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The Millfork preprocessor does 2 things:

  • filters lines in the input file according to current target's features

  • injects the target's feature values as constants into the current file

Despite its similarity to the C preprocessor, it's much more restricted in its power:

  • no file inclusion

  • no macros

  • separate namespaces for the preprocessor and the language (you need to use #use to use a preprocessor constant in the code)

Preprocessor directives by default start with #. To avoid conflicts with C preprocessor (for users wishing to use it), it is also possible to replace # with $$.

Defining feature values

Feature values are defined in the [define] section of the platform definition file.
Each value is a signed 64-bit integer number.



You can also define feature values using the -D command line option.

Built-in features

The following features are defined based on the chosen CPU and compilation options:

  • MILLFORK_VERSION defined since 0.3.4, contains the version of the compiler: for version x.y.z, the value is 10000x+100y+z

  • ARCH_6502 1 if compiling for 6502, 0 otherwise

  • ARCH_I80 1 if compiling for Intel 8080-like processor, 0 otherwise

  • ARCH_X86 1 if compiling for Intel 8086-like processor, 0 otherwise

  • CPU_65C02, CPU_65CE02, CPU_65816, CPU_HUC6280, CPU_8080, CPU_8085, CPU_GAMEBOY, CPU_Z80, CPU_8086 1 if compiling for the exact given processor, 0 otherwise

  • CPU_6502 1 if compiling for any pre-65C02 6502-like processor, 0 otherwise

  • CPUFEATURE_DECIMAL_MODE 1 if decimal mode is enabled, 0 otherwise


  • ENCODING_SAME - 1 if the encodings default and src are the same, 0 otherwise.

  • INIT_RW_MEMORY 1 if the option ram_init_segment is defined, 0 otherwise. See the ROM vs RAM guide for more information.

  • BIG_ENDIAN 1 if the platform is big-endian, 0 otherwise (currently all supported platforms are little-endian)

  • LITTLE_ENDIAN 1 if the platform is little-endian, 0 otherwise (currently all supported platforms are little-endian)

  • OPTIMIZE_FOR_SIZE, OPTIMIZE_FOR_SPEED, OPTIMIZE_INLINE, OPTIMIZE_IPO 1 if given optimization setting is enabled, 0 otherwise

  • SYNTAX_INTEL, SYNTAX_ZILOG 1 if given assembly syntax is chosen, 0 otherwise; doesn't take this file's pragmas into account

  • USES_ZPREG 1 if the zeropage pseudoregister is used, 0 otherwise

  • ZPREG_SIZE size of the pseudoregister in bytes, or 0 on platforms that don't use it

  • TINY_RW_MEMORY 1 if the main ram is 256 bytes or less, 0 otherwise

  • USES_IX_STACK, USES_IY_STACK 1 if given index register is used as a base pointer for stack-allocated variables, 0 otherwise

  • USES_SHADOW_REGISTERS 1 if interrupts preserve old registers in the shadow registers, 0 if they do it on stack

  • USES_SOFTWARE_STACK 1 if using software stack for variables (6502-like targets only), 0 otherwise

Commonly used features

  • WIDESCREEN 1 if the horizontal screen resolution, ignoring borders, is greater than 256, 0 otherwise

  • CBM 1 if the target is an 8-bit Commodore computer (or a compatible one), 0 otherwise

  • CBM_64_COMPAT 1 if the target is an 8-bit Commodore computer compatible with Commodore 64, 0 otherwise

  • CBM_64_CRT 1 if the target is a cartridge for Commodore 64, 0 otherwise

  • CBM_264 1 if the target is an 8-bit Commodore computer from the 264 line, 0 otherwise

  • KEYBOARD 1 if the target has a keyboard, 0 otherwise

  • JOYSTICKS the maximum number of joysticks using standard hardware configurations, may be 0

  • HAS_BITMAP_MODE 1 if the target has a display mode with every pixel addressable, 0 otherwise

  • MOS_6510 1 if the target uses a MOS 6510-compatible processor (with an I/O port at $0000/$0001)

  • CPM 1 if the target is CP/M, 0 otherwise

  • IBM_PC 1 if the target is IBM PC, 0 otherwise

  • MSX 1 if the target is MSX, 0 otherwise

  • NTSC 1 if the target is NTSC, 0 otherwise

  • PAL 1 if the target is PAL, 0 otherwise

  • NULLPTR physical value of nullptr, default 0

  • VERA_VERSION on Commander X16, the version of the VERA chip: 7 for 0.7, 8 for 0.8

Built-in preprocessor functions and operators

The defined function returns 1 if the feature is defined, 0 otherwise.
All the other functions and operators treat undefined features as if they were defined as 0.

The if function returns its second parameter if the first parameter is defined and non-zero, and the third parameter otherwise:

// prints 400:
#infoeval if(1, 400, 500)
// prints 500:
#infoeval if(0, 400, 500)

not, lo, hi, +, -, *, |, &, ^, ||, &&, <<, >>,==, !=, >, >=, <, <=

The following Millfork operators and functions are not available in the preprocessor:
+', -', *', <<', >>', :, >>>>, nonet, all the assignment operators


#if <expr>
#elseif <expr>



#fatal fatal error message
#error error message
#warn warning message
#info informational message

Emits a diagnostic message.

#fatal interrupts the compilation immediately.
#error causes an error, but the compilation will continue.
#warn emits a warning. It may be treated as an error depending on compilation options.
#info emits a benign diagnostic message.


#infoeval <expr>

Evaluates an expression and emits the result as a diagnostic message.


#define <ident> = <expr>

Defines a new feature value or redefines a previous feature value.

The feature value is visible only to the preprocessor, only when processing the current file, and only in lines preprocessed after this one.


#use <ident> = <expr>

#use <feature>
// equivalent to #use <feature> = <feature>

Exports a value to the parser. The parser will substitute every use of the given identifier as a variable or constant with the numeric value of the feature.

#use CPU_MODEL = if(CPU_65816 | ARCH_X86, 16, 8)
putstrz("Your CPU is "z)

The substitution will happen only within the current file. To use such value in other files, consider using a normal constant:

const byte is_widescreen = WIDESCREEN


Changes the behaviour of the parser for the current file. The change applies to the whole file, regardless of where the directive is located.

  • #pragma intel_syntax interpret assembly using Intel syntax

  • #pragma zilog_syntax interpret assembly using Zilog syntax