2015-02-24 01:25:09 -08:00
; This is a direct port of Michael Martin's tutorial project for NES101
; With some modifications to the tile map, and extra comments, and ported to
; suit my assembler. - Saf
; See:
; http://hackipedia.org/Platform/Nintendo/NES/tutorial,%20NES%20programming%20101/NES101.html
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
; Create an iNES header
.ines {"prog": 1, "char": 1, "mapper": 0, "mirror": 0}
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
2015-03-13 13:14:41 -07:00
; Include all the symbols in the nes library
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
.inc <nes.sym>
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
2015-03-12 08:54:59 -07:00
; Open the prog section bank 0
2015-03-04 09:58:50 -08:00
.segment prog 0
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
2015-03-12 08:54:59 -07:00
; Here is a good spot to associate zero page memory addresses
; to symbols that we can use throughout the program.
.org $0000
.space dx 1
.space a_button 1
.space scroll 1
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
2015-03-05 21:55:13 -08:00
; We can use scope to declare a C like struct at $0200
.org $0200
.scope sprite
.space y 1
.space pattern 1
.space color 1
.space x 1
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
; Setup the interrupt vectors
.org $FFFA
.dw vblank
.dw main
.dw irq
; Here is our code entry point, which we'll call main.
2015-03-05 17:21:51 -08:00
.org $C000
.scope main
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
; Disable interrupts and decimal flag
2015-02-28 17:43:43 -08:00
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
; Wait for 2 vblanks
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
lda nes.ppu.status
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
bpl wait_vb1
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
lda nes.ppu.status
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
bpl wait_vb2
; Now we want to initialize the hardware to a known state
lda #$00
ldx #$00
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
sta $00, x
sta $0100, x
sta $0200, x
sta $0300, x
sta $0400, x
sta $0500, x
sta $0600, x
sta $0700, x
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
bne clear_segments
; Reset the stack pointer
ldx #$FF
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
; Disable all graphics and vblank nmi
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
lda #$00
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
sta nes.ppu.control1
sta nes.ppu.control2
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
2015-02-28 17:43:43 -08:00
jsr init_graphics
jsr init_input
jsr init_sound
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
jsr init_ppu
; Resume interrupts and loop here forever
2015-02-28 17:43:43 -08:00
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
jmp forever
2015-03-05 17:21:51 -08:00
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
; Set basic PPU registers. Load background from $0000,
; sprites from $1000, and the name table from $2000.
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
; These literals would make more sense in binary.
2015-03-05 17:21:51 -08:00
.scope init_ppu
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
lda #$88
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
sta nes.ppu.control1
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
lda #$1E
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
sta nes.ppu.control2
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
2015-03-05 17:21:51 -08:00
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
; Initialize all the sprites, palettes, nametables, and scrolling
2015-03-05 17:21:51 -08:00
.scope init_graphics
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
jsr init_sprites
jsr load_palette
jsr load_name_tables
jsr init_scrolling
2015-03-05 17:21:51 -08:00
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
; Initialize the controller input, keeping track of the A button
2015-03-05 17:21:51 -08:00
.scope init_input
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
lda #$00
2015-03-12 08:54:59 -07:00
sta a_button zp
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
2015-03-05 17:21:51 -08:00
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
2015-02-24 01:25:09 -08:00
; Initialize the APU to known values
2015-03-05 17:21:51 -08:00
.scope init_sound
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
lda #$01
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
sta nes.apu.channel_enable
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
lda #$00
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
sta nes.apu.square1.reg2
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
2015-03-05 17:21:51 -08:00
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
2015-02-24 01:25:09 -08:00
; Clear page #2, which we'll use to hold sprite data
2015-03-02 21:27:53 -08:00
; This subroutine clearly shows why I need to have symbols
2015-02-24 01:25:09 -08:00
; to refer to bits of RAM in the zero page like dx, etc.
2015-03-05 17:21:51 -08:00
.scope init_sprites
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
lda #$00
ldx #$00
2015-02-24 01:25:09 -08:00
sta sprite, x
bne sprite_clear1
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
; initialize Sprite 0
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
lda #$70 ; Y Coordinate
2015-03-12 08:54:59 -07:00
sta sprite.y ; Initialize the y value of sprite
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
lda #$01
2015-03-12 08:54:59 -07:00
sta sprite.pattern ; Pattern number 1
sta sprite.x ; X value also 1, and leave color 0
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
; Set initial value of dx
lda #$01
2015-03-12 08:54:59 -07:00
sta dx zp ; Initialize delta x value to 1
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
2015-03-05 17:21:51 -08:00
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
2015-02-24 01:25:09 -08:00
; Load palette into $3F00
2015-03-05 17:21:51 -08:00
.scope load_palette
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
lda #$3F
ldx #$00
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
sta nes.ppu.address
stx nes.ppu.address
2015-03-05 17:21:51 -08:00
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
lda palette, x
sta nes.ppu.data
2015-02-24 01:25:09 -08:00
cpx #$20
2015-03-05 17:21:51 -08:00
bne loop
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
2015-03-05 17:21:51 -08:00
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
2015-02-24 01:25:09 -08:00
; Put the ASCII values from bg into the first name table, at $2400
; The tile values are conveniently mapped to their ASCII values
2015-03-05 17:21:51 -08:00
.scope load_name_tables
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
ldy #$00
ldx #$04
lda #<bg
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
sta $10
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
lda #>bg
sta $11
lda #$24
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
sta nes.ppu.address
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
lda #$00
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
sta nes.ppu.address
2015-03-05 17:21:51 -08:00
2015-03-12 18:12:45 -07:00
lda ($10), y
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
sta nes.ppu.data
2015-02-24 01:25:09 -08:00
2015-03-05 17:21:51 -08:00
bne loop
2015-02-24 01:25:09 -08:00
inc $11
2015-03-05 17:21:51 -08:00
bne loop
2015-02-24 01:25:09 -08:00
; This now clears the second name table?
; I think this is because writing to $2007 auto increments the
; written value
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
ldy #$00
ldx #$04
lda #$00
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
2015-03-12 08:54:59 -07:00
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
sta nes.ppu.data
2015-03-12 08:54:59 -07:00
bne loop
bne loop
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
2015-03-05 17:21:51 -08:00
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
2015-02-24 01:25:09 -08:00
2015-03-12 08:54:59 -07:00
; This initializes the scrolling value in the zero page
; So that we begin offscreen and can scroll down
2015-03-05 17:21:51 -08:00
.scope init_scrolling
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
lda #$F0
2015-03-12 08:54:59 -07:00
sta scroll zp
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
2015-03-05 17:21:51 -08:00
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
2015-02-24 01:25:09 -08:00
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
; Update the sprite, I don't exactly understand the DMA call yet.
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
lda #>sprite
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
sta nes.ppu.sprite_dma ; Jam page $200-$2FF into SPR-RAM, how do we get these numbers?
2015-03-05 21:55:13 -08:00
lda sprite.x
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
beq hit_left
cmp #$F7
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
bne edge_done ; Detect hitting either edge
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
; Hit right
ldx #$FF
2015-03-12 08:54:59 -07:00
stx dx zp
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
jsr high_c ; And play a high C note if we do
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
jmp edge_done
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
ldx #$01
stx dx zp
jsr high_c
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
edge_done: ; update X and store it.
adc dx zp
sta sprite.x
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
; Read the first controller, and handle input
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
lda #$01 ; strobe joypad
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
sta nes.controller1
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
lda #$00
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
sta nes.controller1
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
lda nes.controller1 ; Is the A button down?
2015-03-12 08:54:59 -07:00
and #$01
2015-02-28 17:43:43 -08:00
beq not_a
2015-03-12 08:54:59 -07:00
ldx a_button zp
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
bne a_done ; Only react if the A button wasn't down last time.
2015-03-12 08:54:59 -07:00
sta a_button zp ; Store the 1 in local variable 'a' so that we this is
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
jsr reverse_dx ; only called once per press.
jmp a_done
2015-03-02 21:27:53 -08:00
2015-03-12 08:54:59 -07:00
sta a_button zp ; A has been released, so put that zero into 'a'.
2015-03-02 21:27:53 -08:00
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
lda nes.controller1 ; B does nothing
lda nes.controller1 ; Select does nothing
lda nes.controller1 ; Start does nothing
lda nes.controller1 ; Up
2015-03-02 21:27:53 -08:00
and #$01
beq not_up
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
ldx sprite.y ; Load Y value
2015-03-02 21:27:53 -08:00
cpx #$07
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
beq not_up ; No going past the top of the screen
2015-03-02 21:27:53 -08:00
2015-03-05 21:55:13 -08:00
stx sprite.y
2015-03-02 21:27:53 -08:00
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
lda nes.controller1 ; Down
2015-03-02 21:27:53 -08:00
and #$01
beq not_dn
2015-03-05 21:55:13 -08:00
ldx sprite.y
2015-03-02 21:27:53 -08:00
cpx #$DF ; No going past the bottom of the screen.
beq not_dn
2015-03-05 21:55:13 -08:00
stx sprite.y
2015-03-02 21:27:53 -08:00
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
rts ; Ignore left and right
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
; XORing with $ff toggles between 0x1 and 0xfe (-1)
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
2015-02-28 17:43:43 -08:00
lda #$FF
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
eor dx zp
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
adc #$01 ; Add dx, and store to variable
2015-03-12 08:54:59 -07:00
sta dx zp
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
jsr low_c ; Play the reverse low C note
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
; Scroll the screen if we have to
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
ldx #$00 ; Reset VRAM Address to $0000
stx nes.ppu.address
stx nes.ppu.address
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
ldx scroll zp ; Do we need to scroll at all?
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
beq no_scroll
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
stx scroll zp
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
lda #$00
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
sta nes.ppu.scroll ; Write 0 for Horiz. Scroll value
stx nes.ppu.scroll ; Write the value of 'scroll' for Vert. Scroll value
2015-02-28 17:43:43 -08:00
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
2015-02-24 01:25:09 -08:00
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
; Play a low C note on square 1
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
lda #$84
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
sta nes.apu.square1.reg1
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
lda #$AA
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
sta nes.apu.square1.reg3
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
lda #$09
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
sta nes.apu.square1.reg4
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
2015-02-24 01:25:09 -08:00
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
; Play a high C note on square 1
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
lda #$86
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
sta nes.apu.square1.reg1
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
lda #$69
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
sta nes.apu.square1.reg3
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
lda #$08
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
sta nes.apu.square1.reg4
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
2015-03-12 11:46:59 -07:00
2015-02-24 01:25:09 -08:00
; Update everything on every vblank
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
jsr scroll_screen
jsr update_sprite
jsr react_to_input
2015-02-24 01:25:09 -08:00
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
2015-02-24 01:25:09 -08:00
; Don't do anything on IRQ
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
2015-02-24 01:25:09 -08:00
; Palette data stored in the PROG section, to be copied later
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
.bytes $0E,$00,$0E,$19,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$01,$00,$01,$21
.bytes $0E,$20,$22,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
2015-02-24 01:25:09 -08:00
; Background data stored in the PROG section to be copied later
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
.ascii " "
.ascii " "
.ascii " SAF'S 6502 NES ASSEMBLER "
.ascii " "
.ascii " "
.ascii " "
.ascii " VSS RES "
.ascii " RDY PHI2 "
.ascii " PH1 S0 "
.ascii " IRQ 6 PHI0 "
.ascii " NC NC "
.ascii " NMI NC "
.ascii " SYNC 5 R/W "
.ascii " VCC D0 "
.ascii " A0 D1 "
.ascii " A1 0 D2 "
.ascii " A2 D3 "
.ascii " A3 D4 "
.ascii " A4 2 D5 "
.ascii " A5 D6 "
.ascii " A6 D7 "
.ascii " A7 A15 "
.ascii " A8 A14 "
.ascii " A9 A13 "
.ascii " A10 A12 "
.ascii " A11 VSS "
.ascii " "
.ascii " "
.ascii " "
.ascii " "
2015-02-24 01:25:09 -08:00
; Attribute table, this is basically the tilemap
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
.bytes $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,
.bytes $00,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF,$00,$00,$00,
.bytes $00,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF,$00,$00,$00,
.bytes $00,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF,$00,$00,$00,
.bytes $00,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF,$00,$00,$00,
.bytes $00,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF,$00,$00,$00,
.bytes $00,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF,$00,$00,$00,
.bytes $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,
2015-02-24 01:25:09 -08:00
2015-03-12 08:54:59 -07:00
; This is CHR-ROM bank 0, which starts at 0x0000, but I'm skipping the first $0200 because
2015-02-24 01:25:09 -08:00
; the first bunch of ASCII characters are not represented. This is the commodore 64's
; character ROM.
2015-03-04 09:58:50 -08:00
.segment char 0
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
.org $0200
.bytes $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; Character 32
.bytes $18,$18,$18,$18,$00,$00,$18,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; Character 33
.bytes $66,$66,$66,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; Character 34
.bytes $66,$66,$FF,$66,$FF,$66,$66,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; Character 35
.bytes $18,$3E,$60,$3C,$06,$7C,$18,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; Character 36
.bytes $62,$66,$0C,$18,$30,$66,$46,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; Character 37
.bytes $3C,$66,$3C,$38,$67,$66,$3F,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; Character 38
.bytes $06,$0C,$18,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; Character 39
.bytes $0C,$18,$30,$30,$30,$18,$0C,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; Character 40
.bytes $30,$18,$0C,$0C,$0C,$18,$30,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; Character 41
.bytes $00,$66,$3C,$FF,$3C,$66,$00,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; Character 42
.bytes $00,$18,$18,$7E,$18,$18,$00,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; Character 43
.bytes $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$18,$18,$30,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; Character 44
.bytes $00,$00,$00,$7E,$00,$00,$00,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; Character 45
.bytes $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$18,$18,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; Character 46
.bytes $00,$03,$06,$0C,$18,$30,$60,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; Character 47
.bytes $3C,$66,$6E,$76,$66,$66,$3C,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; Character 48
.bytes $18,$18,$38,$18,$18,$18,$7E,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; Character 49
.bytes $3C,$66,$06,$0C,$30,$60,$7E,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; Character 50
.bytes $3C,$66,$06,$1C,$06,$66,$3C,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; Character 51
.bytes $06,$0E,$1E,$66,$7F,$06,$06,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; Character 52
.bytes $7E,$60,$7C,$06,$06,$66,$3C,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; Character 53
.bytes $3C,$66,$60,$7C,$66,$66,$3C,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; Character 54
.bytes $7E,$66,$0C,$18,$18,$18,$18,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; Character 55
.bytes $3C,$66,$66,$3C,$66,$66,$3C,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; Character 56
.bytes $3C,$66,$66,$3E,$06,$66,$3C,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; Character 57
.bytes $00,$00,$18,$00,$00,$18,$00,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; Character 58
.bytes $00,$00,$18,$00,$00,$18,$18,$30,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; Character 59
.bytes $0E,$18,$30,$60,$30,$18,$0E,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; Character 60
.bytes $00,$00,$7E,$00,$7E,$00,$00,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; Character 61
.bytes $70,$18,$0C,$06,$0C,$18,$70,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; Character 62
.bytes $3C,$66,$06,$0C,$18,$00,$18,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; Character 63
.bytes $3C,$66,$6E,$6E,$60,$62,$3C,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; Character 64
.bytes $18,$3C,$66,$7E,$66,$66,$66,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; Character 65
.bytes $7C,$66,$66,$7C,$66,$66,$7C,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; Character 66
.bytes $3C,$66,$60,$60,$60,$66,$3C,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; Character 67
.bytes $78,$6C,$66,$66,$66,$6C,$78,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; Character 68
.bytes $7E,$60,$60,$78,$60,$60,$7E,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; Character 69
.bytes $7E,$60,$60,$78,$60,$60,$60,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; Character 70
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2015-02-24 01:25:09 -08:00
; Here is sprite data on CHAR ROM page 2
2015-02-23 23:46:53 -08:00
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