEC, 0x4a)
2020-06-09 19:43:04 +00:00
inab(INC, 0x4c)
2019-07-08 07:26:51 +00:00
inab(LSR, 0x44)
inab(NEG, 0x40)
inab(ROL, 0x49)
inab(ROR, 0x46)
inab(TST, 0x4d)
2019-07-28 22:55:24 +00:00
stm(ASL, 0x48)
stm(ASR, 0x47)
stm(CLR, 0x4f)
stm(COM, 0x43)
stm(DEC, 0x4a)
stm(INC, 0x4c)
stm(LSR, 0x44)
stm(NEG, 0x40)
stm(ROL, 0x49)
stm(ROR, 0x46)
stm(TST, 0x4d)
imm(ANDCC, 0x1c)
imm(CWAI, 0x3c)
imm(ORCC, 0x1a)
pp(PSHS, 0x34)
pp(PSHU, 0x36)
pp(PULS, 0x35)
pp(PULU, 0x37)
stb(ADCA, 0x89)
stb(ADCB, 0xc9)
stb(ADDA, 0x8b)
stb(ADDB, 0xcb)
stw(ADDD, 0xc3)
stb(ANDA, 0x84)
stb(ANDB, 0xc4)
stb(BITA, 0x85)
stb(BITB, 0xc5)
stb(CMPA, 0x81)
stb(CMPB, 0xc1)
stw(CMPD, 0x83)
stw(CMPS, 0x8c)
stw(CMPU, 0x83)
stw(CMPX, 0x8c)
stw(CMPY, 0x8c)
stb(EORA, 0x88)
stb(EORB, 0xc8)
stm(JMP, 0x4e)
stm(JSR, 0x8d)
stb(LDA, 0x86)
stb(LDB, 0xc6)
stw(LDD, 0xcc)
stw(LDS, 0xce)
stw(LDU, 0xce)
stw(LDX, 0x8e)
stw(LDY, 0x8e)
lea(LEAS, 0x12)
lea(LEAU, 0x13)
lea(LEAX, 0x10)
lea(LEAY, 0x11)
stb(ORA, 0x8A)
stb(ORB, 0xcA)
stb(SBCA, 0x82)
stb(SBCB, 0xc2)
stm(STA, 0x87)
stm(STB, 0xc7)
stm(STD, 0xcd)
stm(STS, 0xcf)
stm(STU, 0xcf)
stm(STX, 0x8f)
stm(STY, 0x8f)
stb(SUBA, 0x80)
stb(SUBB, 0xc0)
stw(SUBD, 0x83)
br(BRA, 0x20)
br(BRN, 0x21)
br(BHI, 0x22)
br(BLS, 0x23)
br(BCC, 0x24)
br(BCS, 0x25)
br(BNE, 0x26)
br(BEQ, 0x27)
br(BVC, 0x28)
br(BVS, 0x29)
br(BPL, 0x2a)
br(BMI, 0x2b)
br(BGE, 0x2c)
br(BLT, 0x2d)
br(BGT, 0x2e)
br(BLE, 0x2f)